Chronicles of Eden - Act XI

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Chronicles of Eden - Act XI Page 33

by Alexander Gordon


  “And once again, I’m not really surprised,” Star said to herself with a dull expression.

  “Boobies!” Pip cheered as she literally bounced atop a pair of large breasts, the bosom not being attached to anyone but instead floating in the air along with hundreds of other breasts that were bumping into one another and constantly jiggling in the endless sky.

  “I love you, boobies!” Pip giggled as she flew around and dove into another bosom headfirst.

  “We love you, Pip!” the bosom squealed in an excited woman’s voice.

  “We love you so much!” another called out.

  “Love us forever!”

  “Forever and ever!”

  “Okay!” Pip cheered popping her head up from the pair she was smothered in. She waved her hands around excitedly as all the breasts seemed to gather closer to her with eager squeals. “Yay! All the boobies are mine! I’m so happy!”

  “Must be nice being so simpleminded,” Star said shaking her head. She glanced around to the endless sea of breasts that jiggled about while floating in the air with them, seeing nothing else at all except all the bouncy bosoms and the happy fairy that zipped from one pair to another with absolute merriment.

  “This is going to be difficult,” Star worried. “I don’t think Pip is restraining herself from loving Daniel to her fullest. She’s not even naturally attracted to him in the same way the other girls are. Her nature is to love women, not men. She’s not even capable of actually having sex with Daniel like we are. If that’s the case she can’t… wait a moment. Maybe there is a way for her.”

  “I love you so much, my booby,” Pip purred before she started sucking the nipple of one of the breasts surrounding her. Her wings fluttered wildly in excitement while she held onto the jiggling mound with both arms and legs. Behind her Star warped into place while watching the tiny fairy with a smirk, the jinx pushing away giggling breasts from her face before leaning closer to Pip who continued to purr while clinging to the current boob of her fancy.

  “What about Daniel?” Star whispered. Pip froze in place and remained still as the jinx showed a saddened frown. “Don’t you love him too?”

  “Daniel?” Pip repeated as she looked around, seeing only giggling and jiggling breasts floating nearby.

  “Don’t you love him, Pip?” Star asked tilting her head. “I thought he was special to you. Is that not true?”

  “Who is that?” Pip wondered as she slowly fluttered up into the air. “Who are you? Are you more boobies?”

  “Daniel’s not here. Only boobs are here. So it must be true then. You don’t actually love him, do you?”

  “No, I do love Daniel. I do. I really do.”

  “All you want is women,” Star worried. “Their boobs. Their juices of life. Their love. You don’t really want Daniel at all, do you?”

  “No!” Pip cried out. “I do want him! I really do! It’s the truth!”

  “Why isn’t he here then? Why is nothing else here but breasts?”

  “I don’t… I don’t know,” Pip fretted looking around quickly. “No, I do love him. I know I do. Daniel! Daniel! Where are you?”

  She flew off in a blue blur, zipping around and past floating breasts with a tiny cry before suddenly banking off to the side and diving down into a pair that bounced about in the air nearby.

  “Boobies!” she cheered with waving arms.

  “I knew it,” Star said warping beside her. “You don’t love Daniel at all, do you? You only want boobs.”

  Pip halted and looked to the bosom she was smothered in before whining and looking around franticly.

  “No, that’s not true. I… I do want Daniel! I do! Daniel!”

  She zipped out of the breasts into air, paused, then looked back to them with a whine as they kept bouncing and jiggling about. Glancing around to the endless sea of boobs that called out to her Pip whimpered and held her hands together anxiously, a gulp being made as she trembled nervously with quickly fluttering wings. Star watched her for a moment, seeing the fairy struggling from racing towards the nearest bosom she could, then smiled curiously while gently drifting closer.

  “Boobies,” Pip whimpered. “My… no… but… they… and he…”

  “Do you really want to be with Daniel as a mate?” Star asked.

  “I do.”

  “Are you sure? You’re a fairy, you’re supposed to be attracted to women, not men. You’re only supposed to love the girls, right?”

  “No,” Pip argued holding her hands over her ears. “I do love the girls, but I… I love Daniel too. I know I do. I love him! I love him!”

