by Jacklyn Scott Rogers



  “How’s she doing?”

  “Pretty shook, but I finally got her to sleep for a bit. What’s up?”

  “Okay…so I looked up the info on that douchebag that raped her and it’s not good Dev.”


  Michael sighed. I could tell he was tense. “So, you know how you thought this guy sounded familiar?”

  “Yeah who is he?”

  “Well, I talked to Shay and Astrid about what happened. They said this asshat was Sammie’s ex … kind of. I guess she used to be his physical therapist and they were also seeing each other - if you know what I mean. Well anyway, turns out it wasn’t anything serious on Sammie’s end. Things ended pretty badly when she found out he was actually engaged and was using Sammie as his side piece.”

  I growled. Slade and I didn’t like the fact that this low life used Sammie and now he’s fucking with her again.

  “There’s more Dev.”


  “I googled him up online to see if I could get anything about his whereabouts and dude …. he’s dead, or at least that’s what the news said. He and his wife supposedly died almost a year ago in a bad car crash. It turns out that the crash caused the car to friggin explode on impact. The car hit a patch of ice and lost control. It careened off the road and broke through a guardrail then rolled down a steep mountainside. I guess it was so bad that they couldn’t fully recover all their remains.”

  “Well, that can’t be right. Sammie swears it was him.”

  “Yeah, I don’t know man. I mean that was a really bad wreck. His wife was identified by her teeth.”

  “How’d they identify him?”

  “It looks like the only thing they had to go by was his charred wedding ring. His body was too badly damaged.”

  “So technically his body wasn’t actually found.”

  “I mean yeah, I suppose.”

  “Shit. I have a bad feeling about this.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Think about it … there’s no way Sammie could have been overpowered and drugged without knowing it. She said she remembered trying to fight him off in the beginning, but he was way too strong. There’s only one way that’s possible.”

  “Shit … so u think he’s a supe?”

  “Yep, either wolf or fang. Has to be and I’m pretty sure I know who’s responsible for the extra juice this asshole is packing. There’s only one person fucked up enough to set this shit up. There’s no one else that could have made it possible for him to have eluded Sammie’s senses. Fucking Dasha.”

  ‘Damn bro. What do you need me to do?”

  “Just keep an eye on the pack. I’ll stay with Sammie for the next few days. I don’t want her here alone, especially if he’s still out there. “

  “K. I’ll update Aiden and the girls. I’m pretty sure from what Shay told me, that they shouldn’t be gone too much longer. So that’ll help.”

  ” Sounds good. Thanks, Mike.”

  “Yeah, Dev. No prob. Just take care of your girl. She’s been through hell and needs you, buddy.”

  “Yeah. Talk to you later. Mind link me if anything else happens.”

  “Same. Peace”

  I disconnected the call and looked around the room; trying to find any shred of this asshole for me to get a scent on. So far as of now, we have nothing. I don’t even know what the hell he is other than dead when I find him.

  I ran my hand through my hair and decided to grab a bowl of cereal for me and a couple of blood pouches for Sammie to take with me upstairs. I knew she’d need to feed soon so she’d probably be up shortly. Despite the fact that Slade and I really needed to take a run and let off some steam, I knew that wouldn’t be the right thing to do. Sammie needed me to help her get through this. To show her that we both would get through this. I knew it wasn’t her fault some sadistic asshole did what he did, but I needed to make sure she knew it too.


  Michael’s POV

  After I hung up with Dev, I was about to call Shay when Aiden walked into our office. He had been training some of the newbs and wasn’t entirely aware of everything that happened. I wasn’t sure if it was my place to say anything but being that his mate was one of Sammie’s best friends, I decided to enlighten him of the sitch.

  “Hey Mikey, why the long face?”

  “Well, I’m pretty sure you’re gonna hear about it from Astrid anyway, so you may want to prepare yourself. Some heavy shit went down with Sammie earlier. And when I say heavy, I mean The Meg heavy.”

