Freeing Asia

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Freeing Asia Page 2

by E. M. Abel

  I gave him a smile, trying to hide my reaction to his handsome face. “Thanks,” I muttered.

  He opened the door for me to walk through. “My pleasure,” he said with a wink.

  Oh great, he’s one of those—the yuppie hot guy who knows he’s hot, and uses it to get what he wants. I quickly stepped through the doorway, making a beeline for the hostess’s podium.

  “Irashaimase!” the entire staff called out in unison.

  Wow, I haven’t heard that since I was a kid. Maybe this place won’t be so bad after all.

  I asked to sit at the sushi bar, still feeling the guy’s presence. His group of friends entered the restaurant behind him, and I heard them ask for a table as I made my way to my seat.

  I sat on a stool, drinking Kirin beer, as I watched the chef make my sushi. The group of guys from outside were laughing as they took their shots of sake in the corner of the restaurant.

  I cautiously glanced at their table, and our eyes met again. Those dark blue eyes felt like they were burning into me. When I could feel my face start to flush, I promptly turned back to my beer. As a distraction, I grabbed my cell phone and pretended to text someone, hoping to make myself look less like a loser sitting alone at the bar on a Friday night.

  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Calm down, Asia. It’s just a guy looking at you. You’re being ridiculous!

  Although I had grown up surrounded by them, I wasn’t used to having this reaction to guys. All I could see in my head was that gorgeous face with his square jaw, perfect lips, and those eyes. Ugh! I hadn’t felt like this in a very long time. Too long.

  When was the last time you got laid? Nick’s question rang in my ears. Suddenly, I was grateful that he would be giving me a makeover tomorrow. Maybe if I would have done it after one of the first ten times he had asked, I wouldn’t be sitting here, feeling like the ugly duckling.

  When I opened my eyes, I was startled to see the sushi chef standing in front of me with a big smile on his face as he held out my to-go box.

  “Arigato,” I said, taking my food from him.

  “Oh, velly goo! Velly goo! You speak goo Japanese!” he said, sounding incredibly excited.

  Feeling embarrassed, I smiled at him and nodded. I took my last sip of beer and stood up. Well, that was fun. Now, back to the apartment.

  Taking another deep breath, I smoothed my free hand over my black pants as I made my way toward the door. As I passed by the table with the group of guys, I couldn’t resist one last glance. I tried to be inconspicuous but I was startled again when I saw the hot guy was watching me.

  Our eyes stayed connected long enough to make my heart beat faster in my chest. For a second, I thought he might actually come talk to me, but he was distracted when the man sitting next to him began to laugh.

  I swiftly turned toward the door, feeling disappointed as I took a step outside. Looking around the busy street, I sighed. Everyone was rushing to be somewhere as I stood alone with my to-go box.

  While making my slow trek home, wallowing in my self-pity, my phone beeped. I grabbed it out of my purse and saw a text from Nick.

  Don’t you dare back out on me. My apartment. Tomorrow morning at ten sharp!

  I smiled and rolled my eyes. Damn, that’s one bitchy queen.

  A man’s loud voice was coming from my television. It was some kind of toy commercial trying to sell crap to kids as they watched their Saturday morning cartoons. I rubbed my eyes as I realized I had fallen asleep on the couch. Shit! I grabbed my phone and saw that it was nine thirty.

  “Damn it,” I grumbled as I rolled off the couch and staggered toward the bathroom.

  As I brushed my teeth, I did my daily examination of my reflection in the mirror, noticing every blemish on my face and stray hair on my head. I spit out a mouthful of toothpaste, and when I stared at my brown almond-shaped eyes, I immediately missed my mom.

  Taking a deep breath, my eyes softened. I look so much like her. I had known her for only ten years of my life, and I only remembered about six. I wondered how things would have been different if she were still around.

  “Today is the day, Asia. Time to stop hiding,” I told myself as I pulled my thick black hair into a ponytail.

