The Tempest: A Guy of Gisborne Story

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The Tempest: A Guy of Gisborne Story Page 12

by Charlotte Hawkins

  It hurt deeply to imagine him in the arms of some unknown woman. And as the days went by, with no word coming from him, she began to think it quite possible that he’d changed his mind about coming back for her. What was there to return for, anyway? She was just another woman, and there were plenty of those to be found in Nottingham. Perhaps it would be better if she faced the truth…that he’d gone back to his old life, and there was no place in it for her.

  At least there was one good thing to look forward to, now that the weather had turned for the better. The lake water would be cool, for it was only early June, but it would feel like heaven after bathing from a bucket for so long. In her arms she carried a change of clothes, a comb, and a bar of soap, and she couldn’t wait to wash away the grime from her body.

  At the water’s edge she put her bundle down, and reaching out a bare foot she tested the feeling of the water. It was lukewarm, and that would do well enough. She loosened the ties of her dress and untied the sash at her waist, and as the gown fell away along with her shift, she gave the pile of clothing a slight kick, glad to be free of their confines. Stepping into the water she wasted no time in dunking down below the surface, coming up with a sigh of contentment as she ran her fingers back across her scalp. She washed and rinsed her hair, and cleaned the rest of herself quickly to be done with it. Then she dove under the water and swam for a while, enjoying the complete freedom of movement and weightlessness. For several moments her eyes were closed as she took in the peaceful feeling all around her.

  Then a familiar voice broke the silence…a deep, velvet voice that brought her back from her dreaming and made her look frantically about. She turned to look behind her…and there he was, watching her.

  “All alone, my lady Cassia? Perhaps you could use a bit of company.”

  Her heart went wild with joy at seeing him. But she felt a nervous tremble creep up her neck. It was much too bold of him to be here in the open, in the broad light of day…looking at her the way he was. What if someone came upon them? And besides, he was being so smug, his lip curling slightly in that roguish way. Not that it wasn’t the most alluring thing she’d ever seen. But it would not do to let him see her eagerness…not just yet.

  “I think I need no company,” she replied. “I am quite content with being here alone.”

  She saw him wag his head, smirking in the devilish way that said he would not stop until he had what he wanted. That look of superiority, of complete self-assurance, was infuriating…and downright thrilling. She watched as he sat down on a fallen log, reaching down to remove his boots

  “I beg to differ,” he said. “I do believe I should join you.”

  Her heart beat a little faster, knowing his intention. But tempting as he was, he was also the most stubborn human being on earth. He was spoiled and selfish, and someone needed to challenge him…even if, in the end, failure was inevitable. Her answer to him was simple and firm.


  She saw how he raised his eyebrow at her defiance.

  “No?” He had removed his tunic, revealing the loose undershirt beneath it, which he was slowly raising. “You should be aware that I do not respond well to that word.” He pulled the shirt over his head and cast it aside.

  Her breath grew short at the sight of him clad only in his breeches. Still, she held back her interest, at least for a little longer.

  “That hardly concerns me, Guy of Gisborne. Methinks you should be gone and leave me with my privacy.”

  She turned away, wondering if he would really continue with his shocking behavior…and the answer was a loud splash. When she turned to look he was surfacing a few yards away from her, a predatory look in his eyes. He moved towards her…and she swam away quickly, feeling a mischievous desire to taunt him. He had stayed away for so long, and it didn’t seem fair to allow him instant indulgence.

  “Stay away,” she warned him. And feeling especially bold, she splashed water at him. The look of shock he wore gave her great satisfaction, making her chuckle with glee.

  Until the light in his eyes became fierce…almost primal.

  He lunged for her, and she just managed to evade him, swimming closer to the edge of the lake where her feet touched bottom. The water was still at neck level, enough to cover her, but with her feet on solid surface she felt that escape was easy enough.

  But where had he gone? She knew he was lurking somewhere below, waiting to pounce…and yet he took her completely by surprise when he came up from behind. She gave a startled shriek when he threw his arms around her.

  “Gotcha!” He placed a hot, wet kiss on her ear, holding her tight against his chest. She felt a familiar ache between her legs, knowing that when he was as close as he was now, her resistance would not last long. Still, she felt she had to try. She turned in his arms, intent on pushing him away…but the hard muscles of his chest were pressing against her, making her breasts tingle. She could feel him hard against her thigh, and her insides pulsed with anticipation. Her protest was small, her voice weak.

  “You should not be here this way. Not in the clear light of a morning.”

  “I am quite aware of the time of day.” He brought his head down, his lips hovering over hers, his breath warm and his voice seductive. “I am quite aware of where I should not be. I am quite aware of many things.”

