The Space Marshal's Captive

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The Space Marshal's Captive Page 13

by Jaye Peaches

  “You’re going to be an obedient girl and come whenever I tell, and if you don’t, then I’ll make sure you do.” He sounded confident of his abilities and she didn’t doubt he could do it.

  Denying her was no longer a novelty and she respected the reason why he used it. However, pushed to the limits and made to come was different as it meant her total surrender. Regardless of the pain, and she knew the best orgasms brought both pain and pleasure, she had to fulfill his wishes. Forcing orgasms out of her would be a new game, a challenging one, but fun too. She wanted to achieve all that he could ask of her, as long as he treated her with respect.

  The tip of the plug entered her back hole. She pushed back, letting her muscles give and fold around it. Mason applied no force, he didn’t need to; she consumed the tapered plug with ease.

  “Good girl,” he soothed, stroking her bottom.

  She scrunched her hands around a pillow and dragged it toward her, holding on tight. The hardness of his cock resembled an unyielding rock. He gave a swing of his hips and slid inside, powering deep with a single thrust. As he fucked her pussy, he slowly inflated the plug, allowing it to stretch and grow.

  The sensation gave her an amazing arousal. Mason didn’t hold back from teasing her. He varied the speed of his fucking, using his cock to glide along her folds before dipping back inside. His hands roamed everywhere, cupping her breasts and toying with her nipples as they swung beneath her.

  The urgency grew, the force of his thrusts strengthened, but he’d ceased pumping up the plug. She’d no idea how big it was, but it didn’t hurt and she didn’t want him to remove it. The fullness was everything she’d imagined in her wildest fantasies.

  He wanted to delve into her darkest places and this was only the beginning.

  “You feel it?” he asked.

  “Yes. Yes, I do.” It wasn’t a physical thing. It was purely emotional—his dominance. His power over her and her trust in him. Two things that fed each other and had to be balanced, had to work side by side.

  He slapped her ass cheek with a flick of his wrist. A sharp sting and it tensed her bottom, tightening her grip on the plug and on his cock. He grunted, clearly enjoying the sensation.

  The next slap came on the other side, another upper swipe of his hand and so he continued, left, then right. She bucked, slammed back against him, and cried out. It wasn’t pain she felt, although it was there, turning her bottom red hot and sore; it was the glorious need to come.

  “Come, now!”

  She soared on a plateau, hovering there, waiting for the orgasm, but nothing happened. The edge wasn’t as close as she thought.

  He scooped up a handful of her hair, lifted her head, and whispered into her ear, “Come now, sweetheart, come for me.”

  It worked, those tender words in the midst of his hard fucks. She shrieked as the orgasm enveloped all of her senses, her legs shook and she was losing her strength. It was nearly too much and her clitoris throbbed, the orgasm rippling on without end.

  He withdrew, but not to pause or slow up. He dragged her to the edge of the bed and bent her over it, allowing her hips the support she needed. Then he reentered her and continued, pounding her harder than ever. Snaking his hand around her waist, he dove his fingers under her squashed belly and between her thighs.

  “That’s right, keep coming, don’t stop.” He stroked her clitoris using the same rhythm as his thrusts.

  She came again, then again. She couldn’t scream or move, her knees bent as her calves cramped and her toes curled into her soles of her feet. She felt him shudder, the stiffening of his body and the long, low moan as he emptied his load. His release was lengthy and he used it to slow his thrust and deflate the plug. She barely noticed its presence or its removal.

  When she stirred, it was to discover she was lying on the bed, bathed between the legs and a little uncomfortable in places, but in a strangely pleasant way. She didn’t remember how she got there. Mason was right by her, peppering her bosom with kisses.

  “That was fantastic, girl. You don’t know how hard it was to do that—I feared you’d beg me to stop, I mean really stop. I didn’t want to ruin it for you. Was it good?”

  “Yes,” she grinned. “Thank you. Does this mean we’re… compatible?” The word still stuck in her throat.

