Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5)

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Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5) Page 1

by Renee, K.

  The Wayward Saints MC

  Book Five

  By K. Renee





  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Unedited Sneak Peek: Wayward Temptation

  About the Author



  To my Beta Readers.

  Thank you for taking a chance on a new author.


  Wayward Trouble

  © 2016 K. Renee

  Published by K. Renee

  1st Edition

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  Published: K. Renee - 2016

  [email protected]

  Cover Design: KLa Boutique

  Formatting: K. Renee

  Cover: © Shauna Kruse - Kruse Images & Photography: Models & Boudoir


  Cover Model: Tyler White


  Editor: Ashley Blevins @ TBC Editing


  ISBN-13: 978-1519211125

  ISBN-10: 1519211120


  Three Weeks Ago

  I’ve been running for the last six months, and I have no clue if or when he is going to find me. All I know is that I can’t make any mistakes. What he doesn’t know is that I’ve been hiding in plain sight for months, and that might be my only advantage right now.

  With no other family to turn to, I have been just getting by – barely.

  I stay in different places every night, and pray that no one finds me and turns me in for trespassing.

  Breaking into someone’s apartment was never part of my plan. I’ve been sitting in the parking lot, watching the people come and go for a few days. I never see anyone come and go from this particular apartment. Maybe no one actually lives there? When it got dark, I made my way through the bushes and picked the lock.

  Walking in the room, I see that someone does in fact live here, and seems to be very messy. Who am I to complain? I’m pretty much homeless. At least they have a place to call their own. Beer bottles litter the counter, and there are dirty clothes everywhere.

  Checking the fridge, I don’t see any actual food, so I doubt that whoever rents this place will be here very often.

  I drop my bag on the floor, and start to pick up some of the mess. I guess it’s the least I can do if I’m going to be squatting in their apartment while they are gone.

  Walking into the bathroom, I’m pretty sure I’m going to gag. The smell is awful, and I have no idea how this person hasn’t gagged on the stench alone.

  What is it about men that make them not know how to use the toilet without peeing on the seat or on the floor? So freaking gross.

  Searching the cabinets, I look for any cleaner I can find, and get to work on cleaning up a bit to make this place somewhat not so disgusting. Maybe that’s why this person is never here. Looking through the drawers and cabinets, I notice that there is not one thing that belongs to a woman. He must be a bachelor, a very messy one at that.

  That’s too bad. If he had a woman, then maybe he wouldn’t have such a dirty apartment. I just hope I can use this to my advantage. Maybe this means I’ll be able to come and go as I please. That would be a huge plus for me.

  Once I clean a majority of the apartment, I take out two trash bags of beer bottles and garbage, and toss them into the big dumpster a few buildings over.

  I wonder if he will even notice that I cleaned the place for him when he finally comes home.

  I put a few of the empty bottles to stack next to the door, just in case he comes back and I’m here. I want to make sure I have a heads up that he’s coming into the apartment. Not that it would do much for me. I’m still breaking and entering, and I have no idea who this person is or what he will do to me when he finds me in here. I guess it’s better than the alternative though.

  All I know is that I will never go back home, and subject myself to Saxton ever again. He almost caught me once, but luckily I was able to get away before he could actually hurt me

  Chapter One

  Present Day

  What a fucking welcome home party that was. Walking through the clubhouse, I see trash everywhere, and various whores passed out in various states of dress.

  All of these bitches look like they were rode hard, and put up wet. They must have had one hell of a night after I went to bed alone last night. I was still pissed at my fucking twin. Watching how happy and in love him and Anslie are. It was making me want to fucking puke.

  I have no idea why these fuckers are all so damn happy to jump in the damn ball and chain club. Fuck, most of the time I’m pretty sure that Anslie has my brother’s balls locked away in her purse, not that he even seems to mind. Hell, I’ve never seen that bastard happier than he is now.

  No matter how much I don’t understand why he saddled himself with that bitch, I respect him for finally pulling his head out of his ass and stepping up. Those fucking boys of his need him, and so does she.

  She made my brother’s life hell for years, but the one good thing she’s done for him was give birth to Sev and Rem. I love my nephews and I can’t wait to meet the newest one in a few months. The twins are seriously the dopest little shits ever.

  Making my way out of the clubhouse, I walk over to my bike and straddle her. Damn I’ve missed her while being locked up on that bogus ass charge. Cranking the engine, I let her idle for a minute before I take off into the crisp morning air.

  Making my way towards my apartment, I watch the trees fly by me as I hit the throttle and launch past a few women running down the street. Looking in the mirror, I see them do a double take, and keep on running the other direction.

  Turning down the street my apartment is on, I see a couple of girls walking to the coffee shop. When the brunette’s eyes meet mine, I’m fucking f
loored. Her brown eyes cause my dick to jump to attention, and I have to stop and talk to her. As I pull up to the curb where they are, the friend gives me her best fuck me eyes, while the brunette just rolls her eyes. Feisty, I like it.

  “Hi ladies,” I say with a smirk. Shutting off my bike, I kick the stand down and watch them. The friend looks me up and down like she’s ready to drop down on her knees in front of me right now. The brunette looks bored and uninterested, which makes me more curious about her.

  “Hi!” the blonde squeaks with a huge smile.

  The brunette just shakes her head at her friend, and rolls her eyes once more. Smiling at the brunette, I ask them what their names are. Eagerly the blonde tells me her name is Chrissy, and the brunette just gives me the evil eye. Getting off my bike, I walk over to the brunette and lean in to whisper in her ear. I feel her body tense, and I love knowing that I can affect a woman like that just by whispering in her ear. “Women always try to play hard to get, but they always give in to me.”

