Emerald Fire

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Emerald Fire Page 4

by Valerie Twombly

  A small tinge of jealousy for the woman who would get the honor of claiming this man as her own reared its ugly head. Sarah liked Brock, and everything about this felt right, as if she was placed in this moment to help ease his pain. She shoved the thought back. For the time being, he belonged to her, and she would enjoy him no matter how temporary.

  Brock yanked her head back. His cock left her mouth with a loud pop. “Darlin’, I need to fuck you.”

  Words no girl could argue with. “Take me.”

  He helped her to her feet, spun her to face away from him and pushed his knee between her legs, spreading them wide. Sarah grabbed the edge of the bar and hung on as he slipped the tip of his cock into her hot sheath before thrusting deep.

  She gasped, and her walls clenched. He was a snug fit but oh so nice. Sarah ground against him, wanting every single inch of his thickness inside her. It had been a long time since she’d had the real thing and had almost forgotten how much better it was than a vibrator. This man made her want to toss those toys in the trash.

  He squeezed her ass and pulled out until only the head of his cock was left inside her. She wiggled and tried to press against him, but he held firm refusing to give her what she wanted. Rather, he pulled out completely until only the tip of his shaft touched her swollen flesh.

  She looked over her shoulder at him. “Bastard!”

  The corner of his mouth twitched. “Aw, darlin’, calling me names won’t get you what you need.”

  To make his point, he rocked back and forth, teasing her with the head of his prick. She wanted to kill him, but not until he took care of the fire building deep in her core. Later, she told herself. Later, she’d pay him back for his evil deeds.

  “What is it you want, Sarah?” Her name rolled off his tongue like a song.

  “Fuck me. Take me fast and hard.” Or kill me. His slight movements had her standing on her tiptoes. Her body quivered, and she was near tears her desire so intense.

  Brock wasted no time. He pushed his cock to the hilt and brushed his magic across her clit, causing the nub to throb. With his hands planted on her hips and his fingertips sinking into her soft flesh, he began a slow methodical thrust.

  Sarah’s walls clenched as his thick cock rubbed all the right places, but it wasn’t enough. “Damn, demon, you’re not going to break me. Faster.”

  This time, he obeyed and increased his momentum until his balls slapped her sensitive skin. Pressure increased on her nub where his magic still manipulated the bundle of nerves.

  She tossed her head back, gripping the edge of the bar so hard her fingers hurt. “Oh god, I’m gonna come!” Heat started deep in her core and spread like wildfire. Her muscles clenched, and the orgasm carried her on a wave of sheer ecstasy. Brock gave one last deep thrust and roared out his own pleasure, his grip on her hips so tight she would have bruised had she been human. Their labored breaths nearly drowned out the music coming from the humans partying below.

  Brock moved his hands to her waist and pulled her to his chest. He nuzzled the back of her neck. “You okay?”

  “Mmm. I haven’t been this good in a long time.” If she were a kitten, she’d be purring. “It’s probably a good thing the docks are noisy tonight. Otherwise, I think the entire town would have heard me scream.”

  He pulled free and spun her to face him. His arms still wrapped tight around her and a look of satisfaction on his face. “Are you hungry yet?”

  She thought for a moment and realized she’d worked up an appetite. “Famished.”

  Brock released her and held both palms in front of him. In seconds, the air crackled with magic and a black silk robe appeared in each hand. He held the smaller one out to her, and she accepted, donning the light fabric. He leaned in and brushed a kiss across her cheek. “I’ll go get dinner. Be back in a flash.”

  “Do hurry. I can’t wait to get you out of that robe.”

  Chapter Five

  Brock made his way to the galley, and for the first time in more years than he cared to admit, his body was in a state of total relaxation. He’d forgotten how good it was to have sex with his own kind. Not to mention the power he’d gained. He was surprised, however, at how quickly he’d recovered his magic. Normally, when a demon reached mortal state, it took more than one session of sex to regain what they’d lost. Even with another demon, it still took at least three more times. Unless of course…

  Brock stopped in his tracks.

