The Demon Tamer

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  Damian found himself in absolute darkness, he couldn’t see anything.

  «Where am I?» he said in a low voice.

  «Who are you? How dare you set foot in this dimension?» a very powerful voice asked to him.

  A huge shadow of a dragon appeared before the young hero.

  «Where are we?» Damian asked.

  «You are in a place where no one except the Dragons is allowed to stay!» the Dragon replied.

  Damian did not understand the situation, he remembered the Necromancer, but he could not figure out where he was.

  «What happened to the Necromancer? To my friends?» he asked the Dragon.

  You are under the control of that woman and for some strange reason your soul has come to this place. I can’t understand how it is possible. I feel you are a demon and for this I will kill you!» the Dragon replied.

  «He was ready to attack the young hero, but when he saw the dagger in his chest, he stopped.

  «Ishtar? So you are that child who became a Dragon! I ask you forgive boy. You still have a long way to go, your power is still raw. Only when you have controlled your power can you become a true “Blue Dragon”. This time I will help you. Return to where you came from! I will wait for the day of your return, here at the Dragon ’s Oracle» the Dragon roared.

  Damian regained consciousness, he was in very deep waters. The dagger came out of his chest and fell back into the cage. The black blood of the Necromancer was chased away and the wound closed by itself. The demonic essence, that the woman had injected, had been eliminated.

  He couldn’t move, the Necromancer had tied his hands and for a strange reason he could breathe underwater. The cart continued to descend increasingly into the abyss.

  «Heeelp! Somebody help me! Please!» Damian shouted in the Demon Language, unwittingly.

  The Necromancer turned and saw that the boy had regained consciousness.

  «No one will come to help you, you are mine!»

  Suddenly there was a great roar and the water began to tremble. «Bozuuu... Umibozu!», A strange voice was heard and then an arm, all black and huge, hit the wagon and destroyed it. Damian managed to escape from the cage. A huge black hand grabbed the young hero and brought him to the surface, while Azef was thrown away by the strong impact.

  «Who are you? Did you come here to kill me?» Damian asked, when he realized that the being was as high as a mountain. He was in the black palm of his hand. He was a being with a large round head and gray eyes. He had no nose or mouth, it was as if he had no face. He was all black, with very long arms and legs. He had three fingers per hand and four fingers per foot. Because of its great height, it could touch the bottom. The black of his body showed neither scales or marks on the skin, as if it were made of a black essence.

  «I came here to save you, Son of the Dragon» he said in the Language of the Demons, but with a different accent.

  «Thank you, but how do you know me? And who would you be?» Damian asked.

  «Umibozu, this is my name. I am a demon of the abysses, I heard your voice and I came here to save you. The Dragons have always been my friends and for this I will help you fight against that woman. Bozu... Umibozu!» the demon replied.

  From the waters emerged another senior demon tall like the Umibozu, with white hair undulating and totally green eyes. She had silver scales, similar to those of fish, which covered her whole body. Her nose was very long and had a pointed shape, her lower teeth were sharp and protruding towards the high. The demon on his elbows had two curved white horns that went to the back and his hands had claws six meters long.

  «Umibozu how dare you challenge me! I will kill you with my own hands!» the enemy said.

  «So this is your true form, necromancer!» Damian said, recognizing Azef’s voice.

  The Umibozu put the young hero on his head. They were ready to fight together.

  «It was a long time since I took my true demonic form. Now I’m invincible!» Azef said.

  «What’s that weird symbol on her face?» Damian asked the Black Demon.

  «That symbol means that she made a pact with the Hell. It’s her weak point. I will keep her at bay, while you will hit her right there!» the Umibozu said with his hoarse voice.

  That blue symbol had the shape of two chained them and with a circle placed at its center. A them was placed vertically, the other horizontally and the first concavity turned towards the high and the second downward.

