Wrath of the Carnelians (Europa)

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Wrath of the Carnelians (Europa) Page 1

by Jason Gehlert

  Europa Book II

  wrath of the Carnelians

  Jason Gehlert

  Stonegarden.net Publishing


  Reading from a different angle.

  California, USA

  Wrath of the Carnelians Copyright © 2010 Jason Gehlert

  ISBN: 1-60076-257-3

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  StoneGarden.net Publishing

  3851 Cottonwood Dr.

  Danville, CA 94506

  All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address StoneGarden.net Publishing.

  First StoneGarden.net Publishing paperback printing:

  July 2010

  First StoneGarden.net Publishing electronic printing:

  October 2011

  Visit StoneGarden.net Publishing on the web at


  Cover art and design by Peter Joseph Swanson

  Word From The Author

  I was one of the fortunate ones to have been graced by Steve’s presence. As a child, he provided me, his nephew, with not only a solid role model, but many great stories, laughs, and great times. I can still hear his voice in my head as we called each other “BUD” . In my eyes, he was always ‘that’ person you wanted to hang with and share your day with, a very down to earth, cool, and compassionate man. I have always looked at Steve as one of my heroes. I have learned a great deal from him, and now as I become an uncle myself, I bring forth all the qualities and attributes that this fine man has taught me over the last thirty years. You will be sorely missed but definitely not forgotten.

  From the pit of the raging fires, rises a Phoenix, a thriving, powerful entity, with unquenchable desire for adventure and revitalization. Inside this framework, I have created my own Phoenix, revolving around the courageous, valiant, heroic pedigree of Stephen D. Schultz. As an author, I’ve come to the realization that I actually have the power and authority to emblazon anyone I desire into immortality, and the first inductee into my own canyon of literary heroes

  Europa, originally a standalone mission, a singularity in my prolific library of work, became something else entirely: a sprawling science fiction epic; a twisting, turning, flexing soap opera. Europa’s continuing saga now revolves around Marine Dwight “Bud” Stephens, and the battle for New Earth against the Carnelian alien race.

  In this world, Sergeant Stephens will continue forth, blazing new trails, enjoying a full adventurous life, where the sun always shines, waterfalls cascade, and engineering yet another daring rescue with his trusted rifle, proves that nothing keeps a good Marine down.

  For you Bud, my hero.



  PRESIDENT JACKSON FORSYTHE-President Of The United States, son of the late, great Quentin Forsythe who held the key in wiping out a vicious worldwide disease in Africa back in 2003. now his son provides the chance to save earth as historic Yellowstone National park unleashes a long dormant cataclysmic super volcano that swallows earth up in its wake. He organizes a desperate mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa, where frozen water and volcanoes are discovered. Early 40’s, 1st African-American president.

  NOLAN DRAKE-45 Year old volcano expert, red hair, intelligent scientist who alerts president of impending doom when a series of devastating earthquakes rip Yellowstone National Park apart and ignites the super volcano.

  COMMANDER THADDEUS KASPAR-Stubborn, cocky, rugged, divorced 40ish pilot of the Abagail. Very courageous, a battler, won’t leave any man behind. Develops a relationship with Gillie.

  GILLIAN “JILL” SHEA-Brilliant geologist/scientist, tough and firm, Irish with red hair and in her early 30’s. Develops a crush on Commander Thaddeus Kaspar.

  MATTHEW SHAW-Lieutenant of the Amity, 50’s, rugged, boorish, expert hunter, only survivor from the Amity. He will stop at nothing to eradicate the alien’s threat, joins Kaspar and Gillian in their quest to New Earth.

  Special Appearance By

  ADRIAN BLAKELY-A shadowy technological billionaire who finances the trip to Europa aboard his prized spaceship the Abagail, which means, “Father’s Joy.” Adrian is a typical ego maniac, Late 40’s, health is failing, Does not care about crossing the line between good/evil to gain what he seeks.

