Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure)

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Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure) Page 29

by Larson, Brian K.

  Luanren then sat the crown upon Jhahnahkan’s head and finished the ceremony with the words, “It is written… So shall it be done!”

  She stepped back behind Jhahnahkan as he raised his arms over the audience and took in the feeling of great accomplishment.

  The crowd went wild with applause and satisfaction of the appointment. Most people were glad with the events as they unfolded. However, there were many who were disappointed that Jhovahkan was not chosen to lead them into victory over the Zelinites. Those who were of the Southern clan began to chant their acceptance while others began to throw whatever they could at the stage.

  Tim, Chuck, and Lanatek again stepped forward and fired their weapons in the air over the crowd to gain their attention. The unruly crowd quickly quieted down and everyone once again took their seats as Jhahnahkan took the podium to address his people with his first speech as high council leader.

  Jhahnahkan opened with a more informal address, “Citizens of Ackturra…” he began, “I stand before you today as your new leader… I promise to rule Ackturra with honor and integrity… I will keep no secrets… I will usher in a new era of peace and prosperity. I ask each and every one of you today, both Northern and Southern Clans to end all hostiles toward one another… we must not fall into the same pattern that our forefathers fell prey too many millennia ago… we came to this world seeking peace… a new start… we left our ancestors home galaxy because we couldn’t get along… we destroyed our true home world and nearly another before we decided to split apart. Today, I bring with me our ancestral heritage from Terra Firma or Earth as they call it. These people that are with me today are representative from Earth and have been a great help to me on my journey. Rex, who saved my life after I nearly died of heat exhaustion… Glenda, who with her courageous act helped us escape many dangers on Earth. The Russell brothers, who never felt compassion for their own kind, saw it fitting to leave Earth and join our cause. Doctor Collins, who put his career in jeopardy, helped me with healing Katie after she took a bullet for me and then assisted in our escape. Finally, Kate who nursed me back to health and put her life in jeopardy to save me… who I fell in love with, and now bears my child… she is my mate and shall eventually become the successor as high priestess. These people gave up their lives to join me and followed me on my quest to find and heal my sister… Lady Tamika. Sadly, she has been corrupted by the Zelinite Rune and we must find her to save her from the demise of the corruption that runs through her body today. My original task was to go back and prevent the Rune infection… but that plan was changed… our time we are experiencing today has been changed… I don’t know if the time fracture can be restored. I do know that we must stop this impending civil war.”

  The audience now kept complete silence as they hung on Jhahnahkan’s every word.

  “People of Ackturra… know this… I do tell you this truth… I am very proud of my father Qiaoshan… even though he truly dishonored the royal name of Sö’, his actions here today are very honorable. He didn’t have to come before you today to step down… instead he knew it was time to come clean… he did this in hopes that we can salvage our relationship between father and son. Let this be a lesson for us all here today… let this be the first step between the Northern and Southern Clans in restoring relationships between our two peoples.”

  Jhahnahkan paused for a few moments to allow his people to absorb the message.

  “For the first time in thousands of years of the Northern clan controlling the high council… I, Jhahnahkan, of the house of Sö’, now rule the high council from the Southern clan… a power shift has occurred.”

  He paused once more soaking in the moment but not trying to let it go to his head, “I will usher in a new era… I urge all fellow Ackturrians to lay down your weapons against one another. Let’s build a new beginning… a new joint cooperation between the North and South.”

  Jhahnahkan finished his acceptance speech and thanked everyone for their attention. He assured both sides that he would meet with them and iron out the details for a formal cease fire in the next few days.

  As the crowd dispersed from the arena, Katie came over to Jhahnahkan and gave him a squeeze and a kiss telling him how proud she was of him.

  The rest of the council members congratulated him and assured him that he would have their full cooperation in the ceasefire and would send out executive orders to all ships that an agreement was in the works.

  “My first executive order,” Jhahnahkan said to his first minister, “is to formally charge my brother with attempted murder of Qiaoshan. Make arrangements to transport him down to the surface and hold him in the council holding cell until we can convene a formal court hearing.”

  His first minister left to make the preparations. Jhahnahkan gave one more order to be executed immediately. To replace all duty officers on all defense platforms with members of the Southern clan. Their orders are to allow all Ackturrians access to and from the planet, no questions asked.

  Jhahnahkan and his crew left for the council palace where Qiaoshan would begin to advise his son on all current business that would need his attention. He then would begin to train Jhahnahkan to find his power within so he could begin the task of searching for Tamika and the pure crystal. Roth’stavous told him he that he would no longer need a power crystal and that he would find the power himself. The crystals were merely an amplifier. The special abilities that the crystals afforded them were available to everyone that lived on Ackturra. The power was in the air, and this is something he needed to learn in order to find his sister.

  * * *

  Ackturrian Precipice

  Year: 2983

  The cool breezes flowed across the mountain and through the trees. There were the sounds echoing off the hills of various flying creatures calling out to their mates. You could hear the noise of a woodpecker making a nest in the side of a tree while other large bugs with buzzing wings darted about looking for food. The sound of water falling over a cliff as it pounded on the large rocks making the water spray as it reached the bottom of a river all joined in the orchestra of nature.

