The Space Marshal's Captive

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The Space Marshal's Captive Page 3

by Jaye Peaches

  Mason had unleashed a flurry of hard slaps as she spoke. However, the final swats of his firm hand were less intense than the first dozen or so.

  “I’ll let you get your breath back,” he said, removing his pinning hand. She’d not noticed how much force he applied to keep her still—some, no doubt given her need to wriggle. “But stay in position. In a minute, you’ll spread your legs wider. If you argue with me, then another dozen spanks for disobedience. Do I make myself clear, Jade?”

  “Yes. Sir.” She flopped down, exhausted by the spanking and her capitulation.

  “Good.” To her surprise, he stroked his hand down her back and patted her shoulder. “That’s more like it. I’m really pleased I don’t have to inject you. I’d hate to have to examine you under those circumstances.”

  “I’m not exactly chomping to have this done, you might have noticed.” She peered over her shoulder as she spoke.

  Mason held the probe and coated it with a generous amount of lube, far more than she’d applied. She’d hoped to avoid this invasion of her privacy and now, not only was he going to do it, she had put herself in the situation where there was little she could do to avoid it. Say no, he’d put her into a trance; fight back and he might spank her first, then stupefy her anyway. She’d rather be conscious and aware than have him do his exploring while she was kept hypnotized.

  “Giving consent,” he said with a softer tone, “doesn’t necessary imply I expect you to enjoy this, but at least you get why I’m doing this.” He held up the probe and it was then she noticed he’d stretched surgical gloves over his hands.

  “Why are you wearing them?”

  “Hygiene. The probe is sterile, but I don’t think it will be thorough enough, and given your behavior I intend to be extremely thorough in my search. The probe might have been sufficient if you crouched over the mirror and opened up, but in this position you’re too tight. So I’m going to have to help you open up.”

  A thousand tingles, like tiny splinters, shot across the surface of her skin. Goosebumps followed and she shivered uncontrollably. What the hell was happening to her? The temptation to shuffle her feet together and prevent him gaining access was strong and at the same time, she was willing him to get on with it. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad. She’d had sex with less than capable men. Who hadn’t? A quick duck under the sheets and a prod, and it was usually done and relatively painless. This wouldn’t be much different.

  “Don’t tense. It won’t help.”

  The cold tip of the probe touched her labia, parting them. She gasped, unprepared for the growing sense of arousal. If he was going to touch her, penetrate her, and feel her, she had to dismiss erotic images from her mind, forget about hunky men with big cocks… unfortunately, the ploy wasn’t working. She dug her nails into the hard fabric of the exam table and held her breath.

  “Nice and slow,” he said softly.

  The coolness slid deeper, entering her pussy without resistance. She felt its iciness glide inward and although she expected some reaction to the cold, nothing prevented the device from going deeper.

  “You’re doing great. I’m going to spin it around and when that’s done, I’ll complete the search using my fingers.” He spoke with the confidence of a man in charge and at the same time, he reminded her of a good doctor she knew who had treated her when she’d injured her arm and accompanied the harsher elements of his treatments with gentle words.

  Except, the more she thought about it, the more obvious it was that she wasn’t sensing any harshness. Quite the contrary, the probe kept touching her sweet spot, almost agitating it into arousal.

  “Oh, no,” she moaned in disbelief.

  The movement ceased. “Am I hurting you?” Mason asked.

  She wanted to shout yes, but again, something stopped her from lying. “No. It’s okay,” her voice wobbled. She listened for a snicker or a condescending remark, but Mason remained quiet.

  The probe reached her endpoint. It could go no further.

  “Readings are good. No alien chemicals noted or obstruction. However, just to make sure, I’m going to be thorough and probe deeper.”

  The probe slid out. Jade scrunched her eyes shut and held her breath as Mason inserted one of his fingers inside her pussy. With remarkable sensitivity, he ringed her vagina, stretching her muscles. Involuntarily, she arched her back and inhaled sharply.

