Chronicles of Eden - Act XI

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Chronicles of Eden - Act XI Page 31

by Alexander Gordon

  “Then do him.”

  Falla jumped and fell silent, the girl searching for any sign of the unknown voice before seeing Daniel watching her with a curious smile.

  “You’re so eager to have sex with Squeak, so eager to wash her in the bath, to touch her breasts and hips, to kiss her lips. You’re always stealing glances of her, especially whenever she bends over to pick something up. Yet what about Daniel? He’s your mate, isn’t he? He’s the one who fights to protect you, wants to give you a wonderful future, and is even starting a family with you because he genuinely wants to. He’s not only taking care of so many other girls with everything he has but you as well. He does all this for you, and what do you do? You ogle one of his other mates instead of him.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “When was the last time you got down on your knees and thanked him with your lips?”


  “When was last time you flaunted your figure towards him to excite him?”


  “When was the last time you pressed your boobs against him in a loving and slightly teasing way?”


  “When was the last time you tried to have sex with him without him having to make the first move?”

  “I… but…”

  “When was the last time you really expressed your full love and affection towards Daniel?”

  Falla remained silent while feeling a sinking feeling in her heart. She slowly looked down and held a hand over her chest, the world around her becoming darker as the sun began lowering over the horizon.

  “You’re so quick to show affection and love for Squeak, but with Daniel you appear to be hiding it rather well. Sure, he kisses you and has sex with you, but you seem to be just going along for the ride when he does. When was the last time you stepped up and returned the favor for him?”

  “But… no, that’s not true. I do love him, I really do.”

  “Sure you do.”

  “It’s the truth!” Falla yelled into the air. “I love everything about him, every single thing! He makes me happier than anything else in the whole world, I mean it!”

  “Sure you do.”

  “Dammit, I do! Stop calling me a liar with this, I’m not lying! And for your information, Ms. Fucking Stalker, the reason I don’t do those lecherous things to Daniel is because I’m better than that! I’m not some sneaky giant butterfly who needs to trick Daniel into loving me with my body! I’m not some wild horny monster that only thinks about having sex with him! For crying out loud, I’m perfectly happy just enjoying the goddamn sunset with him up here!”

  “You’re content with just that?”

  “Yes I am!”

  “Then you’re a horrible mate for him,” the voice scowled. Falla was taken aback and fell silent as the voice sighed in her ear. “Lying to him saying he means the entire world to you when you don’t prove it. Letting him do everything he can to make your life better and then not returning the gratitude. Keeping your perverted eyes on your co-mate instead of him. You’re a horrible woman, Falla.”

  “How… how dare you…” Falla softly said while trembling.

  “Don’t you see how much he’s done for you?”


  “Don’t you see how much he loves you?”

  “Of course I do!”

  “Don’t you see that there is nothing he wouldn’t do for you?”

  “Dammit, what do you want from me?” Falla cried out. “What am I supposed to do differently to show how much I love him?”

  “Stop directing your passion and lust towards Squeak instead of Daniel. Stop using her as an outlet for your carnal desires and emotions. Stop hiding your true feelings for your man because you’re afraid of being too forward or immoral with him. Stop this deception with yourself once and for all, Falla!”

  Falla was rendered speechless while looking up, her wings slowly drooping low behind her while Daniel continued to watch her curiously in the small amount of sunlight that was left.

  “You think you can hide the truth of what you’re doing just because you’re a giant butterfly? You can’t deceive yourself from the truth forever, Falla.”

  “Who… are you?” Falla breathed out.

  “You’re afraid of Daniel seeing you as a lustful monster like you once were if you’re too forward with your feelings and urges. You keep yourself under control very well, in doing so you’re directing all your pent-up emotions and desires onto Squeak, treating her like a queen and worshipping her body when you should actually be doing so with the man who saved your life and loves you so much. That’s your secret, Falla, how you control your inner nature. You’re just letting it all out onto someone else so you don’t hurt the bond you and Daniel share.”

  “But… I… I-”

  “If you say you have to you’re only deceiving yourself further. What you should be doing is getting closer to Daniel, not keeping him away for what you think is his own safety. You stupid girl, he loves you! He wants to have a family with you! He loves having sex with you! Why don’t you embrace what you truly have with Daniel instead of directing your wants and needs onto Squeak? You’re not being fair to either of them! You’re keeping your true feelings for Daniel a secret and you’re letting Squeak think you love her more than you do Daniel!”

  “That’s not… true…” Falla whimpered. She started crying with her hands held to her face, the echoing words of the unseen girl striking at her heart as she tried and failed to argue against them.

  “Falla? What’s wrong?” Daniel asked as he held her close.

  “I’m sorry!” Falla wailed. “I’m sorry! I just… I just… I didn’t mean… I only…”

  “It’s okay, Falla,” the voice gently reassured. “This isn’t the first time you’ve seen the error of your ways. And this can still be corrected.”

  “How?” Falla sniveled. “What can I do?”

  “Love him.”

