Spirit Fighter (Son of Angels, Jonah Stone)

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Spirit Fighter (Son of Angels, Jonah Stone) Page 1

by Jerel Law





  Son of Angels


  Book 1


  © 2011 by Jerel Law

  Cover illustration by William Graf, © 2011 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

  All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Tommy Nelson. Tommy Nelson is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

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  Scripture quotations are from the New Century Version®. © 2005 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved; The New King James Version. © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved; the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Law, Jerel.

  Spirit fighter / Jerel Law.

  p. cm. — (Son of angels ; bk. 1)

  Summary: Seventh-grader Jonah Stone discovers that he is one-quarter angel—his mother is the daughter of a human and a fallen angel—and when she is kidnapped, Jonah and his sister Eliza must try to rescue her, with the help of prayers and a guardian angel.

  ISBN 978-1-4003-1843-8 (pbk.)

  [1. Angels—Fiction. 2. Guardian angels—Fiction. 3. Christian life—Fiction. 4. Kidnapping—Fiction. 5. Adventure and adventurers—Fiction. 6. New York (N.Y.)— Fiction.] I. Title.

  PZ7.L418365Sp 2011



  Printed in the United States of America

  11 12 13 14 15 QG 5 4 3 2 1

  Mfr: Quad Graphics/Fairfield, PA/August 2011/PPO# 124573

  For Susan,

  my angel



  1. The Tryout

  2. A Little Backyard Football

  3. The Nephilim

  4. A Bully After School

  5. In the Shadows

  6. Henry

  7. The Taking


  8. Visitors at the Door

  9. The Messenger

  10. Encounter on the Road

  11. The Train to Newark

  12. A Dark Alleyway

  13. Fraunces Tavern


  14. Archery Lessons

  15. The Bridge to Brooklyn

  16. Jonah’s Vision

  17. The Castle

  18. Tunnel to Wards Island

  19. Victor Grace

  20. Family Reunion

  21. New York City Asylum for the Insane

  22. Blade of Angels

  Epilogue: Peacefield

  About the Author



  The Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also later. . . . These women gave birth to children, who became famous and were the mighty warriors of long ago.

  Genesis 6:4 NCV



  Jonah’s alarm blared in his left ear, but his eyes stayed shut and he didn’t flinch, his left leg hanging over the edge of the top level of his bunk bed, a puddle of drool coming out of his mouth and onto his Star Wars pillowcase.

  Just a few more minutes of sleep. That was all he needed.

  Thump thump thump.

  “Ungh . . . ,” Jonah moaned.

  Thump thump thump.

  Jonah felt the board under his mattress move. He pulled the covers over his head and tried to ignore the frantic buzzing, knowing what his clock said without even having to look: 6:03 a.m. His least favorite time of the day. He’d slept horribly the last three nights, waking up each morning with the same fuzzy memory of a dream. Something about evil faces . . . howling wind . . . and angels.

  The bunk beds began to creak and shake, and he knew that Jeremiah was not going to leave him alone. Even though Jeremiah was only seven years old (Jonah was thirteen), he was already catching up to his older brother in size. The bed bounced again, and from underneath the sheet Jonah felt the warm breath of a face about two inches away from his.

  “Jonah!” Jeremiah said in a loud, raspy voice—his version of a whisper.

  Jonah didn’t move.

  Jeremiah grabbed his older brother by the shoulders and shook. “Jonah! Get up! It’s time for school!”

  Jonah yanked the sheet down off his face.

  “Jeremiah . . . ,” he said, tired and cranky. But his brother was just sitting there grinning at him in his Scooby-Doo pajamas, breathing in his face.

  The bedroom door opened. “Boys,” came a girl’s voice, “it’s time to get up. We’re going to be late for school if you don’t start moving, you know.”

  Their eleven-year-old sister, Eliza, stood across the hallway, teasing her hair into place in front of a mirror on the wall. She was lanky like their mother, and she frowned behind her wire-rimmed glasses at a wild curl that wouldn’t stay in place. Jonah launched his pillow at her, which she saw coming out of the corner of her eye and avoided just in time. It smacked harmlessly against the wall. Jeremiah fell back in the bed, laughing. Jonah drew his head back under the sheet for one more minute and let his mind wander.

  Lately, Jonah’s life had not gone as planned. Even though he was in seventh grade, he was still in the same school with Eliza and Jeremiah. Granger Community School had recently expanded to include students all the way from kindergarten to eighth grade, so he was stuck walking the halls knowing total embarrassment could be waiting around any given corner.

  Two weeks ago Jonah was in the lunchroom when Jeremiah walked in and spotted him. He saw the wild look in his brother’s eyes, which made him drop his cafeteria taco on his tray, splattering it all over his shirt, and murmur to himself in quiet humiliation, “Oh no.”

  He knew what was coming; he just couldn’t stop it.


  His brother launched himself into a full-fledged sprint to come give him a bear hug. Two tables, eight lunch trays, and a very frightened Mrs. Clagmire were no match for his excitement, and they all went flying onto the floor.

