All They Wanted

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All They Wanted Page 4

by Kelly Elliott

  Ari moaned next to me. “Gunner. I really wanted to get him at truth or dare last night.”

  Josh whipped his head back and shot Ari a dirty look. “Then why did you pick me? You do know I’m fearing when it hits me.”

  The look on Ari’s face was priceless. How she could pull off sweet and innocent was beyond me. In her best southern voice, she said, “Why, Josh Hayes, I declare I have no idea what you’re talkin’ ‘bout.”

  He frowned then stated, “You will when you hear my screams of pain coming from the men’s bathroom.”

  Ari lost it laughing, as did I. “That’s disgusting, Hayes,” Gunner said walking up with a jug of orange juice. My mouth started to water when he lifted it and grinned.

  “How did you know I was craving orange juice?” I asked while standing and making my way over to him.

  Gunner reached for a couple of plastic cups and poured two glasses, one for me and one for Ari.

  “I remembered Ellie craving it and when I got up this morning for a run, I realized we didn’t buy any last night. The park store had some though.”

  Ari downed her drink. “I could kiss you right now, Gunner.”

  “Hey, hey, what’s this?” Jeff asked as he set a giant plate full of pancakes on the table.

  Ari and I both dug in, each taking four pancakes a piece.

  “Wow, y’all are are eating a—”

  Jeff stopped talking when both of our eyes swung up to glare at him.

  “Um, I’ll go make some more,” Jeff said while giving Gunner a quick grin. “Hey, where’s Ellie?”

  I couldn’t help but notice Gunner’s face light up. “She’s still sleeping. We were up late last night.”

  Jeff stopped walking and dropped his head. “Dude, really? I don’t need that picture in my head.”

  Gunner flashed an evil smile at Ari and me and replied, “I didn’t say anything.”

  “Josh! Are you trying to overcook the bacon?” Ari called out.

  Glancing over his shoulder, Josh snarled his lip at Ari. “I swear, if you weren’t married to my best friend.”

  Throwing out a light-hearted chuckle, Ari responded, “Please, you know you love me, assmole.”

  Josh walked over to the table and set two plates of bacon down. One in front of me, one in front of Ari. She reached across and took a few pieces. Taking a huge bite, she went to say something then stopped.

  “What in the fuck is this rubber shit in my mouth?” Ari gasped.

  Tasting the bacon, I shrugged. “Mine’s good.”

  Ari leaned over and spit her bacon into her napkin. “Oh, God I’m going to hurl.” She reached over and picked up a piece of the bacon. It was then I noticed it was shaped weird. Her eyes lifted slowly until she was giving Josh a death stare.

  “What. Is. This?”

  The boyish grin that appeared across Josh’s face made me press my lips together to keep from laughing. “It’s bacon, buttercup.”

  Tossing it back onto the plate, Ari shook her head. “No, Josh. What kind of bacon?”

  Without missing a beat, he answered, “Soy.”

  Ari’s tongue came out of her mouth as she attempted to wipe any remaining soy bacon from her mouth with her napkin.

  “Gross! Oh, my gosh it’s so gross!”

  With a wink in my direction, Josh replied, “It’s healthy. Didn’t you say you wanted healthy?”

  Ari glared at Josh. “No. I want pig bacon. Not soy or buffalo or almond!”

  Josh pinched his brows? “Almond?”

  Waving her hands about, Ari stood. “What the fuck ever! Almond milk, almond bacon, soy bacon. It’s all healthy shit. I don’t want healthy shit.” She threw the soy bacon to Gus who sniffed then went and laid back over by Gunner.

  “Even the dog doesn’t want healthy crap,” Ari stated.

  “Actually, soy really isn’t—”

  When Ari turned to me, I stopped talking. I slid the plate of bacon her way. “I’ve got plenty of bacon.”

  Jeff glanced Josh’s way and said, “You fucked up again, dude.”

  With a huff, Josh went back to cooking more bacon as Gunner and I both let out a soft chuckle.

  Ellie and I walked arm in arm along the path while Gus followed close by. “How are you feeling?”