  He covered her mouth with his, and it felt like a gift from heaven. All things seemed to vanish around them, her mind thinking only of how exquisite his taste was, how deliciously his tongue was sweeping hers as he kissed her. She held fast to him, not wanting to lose one moment of contact, her arms locked around his neck as she felt herself being lifted up. One arm under the bend of her legs, the other around her waist, he carried her the few steps to the bank and laid her down on the soft grass. A moment later she welcomed the weight of his body on hers…the rough feeling of his hands roaming everywhere. When she felt him pulsing against her, seeking entry, she parted her legs wide and welcomed him, gasping her pleasure when he moved fast and hard, filling her completely. Impatient, seething with need, she ran her hands down his spine and grasped his muscular backside, silently pleading with him to move. She felt his mouth at her neck, his breathing hot and rapid as he drove into her, and she met each and every thrust with her own. Her thighs gripping him tightly, her legs hooked around his hips, she cried out as her peak gripped her with fierce intensity. He thrust into her once, twice, three more times…and called out her name as he exploded within her.


  The tremors slowly faded, the world around her ceasing to spin so wildly…but she kept her eyes closed, as though it would somehow shut out reality. She wanted to hold him this way forever, and be held by him in return. Tenderly she stroked his dark head where it lay upon her breast. He had slipped from her body and shifted his weight to one side, but his arms remained about her. After several long minutes of quiet,he spoke softly.

  “For so long have I dreamed of this.”

  She smiled at his words, though the skeptic in her wondered if they were really true. “Have you now?”

  She heard him sigh, feeling the stubble of his jaw as it stroked the sensitive skin of her breast. She felt a rush of pleasure and desire at the contact…and at hearing his admission. He sighed.

  “You cannot fathom how often my sleep has been disturbed these many weeks.”

  Moved by his admission, she still could not help but tease him. He lacked light and humor in his life, and she so longed to hear him laugh or see him give a true smile.

  “Did you not try counting sheep?” she asked.

  He lifted his head to look at her…the slightest smile coming to his face, and she could not help but smile back. She closed her eyes for a moment as she felt his lips at the hollow of her throat. But then she stiffened slightly. When he brought his eyes to hers, questioning her slight resistance, her expression became somber.

  “I am sure there were plenty of ways you found to ease your mind. You have never lacked for company, if th
e stories are true.”

  He reached out a gentle hand to caress her cheek. “It may please you to know that of late, many a female has been very disappointed with me.” His eyes looked deep into hers. “You have bewitched me, woman. I can find pleasure in no one but you.”

  Joy flooded her heart and soul at his confession. Looking in his eyes she knew it was the truth, and when he brought his lips to hers she responded with a rush of fervor, clutching his head to kiss him back with all the passion she had within. He had thought of her…just as she had thought so often of him. He’d had no one else while they were apart…and the thought made her almost possessive. Pushing him to his back, she straddled him and leaned down with her face close to his.

  “I am yours and you are mine, Guy of Gisborne. Have me now. Show me what you feel for me.”

  With his hands guiding her hips he positioned her, showing her just what to do and how to do it. She hadn’t touched his manhood until now, but from the way he arched his neck, making a sound of joyful agony, she knew she was doing something that pleased him. She grasped him gently but firmly, easing him into her body, and raising herself up fully she felt him inside her more acutely than ever before. Eyes closed, head thrown back, she moaned in delight as she rose and fell with him, and when her end came she dropped into his arms, panting breathlessly. But it was not yet over. Still joined with her, he rolled her to her back and took her again, ravishing her with powerful thrusts, making her world shatter once again before he reached his own raucous finish.


  As she lay against his sider arms embracing him, his hands lazily roamed her warm figure.

  Gone was the emptiness. That slight ache, which had plagued him for so long, was replaced by a deep feeling of contentment. Never in his life had he known such a feeling of happiness. And something within him knew it was more than the feeling of her soft, warm body against his. It was everything about her…her boldness, her humor, her wonderfully giving nature. He ran his hand along the swell of her breast, moving along her side and down to the flatness of her belly, admiring the beauty of her delicate form. He didn’t want to be without her again, and he felt a sweet pain in his heart as he realized his growing feelings for her. He’d been so certain that his soul was too damaged, his heart too often broken to be capable of affection. But it was full now, filled with feelings much too powerful to remain unexpressed.

  “I want you with me, Cassia. Not just in my bed, but in my life.”

  She gave him a little smile of amusement.

  “I am in your life now. And as for a bed, I certainly would not mind something a bit softer on which to lie. Which begs the question. When will you be taking me to the cottage?”

  It was a question he had hoped to avoid, for he knew that the answer was not one he wished to give. But there was no way to get around it.

  “Soon, I pray. It is nearly done.”

  He heard her little outlet of breath, and knew that what she would say now was not what he wanted to hear.

  “So until then, we must endure in this way. In secret.”

  He abhorred the thought of just an occasional meeting, of being in her arms and then having to go. To have her, but only on occasion, would never be enough to satisfy him. He’d been too long without her, and this one morning…these few short hours…could not begin to make up for the time that had been lost. Placing himself over her, he snaked one arm under her to pull her close. His free hand came up to brush the hair back from her face. He spoke softly, imploring her.

