Jaunts of the Mantis

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Jaunts of the Mantis Page 15

by Jim Henderson

  “Oh, god, this is pretty clearly THE last thing we need.”

  Ximon took a bunch of video. He also told Mantis, “Mantis, recording everything in this room until I tell you differently.”

  Iday arrived a couple minutes later and knocked. Ximon let him in and closed the door. Iday was in sweats and bare feet, his hair disheveled.

  “Iday, Mr. Ulfson is dead. Can you look at him and see what you think?”

  Though it was clearly fruitless, Iday checked Ulfson for pulse and breathing. Then he carefully looked at every part of the body.

  “Ximon, I’m not a doctor. I can’t say anything for sure other than that he’s definitely dead.”

  “We’re in mid-jump and you’re the best we have. What do you think?”

  “It looks like he’s been stabbed 2-3 times in the abdomen and had his wrists cut. I would guess he bled out.”

  “Anything else?”

  “I’m not sure. There are some marks by his mouth that could be bruising, so perhaps someone covered his mouth. Again, I can’t be sure.”

  “So, what do you think happened?”

  “Ximon, if forced to guess, it appears he was murdered.”

  Ximon rubbed his head in frustration, “Great! Just great! Now what the hell do we do?”

  “Ximon, normally I would suggest that we just place the body in a cryo chamber and let the authorities on Thade X investigate. However, if my assumption is correct, we have a murderer on the Mantis, and we will be in jump with them for several more days. I would suggest that calls for more immediate action.”

  Ximon massaged his head as if he had a severe headache (though he almost never got them), “Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap! This isn’t in the handbook.”

  “What handbook would that be?”

  “The mythical handbook of what to do when you’re running a starship. Ok, let me think.”

  Ximon and Iday both stared down at the body for a couple minutes.

  Ximon, “What else can you find out with the MAU (medical analysis unit)?”

  “I’m not entirely sure. I can do some scans and extensive imaging. They might tell us something and, even if they don’t, we can present the data to the authorities. Then I suggest we put him in cryo chamber.”

  “Ok, get the MAU and get to work. Do not say anything to ANYONE. I’ll be back in a few.”

  “Yes, Ximon.”

  Ximon stepped out went to the galley and took Raiza’s hand. She smiled up at him, “What can I do for you Ximon?”

  “Come with me for a minute.”

  He took Raiza to their room and just held her. This thing was really freaking him out. Thoughts of legal problems, lawsuits, scandal, and ruin ran through his mind. Holding her helped him calm them and breathe easier.

  Raiza started to say something but detected that wasn’t what Ximon needed. So, she began to hum softly, which he found quite comforting.

  After a couple minutes he said, “Thank you, dear. You are a great comfort to me.”

  “That is my fondest desire, my love. What is troubling you and how can I assist? Would you like to make love?”

  He smiled at her, “What would I do without you. No love now, but I’ll definitely have some frustration to work out later. We’ve got a serious problem with one of the passengers …”

  She interrupted with some alarm, “Mr. Ulfson? Mantis queried me about his movements. Have I failed in my stewardly duties?”

  “No, you’re perfect as always. Yes, it’s Ulfson. I’ll tell you more later, but we’ve got a problem and I was just … uh … overwhelmed with worry.”

  “I am here to ease your burdens. Is there anything at all I can do to assist?”

  “Not right now. Go back to the galley and don’t say anything. I may need your help in a little while. When’s lunch?”

  “Not for 85 minutes. Should I get you something now?”

  “No, thanks. Just wanted to know when we’ll likely see the other passengers. Let’s go.”

  He took Raiza’s hand and led her back to the galley and then rejoined Iday in Ulfson’s room.

  Iday had the MAU set up, an internal imager over Ulfson’s torso and a few wires and tubes hooked up.

  “So, what does it say?”

