Feel the Burn

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Feel the Burn Page 29

by MacDonald, Nicole

  ‘Eager beaver much,’ I said, a little bemused. ‘I know how to get my weapons on, Ignatius.’

  Like all the men his eyes gleamed bright, the excitement and anticipation evident, and he grinned widely at me.

  ‘Humor this old man, will you? I like to know you’ve got everything and if I’ve put it on you then I know.’

  I snorted at the teasing and stood still while he finished, then protested when he started to strap a sheathed dagger to my calf.

  ‘I really don’t need more! Weapons aren’t going to be my main line of defense.’

  Crouched by my leg, Ignatius sat back on his heels and looked at me. I nearly flushed at that look; it felt so personal and caused a sudden desire to stroke his face. I squeezed my hands into fists, back stiffening in shock at that realization.

  It’s just because he reminds you of Al, because that crazy dream is still in your head.

  ‘Please, Cat,’ he said softly. ‘Battle throws up unexpected challenges, at least let me know you’re as equipped as possible.’

  He held my leg behind the knee and I did flush then, giving a jerky nod before looking away while he finished. I felt his touch long after, like I desired it.

  Jeezus, Cat! Snap out of it!

  The weird sense of intense attraction made me stare at anything but Ignatius, not wanting to lock eyes and give away my crazy thoughts. I turned and watched while Rumal helped Kassie with her armor and weapons, then set about strapping his own on. Rumal carried a sword, like most of the men, but also favored a flanged mace and carried short, curved blades in a back harness. Glancing around the room showed that everyone carried at least three visible weapons but I knew they too would carry an assortment hidden amongst their armor. When I turned back I noticed Ignatius loading his multi-barrel crossbow, and watched the strength needed to wind back each varying notch of cable on the complicated looking weapon. A whirr of wings announced the return of the Halenine fae, and provided enough distraction for me to drag my eyes from the Lieutenant’s broad shoulders and muscular chest as he worked at the bow. The urge to go dunk my head in ice cold water was strong and my rational voice shrieked in the back of my mind.

  What the hell is wrong with me, I thought desperately. Is this that weird battle lust? Like after the harpies? Why the hell can’t I stop looking at… Oh for god’s sake, Cat, look somewhere else! Finding my gaze on him again I jerked around and stared ahead, taking a few calming breaths.

  ‘Okay, Cat?’

  I jumped at the unexpected voice in my head, horror gripping me for an instant. Had Loushka heard me?

  ‘Whoa, little jumpy huh? Take it easy, not to worry yet.’

  ‘Yeah, thanks.’

  I breathed a sigh of relief and then realized all the Lieutenants, Ignatius included, stood speaking with the leader of the fae. The men beckoned to us girls.

  ‘The fae have found us a spot to bunk down for the night. It’s too late in the day to attempt anything and this’ll give time to plan. The issue is there’s not much cover. Can you girls shield us efficiently?’ Rashid asked, eyes stern.

  Loi, Sian, and I exchanged quick glances before nodding at Kassie.

  ‘Kass, can. She’s the best at shields in the open,’ I said.

  Kassie, brows drawn close in a nervous frown, nodded to Rashid.

  ‘I can.’

  ‘And I can keep her energy up, when necessary,’ I added with a reassuring touch to Kassie’s shoulder. Behind the girls stood the Griffon Guard, expressions stern and eyes eager while they listened. The weird attraction for Ignatius vanished when I imagined Alek there, standing between Sabyn and Gredel. For a moment everything slowed while I visualized him, standing proud in his armor and weapons, watching me and everything else going on, navy eyes alert and ready. It brought a lump to my throat and I blinked. Gredel caught my eye and evidently read my expression, his eyes softening as he winked with a gentle nod. The gesture reminded me of Yakov and I smiled while thinking of the debonair, white haired adviser and the way he worked his charms, making you smile while at the same time getting you to do as he desired.

  Oh, Yakov, it won’t be the same at the castle without you.

  Rashid broke through the pleasantly painful thoughts.

  ‘Tell us what you need, Kassie, we leave as soon as possible.’

