Winds of Change

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Winds of Change Page 5

by Anna Jacobs

  He was disgusted at how she’d been treated by her family. Like a child, that’s what, and a stupid child at that. She wasn’t stupid at all, rather the contrary. From her conversation last night, she’d read widely, was up to date on current affairs and even though she’d been trapped with her manipulative father, she’d used her computer to explore the world. No, she wasn’t stupid, but she was amazingly timid where her family was concerned. The word ‘cowed’ kept creeping into his mind. What the hell had they done to her when she was younger?

  He went across to get himself a glass of orange juice – half a glass. If he poured out too much he would spill it as he moved jerkily across the room. His niece had bought him a plastic cup with a lid, a child’s cup, dammit. He’d thrown it straight in the rubbish bin. Nothing tasted nice out of plastic and he wasn’t going to be treated like a baby, not now nor at any stage in his final months.

  Thuds from above his head had him wincing. He was sick of noise echoing into his home, wanted some peace and quiet – and a better outlook than this. He could afford it. Why had he delayed making the changes?

  He was selfish enough to hope Miranda would come and help him through his last few months. If he’d met her earlier in his life, he’d have been attracted to her, might even have ended up marrying her. Now, he had to guard against her getting too attached to him, for her own sake. It didn’t matter how he felt. He could do nothing about it now except protect her.

  He put the empty glass down as that thought sank in. He’d talked about Miranda helping him slay his current dragon, which was his niece with her plans to have him safely locked away for these final months, instead of allowing him to fly free while he still could.

  But he wasn’t the only one with dragons. Miranda had at least one, that damned brother of hers. Perhaps her half-sister too. No. Though they didn’t seem close, she didn’t speak nervously of Regina. If Miranda came to help him out, he might be able to help her slay her own dragon. She certainly needed help.

  Tears came into his eyes as he suddenly realized that he could still be useful, even in his present condition. It’d be very satisfying to help a decent person like Miranda Fox rebuild her confidence and make a better life for herself.

  He dashed away the tears, glad no one was there to see this weakness. It felt so good to be useful still. It’d been horrible for a man who’d always led a very active life to come out of hospital and feel he was just sitting around like a piece of rubbish, waiting to be disposed of.

  Smiling, he went to switch on his computer and start a new folder, calling it ‘Miranda’s Dragons’. With many pauses for thought he began to make a list, this one for his eyes only.

  The afternoon had nearly gone before he knew where he was. Air conditioning whispered quietly around him, keeping another hot day at bay, and the other tenants were mercifully quiet.

  The doorbell roused him from his labours and he glanced at his watch. Damn! It’d be his niece. Hilary came round twice a week to bring him a supply of healthy meals, most of which he threw away after she’d gone.

  He signed off. He not only had it password protected, he stored some files permanently on another site. She wasn’t getting a chance to see what was on his computer, whatever happened. He rolled his wheelchair slowly along the corridor to the living room, making a mental note that somehow he must find a way to stop Hilary chasing Miranda away.

  She had let herself in and dumped some shopping bags in the kitchen by the time he joined her.

  ‘There you are, Uncle Louis. You look tired. You spend far too much time on that computer of yours, you know. Come and have a rest while I make your tea.’

  He did as he was told because it was easier, and, anyway, he was a bit tired.

  ‘Have you thought any more about the care home I found, Uncle?’

  ‘Of course not. I threw the brochures away. I’ve already told you I’m not ready for that sort of place.’

  ‘You need to get everything sorted out before it’s too late. You don’t have to go into it immediately, though you might enjoy having company and activities. You spend far too much time on your own.’

  He let her talk on because he knew he didn’t have to do as she wanted. He’d better change the power of attorney he’d given her, though, to make sure she couldn’t override his wishes towards the end. He’d do that tomorrow. He pulled out his little notebook and jotted it down. See Sally Patel re power of attorney. He had one of the smartest lawyers in town, and Sally was a friend as well.

  Miranda was relieved when Regina decided to go round to visit Sebastian that afternoon. She need to think about Lou’s offer.