  There it was again—a bolt of shivers and this time her clitoris awoke and there was no mistaking the bud’s vitality. Jade bit onto her lower lip and suppressed a groan of delight. Mason still held the probe in his other hand and he knocked it against her anal bud.

  “Would it help if I did this at the same time?” he said softly. “Keep you nice and relaxed with one hand, while I conduct a search of your back passage?”

  It seemed like a rhetorical question, because he must have guessed she was struggling to contain her arousal. He leaned lower, so his mouth was close to her ear.

  “Jade. You’re not an anal virgin either, are you?”

  She swallowed. “No, Marshal. I’m not.”

  She’d said it. She’d told him. It was her biggest, dirtiest secret, and she’d told a virtual stranger. She loved it. A hard fuck in the bottom was worth any humiliation and now that he knew her weakness, what would he do with it and how could she stop the orgasm that was now building?

  * * *

  Mason had always planned to be thorough, especially after she refused to do her own exam, but perhaps not this thorough. The protocols stated the use of digits was acceptable for cavity searches if the enforcer deemed the device ineffective or faulty. He hadn’t exactly found it at fault.

  As for spanking Jade, that too was an impromptu decision brought on by her wavering. He didn’t mind a little back chat or defiance, but she’d taken it too far. He wasn’t in a desperate hurry, but neither could he afford to waste too much time on pandering to her emotions.

  The strip had been entrancing, seeing her struggle with the shame of undressing while maintaining her poise. She’d carried it off quite well. Her skin wasn’t pale, like those from his native planet, whose bodies were covered to maintain warmth. The glow of her tan shone, having survived the lengthy spells in space without diminishing in quality. He especially loved the smoothness of her skin and when he glimpsed her round breasts and bare mound—another feature he’d not expected—they snatched his breath away.

  His heart swelled with a surprising burst of affection as she confessed her loss of virginity. She’d trusted him with that piece of information with trembling lips and she might come to regret her frankness when she’d time to review her situation. Not that he would taunt her or belittle her honesty—he admired her frankness, her willingness to open up to him. He liked her, a lot more than he should. It was a pity she was a fugitive with an arrest warrant. If he’d met her in a bar, one of those he occasionally frequented at a star base or stopover while visiting a planet, he would have enjoyed her company, her witty remarks. And her beauty.

  Between her ruddy ass cheeks, which still glowed with his hand prints, was her star-shaped anus and the entrance glistened with the lubricant he’d smeared over it. Based on her confession, one gentle shove was all it would take to conquer her because she must have taken something bigger than the thin probe. Before she told him, he’d wondered how to get her to relax and open up her tight asshole. Now, with the knowledge she was experienced, it made his task easier. Hurting her was out of the question, it wouldn’t do his untarnished record any good, not the one he held dear—his way with women, submissive females in particular.

  Without further preamble, he pressed the probe into her bottom hole and on cue, she pushed back to receive it. While he slid it in, he kept his other hand working her pussy, using his stroking finger as an aid. She responded amazingly well for such an intrusive examination. He never expected her to enjoy it, and yet, to his surprise, she couldn’t help responding physically to his stimulating touches. Emotionally, he guessed, she was i
n a mixed-up place and one that might need resolving at a later date.

  He watched the probe sink deeper, the little light at the end flickering as it recorded its data. What should he do with her, he mused as he stroked her wet vagina. If only he could keep her awake and out of stasis. He shook his head, dismissing the images that raced into his mind. Spanking her was one thing, especially if she disobeyed him, but fucking her was out of the question—she wouldn’t consent anyway.

  Jade moaned and started to writhe about. He paused, stilling his hand and holding the device halfway in.

  “Please,” she muttered.

  Going by the half-open eyes and white-knuckle grip on the edge of the table, she wasn’t asking him to stop. He increased the speed of his strokes, adding an extra finger. The probe went deeper, right down to the curve and it sat snugly along her ass furrow. He didn’t even need to hold it. The computer screen, which sat in the line of eyesight, flickered, the data streaming over the monitor. She was clean. Very clean.