  Then all the sounds of nature seemed to stop all at once only replaced by an eerie stillness; the only noise that continued was the waterfall.

  A vortex opened throwing two women onto the ground and then abruptly closed as they exited.

  The two women got to their feet and lunged at each other locking onto each other’s forearms and wrestled and tugged on each other.

  “I should have done this years ago,” Helen said as she held onto Ghaia.

  “You should have never returned… that is what you should have done!” Ghaia shouted.

  “I was the high priestess of Ackturra… you were never meant to be that.”

  “You and Roth’stavous abandoned the council leaving Qiaoshan in charge.”

  “Yes, because of the crystal infection… you knew the crystals were tainted, yet you decided to use them to seduce my son… you were power hungry and corrupt.”

  “I did it for the better of Ackturra… we would have never survived if I had not.”

  “Your ego is just as big as your head!” Helen said as the two continued to wrestle each other. “I opposed your little scheme then… and I oppose it today.”

  “You never had a chance to come against me and my crystal power.”

  “Maybe then I did not… but I see your crystal is now destroyed… destroyed by the chosen one…”

  “… and you will pay for that.” Ghaia said continuing to struggle with her opponent.

  The two came closer and closer to the edge the precipice, each not willing to give up their ground. Helen was determined to kill Ghaia for her treachery over the last thousand years while Ghaia was equally determined to return to the council and reclaim her prestigious position.

  “I will not let you return… Luanren was the proper high priestess… she has been restored… Qiaoshan has returned her honor…”

  “No!” Ghaia cried as sh
e fought the unusually strong old woman.

  Helen gave a final push on Ghaia and she began to fall backwards over the cliff. She held onto Helen and pulled her over with her. The two let out a scream as they both left the edge of the cliff.

  * * *

  Chapter 3

  Something in the Air

  Ackturrian Palace

  Year: 2983

  “What’s the matter Jhahnahkan?” Kate asked.

  “There is something wrong… I feel it.” Jhahnahkan answered as he held the tips of his fingers to his temples.

  Jhahnahkan, Qiaoshan, Luanren and Katie were all in the training hall of the palace when he began to sense something was wrong. Helen had not returned from removing Ghaia from the council arena for several hours.

  Rex and Glenda were off with the others exploring the council palace and learning all they could about Ackturrian history. They would report back to Jhahnahkan with their findings in hopes to discover any other timeline fractures.

  “I am sure she is alright my son,” Qiaoshan said with reassurance.

  “No, I think he is right…” Luanren added, “I feel it too.”

  She came over to Jhahnahkan and put her hands with his on his temples to help his concentration. No matter how hard they both tried, they couldn’t find any answers to the strange feelings they both felt.

  “No matter my son.” Qiaoshan said, “She will be along in a while… remember, she is my mother and I do know her pretty well.”

  “You didn’t seem to know she was still alive,” Jhahnahkan jabbed.

  “Enough of this foolishness, my son… we need to get back to your training.” Qiaoshan said motioning to his son.

  “Now,” Qiaoshan pointed down at the other end of the room, “concentrate on that glass on the table… try to move it with your mind.”

  Jhahnahkan, knowing he wasn’t going to get anywhere at the moment with trying to see what it was he sensed, returned to his father’s instruction.

  He stretched out his left arm out toward the glass and concentrated. After a moment of nothing happening, he dropped his arm.

  “It’s not working… I am distracted.”

  “Try again…” Luanren instructed. “Do not give up this easily. You can do it.”

  Jhahnahkan looked intently at the glass and stretched out his arm once again and held his other hand on his temple. He continued to think hard trying to move the glass when it began to slightly wobble for a second and then stopped.

  He dropped his arm again in defeat. “It’s no use… I need a power crystal to find Tamika… it’s going to take me another thousand years to learn how to use my powers without one.”

  “Nonsense,” Kate said, rubbing his shoulders from behind. “Roth’stavous said you didn’t need a power crystal. He said you have the power within.”

  He raised his hand for one last attempt and shot out a yell at the glass in frustration. To Jhahnahkan’s amazement, the glass flew off of the table and smashed against the wall.

  “There!” Kate said. “I knew you could do it.”

  “My son,” Qiaoshan said, “you must link your emotions to your abilities. This is the internal amplifier.”

  Qiaoshan set another glass on the table and instructed Jhahnahkan to repeat the exercise. He lifted his arm once again and concentrated with no avail.

  “You are a worthless son, Jhahnahkan!” Qiaoshan shouted at him. “You will never learn to use your powers without a crystal at this pace!” He continued shouting at him.

  Jhahnahkan’s face turned beat red as he fought off the anger of the words his father was telling him. Qiaoshan continued to banter him with insults until Jhahnahkan’s anger changed to rage. He directed his anger at his father and all at once threw is father across the room causing him to land flat on his back.

  Qiaoshan began laughing hysterically while he lay on the floor.