  Having waved goodbye to her half-sister, Miranda went to sit on the back veranda, staring out across the huge garden. The near part was immaculately cared for but too neat for her liking. She didn’t like to see plants regimented like this and suspected they never did their best under such conditions. But her father had considered that to be the purpose of human intervention in the plant world: to tame nature and force order on it. Her own patch of garden was further towards the back, out of sight. There, plants flowered riotously and tomatoes grew so well in the warm summer sunshine she had to give some of them away to the neighbours.

  She couldn’t focus on her own problems, however, because she couldn’t stop thinking of Nikki. Poor girl! She was even younger than Miranda had been when she’d made the same mistake. And though people said they understood, they didn’t. It was terrifying as well as exciting to think that you’d created a new life, to know that your body now housed two people.

  She hoped Regina would bear in mind what she’d said, wished she could have a chat with Nikki, offer her support.

  Why not? She did a quick calculation. They were seven hours ahead of England, so it was morning there and she might catch Nikki in. Going inside she picked up the phone and dialled her sister’s number.

  It was answered almost immediately. ‘Hello?’

  ‘Nikki? It’s Miranda, your aunt.’

  ‘Hi, Auntie Min. Is Mum with you?’

  ‘No. I wanted to speak to you on my own. I’m interfering, I know, but she told me about the baby.’

  ‘Oh. Well, if you’ve rung to persuade me to get rid of it, I’ve not decided yet and it’s up to me, don’t you think?’

  ‘I certainly do.’

  ‘You do?’

  ‘Yes. Did you know that I had a child when I was only a couple of years older than you?’

  ‘You did?’

  She sounded so incredulous, Miranda felt hurt. Did they think her too unattractive to attract a man? ‘Yes, I did. They made me have it adopted and then acted as if she’d never existed.’ She couldn’t stop her voice wobbling.

  ‘Oh, Auntie Min, I’m so sorry.’

  ‘I am too. It was the wrong thing to do, for me anyway, but I always consoled myself with the thought that the baby would have a better life, because I knew my father would never accept her. He’d have made the child feel unwanted and unloved and no one should feel that. Anyway, what I rang for was to say, don’t let them push you into anything you’re not sure about. It’s your decision, no one else’s. And if you’re short of money, I’ve got some tucked away and I’d be happy to help you.’

  There was the sound of someone weeping. She waited a minute then said gently, ‘Oh, Nikki. Have I upset you?’

  ‘Only in a n–nice way. Auntie Min, I felt to be alone in the world and suddenly you’re there, on my side. You’ve no idea how much better that makes me feel.’

  ‘I’m glad. I’m not very good at standing up to them, I’m afraid, so I think we’d better keep quiet about talking to one another. But if I can help, if you need something, well, I’m here.’

  There was the sound of Nikki blowing her nose. ‘I’ll remember that.’

  ‘What about the father?’

  ‘He wants to keep it. But he’s the same age as I am and we have no money, and we were both going to university. Is it fair to burden him with a child?’
r />   ‘A child isn’t a burden, it’s a blessing.’

  ‘To hear my mother talk, I’ve been nothing but a burden all my life.’

  Miranda sighed. ‘It’s just her way. Regina does love you, I’m quite certain of that.’

  ‘In her own way and on her own terms.’

  ‘We can’t help being ourselves.’ Miranda waited a moment or two to see if there were any more confidences, then said gently, ‘I’d better go now, Nikki dear. Your mother might come back at any minute. Shocking to be nervous of her at my age, isn’t it? But she can be very intimidating when she gets angry!’ Not in Sebastian’s league, but then, Miranda had never seen anyone get into such rages as he did.

  ‘Tell me about it.’

  ‘I’ll try to ring again, Nikki. Or you could email me.’

  ‘Thanks. And look . . . I really do appreciate your support.’

  She put the phone down, feeling it had been the right thing to do, at least it felt right to her. She remembered so clearly how alone she’d felt in the same situation.

