Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure)

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Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure) Page 49

by Larson, Brian K.

  The two looked at each other in confusion.

  “What is this?” Totidaar asked.

  “That is a tracking beacon I implanted in her arm when we were working on her sir.”

  “Why did you not say something sooner?” Torbik said with relief.

  “There was not time sir, but I knew I had to do something… she is from the north sir… she will always be loyal to Jhovahkan… and sir…”

  “Yes?” Torbik answered.

  “She has the infection, sir,” Ral said looking at the two.

  * * *

  The Rune

  Year: 2983

  Jhahnahkan and Milanaka slowly stepped closer to the Rune until it towered over their heads.

  “She’s over fifteen feet tall and ten feet wide!” Milanaka said with glee in his eyes… Splendid isn’t it?” he stated with fact.

  Tamika lay passed out on the floor next to the cave completely unaware of their presences. She reminded Jhahnahkan of Helen with her wrinkled old grey colored skin and wild hair.

  Jhahnahkan continued to hold his crystal sphere before him. It was now glowing a brilliant silver shimmering light which illuminated the entire area. You could see Drakes and Diyra in the shadows of his flank while Sam and Glenda crouched behind the protection of some large rocks.

  The lightning continued to discharge and spark into the air. The closer they got to the Rune, the more sparks gravitated toward it. He stopped right in front of the Rune. The sparks fully connected upon its surface sending a stream of continuous lightning that flowed back and forth between the Rune and the crystal sphere.

  “This is intense,” Jhahnahkan commented as the power surged and flowed out from his sphere and into the Rune. “Milanaka, try to open that panel and see if your shield can be reactivated.”

  Milanaka fiddled with the panel and finally opened the door, exposing a control console, complete with another palm scanner. “I don’t know if the unit is still intact or not.”

  “Just hurry…” he begged, “I’m being pulled into the sphere again… I can feel myself fading away…”

  He found himself standing inside the center of yellow colored sphere. He looked around trying to see beyond the yellow haze that blew around him like fog.

  “Who are you?” he finally asked.

  Silence was only returned. “I know you are here… I can sense your presence… Show yourself.”

  After a few painstaking moments, a figure began to form out of the yellowish colored fog.

  “Who are you?” Jhahnahkan asked once more.

  “We are the Rune…” a cold voice snarled from the within the yellow fog.

  “Tell me what you are here for?” he called into the fog.

  “The truth you seek you will not want to know…” another voice cackled.

  “Why have you come here… your kind is harmful to ours…” Jhahnahkan said in an attempt to appeal to any sense of reasoning by the Rune.

  “Tell him… go on… tell him…” another voice articulated back from within the fog, only he knew this voice.

  “Tamika?” Jhahnahkan said in amazement.

  “Yes my dear brother,” Tamika said exposing herself from the fog. “So good of you to come to me…”

  His heart filled with emotion as he gazed on his sister and saw the terrible thing that she had become. He was speechless, not fully comprehending that Tamika was speaking to him from within this Rune sphere.

  “My brother,” she began, “let me tell you what this wonderful Rune is and what they seek.”

  “Go on…” Jhahnahkan said.

  “These are the Runic…” Tamika said with a whimsical voice, “They too have advanced well beyond any need for a physical body… just as our friendly entity that exists within our very own power crystals… they have roamed the galaxy in search for another kind that were like them… they have been roaming for millions of years… when they drifted too close to the Zelinite home world they were pulled into orbit and crash landed on their world… just as this craft that had been fashioned by the Zelinite… The Runic provided the instructions once they found those among them that were not killed by the effect… they do tend to have that effect on physical beings such as the Zelinite and ourselves…”

  Jhahnahkan listened to his sister intently as he began to feel weakened.

  “Yes, my brother… you are feeling the pull of the Rune… soon your essence will be completely absorbed into the Rune as I have nearly done…”

  “You will not prevail…” he struggled to say.

  “Let me continue my dear brother… The Runic were once a benevolent and peaceful race… they made contact with the beings from this world… before they forged themselves into the crystals. They wanted to come to this world, their goal was to join together to create one of the most powerful beings that has ever existed. However, one thing they did not anticipate when they started their journey was that there were other, not so benevolent beings that would make contact with the Runic first… They absorbed the emotion and feelings of them, causing the Runic to become evil and corrupted… They passed by the Zelinite home world and became attracted by their nature. Once the Zelinite had established themselves as the ruler of their planet and all Zelinites were under their control, they instructed them to build this Rune ship with the goal of finding the beings they first sought.”

  As Jhahnahkan’s essences were pulled farther into the Rune, his legs buckled, dropping him to the floor of the cavern on his knees. He continued to hold the crystal sphere, the lightning locking it in the palm of his hands still stretched out before him.

  Milanaka finished with his inspection of the panel and pressed a single button lighting up the palm scanner. He looked at his nearly all grown out hand and placed it on the scanner to verify the code to activate the shield.

