The Space Marshal's Captive

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by Jaye Peaches

The prominent ridge of his chest brushed against her shoulders as she arched her back, inviting him deeper. In reply, he tightened his grasp on her wrists. It was if he wanted her to resist him, make him force his way in.

  Jade felt no fear. Mason’s game thrilled her, as did the awakening of her darkest fantasies. It was their last fuck for a long time and he had hours to play his games. She’d no desire to sleep.

  “Oh, please, don’t hurt me,” she mumbled into the pillow.

  Mason lifted his weight off her back, released her wrists, and hitched her hips up higher. For a second, she thought he’d taken her seriously.

  “Don’t—” stop, she almost said, but she didn’t have to. He slapped her bottom hard.

  “Don’t?” he growled. “Do you get to say that? I’m giving you exactly what a little virgin needs—a hard fuck.” He held her waist and thrust his cock, spearing her to the core.

  “Yes,” she shrieked, as he stroked her pussy repeatedly. She grunted in time to his exertions and yelped in reply to the occasional smack of his palm against her raised bottom. The darkness in her soul crept out as he stripped away all of her inhibitions and eked out her vulnerabilities. No virgin should ever submit to such a rough fucking, as it would be cruel, but this scenario was a fantasy born out of trust and mutual understanding.

  With the adrenaline came the pleasurable pain. He knotted her hair into his fist and pinned her beneath him. His body was so powerful—she’d no way to resist him, but it was also a protective cocoon. She knew in her heart that if she gave him the signal, showed him genuine fear, he’d stop in an instant. That was the trust they’d created over their long journey together. If this was an indication of their passions, the basis of marriage, she was his bride that night.

  As he commanded her to come, the tension flew out of her and she held her breath, lingering on the plateau of her orgasm before the spasms inundated her in waves. The first was strong and overwhelming, causing her legs to buckle and her pussy to clench. More followed, merging into each other as they spiraled out of her clitoris, and across her belly and nipples.

  Mason panted, still thrusting, maintaining a relentless pounding. The game was reaching its conclusion. She sensed him relaxing, catching his breath and containing his energy. There were hours to go and he would want to do more than play out fantasies.

  “You’re mine,” he groaned, lingering for a moment inside her before withdrawing completely. “Turn over so I can make love to you.”

  Smiling, she obeyed him. Pretending to be a virgin wasn’t quite the same as reality. It had been fun, but it also reminded her that she loved Mason for what he was—dominant, caring, and protective—but he certainly wasn’t the kind of man who would really force himself on an innocent girl. However, as much as she discovered submitting to him was life-affirming, she would always need room to breathe. Mason recognized this, telling her many times that as long as she tried her best, then he would be happy.

  She stretched out and parted her legs for him to see what he’d done to her. As usual, she’d soaked him with her orgasm and the wetness leaked along her thighs. With a grin, he hunkered down between her legs and licked off her nectar, tasting her essence with obvious delight. Settling in, he dined on her pussy, lashing her folds and dipping inside her vagina. When he sucked on her clitoris, she stirred from her state of rapture and begged for an orgasm.

  “Take it,” he ordered, “take them all.” He held her steady as she convulsed.

  Rising over her, he slotted his body between her legs and entered her again. This time, he was leisurely, savoring her with long strokes of his cock. He used his hands gently, feeling her all over.

  “Sweetheart,” he crooned. “I’m gonna miss this, miss you, so much. Don’t forget how you make me feel, Jade. I love you. You’re my mate.” He blurted out the last few words with firmer thrusts, delivering his cum with a cluster of spurts. “There,” he murmured, “it’s done.”

  * * *

  He wore his dress uniform when he handed Jade over to the Malimor border control. Relinquishing his responsibility for her was one of the hardest things he’d ever done. The officials at the spaceport made no comment as he told them she’d been an exemplary prisoner.

  She stood between two guards, pressing her nails into her clenched palms—a technique she used to fight away the tears. Throughout the formal procedure they acted the part of marshal and fugitive, never once hinting that they were lovers and that she’d spent her time on board the Titan as his engineer.

  “I have to deliver three fugitives to Novador,” he told the arresting officer. “So I will leave her in your charge. Take care of her.” He’d deliberately made no mention of her attempt at smuggling. Before arriving at Malimor, they’d ditched Stealth. There was no other way to hide the evidence of her crimes. She’d cried then as he hit the eject button, because for her, Stealth represented a failure. He didn’t see it that way, since her failure had resulted in their first encounter.