  The phone rang. Sebastian. Her heart jittered in her chest.

  ‘Minnie! We’re taking you to see the flat tonight. Be ready at seven.’

  He rang off without waiting for a response.

  She picked up the phone and rang Lou. ‘Can I come round again tonight? I’ve had orders from my brother to go and see the flat with him. He put the phone down before I could say I was busy.’

  He chuckled. ‘Rebelling, eh? That’s good. Yes, do come round. My niece has left me a healthy meal. We’ll inspect it and if we don’t fancy it, we’ll get some Chinese food sent in.’

  Miranda hummed as she got ready to leave. She particularly enjoyed writing a note to her brother. It was so much easier to face him in writing than to confront him in person.

  Sorry I can’t be here, Sebastian. I already had an engagement. You should have waited to find out if I was free before you put down the phone.


  She wished she could see his face when he read the note, but on second thoughts was glad she’d not be there. She left it on the hall table, knowing he had a key to the house and would come in if he found the door locked. She’d had a new lock fitted to her bedroom door the year before and hadn’t given him a key, so felt her personal possessions would be safe from his prying.

  She should have taken her jewellery to the bank today. She had to pull herself together and do that, if nothing else, tomorrow. If the worst came to the worst and she needed money to tide her over, she could probably sell some of the pieces. Her father had always said it was quite good stuff.

  Lou got out two of his best wine glasses, feeling happier than he had for a while. Having a friend made such a difference and he’d been travelling a lot till the heart attack, so his friends were mostly scattered round the world. Most of the people he knew in Perth were up to their eyeballs in deals and business, a world he could no longer keep up with.

  He studied the contents of the casserole dish: chicken and some strips of vegetables. He tasted it and found it totally bland, like all Hilary’s dishes. He’d told her there was nothing wrong with his digestive system, but she still kept providing food for invalids.

  He smiled when he heard the doorbell and pressed the button that opened the outer door without checking who it was. Who else could it be but his new friend?

  Miranda stopped in the doorway. ‘You’re sure you don’t mind me inviting myself round?’

  ‘I’m delighted. I get lonely on my own.’

  ‘So do I.’

  She was looking better, he decided, had some colour in her cheeks. If she wore prettier clothes and had her hair restyled instead of tying it back in an untidy bunch, she’d be quite good-looking for a woman of her age. He’d always found fair-haired, blue-eyed women attractive. ‘How old are you?’


  ‘You’re wearing well. You don’t look more than forty, if that.’

  ‘How old are you, Lou?’

  ‘Sixty-eight physically, and it varies between ten and twenty-five mentally. Now, before you sit down and try this lovely wine, come and give me your opinion of this sad-looking casserole.’

  They stared at the beige concoction together.

  ‘It’s not very attractive,’ she said. ‘Can I have a taste?’

  ‘If you can face it.’

  She took a small amount of the sauce and shook her head as she swallowed it. ‘Your niece could easily have made this more interesting. If you have some herbs and spices, I could tiddle with it. It’s a shame to waste good food.’

  ‘Go for your life. I usually dump her offerings in the rubbish bin and order a takeaway.’

  ‘I like cooking, though Father only ever wanted plain, old-fashioned meat and two veggies. Can I look in your kitchen cupboards?’

  ‘Be my guest. I’ll pour the wine.’

  Half an hour later they sat down to a much-enhanced casserole with a curry sauce, served with rice fried with onions and shreds of this and that.

  ‘Politically incorrect, so much fried stuff,’ he teased.

  ‘I know. But I love spicy food and Father hated it, wouldn’t have it in the house.’

  ‘I love it, too.’

  When they’d finished, he raised his glass. ‘Here’s to us. We’re going to make an excellent team.’

  ‘We are?’

  ‘Definitely. Come and sit down. Leave the washing-up.’

  ‘Why leave the washing-up when you have a dishwasher? It won’t take me a minute to load it.’

  When they were sitting down, she glanced at the clock and sighed happily. ‘Sebastian will be getting to the house just about now.’

