Emerald Fire

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Emerald Fire Page 8

by Valerie Twombly

  “My decision is final. I’m sorry, but I have to leave you to pick up the pieces.” He ground his teeth together, turned and walked out the door. Before he got into his car, he stopped and looked up at the house. She’d still be sleeping on the other side where the waves crashing to shore would resonate into her room.

  He fought the urge to run back to her and curl up next to her warmth. Deep in his heart, he knew she belonged to him. He closed his eyes and inhaled. He could still smell her, and if he imagined hard enough, he could feel her soft curves snuggled next to him. His heart felt as if it had been ripped from his chest. My pain is worth your happiness.

  “I’m sorry, darlin’, but one day, you will thank me,” he whispered then climbed into his car and pushed aside the ache in his heart. He started the engine and pulled out onto the deserted highway, pushing the call button on his steering wheel.

  “Yes, sir?” the voice on the other end answered.

  “Get ready to set sail once I arrive. I want no delays.” He hit end, knowing if he was given a second to think about his choice, he would turn around and go back to Sarah.

  * * * *

  Sarah raised her arms over her head and stretched. She opened her eyes to find the sun just peeking in the window and was surprised to have slept so long. Rolling to her side, she found the bed empty so she swung her legs over the edge and stood. Donning a robe, she padded across the room and headed downstairs. The smell of coffee and frying bacon greeted her.

  “Oh, that smells divine.” Her mouth watered, and she rushed to the kitchen.

  “Morning, sunshine. Coffee?” Elias offered a steaming mug.

  “Thank you.” Sarah grasped the cup and blew across the top before taking a sip. She glanced around the room as she took a seat at the island. “Where’s Brock?”

  Elias set a plate full of bacon and scrambled eggs on the counter. “Eat your breakfast before it gets cold.” He came around and took a seat on the stool next to her.

  “Why do I feel like we’re about to have a conversation I’m not going to like?” She shoved a piece of bacon in her mouth, enjoying the smoky flavor.

  “Brock left.”

  She nodded, taking a forkful of egg. “I’m sure he has lots to do. I’ll shower then head next door to help him.”

  Elias turned to face her. “No. I mean he left for good, and he wanted me to be the one to break the news.”

  Her fork hit the tile floor with a loud crack. “What do you mean left for good? What kind of fucking game are you playing?” Her heart raced because deep down she knew exactly what Elias meant. Brock had abandoned her.

  He reached his hand out as if to touch her then retracted it. “I’m sorry, Sarah. He felt like you deserved better than he could give you. Said he wanted you to have the love he couldn’t give.”

  She pursed her lips. “I see.” Tossing her napkin on the plate, she rose. “I’m going to see if I can catch him.” She started for the stairs. Maybe, if she hurried and got dressed, he would still be there. Surely, it would take time to get a vessel the size of his ready to leave the dock.

  “Do you plan to try to talk him out of it?” Elias asked

  She’d almost forgotten he was there, and guilt wrenched her gut. Elias was stuck in the middle, and now, she had an even bigger decision to make. She looked over her shoulder. “I’m going to kick his fucking ass from here into next week!”

  Elias tossed his head back and let loose a hearty laugh. “I’ll drive. Bastard deserves to get his ass handed to him.”

  Sarah was dressed and waiting in the car in less than five minutes. Elias slipped behind the wheel, started the engine and had them on the highway in no time. Traffic hadn’t gotten heavy yet since it was still early morning, and she was thankful. Hopefully, they’d make it before the Sea Demon set sail. She turned her gaze to Elias. “Why?”

  “Why what?” His eyes never left the road.

  “Why are you driving me to see Brock? I mean…it makes no sense.” She swallowed down fear—or was it something else? She wasn’t even sure about her own emotions anymore. “He walked away which means he forfeited his claim to me. That leaves me with two choices. Pick you as my mate or walk away…alone.” She nearly choked on the last word, so tired of being by herself. She hadn’t really realized until now how much she craved stability. Home, children, and a man who loved her.