  “I’m still trying to interpret that. He doesn’t show any broken bones in the areas with the wounds but shows some old breaks in other bones. The lack of broken/bruised ribs is a little surprising – with those gut wounds, I’d think there would be. That and the MAU measurements, suggest they weren’t very forceful. The MAU suggests that the likely blood loss from those alone wouldn’t have killed him any time soon, though sepsis might have done so. The MAU shows that his lungs and airways were a bit low of oxygen, so with the facial bruising that might indicate that someone tried to smother him. Can’t tell whether that was first or last. His wrists were definitely slit, and that bleeding alone COULD have killed him, but again I can’t tell whether he was stabbed in the gut first and then his wrists slit or vice versa.”

  “OK. So, is there anything else we can do to investigate?”

  “Not that I know of. However, the MAU did indicate that he’s got a few chronic conditions, notably heart disease and early stage cancer. Obviously, those didn’t kill him, but they might have eventually. The MAU shows no signs of a heart attack or a stroke. His blood alcohol was a bit high and he had some kind of mild sedative in his system. The MAU estimates the time and death at 2200 last night +/- 2 hours based on blood and tissue changes.

  Ximon, “Do you think he was drugged?

  “I can’t tell. He could have been, or it could be self-medication.”

  Ximon, “So, correct me if I’m wrong – we know that someone stabbed him, slit his wrists, and apparently tried to smother him. But nothing indicates which was first and no clue whatsoever who did this. Right?”

  “Yes, I do not know how to determine anything else. I imagine a medical examiner can, but I can’t.”

  “Ok, thanks. I’ll have Raiza watch for the other passengers. Let’s move him to a cryo chamber so whichever medical examiner wants him can have him.”

  Ximon grabbed Raiza and had her act as blocker in the hallway, diverting any other passengers while they carried the body to the cargo bay. They got there without alarm and Iday froze him.

  “Iday, don’t say anything to anyone. I’ll see what I can find out.”

  Ximon went to the bridge and discussed with the Mantis.

  “Mantis, please analyze activity on the security feeds for the last 48 hours. Make timelines of the movements of every passenger AND crew member. In particular, I want to know anyone who ever passed by Ulfson’s room.”

  “Roger, captain. I have most of that compiled. I will complete the analysis and timeline within a few minutes.”

  Ximon just sat down and thought to himself, “How can I solve this? I’m not cop – what would they do? What are the authorities on Thade going to want to do or want from us?” Again, he started to envision a lot of potential problems.

  Mantis seemingly read his mind and said, “Captain, you might find KSF Manual J-065, Handbook for Criminal Investigative Officers useful. While it is not specifically focused on investigations under these conditions, it discusses investigations of this type and provides suggestions which may prove helpful. I’ve sent it to your tablet and marked several sections that may be useful.”

  Ximon hadn’t thought of that, “Thank you.”

  A few minutes later, Mantis showed him everything he had asked for. Almost everything looked reasonable. For the most part, none of the passengers went anywhere other than their room, the galley, and the showers. The one bizarre exception to that was the maid, Thuvia, she twice went down to the room with the cryo chambers in the middle of the night. In theory, she shouldn’t have been able to even get there, but an unlocked door wasn’t too unlikely. The crew, of course, was all over the ship, but that was as they’d expected.

  As far as Ulfson’s room, until Ximon knocked, it didn’t look
like anyone but him ever touched his door, though some of the passengers and crew walked past it.

  There was nothing here to suggest that anyone went in Ulfson’s room nor that he was attacked anywhere else, though the maid thing was odd.

  Mantis plugged in a personal tablet so Mantis could detect it. “Mantis, this is Mr. Ulfson’s personal tablet. Please see if you can find any information on it that may tell us something.”

  “Captain, I will attempt to do so, though I do not believe that is ideal chain of custody procedure. The device is also clearly encrypted. I am not sure what I can find.”

  “Very well, but see what you can find.”

  “Yes, captain.”

  Ximon took a minute to review Mantis’ summaries of key sections of the investigation handbook. She had been correct that it was focused differently, but he did get some ideas, questions to ask, etc.

  He summoned the entire crew, including Raiza, to the bridge. It took a couple of minutes for them to get there. Iday looked a little more presentable, but Elsbeth looked like she had just rolled out of bed. She wore sweat pants, a t-shirt, and slippers. Her hair was a wreck and she might have been a bit hungover.

