Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure)

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Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure) Page 17

by Larson, Brian K.

  “Okay, I know how that works too. I will keep him away as long as I can, but he’s buzzing around like a mad hornet, so I’d move it fast if I were you.”

  Sam left the room to go back to stall Sheriff Matson for as long as he could while Jhahnahkan helped Kate get dressed as fast as she could.

  Jhahnahkan took the crystal and held it out in front of them. The energy vortex began to open, and the familiar rushing wind sounded. They could hear the doctor just outside the room, arguing with the sheriff.

  “You can’t go in there. She’s under my care,” Dr. Collins shouted.

  “Move out of my way. I’m going in, and if you stop me, I’ll take you in for obstructing justice,” Matson argued.

  The vortex was now fully open; Matson burst through the door only to watch his two fugitives escape yet again. He dove to the vortex to try and catch them, but he was too late as the vortex closed behind Jhahnahkan and Kate, causing Matson to land on the ground of the hospital room.

  “Ah! Not again!” the sheriff shouted in disgust, looking up at Sam’s slight grin.

  He picked himself off the floor and dusted his uniform as if the hospital floor was infected.

  “You’re going to answer for this. I’m taking you in for questioning.”

  “I don’t know what you mean, Sheriff. I didn’t see anyone in here,” the doctor said as he looked at his staff of nurses. “Did anyone else see anything?” He winked at the other nurses.

  The other nurses said they didn’t see anything either and shook their heads.

  Matson stormed out, pushing his way past Sam and the nurses in the room. He paused for a moment and turned halfway out the door. “You haven’t seen the last of me.”

  Matson stomped down the hallway, making as much noise as he could as he left the hospital.

  Dr. Collins and the nurses couldn’t contain their laughter any longer as they thoroughly enjoyed seeing Sheriff Matson this frustrated. Not many people in the town had any respect for the sheriff and his bully tactics.

  * * *


  Helen’s Place

  Year: 1983

  Jhahnahkan and Kate exited the vortex where Helen and the others had been trying to heal the crystal fragment.

  Glenda jumped up and ran over, throwing her arms around Kate. “Oh, Katie!” she said with a big smile and with tears in her eyes. “We were so worried about you!”

  “We’ve all been worried, Ms. Kate,” Rex said with lift in his voice.

  “Easy, honey,” Helen said as she helped the still ailing Kate in a chair. “Looks like you could still use some rest.”

  “Yes, I sure do,” Kate said with a slight wince on her face. “We kind of had to leave in a hurry.”

  “Sheriff Matson tracked us down to the Rosemont Hospital,” Jhahnahkan said.

  Helen stood by the two with her arms at her hips. “Well,” she said, “I am still here and so is Jhahnahkan, which means we have not disrupted the timeline.”

  “I do not know if I can still have a child,” Kate said, looking down at the sand. “The surgeon said it might be risky if I do—for both the child and myself.”

  Jhahnahkan took Kate’s hand and squeezed it. “Do not worrie about this. You need to get well first. That was quite an ordeal.”

  Jhahnahkan spent the next hour explaining to his friends what all had transpired since they last saw one another. He finished with the fact that they now have an ally on the inside. If they needed anything, they could get it now with Dr. Collins on their side.

  “There is just one more very strange thing,” Jhahnahkan said, stroking his chin. “They could not find the bullet nor could they find any exit wound.”

  Helen interrupted Jhahnahkan abruptly, “What do you mean? They did not find the bullet? It was there. I saw it with the crystal fragment.”

  “I had X-rays and the surgery to prove it. They did not find it,” Kate said.

  “This could explain everything that is wrong with the crystal fragment,” Helen said with an epiphany. “When we tried to heal her, the fragment tried to solidify the bullet to prevent any further injury to Kate. I will bet that is why it is so weakened.”

  “These crystals are a very benevolent race, more like intelligent,” Jhahnahkan said, pulling out his crystal to look it over. “I am not sure how to classify them at all really. All I know is that it helped bring Kate out from her coma.”