  CARNELIAN’S- A carnivorous, ravenous race found throughout the galaxy, crash lands on Europa’s surface. Home world believed to be that of new earth.

  And Introducing

  U.S. MARINE SERGEANT DWIGHT “BUD” STEPHENS- MID 60’S, well-decorated marine, military leader of the Apollo, acting on direct orders from president Forsythe to colonize new earth.


  CAPTAIN JAMES PAGE- MID 50’S, captain of the Apollo along with co-pilot John Clifford. Forms bond with Stephens and eventually Kaspar’s crew in their fight against the Carnelians.

  SERGEANT DUNWARD RILEY-Makes last-ditch attempt to board the departing Athena from earth en route to new earth. Will adhere to his own set of rules when he boards the Athena.

  BRIGADIER KENNETH BLACK-Early 50’s, right-hand man to Dwight Stephens before being taken over b the Carnelian race. Primary leader of the alien movement after the Apollo’s crash.

  LIEUTENANT DARRICK-COLE-Black’s right hand man, will obey every order to wipe out any human survivor that will not join the Carnelian’s.



  “Chile, South America became the beacon for hope after Yellowstone’s mammoth explosion on December 25, 2045, Christmas Day, had left the entire Northern Hemisphere swallowed in a massive cloud of ash and debris leaving the United States awash in rivers of flowing lava and debris. The United States, left buried underneath several feet of ash. Many flocked to the warmer areas down south in hopes of cheating death’s odds. The President’s death inside the White House came to symbolize the crushing defeat at the hands of a powerful new enemy.

  In other news, Mount St. Helen’s continues to experience unusual rumblings and will soon erupt according to the small remaining band of local scientists. They fear Yellowstone’s eruption has triggered this scenario, and will ignite the Cascade region of volcanoes.”

  The reporter stopped to breath deeply. He then smoothly translated the report into Spanish for the audience.

  His fingers fiddled with the black cracked knob on the aged black and white television. The picture was full of lines and bounced all over. He was lucky to even have had any type of contact with what happened only a week previously.

  “It’s starting all over again.”

  Nervous, he sat back in his wheelchair, spinning his wheels around to motivate his desire to go outside and catch the last glimmering rays of fading sunshine. He ran his fingers across the bill of his dusty, orange Broncos cap. His fingers were a bit gnarled and bent from his previous mission, but he was lucky to be alive.

  “Mr. Drake?” The voice addressed the scientist. Nolan couldn’t make out who it was, for the stranger was standing behind him.

  “Speaking?” Nolan asked, whirling around to face the mysterious man.

  “I’m Senator Bryce Perry.” The tall, lanky politician reached out. He had caught the horrible sight of Nolan’s condition. “Are you okay?” Perry was referring to Drake’s current state of affairs.

  “I’ll manage.”
Nolan noticed the eyesore of garments the Senator was wearing. A mismatch of colors splattered across his suit. Even the tie was a singed reminder of a fashion mistake.

  “You were there.” Perry examined Nolan’s serious injuries.

  “Through it all. My chopper seized immediately, then went down after the ash clogged the intake and rotors. After I painstakingly rowed my way across the scorching lake, I found myself on the other side of the park. I saw the lava flow bearing down on me. My lungs were burning to a crisp; and I waited to to die. Then, out of the ash cloud, a specialized chopper that was built specifically for these harsh conditions, came to my rescue. I lost my legs when the chopper’s line became snagged and locked itself around the crankshaft. I’m lucky she pulled up when she did. Once I felt the lava rush over my legs, I knew it was instantaneous. The hot, searing pain, was followed by a complete dismembering of my legs from the knees down.”

  “We can’t stay here forever,” Perry addressed the immediacy of

  Yellowstone’s eruption, highlighting the ramifications.

  “Yes, I know that. Her thick blanket has covered the entire Northern Hemisphere in several feet of ash. But, we have yet another problem brewing Senator.”

