Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure)

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Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure) Page 59

by Larson, Brian K.

  Luanren gently touched Kate’s left temple and concentrated on understanding those feelings Kate had experienced. Their minds became intertwined and each other’s memories circled around the thoughts of each other.

  Luanren smiled and then cried. Kate removed her hand and set it down on her lap and returned her smile.

  “You see now?” Kate asked.

  “Yes, I understand now.”

  “So you will help me then?”

  “Yes,” Luanren said shaking her head slightly, “But we need to tell Jhahnahkan. I will help you but we need to tell him.”

  “Alright,” Kate agreed. “Bring him in.”

  “You know this is the right thing to do.” Luanren said standing from the side of the bed.

  “He will understand the same way then. Share my memories with him before he comes in,” Kate instructed.

  “Very well my dear,” Luanren said as she exited the room.

  Kate lay in her bed crying to herself knowing that the pain of giving up a child is going to become reality. How will I ever give you up? she thought.

  She felt the pain when she felt the future unfold in her mind, and now she will have to deal with the pain once again. She tried to think of other, more pleasant things, such as her adoring husband and new family that she had surrounding her. She knew their love was genuine and that it is very strong, but she wondered if it would it be enough to see her through.

  Kate began to weep once again uncontrollably as Luanren led Jhahnahkan in to the side of Kate’s bed.

  He looked down at her and took her hand as Luanren lifted the baby from her arms. Kate let her child go to Luanren and embraced her husband. Jhahnahkan comforted her in return and stroked her hair.

  “It will be alright my love,” Jhahnahkan said. “You see, I know this must occur already. Our son has told me of this already.”

  “You did not tell me?” Kate asked.

  “Uttarak thought it would be best that you did not know,” Jhahnahkan replied, “He thought you would stop it from happening.”

  “He’s right,” Kate said with a proud smile as she looked on her newborn son, “He is a wise man and is right. How can I be expected to give up my child?”

  “But you know it has to occur.”

  “I fully understand, but I don’t know if I will have the will power to let it just happen.”

  “How is it you know these things Kate?”

  “I don’t even know why I know these things, I just do. It’s like it was a Déjà vu, but what I am feeling hasn’t happened yet. Kind of like a backwards Déjà vu.”

  “This must be from the Ackturrian air you are breathing. There is a high concentration of crystal deposits below the palace.”

  “Those are all contaminated crystals, but their infection is not overcoming me. In fact,” Kate said, “I am immune to the effects through the blood of my son.”

  “The good news is that we have our son with us now.”

  “Yes, that does make it interesting.” Kate pondered.

  “And maybe just a little easier to handle.”

  “Speaking of infections, what about your infection Jhahnahkan?” Have you discovered how to heal the Rune infection in those that have it?”

  “No, I have not fully discovered how.”

  The doctor burst into the room holding another hypo. “Sorry to bother you folks, but I have been working on a new delivery method for the Cerebellum Quasiinducer.”

  “Whoa there doctor.” Jhahnahkan said, “What is that thing you are aiming at me.”

  The doctor didn’t waste any time in explaining before he jabbed the side of his neck and pulled the finger trigger which shot a pellet under his skin.

  “Ouch!” Jhahnahkan winced, “What was that!?”

  “That sir,” the doctor now explained, “is a miniature transmitter that will keep the Rune infection under complete control for many years.”

  “Years?” he asked.

  “Yes” the doctor continued, “this unit is completely self-contained and has an effective life of over seven years before it will have to be replaced. This special hypo gun holds 20 rounds for each clip for easy administering.”

  “I hope to have the Rune infection defeated well before there will be a need to inflict this on anyone again.” He said rubbing his neck.

  “I built a similar device for everyone in the palace that is infected and will administer at once at your order.” Sam said proudly.

  “You mean I was the first test subject?”

  “Well yes, of course.” He answered, “You wouldn’t want me to test this on anyone else would you?”