  Kassie instructed everyone to gather and the shouts rang out so that all heard and crowded close. I swung up onto Belsesus’ back, knees fitting behind the sword sheaths on either side.

  ‘Slotted in tight, Cat?’ the centaur asked. ‘Make sure of it, it’s hard to protect you if you fall off.’

  ‘I won’t,’ I assured him, then looked in surprise at Ignatius, who stood beside Belsesus, a hand next to my thigh on the centaur’s armored back.

  Belsesus twisted and regarded Ignatius with a narrow look.

  ‘Do I have to haul your ass around too?’

  ‘At least the Princess weighs next to nothing,’ Ignatius said, both men ignoring me when I protested, and he jumped, bracing his weight on the centaur’s back then swung a leg over, settling behind me.

  ‘And I have my orders, I’m staying close to her.’

  As if to emphasize his words his hands rested firmly on my hips, thighs nudging the back of mine. My breathing quickened and heart raced when an inexplicable rush of attraction flooded my system while my mind screamed in shock at the bodily reaction.

  Why? WHY?

  It felt like somehow a part of my mind had melded him with the dream of Alek and my longing for him; an unconscious attempt to replace the ghost with something tangible. The guilt felt awful but it didn’t stop the undeniable lust that swelled when he spread his hand, fingers pressing firmly against me. The army started to move and we both rose slightly, leaning forward when Belsesus climbed the opening that lead to outside. Ignatius slid his hand higher, his hold on my ribs just beneath a breast and he reached his other arm over my thigh to brace against the saddle. I knew he had to hold onto me, there weren’t any hand holds beyond the one I clung to, but the pressure of his body against mine caused such a head spinning rush of lust that it gave me a desperate urge to leap off the saddle to escape.

  ‘Cat, are you okay? Your heart’s pounding?’

  Oh my fucking god!

  The rough murmur in my ear and his scent triggered another surge of lust and I gripped the pommel handle even tighter, until the sharp metal edge bit into my fingers, the pain bringing instant relief from the mind numbing desire. With my mind finally clear, I could breathe normally and managed a nod to him. Watching while Belsesus drew near the cave edge with the disturbing sensations now gone, I wondered why Ignatius triggered such intimate desires; it didn’t make complete sense. It reminded me of the night I’d mistook him in my dream addled state, for Alek. The lust evaporated more when I suddenly wondered—if I hadn’t woken, would he have woken me? My rational voice dismissed the idea as crazy.

  Why would he risk getting caught? Not worth it. He protects you and looks after you. He’s been there for you during this hard time, it’s not that surprising that you might get attracted to him. Instant attractions can arise at times of stress and you seek relief through the comfort of skin. You can’t blame him for that.

  Great, I thought sourly, life or death situations make me horny. I really do have a screw loose.

  The change in scenery appeared to douse my inner sex fiend and I sucked a breath in at the sudden blinding light. Belsesus threw an arm up to shield his eyes but neither Ignatius nor I could risk letting go. I shut my eyes and kept my head high, hoping Belsesus would tell me if I needed to duck.

  Ignatius kept a tight hold on Cat while Belsesus moved slowly forward, following the Halenine fae who surrounded the emerging army, encouraging them along. The sinuous voices of the fae drifted on the air while they guided the sunblind group. Ignatius found the sudden influx of smells a shock and he could smell death. Cat leaned back, groping blindly for his face, he realized, when her fingers connected with his chin and
traced to his ear. Carefully, Ignatius bent forward, not wanting to head-butt her by accident.


  ‘What’s that smell?’ she whispered.

  Shifting in the saddle when Belsesus started downhill, Ignatius wrapped both arms around her while bracing back with his thighs. About to answer the query, he froze in astonishment at the sigh and shudder that ran through her body. He knew that kind of sigh, she’d done it enough times at his midnight caresses. Disbelievingly, he tested the theory while pretending to adjust his hold and spread his fingers, fanning his hands wide beneath her breasts. The answering shudder and sudden pressure of her body against his, delighted him.

