Protector of the Realm

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Protector of the Realm Page 3

by Gun Brooke

  "Classical, folk music... anything that speaks to me. I've become quite famous, and I'm afraid that's what led Hox M'Ekar to my doorstep. Well, not him in person, naturally. He sent six men, and if it hadn't been for my training at the academy, Armeo would be lost to me now." Kellen closed her eyes briefly. "They carried laser-pulse weapons. Their leader fired and Armeo tried to protect me. I had no choice but to throw myself on top of him. The pulse cut across my leg. At first I thought he'd severed it."

  She inhaled deeply at the memory. Flickering images, flashbacks, of how she had tugged Armeo with her, running toward the barn. The boy, white-faced, scared, screaming her name when more men appeared behind the stables. Searing laser-pulse beams split the air around them, and Kellen had feared any one of them would hit Armeo in the chest.

  The doors to the barn jammed for a terrifying moment before they relented and let her and Armeo in. They ran toward the ramp leading into the Kithanya, and it was when they were almost by the large hatch that the leader of the OECS unit stormed in after them, laser-pulse rifle raised and aimed at her. Armeo tried to get in front of her, to shield her with his smaller body. Only by brute force did Kellen manage to toss him halfway through the hatch and herself on top. That's when the pulse hit.

  At first she'd felt no pain, only numbness, and she used every bit of her strength to ignore what had just happened and struggle into the ship, pushing Armeo ahead of her. Calling out to the computer, she had initiated the emergency boot sequence, which meant locking all exits and then slingshoting the Kithanya more or less through the roof of the barn and into orbit.

  "How did you escape?" Jacelon asked.

  "Several lunar years ago, I used some of my credits to buy a small spacecraft. It was pretty run down when we brought it home, but Armeo and I restored it..."

  "And fitted it with quite the weapons array," Jacelon noted.

  Kellen shrugged. "Yes. Apart from the attack, we lived on occupied land. The Onotharian patrols would consider it a crime to own a heavily armed ship, of course. But I did what I had to do to get us out alive. Wouldn't you have done the same thing?"

  Jacelon fell silent, her expression reflective. "If I had a child in my care, I might. I can relate on a different level too. I'm responsible for the people on Gamma VI and those who inhabit the space around here. I'm prepared to use brute force to keep them safe as long as I abide by SC law."

  Kellen realized she was slurring her words and losing her ability to pronounce Premoni properly, but she couldn't help herself. "Unlawful or not, the weapons came in handy when we kept running into bands of pirates."

  "And this happened three weeks ago? You must have traveled at maximum field-distortion drive to get this far."

  "I was trying to reach SC space before the Onotharians caught up with us. I had to. I can't possibly get a fair trial on Gantharat." Kellen yawned. "I'm sorry. It's the medication."

  "I'm glad it's taking effect." The commodore rose. In a gesture that seemed close to tender, she tugged the blankets up around Kellen. "I can't guarantee the outcome, but this is my space station, my jurisdiction, and I'll make sure the Council considers everything you've told me."

  Kellen wanted to believe her. She sensed compassion in Jacelon's gaze and warm hands, and something else, a hint of steadfast integrity. But she had learned the hard way not to trust anyone, especially someone like the commodore. Only by remaining on her guard, not confiding in a single soul, had she and Armeo managed to get away from that last close call. She was not about to relax her stance.

  Feeling drowsy and weak, she cursed herself for giving in and allowing Jacelon to administer the pain relief. It could be the last mistake she ever made. "Understand this, Commodore," she murmured huskily, the medication beginning to take over. "I can't let them take him from me. Armeo's too good for them...He knows nothing about their world."

  Jacelon looked as if she was about to address what Kellen had just said, but if so, she changed her mind. "Try to get some sleep, Kellen. The ambassador's vessels will be right on the perimeter of SC space tomorrow."

  Kellen closed her eyes as sleep began to overtake her. "Armeo..."

  "Is safe. Rest now."

  The last thing Kellen heard was the door open and close when Jacelon left.