  “No, I suppose you are correct.”

  “Thank you.” The doctor answered in a smug tone.

  “Proceed with your administering. Start with the crew that will accompany us to Zelinite, yourself included.” He smiled.

  “Uh, me?”

  “Oh yes doctor,” Jhahnahkan insisted, “You really should know what you are putting your patients through.”

  Jhahnahkan took the hypo gun and cocked the lever to load another pellet and held it up to the doctor’s neck, “Besides, we can’t risk losing you to the Rune on Zelinite.”

  The doctor held his breath and shut his eyes tight as Jhahnahkan squeezed the trigger on the hypo gun making him holler in pain. The doctor abruptly grabbed his neck rubbing it as if to try to lessen the pain and sneered at his leader.

  “There,” Jhahnahkan said. “all done now. Was that not a wonderful sensation?”

  “Swell,” Sam said with disgust as he grabbed the hypo gun from Jhahnahkan.

  “Very good now doctor, carry on.”

  The doctor left the room in not the same cheerful mood he had entered while Kate and Jhahnahkan had a quick laugh at his expense.

  “Maybe next time he’ll ask first.” Kate commented.

  “I do not think that will make any difference.” Jhahnahkan replied with a smile.

  Kate looked up at her husband and began to weep again, “I just saw more of what is to happen.”

  “Just now?”

  “Yes,” Kate sobbed, “Just now. I felt that Uttarak is being taken tonight.”

  “What do you want us to do?”

  “You know what must be done already,” Kate said as she gathered her composure. “We must allow him to be taken, but we must not let her know we have foreseen it...”

  “…Or she might change her plans which could alter this timeline even more.”

  “Exactly” Kate acknowledged. “She is planning on taking him tonight just before midnight from the nursery.”

  “When she figures everyone is asleep,” He added. “I will stay with you tonight.”

  “No, that will only raise suspicions with Ghaia. I guarantee she will sneak in here to check on me first. If she sees you with me it could cause her to change her mind and choose a different time.”

  “Very well my wise one,” Jhahnahkan said giving Kate a hug good night. “I will be with Uttarak and the others planning our trip to Zelinite. We should leave as soon as the Leif is in orbit.

  “I will be fine my husband.” Kate said returning the hug. “I will find the strength.”

  * * *

  Palace Medical Bay – Near Midnight

  Year: 2983.9

  The medical bay was slightly illuminated by the glowing control panels. Stillness was over the entire room. Kate lay in her medical bay room, her child down the hall in a mocked up nursery. The Palace had not seen a newborn child in a very long time. Her eyes were closed but she was wide awake, listening for any sign of Ghaia.

  Shadows crossed over Kate’s partially opened door as she since being watched. She concentrated on keeping still hoping they couldn’t detect that she was fully awake.

  The shadow moved down the hallway and entered the nursery where the child had been left sleeping. The dark cloaked woman approached the sleeping child and leaned down close to his face.

  She smiled down at the newborn infant and began to
lift him from his cradle. She held him close to her bosom and whispered into his ear, “There, there sweet little child. I am sorry that you will not have the opportunity to know your true mother.”

  The woman approached the door and pressed the button to open the exit. The door slid open and she entered the long corridor. She began to hobble down to the end of the corridor where another door led to the main palace.

  The corridor suddenly became lit up with bright lights. The woman winced at the brightness and her hood fell slightly back, partially exposing her face.

  “Stop!” Glenda shouted.

  The woman held the baby in one arm and held a power crystal in her other as she invoked a vortex, stepped through and closed it behind.

  Glenda ran in an attempt to stop them but the maelstrom closed too quickly. She turned and ran to Kate’s room.

  “Kate, Kate.” Glenda shouted, “Wake up! Someone has taken the baby!”

  Kate rose up and screamed in horror. “No! Not my baby!”

  Kate knew she had to keep the abduction from Glenda, her best friend, if they were to keep the timeline from further fractures. It was painful to keep this from Glenda, but she executed her role perfectly.