  The necromancer with his arms was ready to grab Damian, but the Umibozu protected him using his limbs and stopped the hideous sea creature. Then he placed his right hand on Azef’s right shoulder and with his other arm he protected Damian from the attacks. The boy started running on the arm of the Umibozu and arrived on Azef’s body. The necromancer opened her mouth, she was ready to swallow Damian, but the Umibozu, to prevent this, rapidly with his left hand grabbed the head of Azef and blocked the enemy’s mouth. Damian climbed up using her hair and quickly reached Azef’s face. He used her hair as if it were vines, he began to swing in the void, then he jumped and with his dagger he stabbed Azef’s face to hold on to her. He continually repeated the thing and scaled her face until he reached the top of that monster’s forehead. Azef screamed in pain, with her arms tried to free herself and with his long claws wounded an arm of the Umibozu. The Black Demon, despite the pain, did not let go, indeed with even more force he blocked the head of the Necromancer and with the other arm, together with its body, blocked it. Damian reached the center of the forehead and using the Dragon’s Claw he pierced the necromancer in the center of the small circle in the interior of the strange symbol.

  «No! Stop! Have mercy of me! Stop!», Azef shouted as black blood came out of the wound, «You will pay for it, you will pay for it!» and like a volcano she exploded and became dust. Even the Mermaids that she had transformed and the Harpies she had evoked from the Hell, disappeared into thin air.

  Diosmed and the others watched in disbelief at the demise of those demonic creatures who became black smoke before their eyes.

  «They have disappeared! Victory! It’s Damian’s work, I’m sure!» Diosmed shouted.

  Emmanuel smiled and put away his White Sword, which returned to the previous cross. Tanya breathed a sigh of relief, her dress was damaged on the sides.

  «Damn harpies! I hate you!» and then with a needle and thread, taken from her magic bag, she began to sew her dress.

  «Come on, they weren’t so bad!» Diosmed said and Tanya glared at him.

  The water, near the shore where they were, trembled once more. From a distance they saw the huge Black Demon coming.

  «Oh, mom! Watch out, guys!» Diosmed urged them.

  «Do not hurry!» Damian said, who was on the palms of the Umibozu, who gently laid it on the mainland of the green island full of palm trees and vegetation.

  «Are you alive! But who is this demon? “Diosmed asked, amazed.

  «Keep calm, he’s a friend of mine. He will finally take us to Egypt! Come on!» Damian answered.

  «Your wound? What happened to that woman?» Tanya asked as she touched his chest and realized that the wound had healed.

  «She was a necromancer who had made a pact with the Devil who had turned her into a demon with green eyes. She spoke of a Marine World, situated in the depths, where she wanted to take me and force me to live with her forever. The Umibozu came to my aid and together we have defeat her!» Damian explained.

  After a while, the animals came out of nothing that seemed to say: «Thank you for having freed us, we will always be grateful to you». Everyone knelt down as a sign of respect.

  Tanya and the others went up to the hand of the Umibozu, who placed them on his head.

  «Will it be safe?» Diosmed asked.

  «Sure. He is an Umibozu, a noble “Youkai”, a demon of the “Nihòn”. It is not one of your harpy friend» Tanya replied angrily.

  «He saved my life, we can trust him» Damian explaine

  «From up here I can see the boundaries of the sea!» Emmanuel said with wonder.

  «We are ready to go!» Damian said, when the Gate of Paradise suddenly appeared.

  «Look, it’s the ship! Captain!» Damian shouted with joy.

  They saw the roman ship with all the crew from the appearance of white souls. With a sign of profound respect they greeted the heroes, then walked through the door and disappeared with it.

  The tears fell like rain.

  «Come on, we’ll win for them too» Diosmed assured them

  «Yes! Let’s go!» Damian ordered.

  The Umibozu began to move. He was very tall, so much so that he was able to touch the bottom of the sea and for this he could run quickly. The young heroes stood on his head, they almost seemed to be flying over the water. Some ships, which were along its passage, saw the strange phenomenon, but understood nothing about it. He was too fast and it was difficult for them to see the Umibozu with the four boys on the head.