  She said, “Ximon, why have you woken me out a great dream? You may not know it, but I need my beauty sleep.”

  Ximon ignored her, “Ok, shut up and listen everyone. Mantis start recording.”

  He continued, “This is Captain Ximon Sabo or the KSS SC-1550-V Mantis. We are currently located in jump space between the Cepheo System and the Thade X System. We have been in jump space for approximately 59 hours. One of our passengers, a Mr. Ulfson, is dead. He apparently died last night at approximately 2200 hours. Cause of death is unclear, but he was stabbed several times in the abdomen, his wrists were slit, and there may have been an attempt at smothering.

  The body was found by me at 0830 hours after the ship computer noted that the passenger had not been seen for an extended period of time. Upon initial review it was abundantly clear that he was dead. Sensor Operator Idayvo Oretes, having the most medical knowledge, has examined the body with the Medical Analysis Unit and determined the approximate time of death, also that he had a few chronic conditions, but that none of them appear to have killed him. It was unclear which wound was fatal. No murder weapon has yet been found and we, as yet, have no suspects nor motive.

  Since the situation suggests the presence of an active criminal on this vessel and no other authorities can presently be contacted, per Republic law and KSF regulations, as captain, I will act as the initial investigating officer before turning the body and all information obtained over to the first recognized legal authority capable of addressing the matter.

  Mantis, the ship’s computer, has already done initial analysis of the ship security feeds and constructed a timeline of passenger and crew movements. Thus far there is no indication of any activity relevant to Mr. Ulfson’s death.

  I will begin the investigation by preparing my own statement and taking statements from the crew individually. Our engineer will immediately conduct an inspection of all security systems for error or manipulation and will tender me a report.

  Mantis has assembled the following information about Mr. Ulfson ….”

  He then turned to let Mantis speak, “This is ship’s computer, Mantis. Mr. Alfur Ulfson was taken on as stateroom passenger at the Station at Zulea Prima at 0625 on day 252 with passage to Tixaya, his stated home of record. His passage was arranged by passenger accommodation service SeeZulea. Per regulation, I sent a query to the state instance of the Republic traveller database. His station security documents suggest that he had been on Zulea Prima Station for 11 days, with stated purpose as ‘business.’” His occupation is stated as fiduciary adviser.”

  Ximon continued, “This is Captain Sabo. I will conduct and record crew interviews and then question the other passengers. Out.”

  Mantis quit recording in the official case file.

  Ximon continued less formally, “Ok, Elsbeth, the security feeds give us nothing. I need you to do an analysis of them ASAP for glitches, problems or tampering and send me a written report.”

  Elsbeth, “Rog, shouldn’t be hard.”

  Ximon, “Iday, the security feeds did show one strange thing – the maid Thuvia visited the cryo chamber room several times. Check those cryo chambers and make sure those passengers are ok. This may have nothing to do with anything, but it’s weird. Oh, and everyone keep all doors that passengers shouldn’t use locked.”

  “The most important thing right now is ship, crew, and passenger safety. I have no clue what happened, but we’re stuck in jump for a few days with a murderer. I don’t want anyone or anything else hurt. From this moment until we catch someone or land, someone is to be on duty in that galley at all times, with a sidearm. The ship security system SHOULD catch anything, but it doesn’t appear that’s foolproof so the person there will act as a second set of eyes. Raiza, that will be you most of the time, but one of us will replace you if you’re needed elsewhere.”

  “Iday as soon as you’re done checking those cryo chambers, please relieve Raiza. I’ll take her statement at that time.”

  “Oh, and Elsbeth, before you take off, what can you tell us about the garbage system?”

  Elsbeth, “The GARBAGE system?”

  “Yes, the garbage system.”

  “Not something I’ve played with much, but basically all physical waste from any of the rooms goes down a little chute to a compactor. It’s then compacted whenever it reaches a certain level, typically every 3-4 days. The compacted cubes of trash are then either ejected in deep space or turned over for recycling at a station. Any trash since we left the planet will be in the system, but I can’t say whether it’s been compacted yet or not.”