  Nolan became serious. “Follow me back to my tent and I‘ll explain everything.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Are you familiar with the Pacific Northwest region?” Nolan spread out the map. “Otherwise know as Volcano Alley?”


  “I fear that Yellowstone’s explosion will trigger the other active volcanoes in this region.” Nolan popped the top off of a red marker and started to circle Mount Rainier, followed by Mount St. Helen’s.

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “Positive. Of course, once they erupt, they will take out the greater Seattle area and its surrounding cities and towns, burying them underneath a thick blanket of mud.

  What’s left of the local scientists have already went on record stating Mount St. Helen’s is ready to erupt. She’s experiencing stomach problems if you know what I mean Senator.”

  “What can we do?”

  “It’s too late for them right now. Oddly enough, those two aren’t our problem.”

  “I don’t follow.” Perry leaned in closer.

  “These are going to be our problem,” Nolan said, circling the entire Cascade Mountain region in red ink.

  “Are you insane? That’s almost the entire damn chain of the mountain.”

  “This area is known as the Cascade region, or volcano alley as some scientists like to refer to it. The beltway covets eleven other active volcanoes, all waiting for that perfect time to blow their tops. Yellowstone’s eruption will precipitate that process.”


  “And, bury the entire western seaboard of the United States underneath a fiery cloud of hell for years to come.”

  “That’s why we have to move further south. I have the late President’s orders to escort all survivors, including you to Antarctica.”

  “For what?” Nolan said.

  “A safe harbor from the wrath of the eruptions.”

  “Yellowstone will lower the global temperatures by an average of twenty to thirty degrees Celsius. And, you throw in these new eruptions in the Cascade region, that will further lower temperatures. You think it’s cold now down in the South Pole? We will all wind up freezing to death.”

  “President Forsythe has taken that into consideration. There’s something down there you need to see Mr. Drake,” Senator Perry urged him. “Our President had a contingency plan in place, one with NASA that shared a common goal.”

  “Which would be what?” Nolan asked. He knew the President personally and he never had mentioned any other plan besides the Europa Agenda. “You mean besides the Europa Agenda?”

  “It has become bigger than that.”


  “Back in August of 2007, the Geneva Observatory in Switzerland made strides when they discovered a Earth-like planet called Gilese 581 C, just outside our solar system located in a red dwarf system . By their standards, this new discovery is only 20.5 light-years away, which is relatively close by scientific measures. This new planet is fifty-percent bigger than Earth and it orbits a red dwarf called Gilese. Since this red dwarf is smaller than our Sun, about sixty times dimmer as a matter of fact. Nevertheless, these planets can orbit the red dwarf more closely and still retain a habitable zone. The average temperature of this new Earth ranges from 32 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Scientists speculate the planet is covered in water, or could be a rocky planet. Either way, NASA has factored in the close distance and has determined that this new planet can at least harbor extraterrestrial life. There are two more planets inside this new solar system that have the possibility of life. A major discovery indeed. So, over the last forty years, NASA has set forth a strict regiment of planning and recently has set out exploratory teams and their own fleet of ships with the technology capable of reaching these planets in our lifetime. Adrian Blakely the self-made billionaire has made all this possible through his deep pockets.”

  “I’m speechless. So, all that money that went we poured into NASA, actually paid off?” Nolan responded, smirking.“Come down to Antarctica and find out for yourself.” Senator Perry was urging Drake to make a decision. “It’s a limited time offer I’m afraid.” He pulled out a ticket from his pocket and placed it on the table, over the map of the United States. “You will need this ticket to board the craft. I hope to see you there by the end of sunset tomorrow. We are on a tight schedule. And, Mr. Drake, Happy New Year.” He concluded the visit and walked back towards his small cavalcade.

