by Jacklyn Scott Rogers

  ME: Don’t worry doll, I’ll heat u up really quick when I get there.

  Firecracker: riiiiggghhhttt … didn’t u say your favorite color is blu?

  ME: SMH nope, It’s the purple color of your hair that I’ll be gazing down at later tonight.

  Firecracker. LMAO, PERV!

  ME: U Luv it!

  Firecracker: just get that ass over here and I’ll show u how much I Luv it foolio …

  ME: LOL KK Boss … SYS XX

  Firecracker: XX


  Devon’s POV

  Sure enough, when I arrived fifteen minutes later the front door was left unlocked for me and I let myself into Sammie’s home. The entry was dimly lit b an old-style Tiffany Lamp that had little candle-shaped bulbs in each holder. Walking down the long corridor of the foyer I noticed that the whole main level was just as faintly illuminated. Good thing I’m a werewolf with keen eyesight otherwise the journey to Sammie’s room would have been difficult considering the house itself was rather large. One could easily get lost in this old place. I thought to himself as I made my way up to the third floor where Sammie’s room was located.

  Her door was only slightly ajar when I approached. Once I stepped inside, the sight before me took my breath away. There was soft music playing in the background, electric candelabras were placed on the two end tables, and my beautiful mate was standing at the doorway of her balcony. She smiled and gestured for me to step over to the balcony where she was. Without taking my eyes off my beauty, I walked over to where she stood. Damn, she looked utterly perfect. Her lavender locks were up in a messy bun, she had just the perfect amount of makeup making her emerald green eyes pop but that dress… Holy Shit! That dress was this kicker. She was wearing a silky dark red dress. It hugged her in all the right places and had a dangerous amount of cleavage for me to feast upon. And Goddess, it was backless too. Her soft shimmering skin was teasing me like no joke. To top it all off she had on a sexy pair of stilettos making her shapely calves stand out even more. Fuck me … I wanted to take her right here and now, with those sexy ass heels on as well. I could feel myself getting aroused yet again and knew I needed to reign it in. I caught sight of the romantic table setting she had set up on the veranda. Two Silver domes were covering our dishes and a bottle of champagne was set to chill. She even decorated the pillars; strewn with fairy lights making them look like little fireflies around us. Our table had two white tapered candles flickering with the light breeze and she even placed a red rose next to my champaign flute. WOW! I was just blown away. She worked so hard to make this a special evening. I bit my lower lip and smiled at her. Nope, tonight was clearly special for her, so I was not going to waste her efforts by jumping her bones. First I’d feast on the meal and enjoy the evening my mate prepared for me.

  My beautiful, amazing, mate. The woman I loved more than life itself. The one person that could bring me to my knees with a single glance. Sammie Hunter.

  I would make sure that this magical night she devised didn’t just end with our lovely dinner. Tonight, I would feast on her until she’s lost her voice from the abundance of rapturous screams of the pleasure I plan on providing her all night long.

  Goddess, I loved this woman.

  Chapter 27

  3rd Person POV

  Devon awoke before the crack of dawn. A lot earlier than when he would normally wake up, but he had wanted to enjoy the feel of his mate again before he had to leave her for a while. Unfortunately for him, his mate was no longer in bed beside him. From the faintness of her scent, it was also obvious that she had been gone for a while. He wiped the sleep out of his eyes and glanced over at the digital clock sitting on the bedside table; 4:04 am the neon numbers displayed.

  Where the hell could she be? He muttered to himself as he sat up in bed.

  His mind tried to dismiss his unease supposing the possibility of his mate merely being downstairs in the kitchen perhaps preparing him a meal; a rather normal occurrence for her to do as of late. He smiled at the thought of her domesticated behavior and opted to jump in the shower to ease his tense muscles.

  Once he was done showering and emerged into Sammie’s bedroom a little later, he was surprised to see that she was still nowhere to be seen.

  Again the feeling of unease began to take over his emotions as he quickly got dressed and decided to make his way downstairs and pinpoint her whereabouts.