  He shook his head and her heart sank. It wasn’t to be? Why not?

  “Don’t despair,” he said quickly. “We’re in love, you know it, I know it. It’s wonderful. But, we’ve moving so quick, perhaps too quick. Our relationship is young and it needs to mature.”

  What he’d said wasn’t quite what she expected from him, especially after the way they’d fucked. Then, she realized that might be the problem. They fucked with such vigor and passion because the physical aspect of their lovemaking was intense and demanding, but they hadn’t come to grips with how they felt inside or why in particular she submitted when she doubted her abilities. He was still testing her and she was exploring, too. What he wanted was to unlock the key to her unspoken fantasies and delve there amongst the most debauched and humiliating things she’d ever dreamed up.

  “We don’t have to do them,” he said, as if to read her mind. Mason gathered her into his arms. “What you desire is for me to take control and then I can protect you. Don’t you see? If you hide things from me, I’ll never know if I’m hurting you, forcing you to do things I shouldn’t.”

  “If I tell you them, would you think less of me?” she whispered.

  “Computer, lights out!” called out Mason. The room descended into a blackness only space could mimic.

  Jade snuggled closer to Mason, resting her head against his chest and listening to his beating heart. The solid shape of his body, hardened by muscles, was in contrast to her lithe one. She relied on agility, he on strength. They were unalike in so many ways, shared no common history or bonds of kinship. Without demanding it, Mason wanted to crack her open and see what lay beneath the surface. If he understood her soul, then she would be his, there would be nothing left to hide from him.

  “No, never,” he said in answer to her question.

  In the darkness, she told him her first fantasy, the one she’d had after she discovered her sexuality was born out of surrender. It was the image of herself, bound, tied to a bed and fucked. She described the scene, almost ashamed of why she wanted it like that, especially when she craved love, romance, and stability.

  He listened without judging or commenting until she finished. Her heart thumped beneath her breasts. She didn’t expect him to laugh or belittle her and he didn’t.

  “You’re a submissive at heart, Jade, but you’ve fought it, so you think it’s wrong. It’s not about weakness or wantonness. You crave something so innate to you that it visits you in your dreams. It does the same to me, that craving. Although mine aren’t born out of lust, but the desire to control things. My first fantasy was something similar.”

  She perked up. “Really? Tied to a bed?”

  He laughed. “No, sweetheart. Tying a woman to a bed, spanking her bottom, and making her come.”

  She giggled, then abruptly yawned. The day had been long.

  “Go to sleep,” he said. “I’m going to set the autopilot to our next destination.”

  “Where?” she asked as he eased off the bed, returning the room to lightness with his voice command.

  “I’ll tell you later. Rest,” he ordered, accompanied by a wag of his finger.

  He dressed, covering his tattoos and pale skin, leaving her feeling a little bereft. How quickly she mourned his absence.

  With a swift kiss on her cheek, he was gone. Alone, she wondered what awaited them in the coming days as he hunted down his last fugitive. The one that would seal his goal—freedom to leave Novador and seek a new life.

  Chapter Ten

  The last one, the last obstacle before completing his mission, which had become the longest of his life. If Curtis was hard to capture, then Krul was near impossible. Mason might not have sai
d it to Jade, but hiding in plain sight had its advantages. Curtis brazenly stomped around his space station relying on brawn to survive. Krul had a different approach—secretive, solitary, and merging into the background, literally. How to catch a chameleon?

  With no news of where to find him, Mason cruised between space stations and friendly planets, listening to news on the communication networks, the ones where people chatted oblivious to spies and eavesdroppers.


  In the meantime, as the days trickled by, he and Jade furthered their relationship. She was no longer his prisoner and he’d gradually eroded some of the records on the Titan referencing her as such, especially the ones he’d recorded of capture and cavity search. Instead he created new ones. He substituted her name with a variant—Jada—and amended the records to show her as a casual crew member, employed at his discretion to fix things. Not exactly far from the truth. However, for the diligent Mason it wasn’t easy breaking so many rules, but for Jade it was worth the risk. He’d learned that for her.