  Maybe, Brock was right. He had tried to warn her. Perhaps, the smart thing to do would be to turn around and go back. Choose Elias and have all the things she’d always desired. Hell, she’d even be a princess and would never want for anything. She could even love Elias…someday. Maybe.

  She was just about to tell him to go back when he finally broke the silence.

  “Because you love him and he loves you. He just won’t look past his own stubbornness to admit it and be happy for once,” Elias proclaimed.

  She stared at him, her jaw slack. “I…”

  “Look.” His grip on the wheel tightened. “Brock is my friend, and god knows, he deserves a break. He’s also an idiot, and I believe you are just the woman to knock some sense into him.” He glanced at her before turning his attention back to the road. “I would be honored to have you as mine, but I also know Brock is the right choice. You two are good together.”

  Sarah felt moisture roll down her cheek. “You are a good man, Elias, and one day, you will make some lucky girl very happy.”

  He gave her a half smile. “I hope you’re right.”

  * * * *

  Brock stood at the railing, staring at the land mass of North Carolina as it became a mere speck. By now, Sarah would have found out he’d left. Would she be pissed or relieved that she no longer had to make a choice? Elias would take good care of her, Brock didn’t doubt that. Knowing the bond between him and Sarah had been growing, he hoped he’d left in time. The last thing he wanted to do was break her heart. He would never want her to feel the same pain he felt now.

  When the ship had pulled away from the dock, he’d sworn a piece of him had been left behind. He wanted desperately to go back and beg her forgiveness. However, most of all, he wanted to declare his love. Yeah, he was not only an ass but a liar, as well. He’d told her he could never love her when, in reality, he was terrified of losing her the same way he’d lost Mina.

  “You’re a fucking pussy.”

  Brock whipped around to face the voice insulting him. “If you were not my prince, I’d toss you overboard for such an insult.”

  Damis snorted. “Since when did that ever stop you?”

  Brock gave a huff and turned back to the ocean, liking the view much better. “It stops me now because you’re right.”

  The prince sidled up next to him, and his hands gripped the rail. “Why do you give up the woman you love to my brother?”

  “Imagine coming home to find Kat with her heart cut out. Your only son slain in cold blood.” Brock fought to keep the images from replaying in his mind. He didn’t want to travel this path again.

  “I’d be out of my fucking mind. Just as you were that day, and I don’t doubt I’d be acting just as you are now.”

  Brock looked at his prince, a longtime friend and a man he considered a brother. “Then why the hell are you here?”

  Damis flashed a devil’s grin. “One of the privileges of being prince is I can annoy my subjects whenever I’m bored.”

  “Then go annoy someone else.” Brock wanted to wallow in his misery. Alone.

  “Actually, I intend on reminding my wife why she loves me so much.” Damis laid a palm on Brock’s shoulder. “Don’t deny yourself this chance at happiness. You may not be given another.”

  Brock swallowed. “It’s already too late. I gave her to Elias.”

  Damis waved a hand in the air. “You are lucky my brother loves you as much as I do. Right now he drives your mate to find you. Now, stop dicking around, and turn this barge back to shore.” His image began to fade. “In another hundred years, you can transport yourself as well. Think of
the fun we’ll have. Oh and because I know how you are…as your prince, I command you to go back for your mate.” Damis vanished. “Be happy for once, my friend,” his voice echoed in the breeze.

  “Bastard!” Anger heated Brock’s face. Damis knew the right strings to pull to get what he wanted. Knew Brock would never disobey him no matter what he asked. Brock shook his head and let out a sigh.

  Sarah is looking for me.

  He remembered Mina and how she was trapped here because of him. He’d really managed to fuck up so many things in his life. If he’d simply accept what was gifted to him, not only could he finally be happy but also, Mina would be set free. He stared down at the rolling water and finally admitted to himself he’d been hiding behind his dead mate for far too long. It was time to take back his life. Time to explore more of the woman who had been able to sweep up the broken pieces of his heart and begin to place them back together.

