Born Evil

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Born Evil Page 25

by Kimberley Chambers

  Summer 2006

  Happy birthday to you,

  Happy birthday to you,

  Happy birthday, dear Charlie

  Happy birthday to you.

  CHARLIE SAT AT the dining table, feeling embarrassed. He hated birthdays, especially his own. As his mother presented him with a cake, he obeyed her orders and made a wish as he blew out the candles. Shutting his eyes, he wished for Dean Summers to get knocked out in his next bout and never regain consciousness.

  ‘Time for your presents now, love. You give him ours, Steve,’ Debbie said.

  ‘Happy birthday, Charlie,’ Steve muttered through gritted teeth.

  ‘Thanks,’ Charlie said, as he snatched the gift bags off of the stepfather he hated.

  After politely thanking his mum and Steve for the iPod, new mobile phone and J.D. Sports vouchers, he took the bag that Gracie had been forced to hand to him.

  ‘Thanks, girls,’ he said falsely, smiling at her and Rosie as he pocketed the HMV voucher.

  ‘Can I go out now, Mum?’ he asked, following her into the kitchen. He was desperate to get drunk, stoned or both.

  He was fifteen today and too old for all this birthday bollocks his mum was forcing upon him. It wouldn’t surprise him if she handed him a bowl of jelly and fucking ice cream or demanded he participate in a game of Pass the Parcel.

  Debbie was disappointed that he was going out so early but forced a smile. ‘’Course you can, love. Oh, and while I remember, we’re going away next weekend with Mickey and Karen. Nanny and Peter are coming as well. I thought it might be nice if you came with us.’

  Charlie looked at his mum in horror. He couldn’t think of anything worse. ‘I’m a bit old for going away with me family now, Mum. Can’t I stay here?’

  ‘Well, I suppose so. Will you be all right here on your own?’

  ‘No, Mum, someone might break into the house and murder me,’ he replied sarcastically.

  ‘I’m sorry, Charlie. I know you’re a big boy now. I’ll have a word with Steve, see what he says. I am your mum, I can’t help worrying about you, love.’

  ‘Well, don’t,’ Charlie insisted. Stupid cow, he thought, as he slammed the front door and marched down the road. He was meant to have met his dad at seven and now he was going to be late.

  ‘Happy birthday, son,’ Billy said as Charlie finally made it to the pub. Handing him a carrier bag, he smiled at his boy’s delight as he pulled out a Glasgow Rangers shirt.

  ‘Thanks, Dad. I love it. I can’t take it home, though. Mum will be well suspicious where I got it from.’

  ‘I’d already thought of that. Just wear it when you’re with me and you can leave it at Andy’s. Right, come on, birthday boy, let’s get langered!’

  Charlie enjoyed that birthday more than any he had had before. He’d told his mum that he was staying round at his imaginary girlfriend’s house. Being able to spend the whole night with his dad made it extra-special to him.

  At school the following day, Charlie got an even bigger treat when he heard Dean Summers telling a couple of the lads that Lois had dumped him.

  ‘She scrolled through my phone and found them texts and pictures that Gemma bird sent me.’

  Summers stopped talking as soon as he noticed Charlie standing nearby. ‘Fuck off, Nonce Case,’ he shouted.

  Charlie smiled to himself as he slouched away. Lois had always been too good for an arsehole like Dean Summers. Briefly, Charlie wondered if she had fucked Dean. He hoped not. If she had, then she was nothing but a fucking slag.

  The rest of the week dragged by for Charlie. He’d never been left in an empty house before and by the time Friday morning arrived, he was doing buttons to have the place to himself.

  When he’d waved his mum, the brats and Fat Bollocks off, Charlie slipped out of his school uniform and changed into a pair of Nike shorts and a T-shirt. He’d pleaded with his mum to let him have the Friday off school but she’d refused, so he was going to forge a letter himself, saying he had a hospital appointment. There was no way he was sitting in a boring classroom when he had this gaff to himself.

  He fished under his bed and pulled out the crates of lager he’d hidden. Armed with his most obscene porno, skunk and Rizlas, he wandered downstairs to watch one of his special films on the large plasma screen.