  Star glanced behind the fairy and saw a soft light beginning to glow amidst the sea of breasts, a sly grin coming across her face before leaning closer to the fairy to whisper to her.

  “What is it about him you love? Why do you want a man to love and not a woman?”

  “He makes me happy,” Pip said while slowly lowering her hands. “He makes me feel safe. He cares about me. He wants to take care of me. He… loves me.”

  “But he’s a man,” Star pointed out. “You’re supposed to love women, aren’t you? That’s your nature.”

  “But I want to love him. I do. I want him with me. I want to make him happy like he makes me. I want… I want to be his mate.”

  Star watched the glowing bloom of light behind them slowly taking the shape of a person, her eyes twinkling a bit from the sight before she giggled and floated around behind the fairy.

  “And how will you do that? How will you be his mate if he can’t mate with you? How will you make him happy like the other girls do?”

  “I don’t… I don’t know,” Pip admitted looking down again. “I’m not supposed to love him, am I? I’m only supposed to love the girls. I’m only supposed to have their love so I can breed. I’m not supposed to love Daniel at all.”

  She whimpered and covered her eyes, slowly lowering down as she stopped moving her wings before Star reached out and gently caught the fairy with both hands. Pip knelt down atop the jinx’s palms and cried with wings drooping low, the breasts floating around them also starting to sob in sorrow along with her.

  “But you do love him, don’t you?” Star empathized.

  “I do!” Pip cried. “He makes me so happy when he’s near. When he kisses me it makes me feel so happy! When he holds me it makes me so happy! The way he loves and cares about me makes me so happy! I want to be his mate too! Why can’t I be his mate too?”

  All around the floating breasts began to disappear while the glow from behind Star started to die down. The jinx glanced behind her and chuckled at seeing something then smiled calmly at the weeping fairy.

  “I love Daniel!” Pip shouted. “I do! I really, really, really do! I don’t want to be without him! I want him as my mate! Why can’t he be my mate too?”

  “He is your mate, Pip,” Star giggled. “He’s taken you as his to love and protect, remember?”

  Pip jumped with a squeak before the jinx held her up to her face.

  “And you know what? You’ve earned your place as his mate because of something very important that you did.”

  “I did? What did I do?” Pip asked wiping her tears away.

  “You fought your inner nature,” Star said, with Pip showing a curious look upwards. “Fairies are only supposed to be attracted to women and want to breed with them. You however have fought against that and have fallen in love with a man. You’re proof of Daniel’s beliefs, that monsters can fight their inner nature and choose their own path in life. You’ve chosen him as your mate, and he’s accepted you as his.”

  “I’m his mate,” Pip repeated looking down. “But… I can’t actually do it with him. I can’t do it. I’m too small. I can’t have sex with him like the other girls can.”

  “No, you can’t,” Star agreed shaking her head. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t make him happy as his mate. That doesn’t mean you have any less of a right to be his. And it certainly doesn’t mea
n you can’t have sex with him in your own way.”

  “In my own way?” Pip asked looking up. “What do you mean? What other way is there?”

  Star moved aside and let the fairy flutter in place in the air, the two setting their sights on Daniel who was floating in the endless sky with them. The girls eyed over the naked man before matching his gaze as it was focused on Pip with a gentle smile on his face.

  “Pip,” he softly spoke, with the fairy smiling happily at seeing him before her.

  “Daniel? Daniel!” she cheered as she zipped over to him a blue blur. She clung to his chest with a giggle as he cradled the tiny fairy with a small amused chuckle. “I found you, Daniel! I love you so much! I really do!”

  “I love you, Pip,” he said as she looked up to him with a bright smile. “I always will, my beautiful fairy.”

  Pip wiped a tear away and nodded before showing a worried expression. Slowly she looked back down behind her at his standing erection, the fairy then turning up to him with a tiny frown on her face.

  “I do love you, Daniel. I really do. But… what can I do to show you that? I can’t… I can’t…”

  “It’s okay, Pip,” Daniel assured her. “We don’t have to have sex. You don’t have to do anything with me.”