  “Son of a bitch!”

  Unless the demon was your mate.

  He ran his fingers through his hair. “No fucking way. There has to be another explanation.” He wondered how he’d missed the clues and realized he hadn’t. When he thought back to first sensing her the moment he arrived at the house and the electricity she’d sent through him when they’d first touched, well, it had been there right in front of him. He’d simply ignored it. Still though, he’d already found his mate. What did the fates care if she was dead?

  He searched his memory and recalled the stories of how his kind could have more than one potential partner. Brock was unsure about the prospect of another mate. Part of him was scared to death and the other intrigued. The best thing to do would be to wait and see what happened.

  He pushed the thoughts behind him and busied himself pulling dinner from the fridge, placing everything on a tray. When finished, he made his way to the upper deck then stopped in the doorway to watch Sarah. She stood at the railing sipping a glass of wine. He admired how the black silk of the robe formed to her every curve. He had to admit she’d taken his breath away at first sight. The woman was stunning and would no doubt make a wonderful mate. The question was could he fall in love again? Did he even want to? He wasn’t sure his heart could take that kind of pain again.

  Sarah turned and smiled, prompting him to continue to the table with their food. Did she suspect they were mates? He decided to keep his suspicions to himself. No sense in creating problems where there might not actually be any. He’d cross that bridge later, once he was sure or if she broached the subject.

  “I hope you like it.” He placed a plate of Cajun shrimp salad at either end and a basket of fresh bread in the center of the table. After pushing the tray off to the side, he grabbed the bottle of wine and refilled both their glasses.

  Sarah stepped in beside him. “That looks delicious. I can’t wait to dig in.”

  He pulled a chair out, waited for her to be seated before he handed her a linen napkin. He enjoyed fussing over this woman, and he liked her company.

  “Thank you.” She placed the napkin on her lap. “It’s been awhile since I’ve had the pleasure of a gentleman’s company.”

  He let out a hardy laugh. “I’m not sure everyone would agree I was a gentleman with the way I bent you over and had my way with you.”

  Her lips curled upward. “Oh but I enjoyed every second, and I’m hoping for a repeat performance.”

  Brock took a seat across from her. The thought of having her again sent blood flowing straight to his shaft. “I’m more than happy to oblige your every whim.” Fate says it’s what I must do. He picked up his fork, preparing to stab a shrimp, then hesitated. Instead, he looked into the blue depths of her eyes. “Would you like to stay the night?” He held his breath, not sure how he wanted her to answer. It had been a long time since he’d woke up beside a woman.

  “I’d like that,” Sarah replied.

  * * * *

  Brock had escorted Sarah to her car in the early morning hours after giving her one of his T-shirts which currently hung to her knees. He’d also offered a pair of sweats, but she was going straight home and had declined. Besides, it was still dark, and no one would be the wiser. During the thirty minute drive, she relived the past several hours.

  Having sex with Brock had rocked her world. It was exactly what her deprived body had needed, and she craved more of the delicious demon. She wondered though if he’d noticed the chemistry between them. He’d certainly never mentioned it so she wasn�
��t sure what to think. Her instinct told her he was her mate, yet seeing how he was older he should have noticed it before her.

  Now as she drove down the deserted highway, she questioned if perhaps it was only wishful thinking on her part. Sarah’s mother had always told her she would know in her gut, but she guessed she would just have to wait and see.

  Mates came about two ways. Either you knew immediately, and it was akin to being hit over the head with a sledge hammer, or there was the slow burn that took awhile to take hold.

  Her parents had been more of the simmering type. Their connection had started with a small flicker and slowly heated to a boil. Her father had said once they reached that point, nothing could keep them apart. Her parents had been blissfully happy for centuries, and it was that kind of relationship she wanted for herself.

