Fallen Crest Forever (Fallen Crest Series Book 7)

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Fallen Crest Forever (Fallen Crest Series Book 7) Page 16

by Tijan

  I took the phone. “I’m fine. I was calling for him, but it’s not needed. Thank you.” I hung up and frowned at Nate. “What are you doing? She wanted a cab.”

  “Where is she?”

  The toilet flushed down the hallway.

  He looked that way. “Oh.” Then he leaned closer to me. “I’m not doing anything shady, but I’ll take her home. I don’t know who she is. I want to find out a little more about her before sending her on her way.”


  “The bar was filled with reporters last night.”

  I touched my chest. “Because of me?”

  “What?” He frowned, shaking his head. “No. Not you. That’s not news yet. For the game. I don’t remember a lot about last night, so I want to make sure this chick isn’t a reporter.”

  The door opened then, and Valerie came out. Her hair had been smoothed; it was even glossy somehow. It had looked mostly blond before, but I saw some reddish tints to it now. Her dress was back in place and covering all it was supposed to be covering, and her shoes were on. She had a clutch in her hand that I hadn’t seen before. She started toward me, but saw Nate and jerked backward.

  “Oh.” She caught herself on the doorframe to keep from falling. “Oh, hey.”

  He waved to me. “I hope it’s okay, I had her cancel the cab. I’ll give you a ride home.”

  I hit his arm. “The game.”

  “Yeah.” He pushed my hand away distractedly. “We’ll be fine. I’ll be back.” He gestured to her. “Is that okay? Can I give you a ride home?”

  “Sure.” She came forward a few steps, walking stiffly. She held onto her clutch with both hands in front of her. “But I don’t go to Cain U. I don’t live here. I’m in town with some friends for the game.”

  “You are?”

  His relief was evident. I hit him, just because.

  Nate shot me a look. “What?”

  Her eyebrows drew together again, and she lowered her head slightly.

  I gestured to her.

  Understanding dawned. “Oh! No. I thought you were a reporter. If you’re with friends for the game, I’m hoping you’re not a reporter.”

  “Why would you worry I was a reporter?”

  “Because there were a lot at the bar last night.”

  She shook her head slowly, like she was trying to remember. “I think that’s why my friend wanted to go to that bar. She has a thing for one of the ESPN commentators.”

  “But you’re not a reporter, right?”

  She shook her head. “No. I go to Gammit.”

  That was the team we were playing today.

  I forced a smile, grabbing onto Nate’s arm. “Do you mind if we have a moment?”

  She stood there.

  So did we. And then her eyes got wide again. “Oh!” She pointed to the door. “You want me to—okay.” She power-walked to the door. “I’ll be right out here. Don’t forget about me.”

  As soon as the door closed behind her, I let go of Nate’s arm. “You like her, don’t you?”

  He lowered his voice, sneaking a look at her on the other side of the door. “The sex was really good last night.”

  “Good enough that you want to threaten Mason by telling her who you are?”

  “How would that threaten Mason?”

  This girl was a stranger. He might want to stay in her pants a while longer, but there was a reason we were a tight-knit group. Not just anyone got in. And this wasn’t normal for Nate. I felt an underlying alarm to press this point to him.


  Then he held his hands up. “Okay. Okay.” He backed up, and his tone was serious. “I got it. I know what you’re saying. She won’t know anything about Mason.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes.” He lowered his hands, letting out a sigh. “I won’t tell her my last name. I’ll give her a ride back to the hotel, and I’ll distract her the whole time. It’s obvious she’s not like us. She’s not guarded, so I can ask her questions without telling her anything. I’ll keep her talking, and I’ll get her number without her having any clue who I am.”

  And that meant who he was in relation to Mason.

  “Okay.” Good. It might not be anything. She could be an ally, but why risk it? This girl could be a one-night stand. Or a two-night stand. He didn’t have to make it anything else.