  As he began descending the wooden staircase, he could hear faint laughter coming from the kitchen. Sammie and Aiden.

  Making sure to be as silent as possible, Devon walked over to where the two were, keeping his ears on high alert, all the while listening to their conversation.

  “Aid! Hahaha .. you’re such a turd!” Sammie quipped in between bouts of her laughter.

  “Oh. My. Goddess! Sam, you know you like it. Quit trying to act like you don’t.” Aiden teased.

  “What Ever Aid. Whether I like it or not doesn’t make it any better!”

  “Of course it does.”

  “No. It doesn’t. Sorry but this thing is gonna be with us for the rest of our lives. Excuse me for wanting it to be perfect.”

  “It will be perfect Sam. Even more so because It will have a little of my flair incorporated into it.”

  “Flair?! Flair?! If by flair you mean your lack of common sense then sure. Keep dreaming Aid. I want this to be special and meaningful.”

  “It will be. But you have to at least let me have some input don’t you think? I mean it’s not like you’re doing it alone. I’m going to be there too.”

  “Ugh…Fine. We’ll compromise then. How about you tell me what you like the most and I will decide which is the most pleasing and we’ll go with that? Yeah?”

  “I guess … but I still like this here.”

  “No. Not this. Never this. That’s just tacky Aid. Please, I’m sure there’s got to be something you’d prefer besides this … hmm?”

  “Seriously princess... it’s not that bad. Besides, no matter what we decide it will be special anyway because it’s always going to be a part of us. Our special bond that no one can take away from you and me. Speaking of bonds princess, … I know buzzkill time. We need to tell them about us, Sam. I’m tired of keeping secrets.”

  “I know … you’re right Aid. I’m just worried about Dev. I feel like he’s not going to understand. He’s going to be mad when he knows we kept this from him. And yes, you are seriously a buzzkill.”

  “Whatevs princess. You’re just mad cuz you know I’m right.”

  “Hahah yeah for once. Turdburgler.”

  “Really?! Really?! So immature Sam … so immature.”

  “What can I say, I learned from the best.”

  “You sure did princess and that’s why you love me.”

  “Hahaha yeah, I suppose it is.”

  “Exactly. Now, what do ya say we table this for now at least until after Dev leaves? We can decide on what we want over lunch. I’m thinking … Benihana?”

  “Of course you are.”

  “What? I can't help my love for Hibachi fried rice. I swear its magical goodness makes me happy. But oh hey, before I forget … this whole idea for Benihana is my idea. Mmm-Kay? Not anybody else’s. Remember that Sam … it’s my idea.”

  “Okaaayyy … It’s your idea Aid. Not sure why that’s so important but you being you, I’ll remember. Happy?”

  “Yes, Thanks Sam. I’d explain it to you, but I wouldn’t want to make you a target too.”

  Aiden whispered the last part of his statement for some odd reason making Sammie erupt into a fit of laughter.

  “Goddess, what the heck am I going to do with you?”

  Sammie quickly wrapped her arms around Aiden just as an obviously irate Devon walked into the kitchen. Seeing his mate in the arms of another male, let alone one of his closest friends set him over the edge. A powerful growl broke the two apart immediately. Devon’s claws were beginning to extend.
/>   A nervous smile spread across Aiden’s face as he greeted his friend and Alpha.

  “Oh. Hey Dev- “


  “Huh .. what?”

  Another growl escaped Devon’s lips as he glared over at Aiden. He was close to shifting and it was taking all his will power to prevent it, but Aiden’s obliviousness was making it difficult to do so.

  “I SAID – GET. OUT. RIGHT. NOW!” Devon asserted his Alpha Command forcing Aiden to bow in submission then immediately run out of Sammie’s kitchen patio doors. Aiden looked over at Sammie apologetically and appeared to silently mouth to her, tell him, Sam, before he exited the house.