  ‘I think it’s the wacybs the fae killed,’ he whispered against her ear, lips gently touching the lobe that warmed beneath them. She stiffened then nodded vigorously and leaned forward despite the incline.

  Ignatius’ upper lip curled in a gloating smile and he pulled her back against him, keeping his tone even and warned, ‘Careful, I don’t want to lose you.’

  The sensible part of his mind pointed out that he could risk the same by pushing this. With an internal sigh he closed his fingers and shifted his hands lower, settling at her waist. Another shudder ran through her but this one felt like relief, and it fascinated him.

  I wonder if last night is why, he thought, remembering her demands, the urgency of her hands on him. She was so ready, damn that Northerner!

  It made his plans feel so much closer and he reaffirmed it in his mind; must get her home safely. Then she’s mine.


  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Connecting with everyone’s life lights made the shield easy to hold. Kassie let out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d held as relief ran through her. The task seemed so daunting even though she’d practiced it many times. Feeling the energy running around the army, covering and protecting, made Kassie proud. With her eyes closed she hung onto Kerak’s saddle and Rumal kept a hold of her. The griffon followed Sito, who unlike the rest of them, didn’t appear bothered by the sudden change in light. Even with her eyes closed the light pierced, making Kassie’s eyelids look a vivid pink.

  ‘Doing okay, Kass?’ Kerak thought.

  ‘I am. You and Rumal?’

  ‘We’re good.’

  ‘What’s that smell?’

  ‘The creatures the fae killed; should make a good dinner.’

  ‘Ugh. I’ll stick with the dried meat.’

  ‘You don’t know what you’re missing, Kass.’

  ‘On the bright side, more for you.’

  A weird flicker in Cat’s energy distracted Kassie from the conversation, and she reached out to her friend in her mind.

  Hey, hun. You doing okay?


  The sharp response came back with such a zing it felt like Cat yelped it in her ear and Kassie flinched. Rumal squeezed his hand at her waist and she patted it in reassurance.

  Cat, what’s going on?

  Cat didn’t respond but the strangest sense of shame wafted through the link. Concerned and confused, Kassie reached out again.

  Cat? Don’t make me come over there! She could almost feel her friend squirm.

  Fine. Just don’t judge.

  When have I ever?

  The link fell silent and Kassie waited.


  The words came through in such a rush that Kassie couldn’t make them out at first, then it registered.


  Rumal squeezed again when Kassie sat straight, mouth open in astonishment even with her eyes shut. Kassie smacked his hand.

  ‘Kassie, what’s wrong? Rumal wants to know!’ Kerak demanded.

  ‘None of his business!’

  Kass, it’s awful, Cat wailed through the link.

  Okay, don’t panic. It’s not your fault, just breathe, Cat. Kassie could sense her friend on the verge of hyperventilating. When did you first notice the attraction?

  A few days ago? I mean, I noticed how nice he was being but the last few days…well…

  Kassie smothered a giggle.

  Want me to explain why?

  Oh god, yes! I’m going crazy here, what the hell is wrong with me?

  Have you dreamed of him too?

  Ignatius? No! Alek… Cat paused and Kassie felt the flush she made. Well, it’s not surprising. The last good memory I have of him is in bed before he left. I just like replaying it, I guess.

  Kassie trembled with suppressed giggles.

  Oh, kitty cat. I want to give you a hug. No that’s not just the reason. Do you know one of the responses you can have to fear or major stress?

  The suspicion Cat regarded her question with wafted through the link and Kassie grinned.

  It’s lust, silly. Your body wants a dopamine hit to make it feel better. Counteract the stress. On Earth you’d probably have a chocolate binge but that’s not an option here. So sex is the next best thing.

  Are you suggesting I…?

  No! God, no. I’m just explaining those crazy feelings. Pretty intense huh? Nice to know my biology papers had some use.

  Humph, thought Cat. Any way to get rid of this?

  Other than doing the nasty with Iggy or finding a chocolate stash? Nope. Wait it out. Kassie grinned at the image of Cat scowling.

  Look on the bright side, pretty soon you’ll be way too busy to worry about it.

  Humor chimed through the link and Cat thought, True.