  “Well since you’re comparing it to a mondo shark that could swallow up Jaws like it was a tiny snack, pretty sure it must be bad. What’s up?”

  I rubbed my hands over my face. This was not an easy thing to say out loud. Sammie wasn’t my mate, but she was Dev’s and has been my best friend since we were pups. Not to mention that Sammie’s mine and Aiden’s mates’ best friend. Hell, after spending more time around her, I kind of thought we were becoming friends too.

  “Someone attacked her Aid. Some sick fuck raped her.” I managed to choke out barely above a whisper.

  “I’m sorry what? Did you just say that someone raped Sammie … our Sammie … pretty, kick-ass vampire Sammie? That Sammie? Do we know who attacked her? Was it some rando psycho?”

  “Apparently some ex she used to have a thing with. The guy was a douche, and they had a bad break up.”

  “How is that even possible man?! Are you sure she was really raped and maybe didn’t just you know … cheat on Dev? I mean she’s not marked yet?”

  “Dude! Seriously? Seriously?! Of course, we’re sure dumbass. It’s not something that someone would just make up. Especially not her.” I snapped.

  “Hey … I get it. But all I’m saying is from what I’ve seen, the girl is an amazing fighter. Like she takes us down without breaking a sweat. So how could have someone possibly overpowered her? Then to be able to do that and still make it out alive no less. Come on Mikey? It makes no sense man.”

  “We don’t know Aid, but Dev’s with her now. She’s pretty torn up about it. She only remembers bits and pieces. She said she blacked out.”

  “So she was drugged then?”

  “That’s what we’re thinking.”

  “Oooookkkkay… I mean, I guess that makes sense. But what the hell kind of drug out there can basically rufie a fucking vampire Mikey?”

  I shook my head. I had no clue.

  “We don’t know Aid. But whatever it was, was strong enough to completely debilitate her. This was like some serious potent shit.”

  “You know this totally reeks of Bitch-Witch don’t you?”

  “Yeah. That’s the only thing that’s making sense right now. Especially because the douche that did it, supposedly died which tells me he faked his death and now he’s a supe.”

  “Yep. This definitely has the rank bitch’s stench all over it. She’s like the only one out there that has a friggin grudge hard-on for Sam.”

  I nodded. How could we not know who would have been capable of having her hand in this? The one person that is dead set on destroying Sammie at all costs.

  “Yeah. Fucking Dasha.”

  Chapter 12

  Justin’s POV

  When I returned to the compound, I felt like I was on cloud nine. I decided to kick back and chill in my room enjoying the memories of my time with Sammie earlier today. I knew she enjoyed herself as much as I did. She just liked to play hard to get. She knew how much it turned me on when she wanted me to take the lead. I mean, when I got to her place, she pretty much sent me signals that she wanted me, and I was more than willing to oblige her.

  *** FLASHBACK ***

  I had just gotten done scoping out the mutt’s pack and was on my way back to the bunker.

  May as well take a little jaunt over to my baby’s house and see what she’s up to all on her lonesome. I made sure to hide behin
d the trees. It didn’t take long before she waltzed into the kitchen dressed in her sexy little black robe. I knew she was naked under there I could catch little glimpses as she lifted her arms up towards the cabinet in order to grab a tumbler for the drink she appeared to be making. I licked my lips wanting to taste her. After a few minutes, I noticed that she set her beverage on the counter and walked away. I knew it! She left her cup on the counter. It’s like Sammie knows I’m carrying some of that potion that Dasha concocted and she wants me to give it to her; that way her dog boyfriend doesn’t think she cheated.

  Clever girl, my little minx.

  I silently dashed into the kitchen and immediately emptied the entire contents of Dasha’s mixture into her tumbler. I wasn’t sure how much to actually use since Dasha, the bitch that she was, never actually told me anything about it. That info was only privy to the douche and he wasn’t going to tell me shit. I snagged a vial for myself and kept it with me waiting for the opportune time. It looks like today was my lucky day. I gave Sammie’s drink a quick swirl and hid in the office just down the hall from the kitchen. I peered through the crack of the door and watched as she took a sip of her drink then smiled before she guzzled down the entire content’s seconds later.