  “Did, did you see?” Kate cried, “Did you see who it was?”

  “Yes,” Glenda said. “Now you take it easy ma’am, we’ll find him.”

  Jhahnahkan and the doctor entered the room in a rush only to find the crying Kate being comforted by Glenda.

  Kate jumped from Glenda to the arms of Jhahnahkan, “She took him!”

  “Took who?” Jhahnahkan played.

  “Ghaia took our son!”

  “There, there my love.” He comforted. He knew she was truly in pain.

  “Wait a minute,” Glenda said raising a finger in the air, “I never told you who it was ma’am.”

  “I asked if you saw who it was.”

  “Yes, but I never finished telling you.” Glenda said resting her hands on her hips, “It was not Ghaia, that much I am certain. What gives here? What made you think it was her?”

  Kate looked up at Jhahnahkan with tears in her eyes as she wept knowing her son had indeed been taken.

  “If it wasn’t Ghaia, then who was it?” Sam asked.

  “I didn’t get a really good look. But it was an older woman. It was only a flash before she vanished in the vortex.”

  “Then it is true,” Jhahnahkan said with sadness.

  Kate couldn’t hold her emotions back any longer as she finally realized her vision had partially came true. She knew it had been Ghaia in her vision, but something changed the timeline before what she saw had been experienced. But destiny spoke loudly as Uttarak had been taken.

  Knowing she would never see her baby again, until now as an adult. Kate also knew she couldn’t keep a secret from Glenda any longer.

  “I’m sorry Glenda” Kate began, “We felt it was necessary to keep this between us and Luanren.”

  “Keep what?” Glenda said looking dumfounded.

  Kate and Jhahnahkan looked at each other, “We knew Uttarak would be taken tonight.”

  “And you let it happen!?” Glenda exclaimed.

  “We could not prevent the time paradox from occurring,” Jhahnahkan answered, “Kate can see future events now.”

  “But I didn’t see the right person take him.” Kate added, “The time fractures are still occurring and things are changing all the time now.”

  “We had better get moving to Zelinite and try and stop this Rune before it’s too late.” Jhahnahkan said, “I’ll contact Lanatek and check on his progress.”

  * * *

  Chapter 6

  Time after Time

  Delta Scorpii Twelve

  Year: 1983

  “Where is this Earth and how long will it take me to travel there?” Jhahnahkan quizzed.

  “Actually,” Roth’stavous began, “It is not that far from here, with the right technology that is.”

  “I have a ship parked in orbit a couple of thousand years from now from where I came from. Can you give me the needed equipment to outfit my ship for the journey?”

  “You need to stop thinking in terms of technology and what this device is capable of this, or that, technology that will allow me to travel faster.” Roth’stavous explained.

  “I am afraid I do not understand.”

  Roth’stavous tapped on the side of his head, “It is all up here. Do you not see this?”

  “It is all in my mind?”

  “Precisely” Roth’stavous answered resting his hands on the table.

  “I still do not understand,” Jhahnahkan said leaning in. He tried to comprehend what his grandfather was trying to tell him, “The engines can only physically achieve the speeds they were designed for.”

  “No you are starting to think of physical limitations,” Roth’stavous said shaking his head. “Once you grasp the concept that engineering designs are only limited by the designer, but can be enhanced by the user. Get over the physics of it and just put your mind to it, so to speak.”

  “If our minds are so powerful in that way, why do we need these crystals?”

  “The crystals are a doorway; they help us focus our dynamisms on creating the things we want. Once you decide to open that door and step through, you will learn many great and wonderful things. Those energies can be manipulated by your mind, through these crystals, much like an amplifier.”

  “So you are saying that I will not need any additional technology to make the trip to Earth,” Jhahnahkan said with curiosity.

  “You will use your mind my grandson,” Roth’stavous answered as he picked up one of the crystals and handed it to Jhahnahkan.