  Helen stood at the fire and stirred it with a stick while Rex continued to stoke the pit with fresh wood to keep the embers hot. The pale-green crystal fragment lay in the hollowed-out bed Rex had carved, which was laden with hot coals. This kept the fragment in a hot state; complete intuition on his part, but it did seem to keep the tiny fragment alive for now.

  Jhahnahkan looked over at Rex stoking the fire, then over at Helen poking the coals with her stick. He thought for a moment then looked at the fragment and then at his crystal. He seemed to be in deep thought about the actions that were taking place all around him as he held his power crystal. He looked over at Kate, who was slightly dozing, and then over at Glenda, who sat by Kate, holding her upright with one arm around her, then back to his crystal he held in his hands.

  “Hotter,” Jhahnahkan said all of a sudden, “the fire needs to be hotter.”

  Helen paused with her poking at the fire and looked up at her grandson. “What is it?” she asked. “What do you see?”

  “I see white-hot fire that will cleanse the fragment. Rex was correct. Heat, more heat,” Jhahnahkan said, looking at the group. “Bring more wood. Make this as hot as we can.”

  Rex and Glenda gathered up more wood from Helen’s woodpile and fed the fire. In just a few minutes, the fire began to rage hotter and hotter, and the flames grew tall. Rex stepped back slightly with the intensity of the heat.

  “Good,” Jhahnahkan said, “let the fire burn like this for a time, and then we will have more coals for the fragment.”

  The fire roared for over an hour before the flames began to die down. The coals in the center of the fire turned white-hot and glowed, causing the heat to rise from the fire bed, creating waves of energy from the intensified pit.

  Jhahnahkan placed the crystal fragment in the center of the burning coals and then had everyone gather around the radiating fire. They all joined hands while he held the crystal in his. Kate and Helen sat on either side of him and finished the connection by placing their free hand on his forearms. A gentle breeze began to emit from the crystal as Jhahnahkan concentrated. This breeze became more intense over the next few minutes and was directed down below at the base of the fire as if it was a bellows to the coals.

  The coals grew even hotter, and they could almost not handle the heat as it grew hotter and hotter. Then the golden glow of the pure crystal emanated from Jhahnahkan and passed clockwise all around to each member of the circle and ended back with Jhahnahkan. Immediately they appeared in their minds within the sphere with the entity standing at the center in an almost human appearance. His skin was white as a sheet. His hair was golden and glistened with sparks of energy. His eyes were of the very deepest blue anyone had ever seen. The entity had a look of great intelligence on his face as well as genuine concern. The group gazed on the vision they all shared and tried to comprehend what they were seeing.

  “Do not be afraid,” the entity said without moving his mouth to speak.

  “We are not afraid. We understand who you are. We know,” Jhahnahkan said with a soft voice.

  Helen had a big smile on her face, and tears began to well up as she saw the entity that had the likeness of her husband.

  “You that are among us that have not experienced the full presence of the crystal,” the entity said with an assuring tone, “be at peace. Let your mind go. Do not try to understand the vision.”

  The others nodded with compliance as they continued to concentrate on the event before them.

  “My name is Roth’stavous,” they heard in a voice that was neither a male nor female but a mixtu
re of each. “My friends, the fragmented crystal is dying. I understand that you have been trying to heal us. Do not try to understand when I refer to us as us.”

  “Yes,” Helen interjected, “we understand. You have said the crystals are one yet many.”

  “You are correct, Helen, high priestess of Ackturra,” Roth’stavous answered.

  Jhahnahkan looked over at Helen with a puzzled look on his face and then continued to concentrate on the pure crystal and the vision.

  “You have shown compassion and proven you are a worthy species,” Roth’stavous continued. “There are things you must be told and things you must understand.”

  Jhahnahkan stood in front of the entity. “We are ready for you to share with us.”

