Lily in Bloom

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Lily in Bloom Page 16

by Tammy Andresen

  “And what about this one?” Eric nearly growled.

  “You can let him go, Eric.” Lily gave him a small push. Eric slowly released his collar but he looked like he was about to commit murder.

  “It's all right, Lily,” Tracker said easily. “He has a right to keep his lady away from strange men who go around kidnapping young women.”

  Lily rolled her eyes. “I've told them the whole story. They know that you are the one who saved me and that you were a gentleman.”

  Tracker looked over at Eric. “Besides, it's obvious she only has eyes for one man.”

  “That so?” It was Eric's turn to rub the back of his neck with his hand.

  “Actually, several of the men could tell you she says your name in her sleep.” It was Tracker's turn to laugh.

  “Tracker!” Lily blushed, mortified.

  Eric responded by reaching over and grabbing Lily up into a hug. She tucked her head into his chest and he stroked her hair, which Lily had left unbraided. She realized her hat was still by the river.

  Ann stepped forward. “It's nice to meet you, Lily.” Lily gave Ann’s hand a squeeze. As the other woman backed away Lily noticed Ann giving Tracker a sly glance. One of Lily’s eyebrows shot up.

  Eric let her go and Lily turned to the rest of the group. James said nothing. He was clearly on his best behavior, so she turned to Tracker. “Not that I'm not happy to see you but why did you come?”

  Excitement filled Tracker’s eyes. “I told you my real name is Michael and it will be again soon. Kingsley has a large shipment coming in for which I was able to get inventory lists. When he does not pay any of the taxes or tariffs, we will be able to arrest him.”

  “Is that the worst of his crimes?” Eric asked. They all knew that tax evasion was relatively common.

  Tracker shook his head. “There are several other charges we have been gathering evidence on. Warrants for prostitution, murder, and theft have been issued. Tax evasion is the easiest to prosecute. I am delivering the last of the evidence and, with luck, we will arrest the Colonel and Lily will be safe.”

  “How likely is it?” Eric asked, his mouth thinning.

  “Truthfully, not very. Maine is a vast state and there are lots of places to hide. Even if he is not arrested, he may be too busy hiding to be much of a bother to you or...” Tracker paused.

  “He may make it his last mission,” Eric finished.

  “You know him,” Tracker stated.

  Eric nodded, “He will want to take us down before he goes.”

  Tracker brow furrowed. “I'm afraid it might be so. But that is a problem for another day. The reason I have taken a several-hour detour is that you have another problem.”

  Lily felt her spine stiffen with fear.

  “I ran into Lieutenant Colonel Andrews on the way to deliver my evidence. As you might have guessed, he is in league with Colonel Kingsley. I told him I was also looking for Lily, trying to cover all areas. I tried to tell him we thought you might be dead but he doesn't believe it. You leaving Bucksport in the middle of the night has made him suspicious. And while he doesn't yet know who you are he has also grown suspicious of your group. He can't put his finger on why but he has met no more travelers and wants to speak to you again.” Tracker paused.

  “What do we do?” James sounded more tired than Lily could ever remember hearing him.

  “We ditch the wagon and make a break for Portland. If we leave early, we could be there by nightfall,” Eric said grimly.

  Tracker nodded, “They will easily catch up to you if you don't and that could be extremely dangerous. Finding the empty wagon will certainly tip them off but hopefully you can hide in Portland.”

  “We have a ship, waiting in port there,” Eric told the other man.

  “Ah, than that is definitely the way to go,” Tracker affirmed.

  “What about my aunt? I was hoping to find my family or at least one person from my family in Portland.” Ann asked the question quietly but Lily could hear the tension in her voice.

  “We will split up. Morph our group again.” James turned to Ann. “I will stay in Portland with you while Tom, Eric and Lily return to Boston.”

  “I have another ship, The Divine that will be arriving in Portland in three days to unload. James, you can return on that boat,” Eric added.