  “Come and live with me at Chenivier.”

  In an instant, he saw the refusal in her eyes. Not wanting to hear her say no, he kissed her long and deep, hoping that it would somehow tempt her enough to change her mind. But when she broke from his kiss, he saw how she was shaking her head.

  “I cannot live there with you. You know I cannot.”

  There it was…that blasted willfulness of hers. It could not be conquered with any amount of force nor coercion…and his frustration made him bitterly upset.

  “You can live there with me. But you choose not to. It is infuriating.” He moved away from her, sitting beside her with his head turned aside in anger, though he glanced over to see her sit up beside him. He heard her sigh, and there was a sharpness to her tone, telling him she would not be swayed.

  “Infuriating it may very well be. But I will not live openly with you.”

  He let out a breath of displeasure. She was everything he desired…and yet, she was the most maddening creature he’d ever known in his life. He could not mute his frustration.

  “God’s teeth, woman. You can be so damned impossible at times. You are nearly as hard headed as Marian.”

  The accusation slipped out before he could stop it. He knew his error was grave. But he was not prepared for the hard strike of her hand…the look of utter contempt she wore as she turned her back on him. By the time he recovered from the shock, she was already in her shift and reaching for her dress, intent on leaving. He reached out to grip her wrist, trying to pull her back to him. But she yanked her hand away.

  “Do not touch me!”

  It startled him to hear her say that. But she would not go, because he would not let her leave…not like this. He reached for her again, only to have her take a wild swing at him with her fist. He dodged it, though just barely, and determined not to let her try again, he threw his arms around her as she stumbled from the missed strike. He held her back against his chest, embracing her tightly even as she struggled like mad against his hold. She spat furious words at him.

  “Vile fiend! Let go of me!”

  He shook his head stubbornly. “No, I will not.”

  Despite the strength of his arms around her, she squirmed with surprising force. Her words were full of venom.

  “Is that all I am? A poor substitute for your precious Marian? Remove your hands from me this instant!”

  “Not until you calm yourself.”

  “I will not calm myself when you compare me to that woman!”

  He had never heard her speak with such loathing. He wanted to know why she reacted so wildly to Marian’s name…but to mention it at the moment would not be wise, for she still fought against his hold. He wanted her to be quiet and still so they could speak. But most of all, he didn’t want her to flee. Bringing his lips to her ear, he spoke gently and softly.

  “Forgive me. ‘Twas not my intention to upset you.”

  She was silent, and though she’d stopped squirming, her body was rigid under his hold. He wanted her soft and compliant, and he pressed his cheek against hers, his tone soothing as he whispered several more apologies to her. For many long minutes she would not speak. He turned her in his arms so she was facing him, but she tried to push him away. When he tried to kiss her she turned her face from him, refusing his affection. To see her this way, cold and unloving, was painful in a way he wasn’t certain about. One fact, however, he was quite certain of. He was not going to release her until she gave in, no matter how long he was forced to hold> DBut he didn’t have to wait so long as that. At last she seemed to relax in his arms, and it gave him courage to speak, though he was careful to use a gentle tone.

  “Why do you despise her so?”

  Her tone was anything but gentle.

  “Marian of Leaford was a selfish deceiver. I saw it at the church that day, when she deserted you for Robin of Locksley. I heard it when she helped Robin Hood bring the sick and injured to our door. I remember the hateful words she used when speaking of you. And I care not what her reasons were for her duplicity. If she did not love you, she should not have carried on with you as she did.”

  He was shocked by her bold words, and the way she spoke them with such passion. No one had ever been angry on his behalf, and certainly not where it had concerned Marian. He had always been sure that Marian was universally loved and revered. To hear her spoken of with such spite…and to hear himself as the subject of pity…was bewildering. He grasped for understanding.

>   “Why are you so angered by her deception?”

  It was a long moment before she answered.

  “Because she gave up true love. She gave up someone who would have given her the world. Instead, she ran back to a man who once deserted her to satisfy his high ambitions. A man who has hardly mourned her after her death. For her blind ignorance, her coldness and cruelty, I can find no pity in my heart.”

  There was some part of her reply that was lacking. His memory flashed back to that night in the barn, when she had stopped herself from finishing her statement. I do not want to lose you, she had said. But something told him there was more…something deeper that she was not telling him. He lifted her face to his, making her look at him.

  “Why does her deception anger you, Cassia? Tell me truly.”

  Looking into her eyes, he saw a raw honesty that he’d never witnessed in anyone before…and what she said nearly stole his breath.

  “Because I love you, Guy of Gisborne. I always have, and I always will.”

  Somehow, he had known those would be her words. And yet to hear them was so shocking, it left him incapable of a reply.

  “Cassia, I…” He fought for what to say, but she reached up to bring a finger to his lips, urging him to be silent.

  “Do not speak. I do not pretend to hope for a grand offer of marriage, or a great declaration of love. At this moment, if physical love is all you are capable of expressing, than I shall be content with it.”


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