The Firsts Series Box Set

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The Firsts Series Box Set Page 53

by M. J. Fields

I shrug. “I’m sure it will be.”

  When he laughs at me, I look at him.

  “You fucking seriously haven’t fucked that?”

  I don’t answer.

  “Some advice?”


  “Tough shit. If she’s holding out on you, waiting for marriage, you’re probably gonna be spending a lot of time in the shower. What the hell are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking I love her and want things to be prefect. I’m thinking she’s waited this long for me—”

  “You forget I was with you when you slashed that kid’s tires?” He laughs. “How do you know she’s waited for you?”

  “I just know.”

  He looks at me, waiting for more. He won’t get it.

  Then he nods. “I really hope everything works out.”

  I know he does.

  “Same,” I tell him.

  He runs his hand over his head and leans back.


  I’m fucking exhausted, but I can’t stop the shit-ass grin from spreading across my face.

  Aside from the fact that she looks beautiful in her light pink dress that hits right above her sexy knees, matching heels, her hair all done up, and after the initial fuck you looks to Trucker, she’s smiling from ear to ear. Right now, she’s looking at me from across the table at Juniors, an iconic restaurant that she swears has the absolute best cheesecake on the planet.

  I look away briefly, and my eyes meet Trucker’s at a table nearby.

  Turned out Harper stayed home, and it was just London and Maddox. It also turned out Maddox will be with us all night. He thought he and Trucker should give us some “privacy.”

  Trucker rubs the side of his head and nonchalantly sticks his middle finger up at me.

  Dumbass, I laugh to myself. That will be all over social media in minutes. Maddox Hines is very recognizable, and so is Trucker.

  I look back at her, and my breath is momentarily lost again.

  “You look pretty, London.”

  She smiles. “I’m glad you think so. I prepared for your arrival all day.”

  I smirk, and she grins.

  “Even got my nails done.” She holds her hand up, and I look at the ring.

  Wouldn’t matter if she had or not, but I still tell her, “They look beautiful.”

  “It’s the ring.” She looks down at it as her smile widens and her nose crinkles. “It’s perfect. Better than perfect.”

  I reach over and grab her hand, looking down at it. “Shouldn’t tell you this, but it took me all of five minutes to pick it out.” I stare down at the platinum band covered in diamonds, with the round center stone that now seems too big for her hand, but at least every fucker who looks at her will see it. “I knew immediately that it should be on your finger.” I look up at her and kiss her hand.

  Her blush is immediate.

  “Looks like a crown. Every girl should have a crown, especially a princess.”



  I feel a tinge of guilt for what I did this morning, but I need him to feel as whole as I do.

  This morning, I made Maddox take me to see Ashley. He strongly advised against it. I adamantly opposed his advice and was shot down by the doorman at her building.

  I left her a note with my number, no name, telling her that we would be here for a couple days and that Logan is more than half of my heart, that I’m hurting because I imagine he is, and that I was sure, being his mother, she must be dying without him, and that she could easily fix it. I ended it with how she would be very proud of how he proposed to me and signed it, your future daughter-in-law.

  No name.

  Looking at him now, he doesn’t look all that torn up about anything. He and Trucker are even making jabs at each other from time to time. I thought it would make me angry, but after all, they were best friends, and maybe, just maybe, Trucker will do the right thing, which I have mixed feelings about. However, as I have grown to learn, my feelings are not as important as theirs in this situation. I’m meant to support my sister, like Maddox is doing for me, has been doing for me. I laugh out loud at the thought.

  “What’s so funny?”

  I shake my head. “Nothing.”

  Contentment, happiness, and sexy. He looks so sexy. That’s what I see in Logan.

  He smiles and runs his hand over his hair. The dimples deepen, and I want to crawl right in them, knowing it isn’t Hell they will take me to. It’s Heaven.

  He’s dressed in gray slacks, a button down white shirt, no tie, with a matching suit jacket, and black leather shoes.