  Mr. M'Indo, the ambassador's attaché, was obviously displeased. A short, bony man with a distinctly protruding nose, he stood by an elaborate desk in an equally impressive room and twisted his long, skinny fingers around each other. He restated the ambassador's demands and glared at Rae from the large computer screen in her office. Nearly paper-thin, the screen sat on slim titanium rods and almost hovered above her desk as she placed her left index finger on the fingerprint scan.

  "We must have proper escort when we enter Supreme Constellations space," the attaché demanded. "The ambassador is dependent on his cruiser, four destroyers, and seven frigates."

  Rae tapped her fingers on her thigh beneath the desk and addressed the pompous little man. "Listen to me, Mr. M’Indo. Your nation has signed a treaty with the SC that clearly states that no nation may approach any of the Gamma stations with more than two vessels. This safety precaution is nonnegotiable."

  "So is the ambassador's request that you make an exception. The treaty also states that you as a commodore can do so." The Onotharian smiled smugly, clasping his hands behind his back and rocking back and forth on his feet.

  "I don't see why he needs such a large entourage." Rae slowly crossed her legs as she sat in her command chair in her office, making sure she looked relaxed and confident in order to irritate the attaché. Her office was located behind circular transparent aluminum walls in the heart of the triangular mission room on Deck 1. Outside, twenty-two traffic controllers and security officers worked at their consoles. Rae studied the view screen. The Onotharian seemed frustrated, his jaw muscle clenching and releasing over and over when she did not yield to his demands.

  "You show a remarkable disregard for the ambassador's situation. We have enemies out there, exiled Gantharians who would stoop to anything when it comes to using terrorist methods to make political statements."

  Rae knew he was partially correct. Outside the SC, small cells of Gantharians resorted to violence as they struggled to free Gantharat from Onotharian occupation.

  "So far they have only targeted military installations. Why would they care about a personal matter like Ambassador M'Ekar's?" She feigned innocent puzzlement.

  "Because he's a prominent figure in the Onotharian administration on Gantharat. They might see this as ample opportunity to strike against him and what he represents."

  "We have an excellent and well-equipped security force at the station," Rae assured him. "If the ambassador wants to discuss the matter of Kellen O'Dal and Armeo M'Aido, he'll abide by SC laws, exactly like everybody else."

  M'Indo sighed, a quick puff of air, and looked irritated. "I think you are making a great error in judgment, Commodore. I will forward your position to the ambassador and get back to you shortly. I will also remind you that when and if the ambassador comes aboard the station, he enjoys diplomatic immunity."

  Biting back a harsh suggestion regarding what M'Ekar could do with his diplomatic immunity, Rae spoke curtly. "Until later, Mr. M'Indo. Jacelon out."

  The screen flickered momentarily before it showed an overview of the space station. Looking at the triangular concave structure, Rae saw ships of all shapes and sizes arrive and embark, delivering goods and people or taking them away. She had commanded Gamma VI for eight years and loved most aspects of the job, especially the encounters with people passing through and the tactical challenges of outsmarting pirates in her ongoing struggle against them. The view calmed her and helped clear her mind, as usual. Nothing was as breathtaking as the vastness of space around them.

  Her communicator beeped, a low, husky two-tone alarm, and she tugged it from its place on her left shoulder. "Jacelon here. Go ahead."

  "Terence de Brost here, ma'am. We have a situat
ion in the school quarters."

  Rae uncrossed her legs and rose quickly. "Have you alerted security?"

  "Eh, ma'am? It's not that kind of situation. Are you free to pay us a visit?"

  Terence was a civilian who had worked as a teacher and librarian at the station since before she took command. He was a well-read, versatile man who came across as low-key with his gentle voice and thoughtful way of speaking. However, Rae had seen him lead classes in the martial arts and was well aware he could be lethal.

  "On my way. What's this about? Oh, don't tell me. It concerns Armeo M'Aido. Right?"

  "Yes, it does. Thank you, Commodore."

  Rae strode out of her office, handing over the conn to a dark-haired lieutenant standing at the tactical station. "I'll be in the school quarters."

  "Aye, ma'am," he replied smartly, saluting before he switched his screen to overview mode. "I'm relieving you, Commodore."