  “Okay.” Nate nodded again, collecting his keys and wallet. “I’ll call when I drop her off. Let me know the plans from there. Traffic is going to be a bitch today.”

  “Garrett said we could all watch with him in his firm’s private box.”

  “Your bio dad?”

  I nodded and pointed upstairs. “I’m waiting for the Sex Machine to finish before telling them too.”

  He grinned. “Sounds like a plan. I’ll call you guys.”

  “Hey.” I stopped him as he went to the door. “I can tell you like her. I’m not saying not to like her or pursue anything. I’m just saying—”

  “I know. Be cautious. Be smart.”


  He opened the door. “I’ll call you in a bit.”

  “Okay.” I waved at Valerie, who turned toward us as we opened the door. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you too!” She waved back, then asked Nate, “What’s her name?”

  “Just a roommat—” The door shut, and I couldn’t hear any more.

  “Yo!” Logan came down the stairs.

  I turned and grinned. “That was quick.”

  He braked on the last step. “Ah. Not funny, Sam. Not funny.”

  “I thought I was funny.”

  He glanced around. “What’s going on? You don’t usually knock on my door.”

  I filled him in on everything, and he agreed it was a good idea to head out as soon as we could. He went to get dressed for the game, saying he’d let Taylor know the plan too, and I went back to my bedroom to change. I’d pulled some things on in a rush, thinking I was way behind schedule. Now that I had a moment, I grabbed different pants that were still comfortable but a little more fashionable.

  I knew my biological father and his wife. They ran in elite circles, and that meant they were always dressed so they looked wealthy without trying to look wealthy. It was a skill. Sharon was nice, but she was one of those socialite types. She looked beautiful and put together every time I saw her. And now that I thought about it, Malinda was too. I always forgot about that. Malinda was just Malinda to me. Loving, warm, and sassy, but she could play in those top circles too. She had more bite than Sharon, but this was Garrett and Sharon’s alma mater. I had no doubt they’d be seeing old friends.

  All in all, I wasn’t sure what to expect from the day.

  Forty minutes later, Logan, Taylor, and I were heading to the game with instructions to pick up Nate at the hotel where he’d dropped Valerie off. We figured it was easier to go in one car because we were already going to be meeting both sets of my parents there.

  I talked to Malinda. She and David would meet us at the stadium. And since we were going to Garrett’s box, I assumed we’d meet him and Sharon there too.

  After picking up Nate, it took another half hour to get to the stadium.

  Swarms of people were already descending on the stadium, and by game time, it’d be filled to the max.

  “Hey.” Taylor pointed to a group going in through the same entrance as we were. “Look.”

  Faith and Nettie were there, along with a bunch of other girls from the team.

  “I don’t see Courtney and Grace,” she added.

  I frowned. “Were we supposed to invite them with us?”

  She shrugged. “I’ll text them and mention that we saw Nettie and the other girls at the game, see if they’re coming too.”

  We hadn’t talked much about it last night. Everything had mostly been about the meet, but as we followed the group inside, and then proceeded to continue following them, I realized they were in the box next to us.

  I stopped Taylor. “D
id you already text them?”


  A cold feeling spread in my stomach, and I peeked into the next box. Faith was there, along with the rest of the team. The only ones not there were Taylor, me, Courtney, and Grace.

  “Do you need something?” Faith came to the door, a drink in one hand and a haughty expression on her face.

  “What happened to ‘Thank you for helping me go faster’?”

  She shrugged, sipping her drink. “That was on the course. This is off the course.”

  “You’re cold.”

  She laughed. “I’ve never pretended to be otherwise.” She angled her head to look at the door to our box. “Unlike you. I’m betting whoever you’re sharing that with, you didn’t invite your two other buds from the team.”

  “Are you sharing with Coach Langdon?”

  “No. This is my dad’s private box. Coach usually sits with the other coaches. They all share one box.”

  I didn’t tell her I’d been invited to that one. “Well, have fun watching the game.”