  “I instructed Helen, the high priestess of Ackturra, to bring you here to this place. All of these events have been set before you in order for me to know that you are the chosen one, the one who can heal the Rune infection from our kind. When you were on your journey to the far reaches of your galaxy, you met an individual that gave you a secret and then locked that deep inside your mind. Only my presence can unlock that mystery, and only at the right moment when you return to the Crystal Caverns can that be revealed. However, I can reveal to you that the man who you met was your grandfather. He and your grandmother fled Ackturra right after the Rune took over the crystals. Roth’stavous was his name. I took his name when our minds joined. I took on his countenance so you would better understand when I revealed myself to you. Your grandfather’s crystal and Helen’s crystal were joined together to make a master crystal. This was kept secret and pure for the right time. Now your half brother, Jhovahkan, has managed to join two crystals and formed a master crystal, only his is corrupted by the Rune.”

  “Half brother?” Jhahnahkan exclaimed.

  “Helen,” the entity said, turning to her, “you have not revealed the truth to Jhahnahkan?”

  Helen turned to her grandson and smiled. “I have said that simple question will get simple answers. You have not asked, so I have not said.”

  “Helen will reveal that secret to you soon, but it should not come to you as a complete surprise, seeing the vast differences between you and your brother,” Roth’stavous said, turning back to Jhahnahkan. “This joining of two crystals has only occurred very few times, and only two remain in existence: Jhovahkan’s and yours. There is a term that has been used in times past that was used to explain this process. Ack’raamon—the true meaning of the word has long been forgotten and corrupted by the Rune. However, the true meaning of Ack’raamon is to join two into one or to join one crystal to another or one mind to a crystal. Time is of the essence. You must find your way to defeat the power the Rune has held over us for this millennia. Jhovahkan’s master crystal is very powerful. I alone cannot defeat his crystal. We must join a third crystal. Even though the fragment is weak and dying, the power that I would gain by that Ack’raamon will be enough to overcome your brother’s crystal. Therefore, one part of the deep secret that has been locked away, I will allow you to know—the power to perform Ack’raamon. Before I leave you for now, there is one more thing you will need to understand. Jhovahkan did not kill your father. His mother made it look that way. Ghaia is a masterful deceiver. She killed Qiaoshan through her jealousy.” Roth’stavous turned to Helen. “Helen said you should ask questions. I would do so soon.”

  He turned once again to Jhahnahkan, reached out in front of him, and touched his forehead with two fingers of his right hand. The vision immediately ended, and the group stood staring at Jhahnahkan now lying on his back on the ground holding the crystal out in front of him and his eyes wide open. The others gathered around and watched as he seemed to be getting a download of information. His eyes darted about back and forth rapidly, his mouth slightly open as if he understood the knowledge that Roth’stavous had revealed. The pure crystal he was holding had now lost its luster, and the golden sparkling glow that surrounded Jhahnahkan and the others had dissipated. The hot coals of the fire continued to burn white, and the crystal fragment now had a bright green color and looked almost as if it had turned into a partial liquid state; the solid form of the crystal was no more. Instead, it shifted and moved around like slow motion Jell-O, moving and constantly changing its shape.

  Jhahnahkan stood and collected himself after his amazing experience. He guided the group to stand at certain spots around the fire pit to form a circle encompassing the fragment that was at the center.

  “We must first heal the fragment,” Jhahnahkan said as he held out his crystal.

  He closed his eyes and focused on the ailing fragment, and a pure white beam of energy discharged and connected with the fragment. The energy continued to flow out of Jhahnahkan, first down his arms and into the crystal and then through the energy beam and into the fragment. As the group watched, they could see the energy transference flow into the fragment and then back out to the pure crystal. This energy flow continued for several minutes; all the while Jhahnahkan’s eyes were wide open with an intensity that Kate, Rex, or the rest hadn’t seen in him. You could see his jowls tighten and loosen as he focused every bit of energy into healing the crystal fragment.

  “Now I need Rex, Glenda, and Katie to step closer to the beam,” he instructed. Helen was asked to stand behind him and place her hands on his shoulders.