  With a heavy heart, he backed out of the room, never letting go of her tear-drenched eyes. He wasn’t a man to show his emotions, but for a few seconds, he wanted to scoop her into his arms and cover her with kisses.

  One last look, one final heart-wrenching exchange of longing and he turned on his heel.

  Mason had no clue as to when they would next meet. He’d promised her he would come and find her. All she had to do was wait.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Stop pacing, Jade,” her mother said as she crossed the living room for the umpteenth time that day. “Go out and get some fresh air.”

  It was her mum’s answer to everything—fresh air—believing it would cure any kind of melancholy and Jade was certainly afflicted by it.

  She couldn’t blame her mother, or father, for insisting on putting her life back on track. Ever since she’d arrived home, they’d fretted over her, made sure that she initially stuck to the conditions of her bail, then her probation, which the court had handed out in a display of lenience, mitigated by her obvious condition. However, one thing her parents had not done was show any anger over her abrupt departure and criminal activities. They’d welcomed her back with open arms, a humbling experience for Jade.

  She accepted the wide-brimmed hat her mother held out for her with an acknowledging smile. Her mum worried too much.

  She stepped out into the heat of the afternoon sun and wandered away from the house and into the orchards. Her parents grew nuts and dates. A successful enterprise, which her brother supported, and that morning her father and brother had gone to purchase more land to cultivate.

  Jade picked up a fallen palm frond and used it as a fan. They heat didn’t usually bother her, but recently it had become problematic.

  Her current levels of anxiety stemmed from the lack of communication. It had been days since Mason had last sent her a message. He’d warned her it wasn’t always possible, given the nature of his work—training new recruits. It was supposed to be a temporary post while he waited for his three fugitives to be tried. The respective judges had insisted Mason was present for their arraignments, and then, to his annoyance, the trials themselves.

  The capturing of Krul had propelled Mason into the limelight, a role he hated. Pursued by the media, he’d often gone into hiding, another reason that made it hard for him to communicate with her. The new job at least gave him some privacy.

  He’d promised he would give up the job and that he no longer held any allegiance to either the Federation or his home planet. But, as the days of their separation added up, she battled a growing sense of doubt that he would keep his promise. What would the Federation make of his resignation? Would the Federation refuse to release him from his duties or demand he honor his Stratum and choose a slave-wife back on Ixzar?

  Every time those doubts rose to the surface, Jade was cross with herself. Not once, in all the letters he’d transmitted to her, had Mason shown any hint of backing out of his promise to find her.

  He’d filled his let
ter with reports on the situation on Novador, which included the joyous news that the Federation had abandoned its plans to enforce the Stratum system on other planets. It had also agreed to bring an end to martial law. Those announcements abated the growing uprisings and brought stability. Mason also added amusing anecdotes about his students’ exploits. She in turn updated him on her trial, which had gone better than she’d expected and her renewed studies in biomedical engineering. She hoped to find work in a local hospital, but for the time being the terms of her probation prevented her from doing much. The one thing she couldn’t bring herself to mention was the reason the court had been lenient. She needed to explain it to his face.

  Gradually, as she and Mason adapted to a long-distance relationship, he wrote of his deepest feelings and desires. The control he’d come to expect over her life remained in a subtler form. He inquired whether she masturbated, about her sensual needs and her fantasies. He required her to write them out in graphic detail. Initially, it was a challenging request, but she’d come to enjoy those moments alone when she composed her favorite naughty scenes and transmitted her imaginings via a private communication channel. Mason always complimented her on her vivid descriptions, implying he found them arousing.

  So why the doubt—not once had he said he wouldn’t come back for her. She kicked a stone and leaned against a tree, sheltering from the sun with one hand on her swollen belly, stroking it rhythmically.

  He emerged from behind a palm tree and at first, she thought it was a mirage brought on by the heat. A trick of the light. Trying to see through the haze, she squinted as he approached. Tall. Broad about the shoulders. Pale skin. Tattoos on his bare arms. It had to be him!

  With a whoop of joy, she tossed aside her hat and attempted to run toward him. It was rather futile and she ended up waddling. Instead, he picked up speed and halted a few paces away from her. Staring at her belly, his face was remarkably composed. She’d expected him to be shocked at her condition.

  “You’re pregnant,” Mason acknowledged.