  Mason pursed his lips, weighing up the dilemma—leave her half-baked and frustrated, or let her finish. He’d no doubt she was close—her pussy was clenching his fingers and the computer was indicating an intense sexual arousal was happening.

  He eased the probe out and her anal bud closed behind it.

  “The probe isn’t sufficient, not for you, Jade. You need a closer inspection,” he said. “And I don’t trust machines.” That statement wasn’t a lie. His spaceship was a heap of mechanical problems and nearly all the systems needed an overhaul, including the medical suite, so he wasn’t lying, he told himself, merely massaging the truth.

  With one hand agitating the soft lining of her vagina, he used the other to penetrate her anus, thrusting inside and reaching to the knuckle with a swift jab. One finger was sufficient for his inspection and also for Jade to achieve an abrupt orgasm.

  “No, fuck, no,” she whimpered, her face flushing bright red as she bucked against the table. “Sorry, sorry,” she mumbled. To herself, or him?

  It probably wasn’t her intention to lose it and come all over his fingers, but she had and the evidence dripped out of her pussy. He gently retrieved his digits and made no comment, no passing judgement or censure. She’d gone from abject humiliation to an orgasm and it had to be hard for her to admit that it was her own body that had deceived her.

  As for Mason, his cock was rock hard. It was fortunate his pants weren’t tight or else he’d be in pain from the erection. He prided himself on self-control, and he needed the attribute in buckets to hold back from taking her fully.

  The biggest frustration was the next stage of her incarceration—putting her into stasis.

  “Before we leave for the stasis room, would you like a shower?” he asked, removing his sodden gloves with a snap.

  She opened her eyes, her red cheeks turning ashen as she gradually realized what had transpired while he conducted her cavity search. “Yes, please,” she said quietly.

  “Don’t be embarrassed.” He helped her to her feet. “I know what it’s like. You’ve been alone for some time—”

  “Don’t, please, make excuses for me,” she said a little curtly, shaking off his arm. “I know what just happened. I’d rather you forgot all about it and please don’t enter it into the records.”

  He opened his mouth and then shut it. It was best she didn’t know. The probe had registered her near orgasm and transmitted it to the database. Now the computer, and the courts, would know she’d had an erotic experience in the middle of a cavity search. When he had the chance, he might try to expunge it from the database, but computers, rather like machines, weren’t his strength.

  He showed her the shower cubicle and she slipped into it, hiding behind the frosted screen.

  Mason paced the room. The next stage would be the hardest—freezing her into a block.

  “Towel?” she yelled from behind the screen.

  He handed her one and she wrapped it around her chest. It barely covered her ass.

  “Clothes. Please.” She pointed at the neat pile Mason had created.

  “Not much point, Jade. You’ll need to take them off again in the stasis room. If your clothes freeze, they will stick to you. The room is just down the corridor.” An expression of dismay, almost terror, remained etched on her face throughout his explanation. Was that look due to the imposition of nudity, which he doubted, or something else? She wasn’t telling him everything.

  “The towel stays until we get there,” she stated firmly.

  There didn’t seem much point in fighting over that. She was minutes away from being entombed in ice. “Sure,” he said. “This way.”

  Walking along the dim corridor, her feet pattered on the floor and she hung her head. Rules. He lived his life by them and accepted their existence; however, he wished he could ignore a few of them when it suited his needs better. It wasn’t the first time he’d felt this way, but on that occasion, he’d let her go—was he about to do the same again?

  The air hissed and a prickle of static shot across the back of his neck. He reached out to grab Jade, but he was too slow. She’d already moved, floating upward toward the ceiling while he drifted backward, his feet rising before his face. He somersaulted through the air and ended up facing in the opposite direction. By the time he rotated back around, she’d gone, only the towel remained. He snatched at it with his fingertips.