  After I slipped out of my loose boxer shorts and my favorite Zoo York T-shirt, I pulled on a pair of tattered tight jeans and a black tank top that showed off my beloved Japanese-style tiger tattoo on my right bicep. It started on the top of my shoulder and stopped just above my elbow. To me, it represented strength and beauty. It was also done in the traditional Japanese style, which reminded me of my mom.

  I’d spent months deciding on what I wanted, and during my senior year in college, Hailey and I had flown out to Boston, so I could get it done by the best. My college roommate had decided to drop out of school, leaving her art major behind, so she could move to Boston to apprentice for David Bryson, one of the country’s best tattoo artists. She hooked me up with an appointment, and now, I had a gorgeous tattoo.

  I went into the living room, and I quickly threw away my to-go box along with two empty beer bottles. After I grabbed my purse and keys, I hailed a cab and left for Nick’s apartment. Let the games begin!

  As I approached Nick’s street in the smelly yellow cab, I was actually getting excited and nervous about what Nick had in store for me. Although he was a man, he was probably the best person for the job. He had an amazing sense of style, and he didn’t put up with any of my bullshit.

  After spending five hours at the spa, I was almost at my limit. I had been waxed in places I didn’t know needed waxing. It had taken two stylists to flat-iron my incredibly thick, long hair, and all the while, I had to stop myself from sweating or else I’d completely reverse all their hard work. My face had been coated with a layer of makeup, making me wonder if I looked like a clown. By the time I stood up, I could barely feel my butt cheeks.

  When I walked into the locker room to change out of the provided terry cloth robe, I finally had a chance to look at myself.

  “Holy shit!” As I suddenly realized I’d said that out loud, I quickly looked around, and I was relieved to discover that I was alone.

  I barely recognized myself. My hair was shiny, silky, and perfectly straight, stopping just above my waist, and my face looked like I was ready for a photo shoot. I had never worn this much makeup. I usually just stuck to eyeliner and mascara.

  With a deep breath, I slowly untied my robe and opened it. I gasped after revealing my new wax job. It left nothing behind. I mean, no hair at all! Oh my god. I hastily wrapped the robe around me and grabbed my panties and bra.

  “Asia! You still alive in there?” Nick asked impatiently from the other side of the door.

  “Chill out, Nick! I’m coming!”

  I hurried into my panties, bra, and jeans, and I carefully pulled my tank top over my head, trying not to smear my new face or mess up my hair. When I walked out, Nick’s jaw dropped as his eyes bugged out of his head.

  “Holy shit!”

  “My thoughts exactly,” I replied dryly. “There’s no way I’ll be able to keep this up.”

  “Don’t worry, girl, you’ll get used to it. Besides, I bought you some goodies,” Nick said as he handed me a bag.

  “What is this?” I asked.

  I looked inside to find the bag full of hair products, a flat iron, lotions, and makeup from the spa. It must have put him back a few hundred dollars.

  “My gift to you for letting me play dress-up,” Nick replied with his sweet smile.

  “You didn’t have to do that, Nick. Thank you!”

  I reached out to give him a big hug, but he backed away before I could get my arms around him.

  “Uh-uh, girl, don’t hug me yet. We still have to go shopping for clothes, and I don’t want you messin’ up that pretty face.”

  I flopped my arms down at my sides with a sigh as it dawned on me that my torture was only halfway over.

  Nick and I left the spa, got into a cab, and headed
downtown. Apparently, he knew where to get all the best deals on designer clothes. Although I was pretty sure that my savings would end up suffering, I convinced myself that it would all be worth it. At least, I hoped it would be.

  Two hours into our shopping spree, my phone buzzed with a text from Hailey.

  Come have some drinks with John and me tonight! I’m not asking!

  I showed the text to Nick after vetoing a scarf he was trying to get me to buy.

  “Good! Now, we have somewhere to show you off!” Nick exclaimed with a big grin.

  Feeling apprehensive, I texted Hailey back.

  Okay. Nick is coming, too. Where and when?

  As I put my phone back into my purse, my nerves started to kick in. This would be the debut of the new Asia. I prayed that I didn’t make a complete fool of myself.