  Smiling, I replied, “Amazing. The morning sickness still gets to me, but other than that, I feel really good.”

  “I can’t imagine carrying two.”

  “What about you? How are you feeling?”

  Her smile would have lit up a room, had we been inside one. “I feel wonderful. Alex is wonderful, Gunner is wonderful. It’s all wonderful!”

  I chuckled then let out a contented sigh. After everything Ellie had gone through with her father leaving them and her mother turning into an alcoholic, I was beyond thrilled to see her getting the happiness she deserved.

  “So, the wedding,” Ellie said as she looked at me.

  “I don’t want to talk about the wedding. Honestly, no stress this weekend. Let’s just pretend like we have no responsibilities and have fun!”

  Ellie laughed. “Done!”

  Josh and Jeff were ahead of us arguing about something.

  “What are those two going on about?” Ellie asked.

  Ari walked up next to me and took my other arm with hers. “Something about who could climb up and back down that hill faster.”

  My mouth fell. “Are you serious? Why would they even want to? It’s steep!”

  With a chuckle, Ari nodded her head. “Yep. Gunner egged it on and is sitting back listening to the two of them argue about who is the tougher, stronger guy. I swear these men of ours. If I didn’t love them all so much, I’d want to nut roll them.”

  Ellie and I both looked at Ari. “Nut roll them? What does that even mean?”

  Ari’s only response was an evil grin.

  All three guys stopped while Josh and Jeff faced each other. Gunner picked up a stick and threw it for Gus who took off after it.

  “Good lord. Why must everything be a competition between them?” Ellie pondered while we approached the two of them.

  Jeff tossed his head back and let out a loud laugh. “Honestly, Josh. There is no way you can scale that hill.”

  “And you can, oh-mighty-one?” Josh spit back.

  “Yes. Face it, you were raised in the city. You don’t have what it takes to do things like this.”

  Josh jerked his head back. “You were raised in the city too, asshole.”

  Gunner laughed. “How about you both do it at the same time. First one up and back down can declare himself king of Garner State Park.”

  Walking over to Josh, I placed my hands on his chest. “This is silly, Josh. Let’s move along and enjoy our hike.”

  He gave me the sweetest smile and kissed my forehead. “I love you, princess.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “But I’m taking this dickhead down once and for all. I owe you for the whole Ford truck stunt.”

  My shoulders dropped as I stared at a very determined Josh.

  Jeff was about on the ground laughing. “Damn. How you liking that truck, Josh? Got enough balls for ya?”

  Josh let out some weird growl then placed his hands on my upper arms and looked into my eyes. “I need to do this.”

  I shook my head. “No. You really don’t, Josh.”

  He smiled and kissed me quickly on the lips. “Thanks for understanding, babe!” My eyes widened in shock as he walked over to the side of the hill with Jeff. They faced each other like they were about to enter a boxing ring.

  “Oh hell … I have a feeling this isn’t going to turn out so good,” Ari said as she stood next to me.

  My body shuddered as I watched Josh and Jeff race up the hillside. I held my breath when they started pushing each other out of the way.

  “Same here,” I whispered.

  Oh, he thinks he’s gonna win? Hell no he isn’t.

  Jeff and I were neck and neck as we ran up the hill. L
ittle did he know I’d been doing Crossfit classes for the last four months. My ass was in top shape.

  “Fucking hell, Hayes!” Jeff called out as we raced to the top. With a wide grin, I knew I was going to at least beat him to the top. Knowing Jeff, he’d slide back down on his ass just to win.

  I reached the top and pulled myself up. Lifting my hands above my head, I took in the moment to gloat at my victory. Jeff was almost to the top and I could tell he was struggling to make it.

  “Steeper than it looks, isn’t it?” I called out.

  “Fuck you,” he spat back while lifting himself over the edge.

  Glancing down, Heather jumped and clapped. “Now be careful coming back down!” she called out.

  Pesh, I had this. “I’m the king of the—”

  Something crawled up my leg, causing me to look down. My eyes widened in horror as I let out a scream so loud I was sure my parents heard it in Austin.