  The gravity control system had failed.

  Chapter Three

  Most of Jade’s friends back on her home-world, Malimor, enjoyed swimming or ball games. Jade was different. When she was a teenager, she’d spent her free time in the anti-grav stadium practicing her acrobatics. It beat getting wet any day. She loved spinning or somersaulting, floating in midair and feeling weightless. Short spells were fun, but long durations meant exiting the facility with weak legs.

  Mason wasn’t quick enough. The moment she realized the gravity stability system had malfunctioned, she pushed off the wall and shot down the corridor. She immediately lost the towel. It didn’t matter as she only had a small window of opportunity to escape and she wasn’t going to lose it. If she made it to the docking bay where her ship was held, she might be able to disable the lock and free Stealth.

  She dived forward, using any available surface to propel herself forward. Keeping her body flat and streamlined, she navigated the corridors. She’d a good memory for the layout of different ships, including the interceptor. Her friends thought her fascination for spacecraft and mechanics was crazy. However, Jade had ignored their sniggers and concentrated on learning what she needed to know.

  One last corner and she’d be there. Her jaw dropped in horror as she flew into the docking area. Waiting for her was Mason. He bobbed up and down, one hand gripping part of the ceiling, the other pinching his hipbone in a display of displeasure. He’d beaten her to it. How?

  “Ventilation shaft,” he answered her silent question. He’d crawled in a direct line from where they’d parted company and removed the cover panel, which was floating nearby.

  Jade cursed. She’d forgotten about the network of tubes infiltrating the walls. Mason, even with his bulk, had used them effectively to reach the docking bay first. She tried to pivot but inertia had drained her mobility. The effort to regain momentum had been lost and Mason had the advantage. He easily grabbed her ankle and dragged her back toward him.

  “I thought you understood the arrangement, Jade,” he said. “You are a captured fugitive. There is nowhere for you to run.”

  “Get off me, you… you… jumped-up bounty hunter,” she snarled.

  His eyes narrowed into slits. “Don’t compare me to those scumbags. This is my job. I’m not a hunter.”

  “It’s what you are.”

  Mason gathered her around the waist and drew her closer. In the rush to escape, she’d forgotten her nudity, but not any longer. She was conscious of her skin brushing against his jacket, the closeness of his breath on her back and the loose strands of her hair fl
oating past her face. He tipped her over his bent knee, which he’d drawn up, and held her fast with a giant loop of his arm. The pair of them slowly spun as she waved her arms around, swimming unproductively in the weightless air.

  “Keep still,” he barked.


  “I’m teaching you about respect.”

  The smack, rather than striking her buttock, skated against it in a failed attempt at a slap. Mason delivered another one on the other cheek and it collided with her more than struck her. In any other situation, she might have laughed. However, humiliated by her nakedness and his desire to chastise her in such an intimate way, she balked as best she could by flailing her limbs and screeching.

  “Let me go!”

  Mason’s efforts at spanking her continued, but almost in slow motion and the pair of them rolled down the corridor, knocking against the walls and ceiling.

  “This wouldn’t be necessary if you did as you were told.” Mason spoke breathlessly. His latest slap sent them spiraling along and to her surprise, it hurt given the apparent lack of force. Probably because in the absence of a gravity field he could smack her upside down and it made no difference to the energy needed. What caused him problems was his aim. Every smack batted them into a new location.

  “Damn, this isn’t working.” He halted his wayward spanking; some of the smacks had landed on her thighs or on the side of her ass cheeks. “I’m going to have to postpone this punishment. I’ll have to lock you in a cell until I can fix the gravity system.”

  “You have cells?” She twisted on his knee, peering up at his annoyed expression. It hadn’t crossed her mind he would have an alternative method for holding her incarcerated. If she could convince him… “I’ll fix the gravity system for you,” she blurted.

  He propped his broad shoulders against a wall, and keeping a grip on her arms, lifted her to face him. “Why would you do that?”


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