  Rae walked to the closest rail gate, located to the left outside the mission room. The rail system, consisting of tubular cars, would deliver her only minutes later at the school, which was situated between the residential and commercial sections of the station. Gamma VI could house 1,200 permanent residents—and four times that many including temporary residents in hotels and aboard moored ships.

  Divided into three sectors—military, commercial, and residential— the station comprised forty-five decks and three major ports. Deck 1 hosted the mission room, with the commodore's office located in its center.

  The commercial area boasted several shopping areas, which catered to trade between homeworlds. A multitude of restaurants offered a variety of cuisines from the different Supreme Constellations worlds. Hotels were prosperous, especially their casinos, since gambling had become legal five years earlier.

  The residential sector's lower decks served as housing for the lower-ranking military staff and the permanent residents working in the private areas. Rae resided on Deck 3, and so did her XO and a few other senior staff members.

  She stepped out of the car two stations and two minutes later, crossing an intersection full of people before she entered the school. Only seventeen children resided on the station, but occasionally generational ships would linger, and then Terence would work long hours to prepare lessons for them all. Right now the children, ages six to sixteen, were working in small groups at different projects.

  She saw Terence waiting for her at the entrance, and he waved her over while he walked toward his office.

  "What's up?" Rae asked when the doors to the inner room closed behind the two of them.

  "Armeo arrived this morning with a security guard, and Dorinda and David immediately introduced him to the class. They're both his age, and he seemed thrilled and settled into their group easily." Terence scratched the back of his neck, a gesture Rae recognized as signifying his uneasiness. He looked regretful. "It's my fault, Commodore. I should have realized.

  "Go on." Rae wondered with increasing concern why the seasoned teacher looked so distressed.

  "This particular group is studying trials and legal procedures in various parts of space. Since the six children in this group all belong to different homeworlds, they find this topic particularly interesting and were helping Armeo catch up when suddenly Dorinda came and got me." Terence paled and slicked back his thinning gray hair. "Armeo was sitting by the computer, shivering all over. For a moment I thought he was going to be sick."

  "Oh, God. What was wrong?"

  "Because he's quite intelligent and curious, he looked up the different punishments for the same crime on several worlds. When I saw the screen, I noticed he was reading about Onotharat's punishment for abduction and kidnapping. He must've figured out what his guardian is suspected of."

  Icy fingertips tapped down Rae's spine. "And?"

  "It's an ancient, barbaric law, and it's incomprehensible why any nation would cling to such cruelties. The punishment for these offenses is death by starvation."

  Slumping into the teacher's chair, Rae felt her lungs cave in. Forcing oxygen back in, she steeled herself at the images her imagination sent flickering through her mind. "Are you sure about this?"

  "Yes, ma'am. I double-checked while Dorinda took care of Armeo. He seemed to respond well to her, so I decided to keep him here until I spoke to you."

  "I should have researched this, but I haven't had time yet," she said, angry at herself for not studying this case as meticulously as she usually did. "Damn."

  "I know. It's unfathomable, ma'am. It also brings another question to mind."

  Rae could read his mind. "Heavens, yes. Does Kellen O'Dal know? And what will she do now that the boy knows?"

  "I don't envy you having to deal with that." Terence regarded her with kind blue eyes. "Will you take Armeo back to his guardian?"

  "Yes, I have to tell her what happened." Rae rose from the chair and looked through the window facing the classroom. "What's Armeo's educational level?"

  "He seems to be keenly interested in math and research. He's well educated in all general subjects for his age. Whatever the circumstances, Ms. O'Dal has provided him with a proper education. He's also polite, with excellent social skills, and his sense of humor has struck a chord with his peers. If we hadn't been studying this particular subject, he would have probably enjoyed his first day at school thoroughly."

  Pleased, Rae filed Terence's report away for future reference, knowing Kellen would need all the plus points they could sum up when M'Ekar arrived to claim him. Having provided Armeo with a good education and appropriate social skills were important points in her favor. "I'll return him to his quarters now. Thank you for contacting me, Terence."