  He couldn’t access all the data, especially the Federal database where her criminal record was held. That was way beyond his jurisdiction. Since she was relatively unimportant compared to most fugitives, and given that her capture was opportunistic, he hoped she could disappear under the radar. But when to let her go? And where?

  They’d grown stronger together by living as a couple. However, if he managed to capture Krul, hand in the other fugitives, and claim his outstanding pay and bonuses, then resign, where would they live? The end of his career as a marshal was imminent. Would she respect him if he had no status?

  Those kinds of things shouldn’t bother him, but they did. He belonged to a Stratum, a class of people, and status was important on Ixzar. Jade would brush his concerns aside and reiterate that all she wanted was him and his willingness to explore her fantasies re-enforced that devotion.

  Not every day, it would be a challenge to go there so often, but whenever they had the need, he helped her experiment, learn about herself and him, too. Most times when she submitted so deeply, she came away pleased with herself. As for her obedience, for the most part it was there, ticking away in the background. The days it broke down, he leapt in and dealt with it swiftly, and she accepted those punishments without complaint.

  Days and days of cruising. He yawned and leaned back in the commander’s chair, staring into the abyss of space.

  The communication panel flashed up a notification. He’d a call arriving from another marshal.

  “Mason, where the devil are you?” Bara was not from Ixzar. Wherever he came from, formality wasn’t important.

  “Right in the middle of nowhere,” Mason replied, leaning over the panel to speak. He gave his coordinates.

  There was a long pause. “Good, that’s to your advantage.” The delay between sending and receiving voice messages was irritating, but unavoidable.

  “Why?” Get to the point, Bara!

  “Krul. There’s news.”

  Mason’s heartbeats quickened. “Go on, tell me.”

  “Voice traffic between two bounty hunters. Both after him. They’re teaming up to split the loot. They put Krul on Kathamu.”

  Mason’s eyes widened. Kathamu was a jungle planet, its native population timid and tribal, and still in a primitive state of existence. The Federation left such planets alone, unless they were rich in resources.

  “When?” he asked.

  “Recently. He’s been there for years according to the gossip.”

  It wasn’t surprising; a man like Krul would stand apart and be easily spotted. “How did they find out?”

  “I would guess somebody questioned the natives and their findings made it out into the network.”

  That was possible—academic researchers liked to explore rudimentary planets and harken back to earlier times. Happier times, perhaps.

  The line crackled as Mason noted down more details—the coordinates given by the bounty hunters and the timings of their conversation. It was a recent one, which meant they were on their way there and probably had a head start.

  Mason asked one last question. “Are you interested?” Teaming up would be useful, even if the bonus was split between marshals.

  “Nah,” replied Bara. “Too fucking dangerous going after him. I’ll stick to other lowlifes. The idiot ones. Krul is smart. Watch yourself, Mason.”

  The conversation ended.

  Mason brought up a star chart and located Kathamu. The planet was closer than he anticipated. At maximum speed, it was days away. Immediately plans were forming in his head. He couldn’t land Titan on a planet, he would have to use his shuttlecraft, which was basic but capable of landing and taking off, and it had a confinement cell for holding captives. He’d not used it for a while, though.

  Hitting the intercom, he bellowed, “Jade!”

  “Sir?” she replied instantly.

  “Where are you?”

  “Engineering bay.”

  “Stay put. I’m coming to see you.”

  * * *

  By the time he appeared, she’d nearly finished reassembling the food processor.

  Mason strode toward the workbench, a renewed look of purpose on his face and a confidence to his swagger—fuck, he was hot! She froze, not in fear, but because often when he had that look it was usually about her, the burning fire he would quench in her wetness. Since she’d opened up to him, he aced her every time and she’d no reason to deny him. However, he halted by the bench, kept his distance, and rolled his eyes, smirking softly.