  “You done?” he asks, leaning forward as he looks at his phone for the time.

  “We haven’t eaten cheesecake yet.”

  He looks up and smiles a slow smile. “I meant done undressing me with your eyes.”

  I laugh. “Was not.”

  “Don’t be embarrassed, pretty. I’ve been doing it to you all night.”

  A shiver runs up my spine, and I can’t help smiling.

  He winks, but it’s in slow motion.

  My thighs clench instinctively as the waitress sets down our cheesecake.

  When she walks away, I know my face is red, and that he thinks it’s because he’s made me slightly uncomfortable. What he doesn’t know is I’m not in the way he thinks I am.

  “What else can you do all night?” I ask, taking a bite of my cheesecake before slowly dragging the fork out between my teeth, making sure to leave some on my lips so I can lick it away slowly and watch him squirm.

  “You keep that up, and I’ll be doing it right my pants.”

  I can’t help laughing, and he smiles. He doesn’t stop either. He just keeps looking at me and smiling.

  After a few moments, I think I may possibly have something on my lips, so I wipe my mouth, to which he chuckles.

  “There’s nothing on your lips, London. I just can’t believe I get to look at you every day for the rest of my life and not care who catches me stealing glimpses anymore.”

  I lean in and grin. “Same.”


  Inside the theater, Logan and I sit next to each other. Maddox is on my other side, and Trucker is on his opposite side.

  “Are you excited?”

  “I’d be more excited if there was popcorn.” He links his hand in mine, and I laugh. “I’m excited to see what it is that you love about this.”

  “Theater is amazing.”

  He leans in and whispers, “When you’re on stage, I would agree.”

  “So, like football?”

  He laughs. “No, not like football.”

  “I watch when you play; that’s it. Otherwise—”

  “You watched with me,” he reminds me.

  “Yeah, because it was cuddle season. Otherwise...” I stop and scowl.

  He smirks and looks at the stage.

  “I have a condition to add to our ever growing list.”

  He looks back at me, smirking. “Utilize it now because, when you’re my wife, conditions be damned. Our love will be unconditional.”

  “Fine.” I giggle. “For every hour of football you make me watch, you owe me an hour of theater.”

  He nods once. “Whatever makes you happy.”

  I pull out my phone. “Selfies make me happy. Selfies with my fiancé.”

  “You’re serious right now?” A V forms between his brows.

  I grin childishly. “It’s a condition.”

  I take several, duck lips and all, and yes, Logan complies with my conditions. Logan also hands me tissue after tissue during the show.

  After the show, as we are walking down Broadway, arms full of souvenirs, I notice a bag in Trucker’s hand.

  “What did you buy?”

  “Not nearly as much as you.” He wads up the bag and shoves it in his pocket.

  “Why are you hiding it?”

  “Could you do something with her?” he asks Logan, who laughs.

  “Like what?”

; Trucker sighs.

  “Why won’t you just tell me?” I pretend to grab for it, and he jumps back, which makes me laugh.

  “Why don’t you tell me why you cried during the whole show?”

  “Trucker, you back the fuck off her, man,” Logan defends me.

  “I’m okay, Logan,” I say, stepping around him and closer to Trucker, who shoves his hand farther into his pocket. “The show is about a woman who was strong enough to walk away and raise her child on her own and find happiness in doing what she loved. And loving herself enough, loving that child enough, to come out of a situation stronger than she thought she could be.”

  Chew on that, Trucker.

  “You must have watched a different show than I did.”

  “No, I’m pretty sure you were two seats down.” I laugh.

  He shakes his head. “She fucked around on her husband with her snatch doctor, who was also married. She didn’t want the baby through the entire thing.”

  “She didn’t want the baby born into a situation like that.”

  “Her friends pushed her into wanting that baby,” he sneers.

  Maddox steps in now. “No, Trucker. They supported her becoming the best she could. They were catalysts in her gaining strength. And that little girl Lou was surrounded by love, all the love she needed.”