  Sarah pulled into her parking spot as the sun painted the sky with its brilliant brush. She had just enough time to shower and get ready for the local craft fair taking place in a few hours. Brock would work on the house today, and tonight, she’d make him dinner. After climbing the stoop, she shoved the key into the lock and pushed the back door open. She licked her lips, thinking about what she planned to do to him later. Dropping her purse and keys on the table, she scurried up the stairs. In her room, she shed her clothes, stopping to hold his shirt to her nose. His scent still lingered, and she found herself wanting to run back to him and beg him to mate with her. Instead, she tucked the scented tee under her pillow and headed for the shower.

  * * * *

  The August heat radiated off the pavement and caused sweat to bead on Sarah’s temple. While she was ambivalent to the scorching weather, the customers were not. She hoped it wasn’t too much to keep the patron’s from coming out to shop today. Experience had taught her to set up her tent on the end rather than in the middle of all the other dealers. People tended to flock to the outer edges when it was hot like this so they could catch a breeze. It also gave her more room for the larger prints she kept on easels.

  She reached into her cooler for a bottle of water and looked at her watch. The first wave of tourists would be coming through soon. This time of year brought a rush of visitors to the island, trying to get in their last minute vacations before school began.

  Sarah’s senses went on high alert as a shiver crept up her spine. She pulled the sunglasses down her nose so she could get a better view of the man who approached. There was no doubt in her mind the tall dark stranger was a demon.

  He stopped to admire the framed photo she had sitting in front of her tent—the one of a sunrise along the beach. Its vibrant colors made it one of her favorites. Then he looked her way, but his mirrored glasses kept his eyes covered.

  She stood and approached him.

  “Do you like it?”

  He smiled, showing brilliant white teeth. “I find the view…attractive.” His voice was sensual and seductive and made her skin prickle.

  She smiled back, realizing his entendre. “I meant the picture.”

  “Oh, of course. It’s beautiful as well, and I find I must have it.”

  “Excellent choice. I’ll wrap it up for you.” She’d moved to take the photo from its easel when he touched her arm. Electricity sparked through her veins, causing her breath to catch.

  “Will you be delivering it to me?” He reached up and pulled off his glasses. His blue eyes mesmerized her.

  “Um, I don’t usually deliver, but I guess I could make an exception.” If he didn’t release her arm, her knees would give out. She resisted the urge to sweep her fingers through his dark hair then down his cheek across the scruff that covered his face.

  Brock entered her mind, and she pulled free of the man’s grip. “Let me get something to write down your address.” She grabbed a business card and handed it to him. “If you could put your information on the back for me.”

  He reached for the card, and his fingers brushed hers. He gave it a quick glance then looked back at her. “Your name is Sarah? I am Elias.” He flipped the card over and scribbled his information before handing it back to her. “What time do you close here?”

  She swallowed. “Three.”

  “Perfect. Come by as soon as you’re done.” He perched the mirrored glasses back on his nose. “I’ll be waiting.”

  He sauntered away, and she could only watch with her mouth agape. It took her several seconds to realize he’d never paid her. She looked at the address on the card. It was on her way home. Damn. Secretly, she’d hoped it was out of the way and would give her an excuse not to go. Something about him drew her in, and she already sensed he would cause her trouble.

  Chapter Six

  Sarah packed the last remaining box into the car. She’d done well with her sales and had even been approached by a woman who owned a small shop. The lady had a section in her store devoted to local crafters and wanted to place some of Sarah’s work with the other items. They’d exchanged business cards and agreed to meet for coffee the following day to discuss the details.

  The last item to be placed in her vehicle was the delivery for Elias. Sarah had almost sold the picture to another customer who’d shown interest just so she wouldn’t have to face the demon. However, her conscience got in the way along with a strong urge to see the handsome, dark stranger again.