  And then, just the other day, the principal made this announcement over the school intercom:

  Congratulations to our very own fifth grader Eliza Stone for her recent accomplishments. She won first place in the science fair, the blue ribbon at the Math-letes Regional Competition for the Academically Advanced, and the gold medal for the local chapter of Whiz-Kid Computer Programmers International—all in the same week! Brilliant, Eliza! We at Granger Community School are privileged to have such a gifted student in our midst. Bravo!

  Since then, Zack Smellman and his bully buddies had taken every chance they could to remind him that his little sister was smarter than he was. Which was funny, coming from a group of guys still taking third-grade math.

  Jonah sighed loudly and finally forced himself to climb down from the top bunk. He pulled his clothes on quickly in the dark.

  Still half-asleep, he staggered down the stairs, landing in a chair at the weathered wooden table beside Jeremiah, who was halfway through his bowl of Frosted Flakes. Eliza was already finish
ed with breakfast and waiting by the door impatiently, her book bag strapped tightly to her back.

  “Mom, why do Jeremiah and I have to share a room?”

  Jonah’s mom smiled at him sleepily, pushed the wispy blond hair from her face, and planted a kiss on his forehead. Even in her rumpled bathrobe, Eleanor Stone was stunning. Tall, with wide shoulders, hair pulled back in a ponytail, she commanded attention wherever she was.

  “Haven’t we been through this before, dear?” she said, running her fingers through his thick, black hair. “We only have three bedrooms, and Eliza’s a girl. She needs a room to herself.”

  Jonah sighed. He imagined what it would be like to have a room to himself, where none of his stuff got bothered and broken, where he could lock the door and play video games or read a comic book without being pestered.

  “What would you like for breakfast, hon?”

  “Cereal is fine,” he said, snapping out of his fantasy. He shook the flakes into a chipped green bowl while she poured milk from a plastic jug. “Where’s Dad?”

  “He had a late meeting at the church last night, so he’s sleeping in this morning.”

  Jonah nodded, crunching on his cereal slowly. His dad was the pastor of All Souls United Methodist Church in Peacefield, and late-night meetings were a regular thing.

  “Don’t forget your basketball shoes and shorts, dear,” she said, using one hand to try to tame his mane of hair. “Tryouts are today, remember?”

  It was often easy for Jonah to forget things, like homework (he forgot to do two English assignments last week) or chores (his parents had started attaching brightly colored notes to his tennis shoes and video games), but forget that basketball tryouts for the middle school boys’ team at Granger Community School were today? It was all he had thought about for weeks. True, he was a little shorter than most of the boys in his class, but he was fast, and he had been practicing in his driveway every single day for the last month. He was ready.

  “Yeah, Mom, I know,” he said, munching a little quicker, suddenly feeling more awake.

  His mom lifted his chin with her finger and looked at him with her bright green eyes. “Just know that whatever happens, your father and I are very proud of you.”

  Jeremiah suddenly hopped up and wrapped his arms around Jonah’s neck, tightly squeezing as he talked, so hard that Jonah coughed up some of his breakfast. “Yeah, Jonah, we are proud-of-you!”

  Eliza still stood at the door, her arms crossed and scowling. She wore a pink, sparkly blouse and a black skirt with leggings. Even Jonah had noticed she was dressing differently this year. No more sweatpants and raggedy T-shirts. But she was still his little sister. “Yes, yes, we are all so proud of you, big brother,” she said sarcastically. “Now can we get going, please? You’re going to make us miss the bus!”

  They had to run to the bus stop, but they made it. In almost no time the bus pulled up to a campus of large, one-story brick buildings. Granger Community School sprawled out in every direction, connected by an intricate spiderweb of cracking concrete walkways.

  Jeremiah stood at the bottom of the bus steps waiting patiently for his big brother. “Come on, Jonah, take me to class.”

  When school started, their mom made Jonah promise he would walk his brother to his class. But that was four weeks ago. Shouldn’t you know your way to your own room by now? Jonah thought as he looked down at Jeremiah.

  Jonah sighed, knowing it wasn’t worth the argument. “Fine. But I’m not holding your hand.”

  He dropped his head a little lower as he walked beside his brother, who happened to be skipping. As a seventh grader, Jonah knew nothing good was going to come from people seeing him walk around every morning with a little kid wearing a Scooby-Doo backpack.

  Jonah dropped Jeremiah off at his classroom and then hurried to the seventh-grade hallway, entering his first class just as the bell rang.

  “Nice kicks, Stone. Been shopping at the Goodwill store again?”

  The boys sitting around Zack Smellman’s desk snorted, and he grinned at Jonah with his arms folded.

  Gritting his teeth, Jonah reminded himself that the first day of basketball tryouts started this afternoon. Smellman was not going to get the best of him today.

  So he didn’t let it bother him later that morning when he got back his science test and only scored a seventy-eight. He was not shaken when his math teacher gave the class two hours of extra homework. All he could think about was what was going to happen on the basketball court.