  “Takes a village bullshit. Yeah, I get it. Shit, total shit.” He walks ahead of us now.

  I look at Logan, who is studying him, worry forming into a scowl.

  “Should you go with him?”

  He shakes his head. “Wheels are turning. They need to.”

  Walking back to the hotel, I’m tucked under Logan’s arm. Maddox is on the other side of me but a few steps behind, and Trucker is in front of me.

  Logan leans down. “You okay?”

  “I love it here.”

  He gives me a questioning look.

  “Oddly, I feel safe here. There are millions of people around, and yes, horrible things have happened in this city, but I’ve felt nothing but love every time I have been amidst all this.” I wave my hand above us, and he nods. “I can’t explain it.”

  He offers an answer in the form of a question. “Less shitbags per square foot?”

  I laugh and nod. “For every thousand smiles, there’s less than half a shitbag.”

  “Is that a scientific study?”

  “I’ll save the math and science for you.”

  He kisses the top of my head. “Math and science for me; love and hope for you.”

  I look up at him. “Well, the more love you give, the more hope you have for that happening.”

  He winks one of those slow, sexy winks. I can’t help smiling and giving him the same kind of wink back.

  “Well, tomorrow morning, Logan Links, you’re gonna be a changed man.”

  He laughs from deep in his chest. “You bet your ass I will be.”

  When I laugh at him, he leans in again.

  “And you’ll be walking funny.”

  In the elevator, I notice Trucker seems even more irritated as he sends and receives texts, just like he has most of the walk back to our hotel.

  When I try to look at his phone, he cocks an eyebrow at me. “You mind?”

  “Trucker, I’m telling you right now, back off her,” Logan snaps.

  “Tell her the same thing,” he snaps back.

  “Both of you, cut the shit,” Maddox interjects.

  Logan looks at him like he wants to yell at him, too.

  “Sorry.” I sigh. “Habit.”

  “Again, Links,” Trucker says as the door opens, “have fun keeping that in check.”

  When he walks out, Logan looks at me.

  I roll my eyes. “Just wanted to know.”

  “Know what exactly?” Logan asks as we walk out.

  I shrug and look down.

  “She wants to know if he’s bothering Keeka,” Maddox answers, and I glare at him. He glares back at me then smiles. “I understand wanting to be protective over those you love. Having said safe tonight.” He turns quickly and walks away even quicker.

  I walk up to the door and slide the keycard in. As I begin to push it open, my legs come out from underneath me, and I squeal as Logan kicks the door open and carries me inside, kissing me harder on the mouth than ever before.

  He thrust his tongue in and licks mine up then down deeper than ever before.

  Oh God, is this a theme? I think as he pulls back, sucking my lip as he pulls away...harder than ever before.

  “You hung up on me yesterday.” He travels his hand up my skirt and growls when he feels the strip of fabric that is a thong...


  … Was a thong, and then lays me on a bed.

  He pulls the fabric away and holds it to his nose.

  What the hell? I cringe, feeling a tad self-conscious.

  “Fuck yes,” he groans then fingers the crotch of them and puts them in his mouth.

  “Logan, what are you doing?”

  He closes his eyes as he sits back on his heels and growls as he pulls them out and smells them again, whispering, “Taste the rainbow.”

  “Oh. My. God,” I whisper.

  He opens his eyes as he puts them inside his mouth, grabs my knees, and pulls them apart. “Un. Fucking. Real.” He licks his lips then bares his teeth, a thong string hanging out of them.

  Instinctively, I pull my knees together, or try to.

  “Don’t you dare,” he demands.

  I swallow hard. “I’d like to freshen up,” I tell him, quickly flipping to my stomach and trying to scramble off the bed.

  He catches my hips, stopping me.

  “Fucking beautiful.” His big, old hands grip my ass and spreads my cheeks apart. “Everywhere, fucking beautiful.”