  Lou raised his glass. ‘May he be extremely irritated. He deserves it.’

  She clinked her glass against his.

  Lying on the sofa with her head on his lap, Nikki told Tim about the call from her aunt.

  ‘She sounds lovely.’

  ‘I’ve always thought her colourless. She hardly has a word to say for herself. Mind you, Uncle Sebastian tends to dominate the conversation and from what I remember, my grandfather was even worse. Fancy my little aunt Minnie having had a child! But I don’t want to ask for her help unless I have to, because they’ll create a fuss and she’s so soft she lets them boss her around.’

  Tim began fiddling with her hair absent-mindedly. ‘I’m going to tell my family about the baby tomorrow. Father’s away on a training programme till then. I don’t know whether they’ll help us, but if not, maybe we could borrow some money from your aunt, just to get us into rented accommodation till we can sort out jobs.’

  ‘I want to finish school first and get my A Levels, at least. I’m pretty sure Mum will let me stay here to do that, even if I don’t agree to an abortion. But it won’t be pleasant, so I may have to move out.’

  He began fiddling with the neckline of her tee shirt. ‘You’ve decided then? About the baby?’

  ‘I’m pretty sure I’m going to keep it.’

  He let out a deep sigh. ‘I’m so glad. I hated the thought of you killing our child.’

  She heard him swallow hard and when he said nothing for a few moments, she stole a glance up and saw tears trickling down his cheeks. He was such a softie. That was one of the many things she loved about him. ‘I’m glad we’re together again, Tim.’

  ‘Me, too. I really love you, Nikki. Look, I think we should get married, and the sooner the better.’

  It was her turn to fall silent. Did she want to get married? She wasn’t sure. Eighteen was a bit young to commit yourself for life. ‘Let’s . . . um, think about that sort of thing later. One step at a time. We’ll see what your parents say first. And we don’t have to get married to live together. These days it’s the done thing to try before you buy.’

  ‘Having a baby makes me feel rather old-fashioned,’ Tim said thoughtfully.

  Out of politeness Sebastian rang the doorbell at what he still thought of as his father’s house. There was no answer
and the front door was locked, so he used his key and led the way inside.

  It was Regina who saw the piece of paper on the hall table. ‘There’s a note from Minnie!’ She read it then held it out to him.

  He stared down at it, outrage on his face. ‘What does she think she’s playing at? I told her to be ready at seven.’

  ‘She says she had a prior engagement. Did you even ask her if she was free?’

  ‘Of course not. Why should I? She’s never had engagements before. She was with Father most of the time.’

  ‘There’s no reason she can’t have friends.’

  ‘I’d prefer to know about them.’

  Regina looked at him in surprise. ‘Why? It’s none of your business.’

  ‘I promised Father I’d keep an eye on her.’

  ‘You mean you want to control what she does.’

  ‘Well, why not? She’s as naïve as they come, as well as being unstable. She’d get cheated out of that money in no time flat if I let go of the purse strings.’

  Regina went to the kitchen with her brother trailing behind her, still radiating annoyance. ‘You’re out of order, you know, Sebastian. That will is totally unfair. You’ve got your money and I’ve got mine. Why should hers be tied up?’

  ‘I’ve told you.’

  ‘No. You’ve told me the cover story. What you really mean is you want the money for your children.’

  He shrugged and didn’t deny it. ‘Yours too. And let’s face it, Minnie isn’t going to do much with it, is she? She’s a homebody, doesn’t travel, isn’t likely to marry.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Have you looked at her? She dresses like a cleaning woman, has no style. And what if she left the money to some loony charity or other? That’d be wrong, that’s what upset Father.’

  She kept the thought to herself that Sebastian had probably used that as a selling point for setting up the trust. ‘What’s the flat like?’

  ‘Compact but very nice. It’s in a good area.’

  ‘She hasn’t even seen it. She may hate it.’

  ‘Even Minnie isn’t that stupid.’

  She picked up a bottle. ‘Want a glass of wine?’


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