  “No… no… no!” Pip argued shaking her head. “I want to! I want to! I want to mate with you! This isn’t fair, I want to have sex with you too! I love you so much, I really do! I want to be able to do it with you too!”

  She clung to his chest crying and hiding her face while Daniel gently pet the fairy with his hand. Star warped closer and slowly shook her head at seeing Pip becoming depressed again, her eyes glancing down to Daniel’s manhood that she gave an excited purr to seeing before leaning closer to the crying fairy.

  “Do you want to do it with him?”

  “Yes!” Pip wailed. “I want to make him happy! I want to love him! I really do!”

  “Okay, I’ll show you how you can,” Star said, with Pip slowly looking around again for the unseen voice. “Let go of his chest and go down closer to his penis.”

  Pip looked up to Daniel with a sniffle before crawling down his body, her hand brushing back her hair so both eyes could see the large erection she was slowly getting closer to. Daniel watched the fairy make her way down to his waist before she stopped just short of where his manhood was pointing right at her face.

  “It won’t fit in me,” Pip breathed out shaking her head. “There’s no way I could get this inside me.”

  “You don’t need it to,” Star answered. “Fairies don’t breed by taking in a man’s seed, remember? They breed on love itself. True, you may only get a daughter from a woman’s love, but that’s not the point here. You only need to express your love and fondness towards the women in order to mate with them, right?”

  “Well… I guess so,” Pip said nodding.

  “Then all you need to do with Daniel in order to mate with him as a fairy is express your love and fondness for him. That’s it.”

  “But how do I do that?”

  “The same way you do with the girls. Touch him. Fondle him. Excite him. Grope him. Be the same lustful monster you are with the girls, only with him. Now, make your man happy, Pip. You know how to do that already, you’ve seen how the girls do it, so now it’s your turn. He’s your mate and lover, you have every right to do this with him.”

  Pip slowly reached out and held onto the head of Daniel’s twitching manhood, her eyes going over its shape and size along with the length it had behind it before she glanced back to see Daniel watching her curiously.

  “Pip?” he asked. “What are you doing?”

  Pip stared at him with her wings fluttering for a moment, a loving smile spreading across her face as her hands gently rubbed what she was holding in front of her.

  “Loving you,” she said, then turned back and started licking him. Daniel jumped a bit as the fairy rubbed her saliva across the top and continued licking it all over, paying extra attention to the opening where she even stuck her tongue down into with a hungry murmur.

  “P-Pip!” Daniel exclaimed. “Wha… what are you…”

  “That’s it, Pip,” Star gently cooed. “Love your man in the way a fairy can.”

  Pip slowly pushed his erection upright while licking it, the fairy caressing it with her arms and hands while kissing and running her tongue along its side. The fairy stood on her tiptoes to try and lap her tongue across the top before she started hugging it tightly with her arms that stroked him up and down.

  “Pip,” Daniel breathed out softly.

  “I love you, Daniel,” Pip promised with a hop and kiss to the top. “I love you so much.”

  She hugged her body close to it and rubbed her arms and breasts against the twitching shaft, her lips and tongue constantly smothering it with affection while her wings fluttered now and again behind her. After a while Daniel moaned softly and leaned back, his hips bucking slightly as the fairy kept stroking him with both arms.

  “Focus more on the tip, Pip,” Star giggled. “He’s enjoying this very much. Try to make him finish.”

  Pip fluttered her wings quickly to hover up off Daniel’s waist, the fairy then using her arms and hands to quickly rub the top of his erection while she kissed and sucked on it with hungry slurps. Daniel held in his voice with a gasp as the fairy used her legs to hug him while shaking a bit to help stimulate him more. A gentle moan escape Daniel’s mouth as the fairy continued to excite him with her whole body.

  “Very good, Pip,” Star commended. “Sounds like he’s enjoying what you’re doing to him, doesn’t it?”

  Pip murmured excitedly at hearing that as she picked up the pace, the sound of Daniel moaning and saying her name electing a new warm feeling within her. She could feel his erection twitching because of her, she could hear Daniel’s arousal and pleasure because of her, and she could feel her love towards him swiftly growing as she was able to take care of her mate for once.