  Falla whimpered and wiped her tears away then looked to Daniel as held her with a caring smile. He gently held her cheeks and gave her a small kiss, the girl showing a faint smile towards him as he dried her tears and brushed aside a few strands of her hair.

  “You think if you show more love and affection towards him, if you get more physical and sexual with him, he’ll reject you because you’re acting like a lustful monster who can’t control herself, yes?”

  “That’s right,” Falla breathed out.

  “Well you’re not a lustful monster. You’re not mindlessly going around trying to rape anyone. You’re even settling down with one and only one man in your life to be with forever. You’re not a sinful monster, Falla. You’re a loving mate. There’s a difference.”

  “But… I…”

  “You mustn’t be afraid to show your true feelings towards this man. If you want to kiss and snuggle in the evening sunlight then go ahead. Or if you want to help him relax and feel exceptional with a sloppy blowjob or an evening humping under the tree then that’s alright as well.”

  “Wh… what?” Falla whispered with a deep blush.

  “Haha! Don’t act so bashful. You know very well how to take care of your man. You’ve made love to him before, right? You know how to make him feel as happy and complete as he does with you, don’t you?”

  “Well… maybe,” Falla bashfully replied.

  “Have more confidence in yourself, Falla. You’re his mate. You’re the one he wants to be with. You’re the one he loves protecting, caring for, and having sex with. You have more than enough right to mate with your mate. If anything it’ll help strengthen the bond between you. As true lovers.”

  “Lovers,” Falla quietly repeated. She gulped and glanced down to Daniel’s pants while her hands gently held onto his. “I’m not… being greedy or anything if I want it? I’m not being… too lustful, am I?”

  “Not at all. Falla, never forget you’re his mate, and you are the one he wants to be with. There will never be any doubt in his mind a
bout you being the wild, horny monster that you once were. He knows you’re not like that now. So then you’re not going to be raping him. You’re not going to be taking him by force. You’re going to be giving yourself to him out of love, and you’re going to make him appreciate you all the more in doing so.”

  Falla slowly leaned closer to Daniel and rested her nose against his, her eyes gazing into his while her wings lifted up and fluttered once behind her.

  “Daniel?” she carefully asked. “I need to tell you something.”

  “What is it, Falla?”

  “I’m sorry, but… I was lying to you again.”

  “You were?” he worried. “About what?”

  “When I said I wanted to stay here like this forever earlier, I didn’t mean it.”

  She glanced down then pulled his pants down with a quick yank, surprising the boy with a jump along with something else that popped up in his lap.

  “In truth,” Falla continued with a sly smile at him. “I want to do more with my man than just sit here and watch the sunset. Much more.”

  “Falla,” Daniel spoke while seeming taken aback. She quickly kissed him for a moment then lowered her head down onto his lap to eagerly take him into her mouth. Daniel jumped a bit then slowly relaxed while breathing out, his hand gently resting on Falla’s head that bobbed up and down with eager moans from the butterfly girl.

  “Falla,” Daniel breathed out before lying back on the branch, his eyes watching the girl orally servicing him with gently fluttering wings. She glanced up to match his gaze while still going with her efforts to please and excite him, a wink being made at her mate that she saw was enjoying her service before she lowered her head again and focused on what she was doing. Daniel moaned softly and held onto her hand above his waist as the butterfly expressed her love for him, something she did so with more energy than usual this time. After a long while of sucking him off Falla leaned up and smiled hungrily at him while using her hand to swiftly stroke his now standing erection.

  “I’ve been afraid for a while now,” she admitted, with Daniel watching her curiously as she fluttered her wings and gently lifted off the branch over him. She hovered above his lap while still using her hand to keep him worked up, her eyes glancing down to what she was holding up towards her womanhood before smiling remorsefully at Daniel.

  “I was afraid if I expressed too much love or affection, you would think I was letting my inner nature get the best of me. That I was becoming… the monster I used to be. I’ve been hiding a lot of my feelings from you, Daniel. I’m sorry I have, I never should have deceived you like this. The truth is this. I love you so much and I really want to mate with you. Not because my body is telling me to, but because my heart is. I hope you don’t hate me for this.”

  “Hate you?” Daniel repeated. He smiled confusingly and shook his head as Falla showed a timid expression. “How could I hate you? I love you, Falla. So much, more than I can ever say. Being the one who gets to mate with you makes me the luckiest man in Eden.”

  He set his hands up on her hips and steadied her over his manhood that she kept slowly stroking beneath her, her wings gently flapping in the air and her eyes watering up slightly with a small smile forming on her face.

  “I love you with all my heart, Falla,” he dearly promised. “And I would be more than happy to have sex with my beautiful mate. Always.”

  “Daniel,” Falla whimpered. She slowly stopped flapping her wings, lowering herself down onto his lap with his erection pushing into her. Holding in her voice she grunted and dropped down atop Daniel while clinging to his arms, her hips shaking slightly while her legs tucked in closer to Daniel and hugged him. After a moment she slowly looked down at him while he held her gently around the hips, the same warm smile he had on his face she had seen so many times before melting away her worries about her having lustful desires for him.

  “You make me happier than anything else ever could,” she tearfully admitted.