  Six lagers, five joints and three pornos later, Charlie was bored shitless. His cock was sore from wanking and he’d also come all over his mum’s Persian rug and stained the bastard thing. Fed up, he decided to go for a beer with his dad. He scrolled through his phone and rang Billy.

  ‘I’m sorry, son,’ he said sheepishly. ‘I’ve gotta date tonight. I’m taking that little barmaid out … you know, the one who works behind the ramp in the Spotted Dog.’

  Charlie was fuming as he ended the call. He always spent Friday nights with his old man and now he was being blown out, because of some silly tart. Rolling another joint, he lay back on his luxurious sofa, wondering what to do with himself.

  Lois Dawson sat at a secluded table in a corner of Nando’s and pushed her plate of food towards her friend Marie.

  ‘Come on, Lois. You’ve got to eat something. You’ve barely touched your chicken and no boy is worth wasting a Nando’s for.’

  Lois forced a faint smile. ‘I don’t feel hungry, Marie. I feel like shit and I just want to go home. I really loved Dean, you know. I’m so upset. How could he cheat on me? How could he do that?’

  Leaning across the table, Marie squeezed her best friend’s hand. ‘Look, Lois, it could be worse. Thank God you never slept with him. Imagine if you’d lost your virginity to him, you’d have felt far worse than you do now.’

  Lois fiercely wiped the tears away from her eyes. ‘I know you’re right, but part of me wishes I had slept with him. I think that’s the reason he wandered, because I wouldn’t give him what he wanted.’

  Marie shook her head. ‘Don’t blame yourself. You’re looking at him through rose-tinted glasses. He’s a boy, at the end of the day, and they all think through their willies.’

  Unable to take any more of the truth, Lois put her jacket on. ‘Marie, do you mind if you don’t come round mine tonight? Don’t take it personally, I love you to death, but I just want to be on my own.’

  ‘Are you sure you’re gonna be all right?’

  ‘I’ll be fine,’ Lois replied. ‘I’ll ring you tomorrow.’

  After leaving the restaurant, she headed towards the nearest cab firm. All her mates had hated Dean, said he was a flash bastard. Well, it was her choice and she was determined to sort things out with him, maybe even give him another chance. Deciding to ring him as soon as she got home, she broke into a run.

  As he watched the next porno flicker into life, Charlie switched it off. He was bored with pussy now, especially with watching it. What he needed was a bit of the real thing. Ringing his dad again, he was disappointed when the call went on to answer phone. He’d wanted his old man to change his mind, blow out the bird and take him clubbing.

  He debated whether to ring Kevin, but decided against it. Since he’d been reunited with his father, Kevin had begun to bore the arse off him, and although he was an ally at school, Charlie felt as though he didn’t really need him in his life any more. Picking up his phone once again, he scrolled through the dozen or so numbers he had, and stopped at Lois’s. Now, should he text her or should he not? He knew she was home alone because he had overheard his mum talking to Karen on the phone. Now she’d split up with Dean, maybe she could do with a bit of company. With the skunk and lager clouding his judgement, Charlie planned his text with precision.

  ‘Thank you, driver,’ Lois said, as she paid the nice Asian man his fare.

  Scurrying up the driveway, she let herself indoors and headed to her mum and dad’s drinks cabinet. Lois was a good girl and rarely touched alcohol, but the thought of contacting Dean filled her with dread and she needed a bit of Dutch courage. What if he was no longer interested in her or had another proper girlfriend? S
he poured herself a vodka and she held her nose as she swallowed it.

  Charlie opened another can of lager and rolled yet another joint. He was out of his nut now, but felt lively and boisterous with it. In fact, he felt on top of the world. Three times he’d printed a text, but three times he’d erased it. Now he had come up with one he was ready to send. Putting his lager down, his big stubby fingers went like the clappers as he tapped it out.

  The vodka made Lois feel calm, but also woozy. Hoping she was doing the right thing, she checked her text.

  Dean, I hav a 3 house n realy need 2 c u. I’m sori 4 us splitin up, plz txt bk x

  Feeling brave, she pressed Send.

  Dean Summers was at a pal’s boxing presentation. He was two sheets to the wind, happy as Larry and, unfortunately for Lois, had left his phone at home.

  Her heart jumped when she heard her phone bleep.

  I realy wana fuk u. We both on r own, so how bout I come round?