  After buying five new outfits, two pairs of expensive high heels, and a few new accessories that Nick and I could agree on, we went back to my apartment.

  “Wow, girl. It looks like you aren’t the only thing around here in need of a makeover,” Nick scoffed as his eyes assessed the state of my living room.

  “Don’t give me shit, Nick! Hailey just moved out last week!” I yelled as I carried all my shopping bags to my room.

  After putting away my new clothes in my walk-in closet, I noticed how foreign they seemed compared to my black and white shirts and faded jeans. I never realized how plain my wardrobe was until now.

  When I walked back into the living room, I saw Nick staring at the blank wall above my red couch.

  “Seriously, Asia, you were an art major. How do you not have a single piece of work hanging up?”

  I knew he was right, but I never wanted to expose myself by putting my art on display. My work always felt so personal, and I worried that someone could walk in and see my emotions splattered all over the walls. It would make me feel too vulnerable, and I hated being vulnerable. If I put myself out there, what if people didn’t like it? Even if I could find the courage to bare my soul, the thought of people judging my work or not thinking it was good enough would crush me. It wouldn’t be worth the risk.

  “I’m still deciding what to put up.” I mumbled, trying to hide my insecurity.

  Nick narrowed his eyes as he watched me, obviously seeing right through me, before he changed the subject. “So, where are we going? Did Hailey ever text you back?”

  “Oh yeah,” I said as I went to grab my phone.

  I had forgotten to check my messages after we’d left the store. Sure enough, I found I had two text messages and a missed call from Hailey.

  “Looks like we’re going to some place called Red on Market Street. Do you know it?” I asked while getting a glass of water from the kitchen.

  “Did you forget who you’re talking to, sweetie? I know everything.” Nick gave me a smug grin as he stood at the bar separating my kitchen from the living room.

  “Well, Mr. Know-It-All…” I paused as I rolled my eyes. “We need to be there in forty-five minutes.”

  “You better get movin’ then, Ms. Vixen. We don’t wanna be late. Make sure you wear the red dress with the matching heels.”

  My eyes widened as I remembered the outfit Nick had practically begged me to buy. The dress was way too tight and way too short, not to mention that it exposed a whole lot of cleavage. The heels felt more like a death trap than something I would willingly wear out in public.

  I opened my mouth to protest, but then I snapped it shut. This would probably be the only time that outfit would ever be appropriate. Besides, if I was going to make my debut, I might as well go all out.

  I straightened my shoulders and made my way to my room. It was time for another pep talk in the mirror.

  When the cab pulled up to Red, I was surprised that I hadn’t heard of it before. It was obvious that I was the only person in Virginia Beach who hadn’t been here. A long line was gathered at the door, and it was only nine in the evening.

  Nick must have sensed my nervousness because he grabbed my hand and gave it a quick squeeze, trying to reassure me. I gave him a small smile back before stepping out of the cab in my red stilettos. I was glad that I had remembered to put a pair of flip-flops in my shiny new purse before we’d left the apartment. Nick gave me shit for buying such a big purse, but there was no way in hell I would be able to walk in these killer heels after my fourth or fifth drink.

  When we got to the end of the line, I texted Hailey to let her know we were waiting outside of the club. A few minutes later, she was standing in the doorway, waving us in. The doorman stepped aside as he moved the velvet rope to let Nick and me through. Before I could take another step into the club, Hailey gave me a huge hug as she started squealing.

  “Oh my god, Asia! You look hot!”

  I hugged her back, but all I really wanted to do was crawl into a corner somewhere. Thank God the music was loud, so no one else had heard her, except for Nick, of course.

  “Yeah, I know. I’m the shit.”

  Hailey gave him a big smile as she nodded in agreement. “Hell yeah, you are! Good job, Nick!”

  Hailey grabbed my hand and led us to her table. She had styled her shoulder-length blonde hair in soft curls. She was wearing a form-fitting purple dress that stopped right above her knees. She had paired it with neon yellow towering heels and matching hoop earrings. Hailey always had a perfect outfit for every occasion. As evident by her accessories, her favorite color was yellow—bright and cheery just like her.