  After less than an hour they had already traveled a long distance.

  «I see something, land!» Diosmed exclaimed.

  «We’re here, this is the Egypt. Hold your breath, I’ll dive so I can avoid those boats» the Umibozu said in the Demon Language.

  «Hold on tight and hold your breath!» Damian translated, only he understood the language of demons.

  Many black Egyptian boats were in front of them. The Umibozu immersed himself in those waters, the young heroes held their breath and clung strongly to his head. After a while the demon came out of the water in an isolated area. He took them with his hand and placed them on a deserted shore. The four heroes finally touched the ground.

  «I feared the worst, I thought I would drown!» Diosmed said ticking of the water.

  «Son of the Dragon, I salute you. I will always be at your service!» the Umibozu said with respect.

  «Thank you for saving us. I have always believed that the Demons were evil, but you are different. I will also save those Demons like you who are not under the control of Evil» Damian said confidently.

  The Black Demon plunged into the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and disappeared in an instant.

  «What a mysterious creature! Thanks to him I will finally be able to go to the holy place» Emmanuel said.

  «Egypt, we finally made it!» Damian said, turning his eyes toward the expanse of sand that is parried before them.

  «He could never have imagined what would have happened in that mystical place on Earth».


  The Egypt

  They were catapulted in a new land, deserted and devoid of vegetation.

  «How much dust! We should leave as soon as possible. The wind is rising, I foresee a storm on us!» Diosmed said.

  «Come on, follow me! Let’s take this road, maybe going over those huge boulders we will reach the Nile river» Tanya said.

  The land was scorching, a sandstorm suddenly arrived. The four couldn’t see the road ahead of them. All was covered in a blanket of dust.

  «Let’s keep in touch! We must stay together! Emmanuel come here!» Damian shouted to his friends.

  Tanya pulled from his bag a small ball who issued a powerful light and allowed her to light the way that parried before them. She raised her arm to the sky to allow others to see it.

  «Follow the light!» Tanya said.

  The guys tried to stay together as much as possible. After a short time the sandstorm ceased and they found themselves on an expanse of sand and stones. Tanya put away the sphere.

  «Are you all here?» Damian asked. The others answered yes.

  «Where are we ?» Emmanuel asked as he tried to remove the sand and the dust from his white dress.

  «I don’t know, I don’t like this place» Damian answered.

  They had arrived in a village of cone-shaped huts. All the houses had a wooden structure and the roof covered with straw. It could enter in the dwelling through a hole with an arched shape.

  «It’s all destroyed!» Diosmed said with disbelief.

  «There are only damaged houses, this village has been attacked by someone. Some houses have been burned, others have been reduced to a pulp. Let’s find one that still stands. We will spend the night here, the Sun is setting and we must rest» Tanya suggested.

  The thirty or more huts of the village lay in a state of neglect. There were neither the survivor or corpses. The four boys patrolled the village together from top to bottom and they noted the presence of utensils, pots and objects.

  «Look here. There are broken arrows and spears routes, is a sign that in this place there’s been a battle. The village fought against the invaders» Diosmed deduced.

  «There’s no body, strange. It must have happened a short time ago for how things are presented. Who could it have been? I don’t see any human presence» Damian noted.

  «But I feel something of obscure. Do you feel it?» Emmanuel asked.

  «Yes. Let’s go to the biggest hut in the center of the village. It is very cold at night, we have to rest» Tanya said.

  They entered in the hut that was three times the size of others in the village. At the interior there were knives, arrows, the arches, the fur to warm up and a fireplace with a bronze pot for cooking.

  «I’m hungry!» Diosmed said with a growl in his stomach.

  «You’re always the same! Now I will order the fire to warm us» Tanya said.