  “Ann,” Lily turned to the other woman. “If you don't find your family, please consider coming to stay with us.” Eric nodded beside her.

  “We can certainly make room for you in our home and help you find an income of your own or a suitable husband, whichever is your desire.”

  Ann nodded, smiling at the couple. “Thank you. You have no idea how much comfort it brings me to know that I will not be left out on the street. I am beginning to wonder if I was meant to meet you.”

  Lily returned her smile. “I think perhaps you were.”

  Tracker turned to Eric. “If I am unsuccessful at capturing Colonel Kingsley, I would beg you to allow me to come help you in Boston. I think it may serve both of our purposes.”

  Eric nodded. “That would be most appreciated.” Eric gave Tracker the names of several ships he might look for passage then went to his satchel to find paper and pen to scroll notes for James and Tracker to receive passage.

  Tracker followed, handing Eric a small pouch that Eric tucked into his satchel as he pulled pen and paper out. Lily wondered what it could be.

  “Let's get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.” James stood, tucking his papers into his bag.

  Lily laid down on her bedroll but Eric immediately pulled her into his arms. With a smile on her face, she fell instantly asleep.


  THE GROUP WOKE EARLY, ate little, and climbed into their saddles. They had taken everything they needed that could fit on their horses and left the wagon for another traveler to use.

  Tracker departed, heading west, while the rest of the group moved due south with the sun rising on their left shoulders. James took the lead with Lily and Ann behind him and Eric and Tom at the back of the group. The two men seemed to be talking often, but Lily could catch little of what they said.

  They did not stop until mid-afternoon and the pace was a great deal quicker than Lily was used to riding by herself. Every muscle in her body ached and she would have loved to stop. Only the demons behind them drove her forward. Eric called everyone back on their horses after only twenty minutes. If Ann were uncomfortable, she said little and she gave Lily strength. She did tell Lily some about her life in Maine, her family and her husband. Lily found the conversation extremely enjoyable. It kept her mind off the journey, Ann was a good storyteller and she found she liked the other woman a great deal.

  “Ann, I hope you find some family in Maine but I will miss you if you don't come to Boston. But even if you don't, I would like to visit. Once this is all behind us, Eric is planning on buying a home in Kennebunk for us to use part of the year. It would be wonderful to see you.”

  “I would like that,” Ann paused. “Truly, though, I am not sure who will be waiting for me in Portland. My parents died some years ago and my uncle is a bit of a wanderer. My aunt raised me and her health was failing when I left a year and a half ago.

  “I hated to leave her, but Jake had found a good opportunity north and we were trying to make a life. I was planning on coming back for her after Jake died. I should have just come home then. But Jake had bought stake in a boat and I was trying to recoup that money or make some profit but I didn't get very far. Much of it was done with a handshake and not on paper.” Ann's mouth was drawn and Lily could see how painful the experience had been for her.

  “I am so sorry.” Lily comforted her as best she could.

  The day dragged on and finally, toward nightfall, they could see signs that they were nearing their destination. The path they had been traveling on became a road and outlying settlements could be seen. They stopped at a stream to water the horses before heading into town. Portland was on a pe
ninsula and could only be accessed by one strip of land in and out. They were stopped at the threshold.

  Lily was dipping her hands into the cool water, grateful for a drink. It had been a long hot day on the trail. Lifting her hands to her mouth, she heard the distant sound of what she first thought was thunder.

  She could see James scanning the horizon. He jumped on his horse and headed back the way they had come.

  “Lily,” Eric called as he mounted his horse. Ann and Tom followed suit. Lily turned to him and Eric pulled her on his horse as she heard James shout.

  “Go.” Without a moment’s pause, Eric kicked his horse into action. Lily could tell immediately that this horse was a beast of quality. Even after riding all day it took off with amazing speed. It must have been from Eric's personal stable. She looked back, but already she could not see Tom or Ann. She hoped that they were all right.