  As we walked up a flight of black stairs, passing a bouncer who moved aside to let us through, I realized we must be in the VIP section. Black booths were spread out across the huge room. The walls were bright red, but everything else was black. The room was mostly dark. The only light came from crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Aside from the vintage chandeliers, the decor was modern and sleek. I could see why this place was so popular.

  As we walked around the U-shape VIP area, I noticed the large opening in the middle gave a perfect view of the spacious dance floor downstairs. I could see the elevated DJ booth near the bar that covered the entire wall adjacent to the front entrance.

  Waitresses, dressed in all black, were walking back and forth from the smaller VIP bar to the surrounding booths. Of course, all of the servers could be models, and it seemed like big boobs were a requirement. Good thing I wore this dress.

  When we reached our booth, John was sitting on the left side, talking to a man in a black suit who was standing with his back facing us.

  Once Hailey got within earshot of John, she yelled, “They’re here!”

  John smiled at her, and when he looked at me, his eyes widened, and his mouth went slack as his eyes glanced up and down my body. Nick obviously caught John’s reaction, too, because he nudged me with his elbow from behind. Man, he’s going to brag about this for weeks.

  The man talking to John must have noticed John’s expression because he turned around to see what had diverted his friend’s attention. That was when our eyes met. It’s the hot guy from the sushi bar! Those piercing blue eyes took me by surprise, and I grabbed onto Nick’s arm to steady myself. I tried to play it off as I focused on John.

  “Hey, John. How are you?”

  I was fully aware that blue eyes standing next to John was studying my body, and I could feel my cheeks getting warm. Thank God this club is dark.

  “Hey, Asia. Great to see you,” John responded, slipping out of his state of shock.

  I smiled back, feeling relieved that John didn’t give me the same greeting Hailey had at the door. Trying to pull off this outfit was already hard enough, and there was no need for everyone to know that I didn’t always look like this. Then, I realized that the man standing next to me did know. Shit! His first impression of me had occurred when I was wearing my work clothes, which I now knew were completely drab and not stylish at all.

  “What’s up, Nick? Take a seat, you guys,” John said as he slid farther to the left.

  Hailey sat
down, and I followed after her, scooting in to give Nick some room next to me. He was already scanning the room for his next conquest. Nick never wasted time.

  I was more focused on the fact that I still had blue eyes fixed on me. Casually, I looked around, observing the room, as I tried to act oblivious to him. It was kind of unnerving that he was just staring at me without worrying about how obvious he was being.

  When I finally decided to glance in his direction, his beautiful mouth slowly curled into a big smile, showing his dimples and perfect white teeth.

  “Do you guys know each other?” John asked when he saw his friend smiling at me.

  “No, not yet,” blue eyes said. He moved his drink to his left hand, wiped off the condensation from the glass remaining behind on his right hand, and then extended it out to me. “Hi, I’m Jay.”

  I searched his eyes for a sign of recognition as I put my hand in his, but I found none. I wondered if he even remembered me from last night. I don’t look that different, do I?

  “Asia. Nice to meet you.”

  His hand was big, strong, and surprisingly rough for a man in a suit. I always imagined that the yuppie types had soft hands. I liked that his felt rough. The handshake seemed to last a few seconds longer than normal. I could feel Hailey and Nick watching us, which only made my cheeks warm even more. I need a drink.

  “You guys want a drink?” Jay asked as if he were reading my mind.

  “Yes!” Nick yelled enthusiastically, causing Jay to finally break his gaze away from me.

  It seemed like the man just realized someone was with me. He gave Nick a once-over before looking back and forth between the two of us. Then, he raised his hand, signaling to a waitress.

  Within seconds, a skinny blonde, wearing all black and holding a tray, was standing next to him. Leaning toward her, he lifted his hand to her ear and said something before she took our orders.

  Jay and John continued their conversation, and a few minutes later, John reached out to shake Jay’s hand. “Nice to see you, Jay. Maybe I’ll see you at the golf course sometime.”


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