  She jumped in the driver’s seat and pulled onto the highway. Within fifteen minutes, she found herself parked in front of the address scribbled on the back of the card. She walked around the back, opened the trunk and removed the wrapped picture. With a steady gait and sweaty palms, she climbed the couple of steps to the door and rang the bell. In seconds, Elias’ muscular frame came into view.

  Too late to run now.

  “Come in.” He moved aside so she could enter.

  Sarah crossed the threshold and found herself in a large kitchen. Her gaze swept across dark-toned wood, caramel-colored granite countertops and beige-tiled floor. She was surprised the room presented itself much brighter than expected considering the dark hues. She guessed the floor-to-ceiling windows that covered the wall on the other side of the room lent to its airy feel.

  “Can I get you something? Something to drink perhaps?” Elias asked.

  “I’m fine, but thank you.”

  “Come, I insist you at least have a glass of wine with me and let me show you where I intend to hang your piece.” His voice brushed her skin like a fine, silk scarf. It unsettled her, yet she was unable to resist.

  “I’ll take white if you have it.”

  “Of course and let me take this from you.” He reached for the picture. His fingertips grazed her skin causing the flesh to heat. What the hell is wrong with me? She released her grip on the wrapped photo.

  “Come in, and make yourself comfortable.” Elias directed her to an oversized sectional on the other side of the room.

  Sarah crossed the large expanse, sank onto the soft leather sofa and watched the waves roll onto the beach through the wall of glass. She took a deep breath to steady her nerves. Instead, her heart rate increased. The smell of cotton soaked in sunshine drifted past and caused her mouth to water. She quickly realized Elias stood in front of her with glass in hand. It was him. He was the reason her blood burned through her veins. She reached for the glass, surprised at how steady her hand was. “Thank you.”

  He held out his other hand. “Walk with me.”

  Again, she was unable to resist. Her body moved on autopilot when she placed her hand in his. Searing heat stung her, almost sending her to her knees. She flashed her best smile. “You were going to show me where the photo will be hung?”


  He led her up a winding staircase to an open loft. Sarah’s sandals sank into thick, forest-green carpet as he led her to a stone fireplace. She glanced at the four matching, cream-colored chairs sitting back to back. Two faced the open hearth and the other set faced the railing and showed a panoramic view through the glass wall below. The space was perfect for a gal to curl up with a good book.r />
  Elias unwrapped the framed picture and placed it over the mantel. He took a step back to admire his new acquisition. “Perfect.” He turned to face her. “Much like the person who took it. Don’t you think?”

  She tried not to blush at his remark. Compliments were something she’d grown accustomed to so why did this one affect her? “It’s almost as if the photo was taken with this spot in mind.” The vibrant colors of the ocean’s sky brought out the tones of the room. “This is a nice room. I like it.” She hoped she’d done a good job evading his question.

  Elias smiled and set his glass on a side table. “I like to sit up here and read when I have time. Night is my favorite.” He looked up at the ceiling, and she followed his gaze.

  “Wow, it’s spectacular.” Above their heads was one of the largest skylights she’d ever seen. She found herself envisioning a clear night with hundreds of tiny stars shining their brilliance into the room.

  He took the glass from her hand and placed it next to his. “You are welcome to view it anytime.” He stepped into her and wrapped his fingers in a loose tendril of hair. His eyes darkened with desire. “As silky as I expected.”

  Sarah’s heart raced. She wanted to back away yet found her feet refused to obey. Her emotions confused her, but before she could analyze them further, his lips were on hers. His tongue in her mouth, sliding across hers, scorching her, sending heat to her core and making her want to do naughty things to him.

  As quick as he kissed her, he pulled away.

  “And you taste as sweet as I imagined.” He rubbed the back of her neck. “I never thought to find you here.”

  She finally gained command of her legs and took a step back. “W-what do you mean find me?”

  He tilted his head, and his brows slanted downward. “You can’t tell me you don’t feel it. I knew the moment I scented you.”


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