  “… and your dear friend Milanaka just activated the Rune cage homing device… thanks to you, my brother, you brought the one person with you that could activate the signal letting the main Rune know contact had been made… Once they receive the signal, they will make plans to

  leave Zelinite and travel here to finish what they started so long ago…” she looked around her as the yellow sphere began to illuminate, “See my brother?” she said gazing about her at the sphere, “they are already powering up the transmitter, in just a few moments, we will make contact…”

  Jhahnahkan fought to return to his body, he had to leave this sphere and stop Milanaka from completing his scan. He shook his head and struggled to say the word “Stop!”

  Milanaka looked up at Jhahnahkan wondering what he meant, thinking he was speaking to whomever he did when in those trances.

  The Rune cage lite up with blue colored light which began to illuminate from the base of the Rune ship and traveled to its apex at the top. A brightly colored blue beam shot out from the top of the Rune, hitting the cavern ceiling and breaking through to the passage the Rune Ship had crashed through. Once the beam shot up into the atmosphere it turned a yellow reddish color sending its signal through the blue carrier wave through space toward the Zelinite home world.

  “You see my brother?” Tamika giggled. “It is too late… you were the missing piece to the puzzle you know…”

  Jhahnahkan fought with every ounce of his being to stay conscious as he stared at his once loving sister, “Tamika…” he begged, “I know you are still in there… remember who you use to be… remember…” The yellow sphere began to fade from his mind.

  Tamika continued not seemingly paying any attention to his words, “Now that we know of the Crystal Forge, we will flow down to the lowest levels… to the forge itself… we will overtake the Ancient one and enter the silver pool.”

  Jhahnahkan shouted and cried a mighty “No!” as the Rune before him and all that surrounded him, returned.

  A vortex opened twenty feet from the Rune just in front of Jhahnahkan. His brother, Ghaia, and the rest exited and stood as the vortex closed. As the beam shot up out of the cave Milanaka lo
oked up, “It’s not supposed to do that!” he exclaimed.

  * * *

  Chapter 15


  The Remedy

  Year: 2983

  R’ihia was quickly apprehended by the security teams and brought back to the Medical bay where she was once again restrained by the force shield.

  “The parameters of our deal have now been altered.” Torbik said to R’ihia with disgust in his voice.

  “You will tell us the frequency cryptographs.” Totidaar said.

  “Never!” R’ihia spat.

  “Then we shall take the information by force.” Torbik said turning slightly, he addressed his captain. “Sir… She is all yours.”

  Captain Rivynon approached the shielded table where the first officer of the Kalentun lay, “You are the infamous R’ihia.” He stated, “I give you once last chance… the codes madam…” he said as he patiently waited for a response.

  R’ihia lay on the table motionless. She stared straight up to the ceiling ignoring the captain’s request.

  “Very well…” Rivynon said. He reached into his vest and pulled out a small crystal fragment that was of a greenish color. It was apparent that it had been sheared off of a larger crystal. The fragment also displayed a slightly yellowish tint showing that it too was infected.

  “Where did you get that?!” Totidaar exclaimed as he made ready. After the last couple of hours he had learned to expect just about anything from now on.

  “I got it from an old woman that visited my cabin last night… she said this is something I will need today and to keep it with me at all times…”

  “Who was this woman Captain?” Totidaar looked at Rivynon and clasped it between his two hands. “… and why was not security notified of this ‘old woman’ intruder?”

  “She told me to tell no one and that I would know when the time was right to use this crystal shard…” Rivynon said as the crystal began to glow. “She said I could probe the minds of others with this… so I will take her memories and discover the codes…”

  Rivynon concentrated on the thoughts of their prisoner. His thoughts began to penetrate the stone wall she was putting up, and then finally took control of R’ihia causing her to relax on the table. He saw images coming into his mind and almost broke concentration at the details that flooded him. The torrent of images began to flow faster and faster as he invoked the memory transference with the former first officer of the Kalentun. He became so intensified at concentrating trying to sort out all the data to find the frequency cryptographs. He winced in pain but gritted his teeth while R’ihia began to convulse on the table as if she was having a seizure.

  Doctor Ral cautioned Torbik that he was getting dangerously close to killing her. “She is becoming unstable… break his link… her blood pressure is off the scale…”

  Ral and Totidaar both looked at R’ihia as her eyes became bloodshot and turned red with the increased blood pressure that was reaching critical levels.

  Torbik rested his hand on his captain’s shoulder to try to get his attention and to break his concentration without any sudden or abrupt severing of the link which could cause brain damage for the both of them.

  Finally, Rivynon discovered the codes and singled them out from her other memories. He broke from the mind probe and the crystal lost its glow. He returned it to the security of his vest. “This may come in handy again.” He looked up at his first officer. “I have the codes.”

  He ordered the security chief and his team to take her to the brig and wait for further instructions. Rivynon left for the bridge, followed by his first officer.

  “We need to prepare the ship for battle.” Rivynon ordered as they made their way to the ships command center, “With these codes, we can locate the fleet without them even suspecting a thing.”

  “Yes, sir” Torbik acknowledged, “What is your plan, sir?”

  “First thing is to contact the Hawk and Telenian. They need to know we have the codes. Once we assemble our fleet together, we will set up a fake message to the Kalentun, we will provide intelligence that will convince them to make an attack run on a large target.”