  Sammie quickly turned her attention to her mate who did nothing but glare at her with an anger she had not experienced from him before. She could tell he had misinterpreted her and Aiden’s interaction. Earlier they had met up and were looking over a few tattoo ideas that they were planning to get together as a familial symbol and bond between the two. This was her fault. Aiden had warned her on several occasions that she needed to tell Devon about their relationship, but she had been scared. Scared about revealing the truth behind their revelation. Scared of the reaction that she would receive from her friends and her mate. It was a lot to process and she just wanted time to prepare herself. She herself had barely made it to a place where she wasn’t thoroughly disgusted with herself and felt safe enough to be intimate with Devon.

  Now here she stood in the kitchen being scrutinized by her mate for her own insecurities. Sammie knew. It was time to be completely honest with Devon and it had to be now. He was set to leave soon, and she didn’t want this scenario to be the last thing they experienced together.

  “Dev- “

  “Not. Now. Sammie.”

  “P-please. It’s not what you think. Aid- “

  “Don’t you dare tell me what I think! I saw you both!”

  “B-but it’s really not what you think Dev. Aiden and I … he’s my- “

  Devon emitted another low growl and rubbed his temples.

  “Don’t. Just don’t. I can't even look at you let alone be in the same room as you at this moment. Maybe it’s a good thing that I am set to leave shortly because If I stayed here any longer I may end up hurting someone.”

  Sammie shook her head and exhaled. This was not how she wanted Devon’s departure to end up. Once again she tried to see if she could get through to his hardened exterior.

  Slowly she reached out and gently placed her hand on Devon’s arm to calm him.

  “Dev- “

  “Don’t. Touch. Me.”

  Devon yanked his arm away from Sammie with such fervor it was as if her mere touch had burned him.

  A sigh left Devon’s lips and he immediately made his way towards the glass patio doors. Once outside Devon transformed into his wolf and ran off in the direction of his pack’s territory.

  “Looks like Selene was wrong. The real betrayer was you, Sammie. What a fucking joke.”

  The last words Sammie heard him utter sent a shiver up her spine.

  Her only hope now was that with any luck, he would calm down and she could talk to him once he returned.

  “I’ll just give him some space and we can talk about this when he comes back. I can fix this. I know I can.” She muttered.

  Despite the determination of her words, something in Sammie’s gut told her that things were only about to get worse.


  Devon’s POV




  As I made my way back to my pack lands I couldn’t help but hate the fact that I would be leaving for Ravenswood pack shortly. I was supposed to be gone for the next couple of weeks. I know I was pissed off beyond all sense of reasoning when I saw her and Aiden together. Their suspicious conversation didn’t make it any easier. What were they talking about? Was Aiden the reason for Sammie’s distant behavior in the bedroom? I mean yeah, last night she seemed like her old self but what about the last few times before that? Was she cheating on me? With Aiden? No. That couldn’t be possible, could it? I mean he had marked and mated with Astrid. Surely she would have felt something, anything if he were cheating. Right? As far as I could tell she was perfectly fine with Aiden and Sammie. Hell, it was her push to have him stay with Sammie while we were all gone.


  Was I wrong?

  Did I misinterpret what I saw? I mean Aiden looked completely oblivious as to why I was so pissed. He’s definitely not that good of an actor to be able to hide if anything was going on between him and Sammie.

  Shit! Why do I feel like the bad guy now?

  Because you are asshat! Slade rolled his eyes and growled at me.

  “Oh so now you speak? Where were you when I was blowing a fuse?”

  I was talking to Aiden’s wolf, Jericho. He was scared shitless.

  “As he should be.”

  I agree but I also understand now what happened.


  I can’t tell you.

  “Why not?”

  Not my place to tell.

  “Then whose is it Slade?”

  Mate’s. You know the one you cut off while you were acting like a ballistic asshat and wouldn’t listen to a word she tried to say?

  “You didn’t stop me.”

  I was having a conversation at the time asshat.

  “Well, thanks for not letting me in on that piece of information at the time. It could have helped.”

  Would it have though? You were already assuming shit about mate.