  “I will.”

  “I’ll have fun watching your boyfriend,” she added.

  I wasn’t sure what she meant by that, but I turned to Taylor as we entered the box. “Text Courtney. Invite her and Grace up here.”

  They couldn’t be the only ones left out. I wouldn’t do that to them.

  I looked over and saw Garrett and David waiting for me.

  I took a breath, then approached both of my dads.

  Garrett and David had settled in together, sitting side by side.

  Sharon and Malinda also sat together.

  They were all happy to see me, as well as my friends. And they were happy about my race time. Garrett and Sharon hadn’t known about my first meet, and Malinda loved telling them. She followed that up with insisting that my biological father and his wife join us for dinner too.

  Actually, she invited everyone, including Matteo, Courtney, and Grace. When they agreed, Malinda called ahead to alert the restaurant, and when we arrived after the game, we were led to a private room in the back.

  “Honey, you must be so happy today.” Malinda linked her elbow with mine. She pulled me to the side as everyone headed in and took their seats.

  There it was, that word. Happy. Everyone seemed happy. I just wasn’t used to the emotion being genuine around me. But I’d done well in my race, and Mason had scored two touchdowns to help Cain U win their first game of the season. I was surrounded by friends and family . . .

  “I am.” And I was. I really was. I nudged her with my elbow. “I’m glad you and my dad came up today.”

  “Yes, me too.” She craned her neck to look into the room. “Everyone’s sitting down. I should head in there, but I wanted to check in with you real quick. How are you? I was shocked when you told me you’d joined the cross-country team. I know you haven’t the last two years.”

  “I know, but I wanted to do . . .” How could I explain this without feeling selfish?

  “Something for yourself?” she supplied for me.

  Some of the tension left my shoulders. “Yeah. It’s been fine so far, but we start classes next week.”

  “Well, that’ll be more of a challenge, but you and Mason will be fine. You’ve already been through so much, and you’re going to have moments like these. Especially if you guys get married, or stay together for life. Some husbands join the military and are gone for years. I think you and Mason are very lucky to have what you have, and I know you two are committed to the relationship.”

  David came to the door and waved for Malinda to join the rest of them. She laughed softly under her breath. “Trust me. When you have a good one, you hold onto him. You might not get another.” She shook her head, clearing away whatever else she’d been thinking, and gave my arm one more squeeze. “Maybe not you, though. You’re amazing. Any guy would be lucky to have you. I gotta go in there. You’re waiting for Mason?”

  I nodded. Mason and Matteo needed to shower and change after the game, not to mention all the people they needed to talk with before they could leave.

  She kissed my cheek before going to the room. I could hear her saying, laughing as she did, “I’m here. The party has to start now, right, Logan?”

  “Damn straight, Mama Malinda.”

  I wandered back to the front of the restaurant and was content to wait outside until Mason and Matteo arrived. There was a warm breeze, and after all the attention I’d gotten in the box and since yesterday, I was grateful for some moments alone. I drew in a deep breath, watching people come and go. This was one of the nicer restaurants in Cain, so maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised when I saw Faith walking up from the parking lot toward the entrance.

  She never goes away.

  She wasn’t dressed in the jeans and light sweatshirt she’d worn to the game. Instead, she now wore a black dress and heels with her hair on the top of her head. A white shawl draped around her back and arms. If I hadn’t known Faith from the team, I would’ve assumed she was a celebrity or something. She had that air about her.

  She was with Nettie, who was also dressed up in a white dress. No white shawl for her, though. She held a black shawl instead, and her hair was curled and hanging loose down her back.

  I couldn’t stop myself. I snorted.

  The sound drew Faith’s attention, and her eyes widened before narrowing. She stepped onto the curb where I was sitting. “Are you stalking me, Strattan?”

  “My memory tells me I got to the football game before you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Slightly. You were at the entrance first. You followed us inside. That’s what my memory says.”