  Eric and Lily rode swiftly into town, heading for the docks. Eric must have been familiar with Portland. He weaved his way through streets and alleys. “Are they going to be all right?” she shouted over her shoulder.

  “Fine,” Eric yelled. “They headed south. Only we came into town.”

  Lily immediately realized what this meant. Their pursuers might follow the others instead of her and Eric. With night approaching, it would be easy to hide. Or Andrews and his men could be following them and, hopefully, they would be safely on a ship before they were caught. It was a good plan but Lily could not believe that James had allowed it.

  Over the clatter of their own horse, Lily could hear the thunderous hooves of several horses behind them. She turned to look and could see several men in uniform pursuing them. It suddenly occurred to her that there was a third option. They could catch her and Eric and, being military, no one would question their right to capture her. Eric turned a corner and in front of her the sails of several ships billowed out in the wind. The tide had risen and ships were leaving the harbor.

  Eric pressed the horse faster and called out to the men on one of the ships. There was a moment’s pause and then a swarm of sailors came dramatically down the sides of the boat, sliding on ropes and skidding down the gangplank and launched themselves down the peer toward them. Several held pistols in their hands, as well as long swords. Lily felt almost as afraid of them as she did the men behind her but Eric reared up the horse and tossed a man the reins. “Take care of her. See that she makes it to the stables of James Carter in Kennebunk.” The man nodded and, jumping on the horse’s back, took off into the night.

  Eric started pulling Lily into the group of sailors when a hand clamped down on her arm. She cried out and turned to see a Lieutenant Colonel Andrews, still on horseback, gripping her by the upper arm. He gave her a good yank but Eric held firm. Andrews growled and yanked harder. Lily felt like she was going to be ripped in two when one of the sailor’s fists came down like an anvil on Andrews forearm. Lily felt the strength of it, like steel, shoot through her own arm. Andrews cried out, almost falling off his horse, and immediately let go of Lily. Eric gave her a good tug and they were in the thick of the crowd of sailors.

  Andrews’s voice pierced the night. “Lily, you can’t think that Sampson is a better option than me. I know you know what he is capable of.” Lily looked at Andrews. His face was twisted in pain and rage. His was a known accomplice of Colonel Kingsley. She chose to believe Eric’s story over that of gossip.

  The group of sailors was moving toward the gangplank, taking Lily and Eric with them.

  Eric bent down to Lily, his own face twisted in pain. “Don’t respond. It will only provoke him.”

  She nodded as they moved up the plank and Eric turned to the Lieutenant Colonel.

  “Until we meet again, Andrews.” Eric’s jaw was clenched, his face set in stone.

  “You can count on it.” Andrews turned his horse and began riding back into the town. The rest of his soldiers followed suit.

  Around her, the sailors sprang into action. In an almost dance, the men began tugging ropes and as the rigging whistled, great sails unfurled and caught the wind. She would breathe easier when they left the harbor.

  Eric came into the room a few minutes later carrying two buckets of water. Two sailors came in behind him carrying buckets as well. She could have cried with joy at the thought of taking a bath. “We're leaving the harbor. While the Colonel has several shipping schooners as well, I don't think he'll lay chase by sea—unless he is running for his own life or leaving the country. But we'll keep an eye out.”

  “Do you think James and Tom will be safe?” Lily felt the knot of fear tighten again at the thought of them in harm’s way.

  “They'll be fine. Kingsley already knows our destination so Tom and James are of little use. Besides, your brother is in his home territory. He also knows plenty of sailors. It'll be very easy for easy for him to disappear.”

  Lily nodded. Eric was right. Kennebunk was less than a day’s ride from Portland. One of many friends along the way could easily hide them. A tub was brought in and all of the water emptied into it. It looked delicious after the long day on the trail. The sailors left, closing the door and Eric walked over to her.