  “Again rightfully so Slade.”

  No. You let your jealousy fester and didn’t say shit. You never told her how you felt. You didn’t trust mate!

  “That’s not … ugh … whatever Slade. We don’t have time for this now. We’ve got to head to Ravenswood ASAP. I’ll just deal with this pack shit and give Sammie and I some time to cool off before I talk to her about whatever is going on between her and Aiden. Maybe this trip is needed after all.”

  I don’t think so but whatever, Devon. You know what you’re doing. Just don’t blame me later on when you fuck things up.

  With that Slade put his walls up and left Devon to his own devices.


  Devon muttered before shifting back into his human form, slipping on a pair of sweats, and heading into the packhouse.

  Chapter 28

  Sammie’s POV

  So it’s been a whole four hours since Dev’s abrupt departure this morning. Four grueling hours since he left for Ravenswood Pack. Four painstakingly hellish hours with no word. Not one response to my numerous texts and calls. I knew I fucked up, but he wasn’t even going to let me explain. Goddess, I know I sounded like a bitch and most people would say that I got what I deserved but I didn’t care. I’m not perfect. I have been battling my own demons the best way that I could in hopes that I would come out of it with some sense of self-worth. I knew Devon was my mate, but I learned the hard way that you cant always count on that. You need to be strong for yourself first. Yeah, I was being helped by Aiden but that wasn’t planned. I had planned on dealing with everything on my own but then Aiden showed up. Maybe the Moon Goddess sent him to me, to pull me out of the downward spiral I was plummeting towards. I don’t know. Maybe I’ll never know but for whatever reason, it helped. I found myself smiling more than self-loathing and that’s how I was able to finally let Devon back in. I really planned on telling him and our friends the truth; well most of it anyway. The fact that I retained my memories of Justin was something I wasn’t ready to divulge yet. I wasn’t ready for the looks of pity or fear. Hell, when Aiden first found out I could see it. He was afraid of me. I hated it so much. Samantha was right. She told me that I needed to keep that side of us hidden and while Aiden may have moved past his fears I just couldn’t deal with everyone else’s. Nope. That was my pain to suffer alone. Aiden only saw the tip of the iceberg. I couldn
’t let him see the darkness within me. He was too innocent. Too good.

  The ping from my phone brought me out of the chaotic thoughts running through my head.

  It was Dev.

  I hesitantly reached for my phone knowing this could be either bad or good; since I hadn’t heard hide nor hair from Aiden I suspected the latter.

  It was neither.

  D: Hey. So I just wanted to say that I know things got really heated this morning. I believe that nothing is going on between you and Aiden, but we need to talk about things. I am going to use this time to sort through all the crazy shit going on in my head. Hopefully, this also gives you time to collect your thoughts as well. See you when I return. D-

  And that was it, folks. No, go to hell Sammie. No, I love you, Sammie. Nothing but complete and utter neutrality.

  Go figure. Leave it to Dev to keep me completely on edge until his return.

  I took a sip of my lavender blood infused tea and rubbed my temples from the freight train of a headache that was rapidly approaching.

  Am I the only vampire that gets headaches?


  The patio’s French doors opened abruptly and suddenly Aiden stepped in cautiously. He looked me over as if to test the waters by my reaction to his appearance. His hopeful eyes looked at me. This was my brother after all. Like a simple puppy waiting to be greeted by his master, he then lowered his head unsure of what to do. I ran over to him and embraced him for a long time. I was happy that he was safe considering Devon had looked as if he wanted to kill his Gamma. He wrapped his arms around me, and I lost it. I cried. I don’t know why but I was scared of the distance between Devon and me. A distance not only in miles but in our hearts.



  “Why are you crying, Sam? Did something happen after I left … did he reject you?”

  I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders.

  “Then what happened?”

  “I-I don’t know Aid. I mean I understand he’s pissed but … he just texted me and basically told me he needed time to think.”

  “So does that mean he thinks something is going on between us?”


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