  Finally, mercifully, the clock struck three. His stomach was doing somersaults, but he was ready. He knew it.

  With his gym clothes on and basketball shoes laced up, he took the floor with the other boys. Thirty-nine, to be exact, going out for just twelve spots. He glanced at them nervously, sizing up the competition. Most of them seemed bigger and stronger than he was.

  Jonah grabbed a ball to warm up and started taking shots, trying not to let any bad thoughts seep into his brain. He began with free throws. He was really good at these. Clang. Clang. Clang. Three in a row went bouncing off the rim. The fourth hammered off the backboard and didn’t even touch the rim at all. At home he would make three out of four, at least. What was going on? Suddenly his lunch felt like it was about to come up.

  Coach Martin Nelderbaum, or “Coach Marty,” as he told everybody to call him, was the physical education instructor at the school. He said he had played basketball in high school, but Jonah couldn’t see how. Coach Marty almost had the proportions of a basketball himself, with a huge belly that hung out from the bottom of his way-too-small gray gym shirt. He practically yelled every word that came out of his mouth.

  “Hello! My name is Coach Marty! Today is the first day of Middle School Boys Basketball Tryouts! You are mine for the next hour and a half, and you will do whatever I say! Now, don’t take this the wrong way, but a bunch of you are NOT GOING TO MAKE THIS TEAM!”

  He had to pause there to take a few breaths, exhausted already from his own scream-talking.

  “Try your hardest! I will be looking for the best twelve players on this floor! I want to see one hundred percent effort from each of you!” Jonah zoned out a little when Coach Marty went on like this for ten more minutes, even though he was determined to pick up any last-minute pointers he could—apparently it looked like he would need them. Finally, Coach Marty instructed everybody to get in a line in front of the basket, and the tryouts were officially underway.

  No one tried harder than Jonah. But in the running drills, he was one of the last to finish the wind sprints. He missed three out of the five layups he attempted in the layup drill. His free throws bounced off the basket like there was an invisible cover on it. When he lined up to take three-point shots, only one out of four even hit the rim. The rest totally missed the goal. One of them even hit Coach Marty in the stomach when he wasn’t looking. He grunted, glared at Jonah, and tossed the ball to the next guy.

  Jonah watched as the coach stared at him with one eye while writing furiously on his clipboard. He swallowed hard. Was he writing something about him?

  It was a miserable tryout. He couldn’t stay out of his own way. But Jonah reminded himself that at least there were two more days to prove himself. Coach Marty gathered the boys in the center of the court and yelled at them again, “Saw a lot of great stuff out there today, men! For the most part, you boys did great! Same time, same place tomorrow afternoon! Now, hit the locker room!”

  The tired boys were staggering away from mid-court when Coach Marty, still staring down at his clipboard, barked, “Stone, comma, Jonah! A word with you, son!”

  As the others left, Coach Marty put his arm around Jonah’s shoulder and spoke in a slightly more normal volume for the first time that day. “Son,” he said, sounding only a little less like the human bullhorn he was before, “do you play any other sports?”

  Jonah stared at him for a minute, not understanding the question. When he opened his mouth, all that came out was a sputter of wor

  “Well . . . not really . . . I . . . basketball is . . . my . . .”

  Coach Marty patted his shoulder and nodded sadly.

  “Listen, son, I’ve seen a lot of great basketball players in my day, and I can confidently say that after watching you practice today, basketball is not your sport.”

  The words hung in the air, and Jonah felt like the coach had suddenly begun speaking a foreign language. Not. Your. Sport. What did he mean? Coach Marty saw the confusion on his face and took a more direct route this time.

  “I don’t think you need to come back tomorrow, Stone,” the coach said gruffly. “I’ve seen enough. You’re not going to make the team.”

  He patted Jonah on the shoulder hard, twice.

  “Truth hurts sometimes, kid. But don’t worry. There are plenty of other sports to play.” Then, as if he had just had the greatest idea ever, he said, “Ever thought about badminton?”

  And with that, he walked off the court, leaving Jonah standing there alone, mouth hanging open.

  “Basketball is not your sport.” The words started to sink in. “Ever thought about badminton?” “Not. Your. Sport.” Jonah turned and walked slowly back into the locker room. All the boys were laughing loudly, bragging about all the shots they made in the tryout. Jonah shuffled quietly to his locker, grabbed his stuff, and made a beeline for the door. He just wanted to be invisible.

  He tore across the gym floor and pushed the metal double doors open, slamming one of them hard against the brick wall on the outside of the building. How could this happen? How could he have played so badly? And how could Coach Marty have asked him not to come back tomorrow? His legs began to move faster. He was not sure where he was running, but he just needed to go. To get away from everything, from the gym, the other guys. From everyone.

  Jonah found himself on the empty soccer field behind the school. He slowed down and began to catch his breath. Suddenly the words his dad had said a million times popped into his head.

  “If you’re ever stuck, pray. Trust me, it will all work out.”


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