  “Alone at last.” He smiled then kissed her lips. Lily, about to protest, began to lose herself in the kiss. He had that effect on her. She could feel him unbuttoning her shirt and slipping it off her shoulders. A small part of her told her that they should wait, that it wasn't good to continue down this path. She had wanted Eric to take her virginity. After what had happened with Slim, she didn't want to wait and take the chance that she could be kidnapped again. But it didn't seem right to do it again without being married. She had another problem, however, and that was being with him hadn't lessoned her desire for him. It seemed to have, in fact, made it stronger! Eric cupped one of her breasts stroking the nipple ever so slightly and she felt herself arch backwards and moan. Her arms wrapped around his neck. His hands slid down to her waist and then to the button on her pants.

  “Wait.” She struggled out, trying to catch her breath. He quickly undid her button but he laughed softly.

  “I thought you would want to take the first bath.” Lily pulled her head back to look at him and Eric’s eyes were dancing as he looked back down at her. “Worried I was going to compromise you again, huh? I thought this was what you wanted?”

  He was making fun of her. “I said I wanted you to be the first man I was with,” she shot back. “How much longer until our wedding?” she struggled out. He was rubbing her nipples again and kissing her neck

  “Maybe an hour,” he said as he took one of her nipples in his mouth. She gasped at the pleasure of it, completely losing her train of thought. She felt him cup her buttocks and realized that she was somehow completely naked while he stood fully dressed. She felt a tinge of embarrassment then the reality of his words sank in.

  “An hour? What do you mean? Our wedding isn't for another...” she paused, unsure of how many days it had been since she left Boston.

  He laughed again and lightly kissed her lips. “I am inclined to agree that it would be better to be married before we have any more relations, but as we are about to spend a few weeks on this ship together, I don't see how I could keep my hands off you for that long.” He started kissing her neck again and she struggled to think. The only thing that kept her focused was that he seemed to be enjoying torturing her.

  “But James and Toby! How could we get married without Toby?” Lily started to protest.

  “Your brother knows. This was the alternate plan if our original plan was foiled. He was not pleased.” Eric rubbed her cheek, then stroked her hair. “I'm sorry that your family won't be here to see the service and I am sorry Toby will miss it as well. But he will be thrilled to have you as his stepmother.”

  She swallowed a lump in her throat. She missed that little boy so much. “What about your family? You know so much about mine and I so little about yours.”

  “Well, my father became ill and died when I was nine. I thi
nk I mentioned to you that my mother raised me and my two younger brothers.” Eric wrapped his arms around her again and picked her up.

  She nodded, she knew how hard it was to lose a parent. “It must have been difficult for you. Your poor mother.” Lily rubbed her cheek against his.

  “It was a long time ago and my mother is tough as nails. She did just fine, although I tried her patience a great deal, which she is always reminding me of.” He set her back down on her feet. “Now in the bath with you. You have a wedding to get ready for.”

  “Do I get to meet her? Does she know you are getting married?” Lily was suddenly curious.

  “Yes and yes, although the longer we have until you meet her, the happier we will be.” He winked at her as he began to undress.

  Eric helped her wash up and then it was his turn. She dressed her hair, wearing nothing but a chemise that Eric had left out on the bed. She was beginning to wonder if she was going to have to be married in the men's clothes she had worn on the trail. Built into the wall, were several closed shelves and what looked like a wardrobe. Eric went to it and pulled out some clothes for himself and began dressing.

  “Eric, that's a lovely shirt.” She raised her eye brows, hoping to drop a hint. She would settle for a set of clean men's clothes.

  “Thank you.” He winked back. “I must say you look stunning yourself.”

  “You’re teasing.” He chuckled and pulled out a pale blue silk gown. It was beautiful. He quickly helped her lace up her corset and pull on her petticoats. She put on the dress and Eric buttoned her up. She glanced in the mirror. Her face looked thinner than normal but it was so nice to see herself in a dress again.

  “Such a shame to put all these clothes on.” Eric’s eyes danced wickedly. She swatted at him as he returned to dressing himself.

  “Thank you for the dress. It's beautiful.” Lily beamed at the man about to be her husband.

  “You are beautiful.” He kissed her forehead.


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