  He straightened his shoulders and marched toward the bridge. He would head back to Emerald Isle and claim his mate.

  * * * *

  Sarah ran along the boardwalk to where the Sea Demon was moored and stopped dead in her tracks.


  “I’m sorry we arrived too late.” Elias placed a hand at her back. “I’ll find him. He can’t hide from me. If nothing else, I’ll have my brother summon him.”

  What am I doing? I’m such a fool. What had she hoped to accomplish by chasing after him? She should be glad he was gone. It saved her from embarrassing herself. She turned and walked back toward the car. Tears stung her eyes. “Take me home.”

  Elias climbed back into the driver’s seat and started the engine. “I’ll call Damis later and—”

  “No!” She held up her hand to stop him from speaking. “It’s over. He made his choice, and now, I must move on.”

  He maneuvered the car back out onto the street. “What do you plan to do now?”

  She let her shoulders drop in defeat. Elias would want to know if she was going to choose him. He had every right to demand she make a decision, but she simply couldn’t cope at the moment. “I need some time to figure things out.” She looked at her watch. “I have an appointment in an hour with a potential client, and I plan on keeping it. In the meantime, I think it best we stay away from each other.”

  “I understand.”

  They drove in silence the rest of the way, and when Elias pulled into the parking spot behind her house, she could hardly wait to get out of the car. “Thank you for everything,” she said exiting.

  “Call me if you need anything.”

  She leaned down to peer through the opening. “I will. I have to hurry, or I’ll be late.” She shut the door and trotted toward the house. Looking at her watch again, she saw there was just enough time to change out of the yoga pants she’d thrown on earlier. After slipping through the back door, she hurried upstairs to her room where she stopped dead in her tracks.

  She could almost feel Brock’s presence and could definitely smell his spicy scent. An idea occurred to her. She’d heard of couples being able to summon each other with a thought. Usually they were already mated, but there were occasions when the bond was so strong their magic clung to each other. Like a magnet to metal. Could she summon him? If she could, what would she do when he showed up?

  She shook the idea from her mind, knowing it would only result in her getting hurt. It was best to try to forget he’d ever existed.

  She moved to her closet and grabbed the sundress she’d planned to wear. Keeping her mind off Brock would be easier said than done, but she was happy to have the appointment this morning. At least, it would keep her from throwing herself on the bed in a crying fit. For now anyway.

  Sarah was puzzled at the abrupt change he’d had. Last night, she’d sensed nothing wrong and thought things had gone pretty well. Did he really believe he was doing her a favor by stepping down? How could he possibly know he had no love in his heart when he refused to even try?

  “Damn it!” She slipped the dress over her head. Moving to the mirror, she ran a brush through her hair in quick strokes. She needed to calm herself before the meeting or she’d be a complete mess. Her emotions ran the gamut of wanting to throttle him to fighting the onslaught of tears. She tossed the brush down with more force than intended and cracked the handle.

  “Great, now, I’ve wrecked my favorite hairbrush.”

  In a fit of annoyance, she spun and left the room, vowing if she ever laid eyes on Brock again she would plant her foot in his crotch. It was the least he deserved for running out on her instead of talking it through.

  By the time she opened the back door, she was seeing red again. She climbed in the car and turned over the engine. Resting her head on the steering wheel, she took in a deep breath and exhaled. Calm once again came over her, and she leaned back in the seat. This appointment was important and required her full attention. Later, she’d worry about her love life.

  Chapter Eleven

  Brock paced the deck of the ship, waiting for the captain to bring her in. He’d already called Elias since Sarah didn’t answer her phone and had been told he’d dropped her off at home. Something about having an appointment in town. Instead of going to her and begging forgiveness as he’d planned, Brock would have to wait for her to return.

  In the meantime, he’d head back over to the beach house and try doing a little work. At least, he’d be next door and would know when Sarah arrived home. It was times like this he wished he could transport himself rather than doing everything the old-fashioned way.

  The boat was hardly tied off when he jumped ashore and jogged to where his car waited.