  Dean’s name never came up. How strange, Lois thought, as she typed in her answer.

  Hury up, I’m w8in 4 u. p.s. Bring sum johnnies.

  Heading back to her mother’s drinks cabinet, Lois poured herself another vodka. She was as nervous as hell, but even though he’d been a sod to her, she knew Dean Summers was the one she wanted to do it with.

  All her friends who had already done it told her that you knew when the time was right, and Lois knew that her time had come. She was also desperate not to lose Dean and that was a major part in her decision. Her mum and dad would go apeshit if they knew, but this was her choice and hers alone. She quickly ran upstairs to get changed. She was unsure what to wear, but finally chose a denim mini-skirt and pink basque. Tonight was special and she was desperate to look sexy for Dean.

  Charlie saw the text come through and couldn’t believe his luck. Bring some johnnies? What a result! Searching through his mum’s address book, he scanned the pages for Mickey and Karen’s address. He knew they lived in Parkstone Avenue, but wasn’t sure of the number.

  Spraying some Lynx under his arms, he rushed to the bathroom to wash his sweaty cock. Not one for cleanliness, he rubbed a bit of Dove soap around it, dried it with a towel and raced down the stairs to ring a cab.

  The cab seemed to take forever to arrive and the journey even longer. ‘Can you stop in a garage for me on the way?’ he asked the driver.

  When they pulled up at an Esso garage, Charlie leapt out and stood in the queue.

  ‘Condoms, please, mate,’ he whispered.

  ‘Vot? I cannot hear you,’ said the Indian assistant.

  ‘You know … johnnies,’ Charlie said quietly, embarrassed and all too aware of the posh-looking woman who happened to be standing behind him.

  Ranjit smiled. Finally he understood. ‘Johnny no vork here,’ he said, smiling.

  Charlie couldn’t get out of the garage quick enough. Fuck the condoms, his dad had always told him it felt far better bareback anyway.

  Lois put on her Busted CD and lit one of her mother’s scented candles. Nervously, she poured another drink.

  * * *

  ‘Pull over here, mate,’ Charlie said, recognising the enormous black wrought-iron gates. Chucking the driver a score, he leaped from the car and rang the buzzer. Lois released the intercom and checked herself in the mirror one last time, adding a bit more lip gloss. Then she unlocked the front door, left it ajar and made her way into the lounge. Flustered, she picked up her glass and lay down on the sofa. She was desperate to come across as cool as possible even though her heart was telling her different.

  Charlie thought that all his Christmasses had come at once as he closed the front door behind him.

  ‘I’m in here, babe,’ he heard Lois say as he made his way towards the lounge.

  What a result, he thought, taking a deep breath to quell his growing excitement.

  Glancing up from the magazine she was pretending to read, Lois’s smile froze in shock.

  The glazed expression on Charlie’s face told Lois all she needed to know. Her very worst nightmare was about to become reality.


  ‘NOW COME ON, girls, don’t mess me about. Bedtime … pronto.’

  ‘Oh, Mum,’ Gracie and Rosie answered in unison with sulky looks on their faces.

  ‘Now,’ Debbie said in her no-nonsense tone.

  Gracie grabbed Rosie’s hand and the pair of them stomped towards their temporary bedrooms.

  ‘Little mares they’ve been on this holiday,’ Debbie said, looking at her mum and Karen for some sort of sympathy vote. Little did Debbie know that the reason for her daughters’ outlandish behaviour was their relief at being miles away from their brother. Without Charlie present, the girls could be themselves and let off steam.

  June couldn’t help laughing. ‘They’re like clones of you and Mickey at that age, Debs. Both of them have inherited the Dawson stubbornness.’

  ‘Thanks, Mum. Blame me, won’t ya?’ Debbie replied, laughing in spite of herself.

  ‘It’s good they’ve got a bit of spirit,’ Karen piped up. ‘I wish my Lois was more like them. At least they stand up for themselves. My Lois is so quiet and shy. Alfie’s not so reserved, but Lois worries me sometimes. She came out of her shell when she met Dean, but I think he’s cooled it a bit and she’s hardly been out of her bedroom since.’

  Debbie put her empty glass on to the table. ‘Young love, eh? Listen, I’d rather your Lois any day than them two little fuckers. Now, who’s for another glass of wine?’