  She nodded. “It’s yours.” Of course it was; she’d not shown the slightest interest in any other man. “I didn’t tell anyone about you, because you’re a marshal and it might ruin your reputation… So I said it was somebody I’d met casually in the Relief Corps, nobody special…” Her parents hadn’t appeared convinced by her explanation. However, they were too pleased at having her safe and home to demand the truth from her.

  “I’m not a marshal anymore.” He stepped closer, narrowing the gap.

  His pale eyes searched her face and she flinched slightly. As reunions went, it wasn’t going well. He’d not kissed her or even touched her. She’d omitted the truth in her letters, yes, but she had her reasons.

  “I didn’t want to involve you, not until I knew…” She couldn’t admit she’d held doubts.

  “That I would come back?” He tut-tutted loudly. But when she looked up at him, he wasn’t cross, more bemused by her shameful admission. “That’s why you kept it a secret from me. I don’t blame you,” he added quickly.

  “But, I was starting to lose faith and I feel terrible about it. I’d convinced myself, if you couldn’t come,” she hiccoughed, “then our child would be a memory of you and I would love him, or her, as much as I love you.”

  “Yes, you lied to me and your family, but perhaps for honorable reasons, I agree. You were protecting me.” The corner of his lips twitched nervously. “However, it is no surprise that you carry my child. I mated with you that last time we had sex. I planted my seed—it is our custom on Ixzar for the male to control fertility, and I hoped, like you, if things went wrong with my plans, you would have something of me by your side forever.”

  Her heartbeats fluttered with excitement. Her condition was no accident and he also had feared that he would not be allowed to find her.

  “The Federation lauded you—”

  He interrupted her with a slight shrug. “They were offering me all kinds of incentives to stay.” He rested his hands on her belly and he gave a joyous grin of delight as he felt the baby move in her belly. “Wow, a kicker.”

  She giggled. “Very active. Keeps me awake all hours.”

  “Can’t have that. You need plenty of rest, young lady.”

  She loved hearing him speak like that, all demanding and stern; it tightened her nipples into hard pebbles and her stomach knotted around the baby, like an embrace.

  “Yes, sir,” she said sweetly.

  He hesitated. “So, what will your parents think when you tell them the truth about me?”

  She knew exactly what her parents wanted; they’d raised her. “They believe in marriage. But I can’t tell them that I’m already… mated to a man from Ixzar who wants me as his slave-wife,” she stuttered. They would be mortified if she told them she was joining a Stratum.

  “Slave-wife?” He rested his hands on her shoulders and squeezed. “Oh, sweetheart. Did you think that I would come here and marry you like that? I’ve learned so much about myself, about being in a relationship and what it means to find a compatible mate. Before I met you, I put conformity above all else. Back on Novador, I’ve thought long and hard about us. I need your obedience, your love and devotion, but I won’t make you a slave to them. Marry me for love and nothing else. So will you, Jade, marry me?”

  He trailed his palms down her bare arms and held both of her hands in his, waiting for her reply.

  She’d learned much about herself, too and she was capable of so much more than she’d ever realized. “Yes. Yes, Mason, I’ll marry you. I will be all those things you desire and I will try to be a good wife for you.”

  He lowered his lips to kiss hers, gently at first, then with a passion she’d missed, before finally relinquishing her tingling mouth with a low sigh. “Phew. Because I’ve accepted a job here on Malimor. I’m the new chief of police. I gather Malimor’s police are a little lax in their protocols. I’ve been tasked with tightening things up.”

  Her eyes widened in disbelief and she thumped his arms with mock indignation. “You kept that secret!”

  “It was only confirmed on route and it forms part of my negotiations to have your records expunged. Being a celebrity has its advantages—I had some leverage, more than I anticipated. The Federation offered me this post and in return, your arrest warrant is withdrawn. As far as they are concerned, you never actually managed to smuggle a thing.”

  “Which,” she nodded in agreement, trying hard not to laugh, “is true. Thank goodness I flunked that.” She snuggled closer to him, nestling the bump between them. “So I can leave Malimor if we wanted? I like that idea. One day, when our children are older, we can go exploring. You can be the captain and I’ll be the chief engineer and the kids can learn all about our galaxy, including the ice planet, Ixzar. And snow.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I like the sound of that. Will you follow me wherever I go, Jade?”

  “Yes. Always.”

  It would be some time before they ventured indoors to announce their plans to her family. She and Mason sat beneath the palm trees, holding hands, and talked of a promising future where love ruled.

  The End

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