  She lit the fire, using her power, and burned the wood in the hearth. The fire quickly heats the hut of five-meter diameter and the height of three meters.

  «We must rest, we’ll think about food tomorrow. You always be on the alert, we do guard duty. I’ll start.

  «Something of bad has happened in this place» Damian said.

  «All right. After you, I’ll go» Diosmed added holding his Dragalòs.

  The boys lay down on the animal fur and wrapped themselves in them.

  «Here, he will keep you company» Tanya said, handing Damian his Statue of Dragon.

  «Thank you, I always lose it! If it was not for you, who knows where it would be!» Damian replied.

  «The Necromancer stole it from you, I picked it for you» she said smiling and then went to lie. Emmanuel fell asleep first and the other two followed him.

  Damian watched his statuette, he noticed that the left wing, for his ¾, was broken. Even stranger was a small green light that shone in the dark.

  “The treasure? How is stuck here?!” Damian thought. He had noticed that on the inside of the column, on which the Dragon rested his feet, there was the small green gem that he had received from Zhen.

  «That old man of the Colosseum! Its small stone is stuck in the interior of the statue. I had completely forgotten this little treasure. It was his last gift before he died. One day I will avenge him too! Come away, get away!» Damian said in a low voice.

  He tried to pull it off, but it was all in vain. The precious stone was deeply embedded in the statue and did not come off. He decided to put her inside its small black bag hanging from the belt, where there was also his dagger. He sat on the entry to make the guard, when at some point thought to the wound received and put his right hand on the chest to the left, putting the arm inside of the upper opening of the blue tunic. He searched for his heartbeat and hesitated for a moment.

  «I don’t hear anything!» he said in amazement.

  Because of his fear the heart rate accelerated and so he felt his heart beat, but not on the left, but on right. «Have you always been here?» he asked to himself in a low voice.

  «The Dragons have the heart on the right» a strange voice answered in the Egyptian language.

  He does not even have time to realize of who it was that voice, that in the dark of night, on the ground before him appeared The Naav Symbol with the Ankh and the Eye of Ra. It was of a strong red color and when the symbol lit up, the hearth in the hut went out because of the energy it gave off. Despite that circle of d
iameter of two meters, appeared other smaller on every hut in the village, as well as on the one where the young heroes slept.

  «Diosmed! Guys wake up!» Damian screamed.

  The three guys woke up suddenly and got out of bed

  «What’s going on?» Diosmed asked.

  «The Symbol of Naav is appeared, the Pharaoh knows we are here!» Damian replied.

  «I do not see anything!» Tanya said and promptly she used her white sphere again.

  «It illuminates very little!» Emmanuel noted. In that instant the sphere shattered.

  «Get out soon!» Damian ordered.

  Outside the hut, they noticed that the air was cold. Something was surrounding them, in the dark they could not figure out who it was, but they remained on guard. The blue eyes of the Dragon’s Claw lit up.

  «There are Demons!» Damian shouted.

  They positioned themselves next to the other back to back. Every one of them looked towards one of the four directions cardinal. The darkness of the night did not allow them to see. Everything was calm, suddenly the darkness made his move.

  «Ouch!» Tanya cried in pain.

  «Be careful! What’s going on?» Diosmed asked.

  «Attack them! They are invisible! I can’t see anything in this darkness. Tanya uses your fire» Damian ordered, but the girl didn’t answer him.

  «Bastards! Show yourself!» Diosmed shouted at them as he received a blow to the face, the red claws scratched him.

  Damian felt a vibration in the air in the direction of the friend and used his dagger into the void, trying to hit the enemy.

  «Grruuh» someone complained.

  «I touched something, they are invisible Demons to our eyes! If only there was a light to enlighten us. Curse! They are gone out from the Symbol of Naav that appeared in the center of the village. Along with this also appeared smaller symbols, they first illuminated all together and then disappeared. I heard the voice of someone shortly before they appeared» Damian said.


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