  “I fail to see the humor in this,” Jhahnahkan said panting as he attempted to control his anger.

  “You see?” Qiaoshan chuckled. “You can use your powers as long as we invoke an emotional response. Your abilities will be tuned to your adrenal gland. Over time, it will take less and less emotion in order for you to produce an ability,” he said as he picked himself off the floor.

  “You did not mean the things you were saying then.”

  “Of course not… I needed to build up an emotion to show you how you can manifest your power.”

  “So how come if we have these abilities, why do we rely on the power crystals?”

  “Long ago, we began using the crystals. They were the mechanism to understanding our abilities… we did not have them until we came to Ackturra. But now we are spoiled by their existence. We use them in place of our emotions; they are more like an amplifier.”

  “That is why we use to call them ‘Focus Crystals’ then.”

  “Precisely,” Qiaoshan added. “When the crystals became infected, we sought their corruption and wanted more power. We were powerless to their effect.”

  “So that is why my grandparents fled Ackturra nearly a thousand years ago.”

  “Yes. They were away and had their focus crystals and then the infection came. Roth’stavous resigned from the council and left Helen behind for a time. No one quite knows why she was not infected, but she stayed until I dishonored Luanren,” Qiaoshan said as he glanced over at Luanren.

  The two locked eyes and Luanren could see tears well up in Qiaoshan. She stepped over to him and held him close.

  It is alright, my love, Luanren thought. I understand it was the corruption and was not your fault. I blame Ghaia if anyone.

  This is incredible, Jhahnahkan thought to each of them, I can hear you with my mind. This ability is stronger than I first thought when I came back from my journey.

  The two looked over at their son and returned their thoughts. There is something in the air. The longer you are here the more ability you will begin to have. This will be the same for anyone who breaths the atmosphere; even your friends from Earth will start to notice things happening to them.

  Jhahnahkan looked over at Katie and saw her crying as well. He stepped over to her and comforted her. “It is alright my love.”

  “I know,” Katie said. “I know. These are tears of joy.”

  “One thing to keep in mind however,” Qiaoshan said. “You will have a few abilities and they will last for a period of time if you leave the planet. Teleportation will still require a power crystal.”

  “So I will have mind reading and telekinetic abilities.”

  “Yes, and some healing as well,” Luanren added.

  “And that is another reason why we kept the power crystals; to keep our abilities if we left Ackturra.”

  “Why was I not allowed to obtain a power crystal when I left for the outer rim?”

  “That was my decision,” Qiaoshan said, “I felt that with our present situation we could not risk a crystal falling into the hands of our enemy.”

  “I understand.” Jhahnahkan said. “Father, did you know your father was alive and that I would meet him on my voyage?”

  “No, I did not know he was still alive. The planet produces another chemical and it is channeled through the crystals; it is the cause of our longevity. That is why we live so very long. We thought that if we left, we would begin to live out our normal life span.”

  “Do you remember at the banquet?” Jhahnahkan asked. “You attempted to probe my mind and it had been blocked. Without my master crystal, how do I remove this lock so I can have the knowledge restored? I need to heal the Rune infection, obtain a crystal and find Tamika so she can be healed of the corruption.”

  “You will need to have the one who locked your mind, remove the lock. That is the only way it can be discovered without the crystal’s power,” Qiaoshan said.

  Qiaoshan probed his son’s mind again, I also know you desire to go back in time again. You want to attempt to restore the fractured timeline.

  Yes, Jhahnahkan thought back.
/>   Be very mindful, my son, Qiaoshan thought. It is very dangerous to attempt what you seek. You will risk further timeline fractures. I am aware of the risks, but it is something that I will need to do. There is a bigger risk as well, my son. My death will be the result.

  Jhahnahkan could only stare back at his father in acknowledgement.

  “You know this is a truth,” Qiaoshan said.

  “If I can go back to restore the timeline, I could also prevent your death.”

  “I cannot stop you from the path you are seeking my son,” Qiaoshan said with caution, “but do know this… there is always a risk that what you seek to accomplish could make things worse than they are.”

  “I know, Father.”

  “And I am not saying that merely to preserve my life, though I do not wish to die either. There is much to consider my son. Do not rush headstrong… think things through first.”

  “There is one more thing,” Jhahnahkan said. “Helen said that without Kate having my child, she will not be born… this means that I do go back in time… if I do not, there will be a paradox.”

  “What Helen has said is true, but we do not know if Kate has her baby here or in the past. Could it be that your child travels back, finds his mate and they bear Helen?”

  “She never said to me.”

  “Then she is leaving it up to fate. The normal course of things will happen or she would not be here today. The time paradox would have caught up to her by now.”

  “I will ensure he keeps a cool head and doesn’t rush into things.” Katie said, “I have been his conscious and shall continue to be by his side.”

  “You are a good woman,” Qiaoshan said. “I am very pleased to have you in our family.”

  “Gosh,” Katie said, “we’re not even married and you consider me family? I don’t know what to say.”

  Luanren stepped over to Kate. “You are going to bear my grandchild…that makes you family. Jhahnahkan has chosen well.”


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