  She found Armeo with his perpetual guard sitting on one side of him and a girl with a long blond ponytail on the other. The girl was gripping his hand and talking to him quietly. Looking up, she smiled at Rae, her relief obvious. "The commodore's here now, Armeo. She'll take care of everything. Don't worry."

  Rae inhaled deeply at Dorinda's unreserved trust in her, unexpectedly touched and hoping she'd never let the girl down. "Hello, Dorinda. I'm going to escort Armeo back to his quarters. He'll be back in class tomorrow, all right?"

  "Yes, ma'am." The small, slender girl rose and stood close to Rae. "He was very upset. Can you help them, Aunt Rae?"

  Dorinda, the daughter of her closest friends, usually called her Aunt Rae only when they were in private. The small slip betrayed her genuine concern for Armeo. "I'll try, Dorinda. You've been a good friend. I'll remember this."

  Armeo was silent on the way back. Rae noticed that he looked pale, which emphasized the faint bluish tone of his skin. When she looked into his dark eyes, she could easily recognize his Onotharian heritage in his oval-shaped irises, common among his father's people. More so, something new, a burning anguish, or perhaps anger, made his unusual irises sparkle.

  "You would never let that happen to Kellen, would you?" Armeo suddenly said huskily.

  His desolate tone, tinged with a futile hope, was almost more than Rae could bear. Unprepared for the emotions surging through her, she acted without thinking, taking Armeo's hand and squeezing it. Rae couldn't remember feeling this mix of tumultuous emotions ever before. The thought of Armeo fearing for the life of his guardian, the only mother he knew, stung deeply.

  "I'm sorry you stumbled upon this information," she said, biting the inside of her cheek at how formal she sounded. "It's an awful punishment. I'll do everything I can to make sure this doesn't happen to Kellen."

  "It shouldn't happen to anyone." Armeo scowled. "It's horrible. If I can return to Gantharat when I'm grown, I'll make sure it's forbidden."

  A little perplexed at the boy's solemn tone of voice, Rae noticed that he didn't let go of her hand. Instead, he walked closer to her, and it took her a moment to diagnose the sudden ache in her heart as profound tenderness.

  When they entered the living area, Rae released Armeo's hand and gently nudged him toward the bedroom door. He stepped just inside, l
ingering by the doorway. Rae stood back a little, out of sight. Kellen sat propped against the pillows with a computer close to the bed. Apparently deep in thought, she stared at the screen.

  "Kellen..." Armeo's voice was barely audible; still the tall blonde flinched.

  "Armeo? What's wrong?" Kellen made a move to get out of bed, but fell back onto the pillows with an expression of pain. Instead she reached out for the boy with both arms.

  "Is it true, Kellen? Can they sentence you to death?" Armeo whispered, refusing to step closer. "Can they?"

  For the second time, Rae watched brilliant blue tears rise in the other woman's eyes. Anger and distress were so transparent in her face, Rae was awed. If she had ever doubted the Gantharian's feelings for Armeo, she now put those trepidations to rest, witnessing how quickly Kellen switched from the stoic aloofness she confronted everyone else with to being openly wracked by conflicting emotions in the boy's presence. "Please," Kellen whispered, "I don't know who told you this, but you have to understand that I couldn't share something so awful with you. You know it's my duty to protect you, child."

  "I'm not a child anymore!" Armeo's voice was harsh. "I can deal with reality."

  Kellen slowly lowered her arms. "Maybe... but maybe I couldn't. I couldn't face telling you this, in case it—"

  "It's like lying, Kellen." Armeo's voice broke. "Not telling the whole truth is like lying."

  Rae found it difficult to witness the pain in the other woman's eyes. The torment reflected something inside herself, a dull resonance from the countless times of being the one to make the hard decision and later be the bearer of devastating news. Unable to remain passive anymore, she moved into the room and rested her hand on the boy's shoulder.

  "Armeo, calm down. Trying to protect the ones you love by not scaring them isn't lying. Surely you know Kellen would do anything to keep you safe and happy?" She glanced up at Kellen, who seemed frozen in place, her blue eyes the color of dark fjords. Still, it wasn't hard to distinguish the pain behind the frosty appearance.


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