  I Knew it! She was totally sending me the GO signal. That smile said it all. She knew what I did to her drink, and she liked it.

  After she rinsed out her tumbler, I noticed her walk away. She wants me to follow her.

  A few seconds later I stood in the doorway of her bedroom. The door was wide open, and I could hear her showering in the bathroom probably making herself ready for me. I stood in wait, finally, she stepped out of the bathroom and into her room wearing nothing but a towel. My eyes roaming over every inch of her. I was already getting hard. I noticed her eyes open widely as she gasped in surprise. Awe she was playing coy.


  “In the flesh baby.”

  “What the …. What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “Awe, don’t pretend like you don’t know baby. I’m here because you want me just as much as I want you. I get it, I missed you too”

  “W-What are you talking about?”

  “C’mon Sammie you don’t need to pretend. It’s just you and me here.”

  I reached over to touch her, and she pretended to step away.

  “Don’t touch me. Get OUT, Justin. NOW!”

  I laughed. She was trying to play hard to get. Sammie always knew how much it turned me on.

  “Sammie … baby… you don’t need to tease kitten. I’m here now. It’s all good. Now be a good little girl for daddy and lose the towel so I can get a good look at you.”

  “Fuck you, Justin. I won’t tell you again. Get the FUCK OUT!”

  Sammie extended her claws trying to show me that she wanted to play rough. This only made me laugh even harder. Despite how fierce my little plaything was acting, she had to brace herself against her en-suite doorway to keep from falling. Looks like the magic juice was kicking in.


  I confidently walked over to her and went to grab her waist, but she feebly slapped my hand away.

  “Tsk Tsk Sammie. You know I don’t like it when you do things like that.”

  “Fuck you.” She spat as she raised her claws to strike. I immediately smacked her arm away and grabbed her by her pretty little throat, slamming her up against the wall. She struggled within my hold trying to claw my hand away. Her defiance only made me tighten my grip on her slender neck.

  “Sammie you’re being a naughty little girl and it’s really starting to make me think you want me to punish you. Is that what you want baby…you want to play rough? Because if that’s the case, I am more than happy to oblige.” I extended my sharp fangs and bit into her collar bone making her wince in pain. I made sure not to swallow her blood, didn’t need that potion shit inside me.

  “S-s-stop it, Justin, please. You don’t have to do this. Please … just let me go.” Her eyes were starting to tear up. Such a good actress she was.

  I crashed my mouth onto hers trying to force my tongue into her mouth but evidently, Sammie was still feeling a bit feisty and bit me. I could taste the coppery liquid inside of my mouth. Now I was pissed. “Looks like someone needs to be taught a lesson.” I snarled as I slammed her small body into the wall and then tossed her onto her bed. I went to yank the towel off her, that she had been holding onto her body, and the bitch tried once again to stop me. “You know Sammie. I am really tired of repeating myself. I asked you to behave and you’re just not listening. I’m done being nice. Now behave like the good little fucking whore you are before I make you.”

  She glared at me and tried to jump off her bed and run towards her balcony. Silly minx. She was clearly feeling the drug’s effects because she was nowhere near as fast as she thought she would be. I grabbed her ankle while she was in mid-jump making her fall face forward onto the hard-wooden flooring with a sickening thud.


  Blood began spilling onto the floor from the gash on her lip and her possibly broken nose.

  I clicked my tongue and dragged her back towards me, but she was kicking at my hands and ended up kicking me in the family jewels.

  “Wrong move bitch!” I hissed. Immediately I clenched my hand into a fist and punched her square in the jaw which resulted in her lip wound opening up even more and spew out more blood along the edge of her pretty mouth. She spat out some red-tinged saliva onto my face as she tried to kick me once again which gave rise to a few more punches on her cute little face. I was tired of playing her fucking games. I was trying to be nice and romantic by fucking her on the bed, but if the bitch was hell-bent on acting like a fucking animal, then she was going to get treated like one.