  I kept going as if she hadn’t spoken. “And again, I’m here before you.” I narrowed my eyes at her. “Are you stalking me? Is that what’s really going on here? I know you’re in love with me on the course now, apparently, but maybe it’s time you admit how you feel about me off the course too.”

  “That’s easy.” She gave me a fake smile. “Loathing. Deep, dark, loathing. That’s what I feel for you, and don’t get confused. I am grateful to you on the course because of one thing: competition. Until you came, I was never motivated to really push myself, and yesterday I beat Emily Kostwich. I can beat anyone now.”

  “Except me.”

  She tsked me, waving her finger in the air. “Don’t get cocky, Samantha. You never know. Someday, you might not be able to run.” She paused. “Like Raelynn.” She tilted her head to the side. “I hear you’re great friends with her now.”

  “I hear you dropped her like a bad habit.”

  She frowned. “I can’t stay by her side all day long. I still have to train and have a life.”

  “I would think that’s completely understandable, except for the first time I visited her. She predicted you’d drop her like an anchor. She’s coming back to running, you know. She’s just out this year.”

  “Is that what she said? That’s funny. That’s not what the doctors said. But hey, you were in the room when they were, right? Oh wait.” She dropped the pretend smile and politeness. “You weren’t. I was. Rae’s been my best friend since elementary school. I’m not dropping her as a friend, but I do have to live my life and continue to train.” She pulled her shawl tighter and raised her chin. “We’re meeting my father inside and some family friends. Excuse us, would you?”

  She started forward.

  “Rae’s not your friend,” I called after her.

  She stopped, her back stiffened, and she slowly turned to me.

  Her eyes were full of caution. She knew what I was going to say, but I had such pleasure saying it anyway. I made sure my voice was cold, like her.

  “She’s in love with you, but you already know that.”

  She sucked in her breath. “Do you know what you just did?”

  Yes. Because when I’d visited Rae, she asked me to call Faith out on it. I nodded. “Trust me, I was given permission to say this to you. If you really do care about her, go talk to her.
Her feelings matter.”

  “I’m not some lesbian.”

  “Right.” I nodded. “Because that’s the best reaction you can have when you find out your best friend since elementary school is in love with you. Say you’re not a lesbian.” I was struggling not to say too much, but I did add, “The loathing is mutual, you know. And mine just went up a whole other level. I love having you on my team.”

  “It’s my team!” she snarled. “It’s not yours. It’ll never be yours.”

  I saw Mason and Matteo approaching from the parking lot, but I couldn’t stop. I didn’t just loathe Faith. I was beginning to truly hate her.

  “If you don’t start beating me, I can only assume you mean to keep the team a different way. Tell me, Faith,” I chided, softly. I wanted to know. I wanted to see a crack in her mask. “If you were to take me down, how would you do it? A shove? Would you hope my ankle broke? Or a different way? How would you do it?”

  Her ice-cold exterior remained intact. “I want to beat you in the truest way there is: I’m going to be faster than you. It’s just a matter of time before you feel me right behind you. Like I said before, I’ve never really had competition.”

  This was the second time Faith referenced not having any competition. I’d sensed a reaction from Nettie the first time, but I ignored it. I looked this time, and she wasn’t glaring at me like a good sidekick. She was frowning at Faith, her arms hanging loose by her side. The shawl was slipping. She didn’t notice.

  I jerked my head toward Nettie. “Look at that. Seems like at least one of your friends might not agree with you.”

  “Sam,” Mason called.

  He and Matteo stood at the door in jeans and Cain University shirts. They weren’t dressed up, but they didn’t need to be. Mason held his own, no matter what he wore. A commanding presence, and a slight shiver of danger clung to him. Nettie and Faith both reacted to his presence, and I wasn’t the only female to take all of him in. Nettie touched her stomach and flipped one of her curls over her shoulder.

  “You okay?” he asked me.

  I nodded. “Yeah.” I moved around the two girls.


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