  He accepted the crystal and held it up and gazed at it as he turned it in his hand. “It is beautiful.”

  “Now look at this one,” Roth’stavous said exchanging the one he was holding, “Yes,” Jhahnahkan said with wonder, “Two exact crystals. One was yours in this timeline, the other left by you for me to find.”

  Diyra reached up to Jhahnahkan and plucked a single hair from his head.

  “Ouch! Hey!” Jhahnahkan said as he jumped away.

  “The hair on your head,” Drakes said.

  “Will be used to program this crystal” Diyra said.

  “So only you will activate the vortex.” Drakes finished.

  “This is your crystal now,” Roth’stavous said. “You will use this to reach your destination.”

  “But you still have not instructed me on where to find…”

  Roth’stavous interrupted Jhahnahkan before he could finish, “All you need to know has been provided through the memory transference.”

  “You must go now.” Diyra urged.

  “The time you return is very dangerous.” Drakes added.

  “The sand storm is approaching; you must not get stuck in it.” Diyra said.

  “How did you know” Jhahnahkan started to say.

  “Do not be concerned with them,” Roth’stavous said as he stood to show his guest out. “They know things that even surprise me.”

  “Come on now.” Diyra said pulling on his sleeve.

  “Time to go now” Drakes insisted.

  They left the dome shaped rock hut and headed out of the main city.

  “Tell me where your shuttle is located in your time,” Roth’stavous asked, “We should get you as close to it as we can so there will be less distance to travel in the sand storm.”

  Jhahnahkan pointed in the direction toward the city center where he had landed the shuttle and they all headed in that direction.

  A few minutes later, they arrived at the shuttle landing site, or as close as Jhahnahkan could remember.

  “These were all ruins in my time, but I am certain my ship is right over there,” he pointed, “Just about 30 feet over there.”

  “Ok,” Roth’stavous said.

  Drakes looked up at Roth’stavous and tugged on his long sleeve getting his attention.

  “Oh yes, of course.�
� Roth’stavous said reaching into his pocket.

  He handed a small chip to Drakes who then stepped over to Jhahnahkan and asked him for his head piece.

  “Why do you…”

  Drakes insisted not letting him finish as he asked again, “Your head piece sir.”

  Jhahnahkan removed his head gear and gave it to Drakes. He meticulously inserted the chip in a slot on the side of the head piece. The slot had been hidden by a bundle of wires that Jhahnahkan never noticed before.

  Drakes finished installing the chip and sealed the door and then slid the wire harness back over the opening.

  “There,” Drakes said handing it back to Jhahnahkan.

  “What did you do?”

  “Very important when traveling across the helix,” Drakes said.

  “Put it on, you will see,” Diyra said with a smile.

  Jhahnahkan put on the head gear and switched it on, “I do not know why you think I will get any signal, my ship is not...”

  Jhahnahkan was stopped mid-sentence by the illumination of the image on his heads up display. He looked all around in both directions in amazement.

  “How can this be?” he exclaimed, “I can see my shuttle. It is right where I said and as I look around, I see the ruins.”

  “It is not so much as you are seeing your ship in the future, but rather you are seeing an image from your mind of where you were,” Drakes explained.

  “You can turn that feature on or off simply by thinking it,” Diyra said.

  “Wear this device when you are exiting the time-helix. This is another feature of the device. It will let you see what is around you in the few seconds before you exit. It could allow you to avoid any spatial subatomic collisions,” Drakes said.

  “A spatial subatomic what?”

  “Let’s just say it’s something you don’t want to do,” Roth’stavous stated.

  “A spatial subatomic collision is when you attempt to exit the time-helix at a point in space where something else is occupying that same space-time.” Drakes explained. “It would be the end of both energies.”

  “What is this time-helix?”

  “It is the space where you exist when traveling through the vortex. The place exists but yet it does not,” Diyra said.


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