  “I see where you are going, sir.” Torbik smiled back.

  The two entered the bridge where his officer, he left in command, announced that the captain was on deck.

  “At ease, men,” Rivynon said reassuringly taking his captain’s seat back, “Patch me to Acoth on the Hawk.”

  “Channel open sir,” his com officer Itafar said.

  “Acoth here, report.”

  “Sir, we have gained intelligence regarding the northern fleet… what is your situation down there?”

  “The Telenian and Hawk have pressed the approaching northern ground forces back out of Ramparts pass and down into valley of the trenches. We have almost succeeded in pushing them back into the northern territory and back to the country of the horns… we continue to pound all of our weapons at the palace shields, but they continue to hold fast.”

  “Can you spare either the Telenian or the Hawk for a special mission?”

  “That all depends on what you have in mind… we are using both ships to hold the north back… we cannot risk losing any of the ground we have made here.”

  “I understand sir, but we have the frequency codes for locating their entire fleet… if we execute our plan successfully, we could turn the tide of this war…” Rivynon employed.

  “Very well… we will take the chance… I will order the Telenian to rejoin with the fleet.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Rivynon replied with enthusiasm. “Remedy out… Helm, set course to position us between the two moons… send two squadrons to each moon to lie in wait… Tactical, launch every fighter we have and join the Eastern and Griffin… move them to the opposing side of Ackturra… with the repositioned defense platforms, there is a new zone that will be free from their weapons range… they should be able to scramble the defense communications long enough to remain hidden before they can alert the northern fleet.”

  “What is the message you want relayed to the Kalentun?” Itafar asked as she began setting a station to mimic R’ihia’s communique.

  “Signal the Kalentun that the Telenian has been damaged in the ground battle at the palace and is on its way back through the hold in the defense shields. Tell them her engines are down and are operating on thrusters only. Tell them they better hurry, the Remedy is en route to provide cover… make sure they see we are at least twenty minutes out, helm.”

  “The Telenian will be a great target sir,” Totidaar said. “They will not be able to resist… who would not want to have the Telenian as their trophy.”

  “Sir, I have logged the message with R’ihia’s cryptographic signature” Itafar said as she turned from the com station toward her captain, “We are ready to transmit.”

  “Hold steady…” Rivynon said holding his hand in the air, “confirm the fleet is in position.”

  “Confirmed sir, all systems reporting in,” Totidaar acknowledged.

  “Transmit the message.”

  “Message is being transmitted… maintaining radio silence…” Itafar said listening to the channel. “Transmission success…”

  “Leave the channel open for a moment… They may try to reply…” Torbik said looking at his captain to confirm.

  “They are sending a return signal…” Itafar said as she concentrated, “Message states they are dispatching the Glaive…”

  “All eyes on scanners,” Rivynon ordered, “We will know the relative fleet location once she shows up… Totidaar, order the Griffin to begin jamming the stations transmissions…”

  “There she is sir!” Revilic shouted with excitement from the helm station.

  “Confirmed sir” Totidaar acknowledged.

  “Engage the Glaive when they are in range… signal the fleet” Rivynon ordered.

  * * *

  The Rune

  Year: 2983

  Jhahnahkan shouted the best he could at Mila
naka to shut down the Rune ship. He scrambled to remember the right sequence to power down the ships beam. “I can’t shut it down… I can’t remember the code!” he shouted back to Jhahnahkan.

  Jhovahkan stepped down off of the small mound of rocks and dirt of the cavern floor while the others stood still in a trance like state. Ghaia was amused to see her step son in such a predicament. “Well, Jhahnahkan…” she spouted, “Looks like you lose.” She laughed uncontrollably.

  The Rune continued to shoot out the blue carrier beam for the Rune to establish communications with the Rune on Zelinite. Tamika slowly regained consciousness, picked herself off the ground and joined her brother, Jhovahkan at his side.

  “It is all over Jhahnahkan,” she mused, “Within minutes the signal will arrive at Zelinite. There is nothing you can do to stop it… the Master Rune will begin making preparations to travel here. In just a few months, their journey will come to an end and at that time, we will enter into a new era of power and order for this galaxy!” she said with a victorious shout. “Oh Runic mind,” she said turning to face the majestic Rune, “I have delivered to you the keys and knowledge of how we can finally and successfully join with the Power Crystals of this world… our corruption will be much more greater with their energies added to ours… our power will reign supreme, our rule will be great… no one will dare challenge us once our union is complete!”

  “My dear brother Jhahnahkan,” Jhovahkan said as he approached his brother who was kneeling helplessly, his energy fading quickly. “Here,” he said reaching out grabbing the Quasiinducer Collar he wore around the back of this neck. “Let me help you with this…” he unclicked it from its secured position and carefully removed it from his brother. “There now, you will not be needing this any longer my dear brother…” he said tossing the collar across the floor of the cavern. “Welcome to the fold my dear brother… we are going to be one great big happy family.” Jhovahkan said placing his hands on his hips and a wide grin.

  Jhahnahkan looked up at Kate and saw her eyes colored yellow, then over at his mother and noticed her eyes also colored, but he had to think to himself, “How could this be? Luanren is immune…”


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