  Sian drummed her fingers on the saddle handle while listening to the buzzing energy between Cat and Kassie. The sense of laughter coming off it made her very curious and with the current situation she could do with a laugh. The exchange appeared to settle down and Cat’s energy hummed with relief while Kassie’s still seemed amused.

  Reaching out to her, Sian thought, I hope you’re keeping the shield solid; a lot of laughing going on over there.

  The suppressed laughter from Kassie tickled through her energy, making Sian squirm in the saddle.

  ‘Okay, friend?’

  ‘Yes, Sito. Just chatting with the girls.’

  ‘Hi girls, are we going to stop soon? Everything smells interesting,’ Sito sounded hopeful.

  We will soon, Kassie thought. Almost there.

  So, what was so funny?

  The long pause, and Kassie’s obvious reluctance to spill only increased Sian’s curiosity.

  C’mon, Kassie, no secrets!

  Sian felt a muffled sense of laughter from Kassie.

  Okay, fine. Remember that really big tournament on Earth when Cat managed to win her weight overall?

  Yeah, that was one heck of a night.

  Remember what Cat did next?

  Sian’s lips pursed and an eyebrow rose when she recalled her red headed friend vanishing with one of the guy competitors, a very hunky competitor, then returning flushed and mussed with a most smug expression.

  Smothering the urge to snigger, Sian thought, Yes?

  Well let’s just say her body’s desire for dopamine inspired some interesting thoughts about Iggy.

  No way!

  Yup. That was her opinion too.

  God, that would have made things awkward.

  To say the least.

  I so get to mock her for this.

  Kassie laughed in Sian’s mind. One way to lighten the mood, huh?

  The light didn’t appear so sharp now and Sian cautiously opened her eyes to slits, peering around. They walked through a short stubbly forest, just high enough to clear Sito’s head, providing he walked on all fours down the steep incline. Beyond the forest Sian could glimpse gray and earth tones.

  Maybe a riverbed, she thought. Everyone crowded close, the Halenine fae flitting around, whispering instructions in ears like tiny sheep dogs herding them. A fae, glittering red in the streaky sunlight through her narrowed gaze, hovered by Sito’s ear them zipped to hers.

  ‘You can stop now. But be careful to stay as quiet as possible.’

as Sito turned around then settled to the ground, Sian just managed to spot Cat. Ignatius had a firm hold on her but not for long. With an over bright smile at the Lieutenant, Cat slid off Belsesus’ back and made her way to Kassie, who embraced her while grinning widely.

  ‘I’m going to visit the girls,’ Sian thought to Sito. Leaving the dragon to snuffle around for the remains of what the fae had killed, she climbed down from his saddle, flashing a quick smile at Daron who looked surprised when she darted past.

  The relief at leaving Ignatius behind, and the sane answer provided by Kassie, felt fantastic. I rolled my eyes when Kassie shot me a conniving look and elbowed me in the ribs.

  ‘You just love a guy in uniform.’

  ‘Shut-up,’ I hissed, flushing while she took obvious delight in my discomfort. ‘You said it wasn’t my fault.’

  ‘Doesn’t stop it being funny.’

  ‘So, Cat. How you doing?’

  Sian gave me her best cheesy smile and Kassie doubled in laughter, hands pressed to her mouth to keep quiet. Moving around us, checking the perimeter and getting our position, the men kept casting confused, curious looks our way. Sian threw an arm around my waist.

  ‘Least you know how to lighten the mood.’

  I tipped my head back, lips trembling with the effort to stop a smile and gave a long suffering sigh.

  Kassie went still and made a sharp motion with her arms and everyone froze, eyes glued to her. I felt pressure on the shield, like something pushed against it. She looked at me with shocked eyes and I reached for her hand, linking properly and flowed energy into her. Just as she thickened the shield around us, creatures moved outside of it.

  Nobody seemed to move, but in an instant everyone had their weapons ready and we watched the things on the outside. Having watched Kassie create her shields many times, I knew we weren’t visible from the outside and most sounds were muffled, but that wasn’t the issue…


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