  “Food defiler working again?” he asked. He’d adopted her sense of humor and it suited him.

  “Yep, just needed a thorough clean.”

  They’d visited a small space station orbiting a docile planetoid and stocked up on real food, as in fresh and edible without having to spin it through a processor. It had been a joint trip with both of them shopping for supplies: new clothes and a few other consumables needed on Titan. Mason had an allowance to spend and he had been generous with it.

  Unfortunately, the best of the fresh food had been eaten and they were relying on the processor once again.

  “You look animated,” she remarked. The sparkle in his eyes burned, piercing right through her and igniting a sparkle of excitement. The butterflies continued to storm into her belly.

  “News. Krul,” said Mason, “the last fugitive, has been located on a planet. I’ve altered course and we should be there in a few days if the engines can keep up max speed.”

  “They can,” she declared proudly. The interceptor was running at optimum and capable of folding space at twice the rate it had done when Mason had captured her.

  “Good. We’re going to Kathamu.” He folded his arms.

  “The paradise planet? Lush green canopies and—”

  “Yeah,” he grimaced. “It’s hot, humid, and crawling with creatures.”

  She sidled up to him, wiping her grubby hands on her overalls, and offered him her sweetest smile. “Please, may I come?”

  He maintained the rigid pose. “Absolutely not.”

  “I’ll be a good girl,” she chirped, rocking forward on her toes.

  “Staying here will show me your obedience. Fail this command and our future is in jeopardy.”

  He meant it.

  She swallowed back a protest. “If that is what you wish, then of course, sir, I’ll remain here.”

  His features softened and he bent a little to kiss the crown of her head. “I’m doing this to keep you safe, sweetheart. Krul is deadly. I’m the only marshal who has ever showed any interest in getting him.”

  Resigned to her fate, she shrugged off the disappointment. “What’s your plan?” She slotted the last piece of the processor back in place.

  “I’m taking the Steadfast down to the surface of the planet to his last known location. It will need a maintenance check before I take it out.”

  The Steadfast was the Titan’s own shuttle, which wasn’t docked next to Callo’s
or Stealth, but hung in a birth beneath the interceptor. The Steadfast was ideal for short runs to planets, because the interceptor couldn’t land on the planet—it needed a docking port. Kathamu was a primitive planet with no docking facilities. The Steadfast wasn’t fast like Stealth and it had limited space—it could hold one person in confinement and little else.

  “Sure,” she said. “I’ll get onto it tomorrow.”

  Mason picked up the processor. “I’ll carry this back.”

  Marching down the corridor to the mess, he grunted with the weight of the unit. Jade followed behind, still plying him with questions.

  “So how did you find him?” she asked.

  “I didn’t. A friend of mine picked up traffic between two bounty hunters giving away Krul’s location.” He swung the unit into the cavity in the wall and stepped back.

  Jade began to reconnect the wires to the control panel. “Bounty hunters? Doesn’t that mean you’ve got competition?” It worried her and she wished Mason had a backup team, but he insisted on working alone.

  “They’ve paired up. I’m hoping rivalry will also tear them apart. Bounty hunters are too greedy to share.” He perched on a table, watching her work.

  “Krul, you haven’t said much about him.” She’d assumed he was a thug, like Curtis.

  Mason didn’t say anything as she plugged the last lead into the back of the processor unit. She pressed him for more information. “Is he a drug runner?”

  “No,” Mason sighed. “Okay, I’ll tell you. He’s a lizard man.”

  She dropped her tool and rose to her feet, eyes widening. “A lizard man? I thought the lizard people had been wiped out, or gone into hiding.”

  “Most of them live quietly on swamp planets. However, he committed an atrocity.”

  She pressed a button and the processor began to churn. A lizard man looked humanoid, except they had scales for their skin, flat noses, and razor-sharp teeth. Instead of brittle fingernails, they grew short claws and their eyes could move independently of each other. She’d never seen one and had read about them at school.


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