  “Pip, wait… Pip, I…” Daniel breathed out before tensing up. The fairy gave one last lick then glanced back to him with a giggle as she kept moving her arms and legs around his manhood.

  “I love you, Daniel,” she said before sticking her tongue down inside him. Daniel jerked with a shout before he climaxed, a heavy moan escaping his mouth while Pip was blasted off his erection from a powerful shot of semen bursting out. The fairy dropped back onto his waist and stared in surprise at seeing more of the white liquid shooting out above before raining down on her. Star watched with an amused smile as Pip was hit with a shower of the human’s release while Pip merely squeaked now and again as she appeared stunned by it. After he got it all out Daniel sighed softly while Pip slowly sat up and looked down at the white goo that covered her body and skirt.

  “You… came,” she said before looking back to him in wonder. “I made you cum. I actually made you cum.”

  “You made him happy, Pip,” Star praised. “The way he was calling out your name, the way you made him feel, the way you got him to release such a huge load of his love. You took care of your man just as a loving mate would.”

  “I made him happy,” Pip repeated with a growing smile.

  “Your physical size doesn’t matter, Pip,” Star assured her. “All that matters is how much you love him. And based on how well you made love to him and how great you made him feel, it’s obvious you truly do care for him just as you wanted to.”

  “Pip,” Daniel sighed before turning his eyes down to her. “Thank you. That felt incredible. Oh, are you alright? Sorry if that was too much for you.”

  Pip slowly stood up and nodded while smiling happily at him, the fairy then looking around at all the semen she had gotten Daniel to release all on her own.

  “I made you cum. I made you happy. I made you shoot out all this white stuff because you felt good. I made you feel good, Daniel!”

  “You sure did,” Daniel agreed with a grateful smile. “Thank you, Pip.”

  Pip hopped in joy
as she looked around at seeing how happy she really made Daniel, her heart beating quickly while she felt lighter than ever with a powerful burst of love for her mate growing within.

  “It’s not over yet, is it, Pip?” Star innocently asked. “Is that all you’re going to do to show Daniel you love him?”

  “Uh uh,” Pip said shaking her head. She quickly zipped around in the air before landing down on Daniel’s erection, mounting it like a log while rubbing her hands on its head and keeping body pressed atop its length. She gave it a few quick licks then a kiss before smiling lovingly up at Daniel’s surprised smile.

  “I want to make you feel even better, Daniel,” she promised, brushing aside her hair and showing both eyes at him. “I want to love you forever and ever. You mean the world to me.”

  “Pip,” Daniel softly said as the fairy not only started licking and kissing his manhood but also rubbing her body and breasts against it as well. “I love you too, I always will love you.”

  “I want to take care of you, because you take care of me,” Pip purred before kissing the top and sticking her tongue in again. Daniel moaned a little while leaning back, his hips shaking a bit as the fairy continued making love to him in her own way. Pip giggled at seeing his reaction then leaned up while spreading her saliva across the top with both hands.

  “It’s my duty to take care of my mate too. And I’m going to do that. Every day that I can be with you, I’ll always love you just like a real loving mate should. Even though I’m small, I’m going to love you so much. I promise.”

  She resumed rubbing herself against Daniel’s member while kissing and sucking on it, the fairy glancing up to Daniel now and again to see that he was thoroughly enjoying her lovemaking with him, and her wings fluttering happily above her with sparkly dust trailing off into the air as she focused only on Daniel with not a single boob appearing anywhere around them now. Star smiled down at the fairy then glanced to Daniel while slowly drifting back away from them.

  “You may be small, Pip, but your love for Daniel is far from being tiny.”


  Walking through a foggy woodland Star carefully made her way along a small dirt trail. Dozens of arrows were seen sticking out from a few of the timbers while others were lodged in the skulls of gremlins and arachne that lay strewn about the forest floor. Glancing up Star stopped for a moment as she saw a troll hung by its neck from a high branch with a few arrows piercing its body and head, the lifeless monster swaying slightly with a soft strain from the rope being heard in the breeze.


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