  Nolan Drake peered down and read the glossy white and golden ticket:

  The Athena

  Departure: January 2, 7 pm

  Arturo Pratt Naval Base, Antarctica

  Destination: New Earth

  Arturo Pratt Naval Base


  January 2, 2046


  Columns of blackened ash and fractured debris swallowed over Yellowstone National Park. The park rangers were scrambling about like frantic ants caught inside a picnic blanket, desperate for cover. Their eroding attempts at trying to save their own existence while caught inside the tumultuous storm of Mother Nature’s fiercest and finest hours. The perfect retaliation against Earth’s population for their reckless and lazy regression to the corrupt ideology of vandalism. Mother Nature’s voice, finally heard after thousands of years of standing by and watching her children desecrate their own home, their Mother Earth, with endless pollution, a neglect of the dwindling ozone layer, and the ignorance of the escalating greenhouse epidemic. It seems that the infamous stance of ex-Vice President Al Gore had befallen on deaf ears, and now Earth was completely in a self-destruct mode. A countdown to oblivion, where a nuclear winter encapsulated the entire Northern Hemisphere and parts of the Southern Hemisphere in its death grip.

  Yet, one of Mother Nature’s few survivors, Doctor Nolan Drake was en route to Arturo Pratt Naval Base on the other end of the deteriorating globe. Nolan Drake was tucked in close quarters as the USA-1776 flew underneath the radar. The Army’s finest piece of machinery, the USA-1776 used a comprehensive network of electronics and stealth-like technology.

  The helicopter’s sleek, smoothed design was marveled at by her competitors’ awkward stares.

  Nolan Drake rarely felt turbulence as the helicopter neared its destination in record time. A very breathable ride from Chile, Drake became amused at the shortened time.

  “I didn’t even have time to take a nap,” Drake said, turning to Senator Perry. “My dream was interrupted.”

  “Well, you will have plenty of time once we embark for New Earth.” Perry clacked the window with his bony knuckles. “Ah, there she is, such a gorgeous Naval Base.” He marveled at the sprawling base.

  “Calm down before you cream all over yourself.” Nolan Drake shifted about in his seat attempting to gai
n a comfortable position.

  “It takes a lot more than a Naval Base to arouse this old dog.” Perry’s perfectly aligned teeth illuminated an otherwise feeble smile.

  “This bonding we’ve shared,” Drake said with a flick of his finger between the two men.

  “Yeah, what about it Doctor.” Senator Perry kept his focus outside the window.

  “I think it’s time for you get out more.”

  “Well, as soon we touch down, you won’t have to worry about bonding with me anymore.” Senator Perry routinely wrinkled up his graying temples.

  “Why is that Senator?” Nolan felt the chopper’s sensitive landing on the thick ice below.

  “I have to stay behind and gather the rest of the team,” Perry hinted at the grand plan.

  “Oh, is that a fact?” “Yeah.” Perry waited for the chopper’s engine to calm down before he lifted the red handle. Within a split second, the door swung open, ushering in cold air to the cabin’s quarters.

  Drake reached out for his wheelchair. “Where exactly are we going? Or, are you going to keep this a secret from me?”

  “Here, let me offer you some assistance Doctor,” Perry said.

  “Thank you.” Drake scooted in his silver wheelchair while the ramp lowered from the cabin and firmly planted down on the icy surface.

  Senator Perry walked around and grabbed the chair’s handles and guided Drake across the frigid region. He then leaned in close, his lips were mere inches away from Drake’s left ear. “We have a top-secret underground base located directly underneath us,” Perry whispered.

  “Get the fuck outta here. Really?” Drake sarcastically rumbled. “Under the ice?”

  “You must be fun at parties.” Perry continued along the path. “I have a warning to pass along to you Nolan, so, pay extra close attention.”

  “Bring mittens?” Drake rubbed his hands together.

  “Well, there’s that,” Perry eased in to his story.

  “And then?” Drake picked up the next sentence.

  “And then there is a fractured set of survivors roaming about the area trying to gain access to the underground facility.”


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