  “Do not be afraid,” he said. “I need you three to place your hands in the stream of energy, the fact that your pureness of mind is the last key to being able to remove the infection of the Rune.”

  The three complied and placed their hands in the stream of energy that was flowing. Sparks of energy began to trail up each of their arms and surrounded them with a white glow. They concentrated on the instructions Jhahnahkan gave them while Helen laid her hands on his shoulders.

  They all noticed that the crystal began to change color. The bright green luster began to drip down and then burned up in the hot coals, leaving the fragment clear. The liquid state had now left as it began to harden to its natural form.

  The beam left the fragment and returned to the Jhahnahkan’s pure master crystal, and the energy flow ceased traveling down his arms. He lowered his master crystal, and the group returned to the places he had assigned to them.

  “The fragmented crystal has now been fully healed,” he said with assurance. “You are all a part of this by the very nature of your pure Terrain minds, a very necessary ingredient that we will need to reverse the effect of the Rune.”

  The group removed the fragment from the fire and let it cool on the sand for a time. When it was cool enough to handle, he instructed Helen to take the crystal and hold it high above her head.

  “I, Jhahnahkan, son of Qiaoshan of the house of Sö’, now perform the ritual of Ack’raamon. Let these two crystals now become one. It is written, so shall it be done!” he said with great authority.

  He approached Helen, who was holding the crystal fragment high above her head. He took the fragment in one hand and held them both high over his head. The two crystals began to glow a brilliant golden glow, and then energy transference began to occur. The small fragment began to become absorbed by the larger pure crystal.

  The group looked on in awe at the sight; it was beautiful watching their friend perform Ack’raamon, which had only been witnessed by a very few. The group felt very privileged that they were a part of this event.

  Jhahnahkan then touched the two crystals together, and a great clap of thunder sounded above them and resulted in an explosion followed by a great blast of energy as if a shock wave had emanated from the source and pushed out from the new master crystal and surrounded the entire group.

  When the air cleared, Jhahnahkan was left standing with one pure and clear master crystal in his hand.

  He stepped back with exhaustion while the others came to his side and helped him to one of the chairs near the fire pit, which was now fading and smoldering.

  His forehead was dripping with sweat, and his hands were cold and clammy.

  “That was some light show,” Glenda said with a bit of a quiet voice.

  “Wonderful,” Rex said, clapping his hands. “Absolutely Wonderful.”

  Kate sat by Jhahnahkan and held his hands as she gazed into his eyes. Helen paced around the fire pit with a worried look on her face.

  “My grandmother,” Jhahnahkan said as he motioned her to come close, “I think it is about time you answer my simple questions.”

  “Yes, I suppose that it is time,” Helen said, sitting down by her grandson.

  “What did Roth’stavous mean by half brother?”

  “Well,” Helen began, “this is a fairly long story, so I will start at the beginning.”

  “I am listening.”

  “Ghaia is not your mother. She is Qiaoshan’s mistress, not Luanren. My son and Luanren were the rightful royal blood of the house of Sö’. Ghaia seduced your father because she wanted the power of rule. She deceived your father to believe she should be his wife and not Luanren. The corruption of the power crystal helped him to fall. Luanren is your mother, and Ghaia is your brother’s mother. This was kept a secret by order of the council so Qiaoshan would not lose his power. It was a great time of sorrow, and there could not be a change due to the war with the Zelinites. Your sister, Tamika, is your true, full blood sister. You must see that. You and your brother are too different for you to be full-blooded brothers.”

  “I had always wondered why my brother had always opposed me. Does he know the truth?”

  “No, he does not know nor does your sister know,” Helen said as she looked into Jhahnahkan’s eyes. “This truth was not held from you to hurt you. This was done to protect you. This is why you were chosen to go on that quest for so many years. We had to separate you so the truth would not be discovered until the time was right.”

  “So I am the rightful heir to the throne since Luanren was the high priestess after you left.”

  “Yes, Ghaia is a wretched woman, full of deceit and a desire for power. Now that she has made her son the leader of the council, she can fully control the destiny of Ackturra.”


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