  Ximon, “Check it and if it hasn’t compacted yet, turn it off. We haven’t found a murder weapon yet. So, I’m looking for a knife.”

  Elsbeth, “OK. I’ll let you know.”

  Ximon went to the bridge and asked Raiza to come back as soon as Iday relieved her. Ximon took a few minutes to further review the handbook.

  Iday messaged him, “The cryo chambers and their passengers appear perfectly fine. I see no sign of tampering. However, someone has placed a picture of Slade on his cryo chamber and it has a heart drawn on it.”

  “What the heck?”

  “Yes, odd. I was careful not to touch it as it could be evidence. I’ve sent you a picture though.”

  Then Elsbeth, “Ximon, the garbage hasn’t compacted yet and I’ve shut it off. Checking the security system now.”

  Raiza returned several minutes later, “Ximon, how can I be of assistance? Are your further stressed?”

  “Oh, I’m stressed, but I need you to witness my video statement and then I will take yours.”

  “Ximon, I’m not sure that I can legally serve as a witness.”

  “Well, I say you can and you’re what they’re getting.”

  “As you say.”

  Ximon then had Mantis start recording, stated his name, position and such for the record. Then Mantis asked him some of the recommended questions they had agreed on:

  “Captain, how to you know Mr. Ulfson?”

  “He is, or was, a passenger on my ship, the Mantis.”

  “Did you have previous acquaintance with Mr. Ulfson?”


  “Have you ever had any disagreements or altercations with Mr. Ulfson?”


  “Do you have any reason to harm or kill Mr. Ulfson?”


  “Do you know who killed Mr. Ulfson?”

  “No, but I am investigating.”

  “Please describe your movements from 1600 yesterday to 0200 this morning.”

  Ximon summarized his movements and had Mantis attach the appropriate data from the logs.

  “Do you have any further information that may help investigators in determining the cause of Mr. Ulfson’s death?”

  “Only what I have pl
aced in the case record.”

  Mantis, “Crewmember Raiza, please witness that it was indeed Captain Sabo that gave this statement.”

  Mantis had a suggested wording up on the screen.

  “This is Ship Steward Raiza, of the Mantis. I witness that Captain Sabo provided the preceding statement and was not under duress.”

  Ximon said, “OK, Raiza, now I’m going to take your statement.”

  Mantis then closed that recording and opened another.

  Ximon asked her similar questions that Mantis had asked him. Her answers were bland though she had much more insight into Mr. Ulfson’s movements.

  Ximon then had her send Iday back and repeated the process with him. His answers, of course, reflected that he had investigated the body with the MAU, etc.

  Ximon then sent him out and called Elsbeth.

  Elsbeth, “I’ll be right up. I was just going to call you.”

  Elsbeth appeared looking much more ‘put together’ and said, “I’ve sent you a report on the security system. The short answer is there was a glitch for about 48 hours ago – the system hung so no data was recorded. There was then an outage yesterday afternoon for about 30 minutes when I troubleshot the system. It seems to be working fine now and was working fine around the time of the death.”

  “Ok, I’m going to take your statement now.”

  Then he went through the same process, including questions about the security system.

  “Elsbeth, I’m going to have to ask you and Iday to go through the trash and see if you can find a knife.”

  “Wow – the glory of space travel and all that. Ok, I’ll get him and get on it.”

  Ximon then made an announcement to the passengers, “All passengers, this is Captain Sabo. We are dealing with a matter of extreme urgency. It is essential that you meet me in the galley in 15 minutes – that’s at 1125. Lunch will follow thereafter.”

  He then had Raiza go personally knock on their doors to ensure they got the message and that their presence was mandatory. The Dahves were fine, saying, “We were just headed that way.”

  Lady Iauxia was not happy as she wasn’t fully ready and was dressing for lunch at 1200. She just wanted to send her maid, but finally understood that it was a matter of law.


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