  “You make me whole every time you’re near,” Daniel promised while gently holding her cheek. “Especially when you’re this near.”

  With a small thrust upward using his hips he pushed deeper into the butterfly girl, causing her to yelp and cling to him more tightly before smiling in awe at him.

  “And I want to be as close as I can be with you, as much as I can be,” Daniel said with a wink.

  “Daniel,” Falla purred as she sat upright on his lap. The hungry smile down at him along with a flutter of her wings made Daniel chuckle a bit from seeing the girl clearly getting riled up. She unsnapped her bra and tossed it away before licking her lips slowly as she eyed over the man she was straddling.

  “There’s my sexy butterfly that I fell in love with,” Daniel commented.

  “And here’s your reward,” she spoke leaning close to his face. “For making my life complete, Daniel, I’m going to love you so much for the rest of yours.”

  “That better not be a lie,” he dared with a bold smile.

  “I swear it, Daniel,” she promised while nearing his lips. “I’m going to be a very good butterfly and take extra special care of you forever and ever.”

  She kissed him deeply as she began humping her mate, her passionate moans being muffled in his mouth while he held her hips and started thrusting into her from underneath. Falla’s wings fluttered now and again as she expressed her full love towards her man, a warm feeling within her heart steadily growing as if Daniel’s Synergy magic was calling upon her aura once again.

  “I love you, Daniel!” she cried out as she parted from their kiss and kept her head next to his. “I love you more than anything in the whole world! And I’m going to prove it! Every day I’ll prove it to you without a shadow of a doubt!”

  “I love you, Falla,” he spoke into her ear while keeping her close and moving atop his lap. “No matter what, you’ll always be my beautiful butterfly.”

  “Daniel!” Falla cried before she kissed him deeply again. The two continued to make love on a large branch high above Flairwood with stars beginning to shine in the approaching night sky. As they did Falla felt a wave of emotion breaking free now that she felt no fear of showing her deepest feelings and urges towards Daniel. All she could think about was him, loving him and keeping him as close to her as possible. Nothing else mattered or even registered with her. Not the fact that they were somehow high above her homeland. Not that she had no idea how they even got there in the first place.

  And not the jinx that was lying on a branch above them while watching the two with a slick smile on her face.

  “There you go, Falla,” Star purred to herself. “That’s how Daniel’s mate should be with him. You’ve earned the right to join with him, you should exercise that right whenever you can. I don’t believe he’ll be complaining about it in the least.”

  She chuckled and hopped to her feet before warping to a higher branch away from them. Looking down at seeing Falla moaning loudly into the air before Daniel pulled her back into a kiss as they continued to have sex high above the giant butterfly grove Star smirked and held a finger to her chin as she purred softly in anticipation.

  “I hope I earn that right very soon. I simply can’t wait to join with Daniel myself in contorted ecstasy, and to see if he can really tame me or vice versa.”

  Chapter 9

  Sweet Dreams

  In the world of Eden there was no safer refuge than in one’s own dreams. It was there they could be free to do whatever they wanted, to be as happy as their own imaginations would allow, and to even do things that they couldn’t normally do in the real world. Things that may have been too frightening, too difficult, or perhaps something they weren’t allowed to do at all when awake. While in their dreams they had complete freedom over what they wanted to do, be it something they wished to keep private or maybe one day experience for real outside of their imaginings.

  It was in their dreams that their true desires and nature could be seen.


; “Why am I not surprised?” Star said to herself with a very confused look.

  All around her in a magical land of bubbly hills and trees brandishing giggling leaves there were sights of wonder and complete insanity. Bouncing toadstools of vibrant colors hopped about in the grass while birds with large flowery petals for wings fluttered through the air singing in beautiful voices. The clouds above poured glistening blue and green water in cascading falls that swerved around through the air before raining down upon the tress that hummed and swayed with large eerie smiley faces made of wood and branches on their trunks. Large rainbow colored beetles marched across the ground wearing tiny white boots on all their legs while whistling happily as they went across the fields and even atop the river that gently rolled by. The stream had fish wearing top hats hopping above the surface while saying ‘How do you do?’ to one another, with one of the fish being snatched up by a very large sunflower before the plant laughed with its wide smiling mouth within its yellow bud and promptly ate the fish whole. The flower then started singing with a man’s voice and danced about with no roots holding it down and rabbits wearing skirts of cookies prancing around it joyously.

  “Luna?” Star slowly said shaking her head. “I’m seriously worried about you now.”

  The jinx blinked then looked down to see a penis, just the penis mind you, crawling along the ground like an oversized worm. It stopped, looked up to her the only way it could, whistled out of the only hole it could, then quickly scurried along the grass before a bird swooped down and snatched it up.

  “Always did wonder what went on in that head of hers,” Star commented scratching her head. “This however is only raising more questions.”

  “Yay!” Luna happily cheered. The jinx quickly looked around before warping further into the smiling forest. The trees all watched her with slowly shifting eyes as the cat darted about through the strange woodland in search of the butterfly girl.

  “Bouncy bouncy bouncy!” Luna laughed.


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