  He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. Patience was something that eluded him as he sat in traffic waiting to cross the bridge back to the isle. He played several scenarios through his mind of what he would say to Sarah. He was already aware she was hurt and angry and might not want to see him. Hell, from what Elias had said on the phone, she’d been ready to hand him his ass, and Brock would have let her. He’d fucked up major by walking away without a word, and the worst was he’d unintentionally lied.

  He really had meant it when he’d said he would give them a chance, but for some reason, when he’d found out Elias was his competition, he’d felt the lesser man. Again, he’d allowed the past to dictate his life.

  Traffic inched forward, and with it, Brock’s resolve intensified. He was done living in the past, and it was time to let Mina go. By moving on with his life, he would also release her to go forward. She didn’t deserve to be stuck here in this existence.

  As he drove his car to the other side of the bridge, he realized not only had he left the mainland, but he’d also left his emotional baggage back there, as well. For the first time in over fifty years, he felt as if he could breathe. Expanding his lungs, he sucked in the sea air and expelled a liberating breath.

  “Mina, I’m ready to move on. You’ll always hold a special place in my heart, but it’s time to love again.”

  Sunlight filtered in the passenger window and revealed the silhouette of his dead mate. He wrinkled his forehead. “I thought you could move on now.”

  “I can, but I have one last duty to perform before I leave,” her faint voice replied.

  He pulled back his shoulders and stretched his neck. “What would that be?”

  “You must save her.”

  Brock pulled into his driveway, shoved the car in park and tried to push down the fear currently rising from the pit of his stomach. “What do you mean, save her?”

  “They have her, Brock. The people who took my life and that of our son so many years ago. They’ve spread their hate for our kind, passed it down through the generations. They plan to kill her.”

  Fear raced through his veins, turning his muscles rigid. Not again. He couldn’t live through this a second time. “W-where is she?”

  * * * *

  Brock sped down the highway, thankful traffic was clearer going in the other direction. His grip on
the steering wheel was white-knuckled as he spoke to Elias over the car phone.

  “Mina said she was in trouble,” he repeated for the second time.

  “What the hell do you mean Mina?” Elias’ voice blared over the cars speakers and Brock didn’t miss the tone. He thought Brock had finally gone off the deep end.

  “Listen, fuck wad. I don’t have time to explain. Just meet me at the coordinates, and make sure we have backup.” He pressed the end button and swiped his hand over his sweaty brow. “Shit, I hope we’re not too late.” He pushed down the panic that threatened to squeeze his chest. He needed to remain calm and focus, or he would be worthless to Sarah. He had to believe she was still alive. After all, a bond had started to form, and he would know… He’d feel it if she were gone. Wouldn’t he?

  “Pull this hunk of metal off the road.”

  Brock jumped, his gaze moving to the man sitting next to him. “Son of a bitch! Really you need to wear a damn bell.”

  Damis’ pupils narrowed to pinpoints. “Park this fucker now. I can get us to your mate faster.”

  Brock didn’t argue but whipped the car down a side street and into the parking lot of the local grocery. Next thing he knew, he was standing hunched over trying not to retch. When his gut stopped rolling, he stood erect and took in his surroundings and found Damis standing next to him.

  “Sorry, I got us here the quickest way I know how,” Damis whispered.

  Brock shook his head. “No, I’m glad, but I didn’t realize you could transport another person.”

  “It’s part of my new power, but unlike traveling through our gateway to get home, this takes a bit of getting used to. Hell, I tossed my cookies the first time.” Damis pulled a six-inch blade from his boot. “Elias, Snake and a few others are here as well, but we are still out-numbered. Do you sense her presence here?”

  Brock took a moment and concentrated on the buildings surrounding them. “Nothing.”

  “It’s possible they have her well hidden.” Damis pressed the handle of the blade he’d procured into Brock’s palm. “Only kill them if you must. Otherwise, I want those bastards alive.” His lip curled into a snarl. “I have questions that need answering.”


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