  ‘Yes, please,’ June and Karen answered together.

  The holiday was proving to be a great success. The kids loved Centerparcs, there was so much to do there, and the adults were loving it just as much. Even Peter, who normally walked around with a face like a smacked arse, was joining in with things and being jovial. Debbie felt she’d made a great choice in hiring the villa for a mini-break. It had been her idea to go there in the first place.

  ‘Wey-hey!’ Mickey shouted, amused to see Steve wobbling about, struggling to stay on the bike he’d hired.

  ‘Fuck this for a game of soldiers,’ Steve cursed, desperately trying to keep his balance. He hadn’t ridden a bike for years. Trust him to lump up at a poxy place where cars were banned.

  Hearing a commotion behind him, Mickey looked around, fully expecting to see that Steve had taken a tumble. Noticing it wasn’t his friend but Peter who had ridden head first into a tree, Mickey couldn’t control his laughter.

  ‘You all right, mate?’ he asked, trying not to giggle.

  ‘No, I’m bloody not,’ Peter replied, clutching his left ankle.

  Wobbling over to where Peter lay and Mickey stood, Steve took one look at his brother-in-law’s expression and pissed himself laughing.

  ‘It’s not funny, you know. I think I may have broken something,’ Peter complained.

  ‘You have, you’ve broken the fucking bike,’ Steve chortled, as he clocked the buckled front wheel.

  Unable to control their laughter, he and Mickey fell to the ground in hysterics.

  Peter sighed. He should have known better than to spend the evening drinking with his stepson and friend. They both drank like fish and he’d spent the entire night forcing himself to keep up with them. As soon as he’d hit the fresh air he’d felt drunk, and now this had happened. It was all June’s fault. She’d made him go out, was adamant that some male bonding would do him good. ‘You go out with the boys, Peter. I’m having a girlie night in with Debbie and Karen,’ she’d told him.

  Looking disdainfully at the two laughing fools rolling about on the floor, Peter picked himself up and dusted himself down. This was going to be one hell of a weekend and he needed it about as much as he needed Tony Blair in power.

  Lois sat on the sofa and felt sick with fear. It had been almost an hour now since Charlie had entered the house, and it had been the longest hour of her entire life. Feeling virtually naked, thanks to her stupid choice of outfit, she grabbed a big cushion and hugged it to

  ‘Don’t do that, you’ve got nice legs,’ Charlie said indignantly.

  Not wanting to upset him, Lois moved the cushion away.

  ‘Let’s have another drink, eh? We’re in no rush. We’ve got all night, ain’t we?’ he said, picking up a bottle of Scotch.

  Lois nodded. She was on autopilot now and knew that, whatever she did, she must not upset him. He had gone mad earlier when she’d tried to explain that the text messages she’d sent were meant for Dean, and not for him.

  ‘Slag, whore, prick tease!’ he’d screamed while pacing the room, eyes blazing with anger.

  As frightened as she was, Lois found a strength within herself that she hadn’t known existed. Instinct told her that Charlie was far more dangerous than she could ever have imagined, and she guessed from his glassy expression that he’d been experimenting with drugs of some kind. Deciding that her best, and probably only, way out would be to be nice to him and play him along, she held her glass aloft.

  ‘I’m ready for a top-up now, Charlie. I was just thinking … maybe next week me and you can go on a proper date, if you like? Do you fancy the pictures or something?’

  Charlie knocked back a large gulp of his Scotch and smiled. What did she think he was, fucking stupid? She was trying to play him, give him false hope by being nice. He could see her true opinion sketched across her face. She hated him. He repelled her. Eaten up with anger, he stood up and walked towards her.

  ‘Do you think I’m silly or something? Do I look like some fucking div?’

  ‘Charlie, you’ve got me all wrong. I really like you. I want … ’

  He lunged at her and covered her mouth with his hand. ‘Shut the fuck up, you silly slag.’

  Realising her plan hadn’t worked, Lois lashed out with her fists. As she struggled and fought with him, Charlie’s excitement grew along with his hard-on. ‘I’m all turned on now. Look what you’ve done to me, you horny bitch.’

  As Charlie grabbed both of her hands and held them against his penis, he let out a sigh of pleasure. Overcome by hysteria, Lois let out a piercing scream.


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