  “Get it off!” I yelled as I shook my leg. My foot slipped and I tumbled forward. Jeff reached out for me, but missed. The only thing I could do was hope and pray I didn’t hit my head on one of the rocks on the way down. At the rate I was tumbling down the side of the hill, I was for sure going to win now.

  Turning to Heather, I asked, “Are they out there?”

  She attempted to hide her smile, but failed. “Yes.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Great. I’m never going to hear the end of this.”

  Heather shook her head. “Probably not. I’m just glad you’re okay. You scared me to death when you slipped and came down that hill.”

  There was no denying Jeff would never let this go. Even my future wife and the mother of my kids was about to bust-out laughing.

  Letting out a frustrated sigh, I motioned with my hands for her to let it out. “Just get it out now, will you.”

  She covered her mouth and lost it laughing. The nurse next to me chuckled as she finished wrapping my twisted ankle. Glancing up, she said, “At least you’ll have a fun story to tell your kids.”

  Heather laughed harder.

  “It’s not that funny,” I stated as I shot her a hardened stare.

  Wiping away her tears, she nodded. “I know it’s not. But it kind of is. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you … heard you … you’ve never …”

  She spun around and headed to the bathroom in the room. “Have … to … pee!”

  I focused back on the nurse. It was clear she was laughing by the way her shoulders shook. “I don’t like bugs.”

  Her eyes swung up to mine. “Are butterflies considered bugs?”

  Another round of laughter came from the bathroom. The nurse chuckled and looked back at my ankle.

  “You’re very lucky you didn’t break anything, Mr. Hayes. Or worse yet, hit your head on the way down.”

  Nodding, I replied, “I know. We’re getting married in a couple of weeks. A broken anything wouldn’t have been good.” My chest puffed out. “But I won. That’s all that matters.”

  She shook her head. “Uh-huh. So glad I never had boys.”

  After securing the wrap, she placed her hands on her hips and gave me a thoughtful smile. “No more trying to show off. And you’ll want to keep off that ankle as much as possible. It’s not a bad sprain, but it will be painful.”

  The door to the bathroom opened and Heather walked out, trying to keep from laughing. “Is he ready to go?” she asked the nurse.

  “He is indeed. You’ll want to stop at the Walgreens to get some Advil if you didn’t bring any along.”

  Heather nodded. “Yes ma’am.”

  I looked at her in horror. “Wait. I’m not getting any pain pills? This thing is throbbing.”

  The nurse slowly turned to face me. Her left eye narrowed and for one brief moment, I felt the need to cover my junk.

  “Mr. Hayes, you have a mild sprain of your ankle. You’ll be fine with Advil and icing it.”


  She lifted her hand. “Your future wife is going to give birth to two babies back to back. She’s going to have to carry them for nine months. Two of them. Not one. Two.” She lifted her hand and showed me two fingers.

  I swallowed hard.

  “I think Advil will take care of your mild sprain fine, just like the doctor said earlier.”

  With a fast nod, I replied, “Yes ma’am. I agree.”

  She handed me the papers and said, “You can check out at the front desk. Enjoy your camping trip.”

  Spinning on her heels, she headed out the door while Heather and I watched the door slowly shut.

  Heather turned back to me and we both whispered, “Wow.”

  “I feel sorry for her husband when he gets sick,” I said as I carefully got off the table. Heather chuckled and reached for my arm.

  “Do you want the crutches?” she asked.

  “Hell no. The second Jeff sees me with them it will be like an open invitation for him to start.”

  She pressed her lips together while looking at my ankle then back up at me. “Are you sure? They said to stay off of it.”

  “It’s fine. It’s only a mild sprain … remember?”

  I went to take a step and nearly let out another girlish scream.

  “Josh!” Heather gasped.

  Reaching out, I stated, “Give me the damn crutches.”

  Without even attempting to hide her smile, Heather handed me the crutches.

  I dragged in a deep breath and motioned for her to open the door. “It’s stiff that’s all. The quicker I get this over with … the better.”