  I knelt down onto the floor in front of her, flipped her body over, and ripped the towel off her exposing every inch of her naked flesh for me to feast my eyes upon. I held onto her legs with one hand as I began to unbuckle my belt and opened the zipper of my jeans with the other. Her hooded eyes began to tear up as she watched me. I could tell she was crying tears of joy.

  “Don’t cry, Sammie. I’ll make you feel good baby. Don’t worry.” I cooed as I went to caress her bloodied cheek. She tried to turn her face away, so I grabbed her chin forcing her eyes to look at me. I leaned forward and pierced her supple breast with my fang as I traced my tongue around her pink nipple then proceeded to do the same to her other one. She groggily moaned at the pleasure of my mouth on her tits I’m certain.

  “Fuck baby, you’re so beautiful.” I moaned, as I kept licking and kneading her breasts.

  She whimpered. I knew she liked it. I could tell her strength was pretty much depleted. She looked like she was getting ready to pass out. I couldn’t have that. At least not yet. She’s been waiting for me for so long, I should at least start while she’s awake. I released my hold on her ankles and grabbed her thighs yanking them closer to me. I leaned my face forward and began biting her inner thighs. She tried to tighten her thighs around my face showing me how much she wanted my mouth on her pussy I’m sure. I dug my fingers in her thighs and pried her open giving me a delicious view. I licked my lips before I brought my mouth onto her entrance and began suckling her and flicking her clit with my tongue. God, she tasted so fucking sweet! I let go of one of her thighs and jammed two fingers into her. She was so fucking wet. I brought my juice coated fingers to my mouth and sucked them savoring her taste. Mmm, she tasted like sweet candy. I couldn’t wait anymore I needed to fuck her now. My cock was already slick with pre-cum. I wanted to fuck her mouth too, but I’d wait till after I fucked her pussy first. I shoved my jeans down exposing my hard cock and leaned over her entrance as I took one of her legs and hiked it over my shoulder. Immediately, I thrust into her feeling her tight walls wrap around me. She gasped.

  “Oh Yeah … you like that don’t you baby?” I snarled. She tried to move from under me, so I leaned forward and held her throat as I continued to slam into her; pounding her harde
r and harder until I finally found my sweet release.

  She had passed out.

  “Oops. Guess you’ll have to be awake for me next time baby. Looks like daddy wore out his little kitten.” I didn’t want it to end though I was enjoying myself with her too much. I spread her legs and began stroking myself as I pumped a couple of fingers into her making me rock-hard once more. Since she was too out of it to be of any help to me. I got up onto my knees and lifted her legs apart; making access easier for me to smash into her again and again until I came long and hard into both of her sweet holes twice more.

  I released her legs allowing them to flop onto the floor and pulled my jeans back up.

  I gazed at her lying like a crumpled doll on the ground covered in blood and sex.

  Well, now she was just a dirty girl.

  Being the gentleman that I am, I went into the bathroom and begin filling her tub with warm water. I lifted her soft little body up and placed her into the shallow water; washing away all the dry caked blood that coated her tiny frame. I grabbed a towel and wiped her face and body and rinsed off her hair. “Goodness gracious, I spoil you way too much baby.” I chuckled as I brushed her lavender locks away from her shut eyes.

  Once she was all cleaned up, I could see that her wounds were already closing.


  I grabbed a towel and carried her back to her bed. For fun, I played with her sweet pussy a little more with my fingers and my mouth before I decided I’d enjoyed myself enough for one day. There was plenty of time for me to play with her later.

  I wiped away the traces of blood on her floor and decided to take the towels I used with me. Normally I would have made Sammie clean up her mess, but I knew she was resting up and she wouldn’t want that mutt to know that she cheated on him.

  I gave my sleeping beauty a quick kiss on her swollen lips before I left her for the night.

  “Don’t worry princess, I’ll be back again,” I whispered trying not to wake my little Sleeping Beauty.


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