  A rush of air and his name escapes my chest when I feel his tongue, then teeth, then lips on my ass cheek. “Logan.”

  “Oh, Christ, London.” He licks, scrapes his teeth, and then kisses again and again.

  “Logan...please,” I whimper. “Let me use the bathroom...please.”

  He snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me up against him. Then he pushes my hair to one side and kisses my neck before whispering, “You have two minutes, and then...I will come in after you, spread you out on the bathroom counter, and eat you out until I am damn sure you have come enough times that your pussy is slippery enough for at least the tip.”

  I run my hand up his arm, feeling the tension in his muscles, up his neck, his face, and into his hair. “I haven’t waited nearly nineteen years for just the tip.”

  He breathes in a sharp breath between his teeth as he runs his hand between my boobs and up my neck, where he grips my jaw and lifts it so I am looking up at him. “You’re gonna let me make love to you; no fucking rush, not for my first time.”

  “Your first time?” I silently chuckle.

  “Never made love to anyone, London. You bet that sexy ass of yours it’s my first.”

  I nod. “Yes, yes, okay.”

  “Go before I say fuck the two minutes.”

  I use the bathroom then wash my body as fast as I can in the shower, hoping he doesn’t come in, but not really caring either way. When I get out, I grab another thong out of my bag and a bralette, hurrying to at least put something sexy on and secretly praying he rips them off me again.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  I look in the mirror as I brush my teeth. I feel like I should be giving myself a pep talk or reciting an ode to virginity, a sonnet to my becoming a woman. Maybe give my hymen a commencement speech, trying to talk myself into waiting until I’m married. Or something for God’s sake. Instead, I’m smiling. I’m happy. I’m so ready to be with Logan.

  My first kiss, my first and forever everything.

  “God, you sound like one of those wacko Barbie bimbos.” I laugh then spit the paste into the sink before pointing the toothbrush at myself in the mirror. “No review on Yelp after this, young lady.”

ne last look at my goofy-ass grin, and I am opening the door.

  For the first time, I see rose petals, candles, champagne, a tray of strawberries, and whipped cream.

  “How did I not notice all this?”

  I hear Logan clear his voice and turn to see him.

  “I’m ready,” I say then nod.

  I notice the sad look on his face, and that he is still fully dressed.

  “Please do not tell me you changed your mind.”

  “I’m upset with you. Very upset with you,” he says, walking into the bathroom.

  I laugh, thinking it’s a joke. “What did I do?”

  When he walks out, he’s holding clothes for me. “Put these on.”

  Suddenly, I’m self-conscious.

  “Before you do that, your thong is on backward. You should fix that.” He turns his back to me and sputters something.

  “ don’t want me?” I hear my voice crack and am immediately angry at myself for sounding like I imagine any given bimbo who’s stood before him and been denied sounds like.

  Fuck that.

  He sighs. “London, just get dressed.”

  “No, no!” I walk around him, backward thong and all. “You tell me what I did. You don’t turn your back on me. That’s not love, Logan. That’s...that’s...bad.”

  He looks up and stretches his neck. “Your phone announced a call. I took it. We’re wanted at my mother’s.” He turns and walks to the mini bar. “Get dressed, London.”

  I feel as though I may get sick as I start to put on my leggings.

  “Turn the damn thing around,” he grumbles.

  I look up, and our eyes meet in the mirror. He’s not just angry; he’s hurt.

  “Right. I’m stupid, so stupid,” I say, frantically trying to right myself.

  “I didn’t say you were stupid,” he huffs.

  Putting my shirt on, I nod. “But I am. I am, and I’m sorry. I should have said something, but our date and—”

  “London, you shouldn’t have done this. You should have left it alone.”

  “Right. A new condition?” I attempt to joke.

  He shakes his head and walks over to the bed to put on his boots.

  In the elevator, I take his hand, a desperate attempt to right a wrong. His fingers flex a few times, and then he closes them around mine. That gesture makes me feel as if the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders.


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