  “It’ll be fine. Everyone’s glad you’re not hurt. That’s all that matters,” Heather said as she walked next to me. The closer we got to the doors that lead to the waiting room, the more I dreaded my decision to run up that damn hill. Why did Jeff always try to one-up me?


  Heather pushed the doors open and I maneuvered through them. I didn’t see anyone in the waiting room and breathed a sigh of relief.

  “They must have all gone back to the campsite,” Heather stated.


  As we headed to the doors to leave, Heather asked, “Do you want to go home? I’m sure Gunner and Jeff wouldn’t mind taking down our stuff.”

  I let out a gruff laugh. “There is no way I’m going home. Jeff would never let me live it down. I just need to take some Advil and I’ll be fine.”

  We walked outside and Jeff was standing there with a giant bouquet of balloons. All of them were in a different shape and color of butterfly.

  My mouth dropped open when he pulled out from behind his back a My First Butterfly Collection box.

  “To help you get over your fear,” he stated with a huge smile.

  Lifting my crutch, I started after him as Heather cried out for me to stop.

  Jeff laughed as he started to walk backwards while I hopped on one foot toward him.

  I launched my weapon of choice, actually my only weapon, at him and he ducked. Unfortunately, Ari didn’t.

  Heather gasped when the crutch made contact.

  My heart dropped as I whispered, “Oh. Shit.”

  Ari was covering her eye as she let out every curse word known to man. When she dropped her hand, I only saw evil coming from her one good eye.

  Turning to Heather, I said, “Maybe we should go home … like now.”

  I made my way out of our tent and headed to the table. Josh refused to make eye contact with me, which was probably a good thing.

  “How’s your eye, Ari?” Ellie asked.

  Stopping directly in front of Josh, I smiled. “Good. You know what strikes me as funny?”

  Josh glanced up at me and smiled. “What’s that?”

  I tilted my head and lifted my eyes up as if I was in deep thought before turning my attention back on him. “That you screamed like a scared little girl because you had a … butterfly … on your leg. And I get a crutch hurled at me and it strikes my eye, causing it to swell up and turn black, yet I didn’t utter a p

  Gunner lifted his hand and stated, “Um, I’d like to correct you on that, Ari. You did let out a rather scary sounding growl.”

  Josh’s smile faded. “You know I’d have never have hit you with that crutch if your husband hadn’t ducked like a pussy.”

  Jeff stood. “Hey, there is no need to bring that fact up!”

  I shook my head. “You are both to blame and I know how you’ll repay me.”

  Josh swallowed hard. “I don’t like the sound of that.”

  With a sweet smile, I sat down next to Josh. “Don’t get your panties into a twist, Hayes. I simply want furniture for the new baby’s room.”

  “That’s it?”

  I lifted my brow. “I wouldn’t think you’re off the hook so easy. You haven’t heard what I wanted yet.”

  “I am going to step in and say I have top priority in the making of baby furniture department,” Heather stated with a chuckle.

  “Totally agree with that,” I replied.

  Josh let out a fake laugh. “Okay, so I’m supposed to make the twins their furniture and now you want furniture?”


  “You do know I have other jobs I have to do first … ones that pay me to make their furniture.”

  I nodded. “Of course, I don’t want you to put anything on the back burner.”

  His brows pinched together. “Then how in the hell do you suggest I squeeze in your furniture?”

  With a shrug, I replied, “That’s not my problem, but I will say, Jeff here will be helping you.”

  “What?” Jeff asked as he glanced between Josh and me. “I can’t make furniture.”

  With a wink, I stated, “Sure you can. Josh here just has to show you. Y’all will have to work together as a team.”

  Josh practically fell out of his chair. “I’m not teaching him how to make furniture! Have you ever tried to teach Jeff anything? He acts like he knows how to do it and doesn’t even bother to listen.”

  “Hello, I’m sitting right here, and how hard could it possibly be to make furniture?”

  Josh’s mouth dropped open. “How hard could it be? Are you serious right now? You can’t even mend a fence without bitching!”


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