  She shivers, and then takes a step back from me. She squares her shoulders, and stares daggers at me. “Sorry, but I don’t fall for assholes who think they’re hot shit. I have some standards.”

  Smirking, I look back over to her friend. “Well, if you feel like breaking out of your ‘I’m too good for everyone’ attitude, you should come by the clubhouse and let me show you a real good time.” I wink at her, and turn to her friend.

  “You too sweetheart, I know a few of my brothers would love to meet a pretty little thing like you.”

  Chrissy starts to giggle and nods her head excitedly at me. I flash her my best panty melting smile, that’s gotten hundreds of women to spread their legs for me, and walk back to my bike. Getting on my bike, I flash them one last smile as I crank the engine, and take off towards my place.

  Pulling into the apartment complex, I check my surroundings, and park my bike in my space. Typically I don’t come here, but I needed to grab some shit and get the hell away from my brothers for a few hours.

  Getting to the door, I see that it’s cracked open. Grabbing my gun from the back of my jeans, I push the door open with my boot and make my way inside.

  Going room to room, I don’t find anyone inside. The room is cleaner than normal, but that could just be because my mom or Anslie cleaned it while I was gone. Walking back to the front door, I close it, and turn towards the living room. Not noticing anything out of the ordinary, I check the safe in my closet for all the important shit. Nothing seems out of place, but I get the feeling that someone I don’t know has been in this fucking place.

  Grabbing my phone, I dial my brother Sebastian and tell him to come over. He says he’ll be there once he wakes up. Hitting the off button, I toss my phone on the bed and walk into the bathroom to shower. I smell like I’ve bathed in beer and perfume, and I need to get that shit off of me. Turning the water on hot, I strip down, and hop under the spray.

  After I rinse off and wash my hair and body, I shut the water off and grab a towel off the rack. Running it over my head, I walk out into my room to grab a clean pair of jeans.

  With my back to the bedroom door, I dry off and start to pull on my jeans. Before I can pull them up, I hear a gasp from behind me.

  Turning around I find a girl standing in my doorway with wide eyes, and blush creeping up her cheeks. Her hands go to cover her eyes, and I can’t help but laugh.

  Pulling my jeans up the rest of the way, I walk over to her, and pull her hands away from her face. Her eyes widen when she looks up at me, and I can tell she didn't expect to find me here.

  When she tries to run back out the door, I grab her arm and keep her from leaving. She slowly turns to look at me again, and I can see the fear in her eyes.

  “How the hell did you get into my apartment?” I ask staring at her. This girl can’t be over twenty one. Hell, I’m not even sure she is eighteen yet. She fiddles with her hands, and I can tell she’s trying to think of an explanation or maybe some lie to get herself out of this.

  “I want the truth. Don't try and bullshit me,” I bark out when she doesn't answer. I lead her to the bed, and force her to take a seat. Her eyes linger on my body, and I can see her face heat up.

  “I didn't mean to, I just had nowhere else to go,” she whimpers.

  She looks down to the ground, and I am almost positive that she’s about to start fucking crying. Looking her over, I can see that she has a few bruises on her arms and her face. Taking her face in my hand, I force her to look at me.

  “Who did this to you?” I demand.

  She shrinks back, and shakes her head no.

  “Tell me,” I say towering over her.

  “No, he’ll kill me,” she whispers with tears falling down her face.

  Fucking great. Just my damn luck. Why the fuck am I the one that has to deal with this bitch and her problems? Just as she looks like she’s going to finally tell me, a knock startles her, and she zips her lips shut.

  Releasing her, I walk out of my room and over to the door and before I can even get the door open, fucking Bash comes charging inside.

  “You know you have some fucking dude staking your place right?” he mutters going to the fridge. He grabs a water bottle and opens it. I watch him chug the bottle before he tosses the empty bottle at me.

  “No fuck head, I didn’t. Who the fuck is it?” I reply, looking back at my bedroom door.

  “No clue fucker,” he replies, going back into the fridge to pilfer more shit.

  A loud smashing sound comes from my bedroom, and we both look at the door. Bash looks over at me, and I just shrug my shoulders. Hell, I’m not even sure how to explain that I’ve had this chick sneaking into my apartment for who knows how long.

  Before I can even stop him, he bursts through the door. Following behind him, I see the girl squatting down to pick up the broken glass on the tile floor. Her eyes meet mine, and I can tell she’s afraid of what Bash might do to her.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Bash growls. He looks over to me, and I just watch the girl’s expression.

  “I’m… I’m… Wyn… Wynter,” she stutters out.

  Shit, Bash got further with this girl than I have.

  “Jase, you fucking this girl?” Bash asks looking over at me.

  I shake my head no, and he gives me a weird look.

  “So that douche bag outside is with you?” he asks her.

  Looking over to Wynter, I watch her eyes widen and she shakes her head no. “Please don’t let him know I’m here,” she pleads.

  She looks over to me, and gives me these huge puppy dog eyes that Anslie gives me when she thinks she can get me on her side.

  “Who is he?” I grate out.

  “My brother-in-law,” she whimpers. “He’s going to kill me, or worse if he finds me.” Her voices changes, and I can tell she’s terrified of this bastard. Fuck, no woman should never be afraid of a man.

  “He won’t touch you,” I sigh. “I’ll go pay him a visit. Stay here and don’t go near the windows.” I raise an eyebrow to Sebastian, and he nods his head in agreement.

  Wynter gives me a very small smile, and I lead my brother out into the living room.

  “You don’t even know this bitch. Why are you helping her?” He asks looking back at the bedroom door.

  “I know she’s hot and everything, but fuck man you have no idea if what she said is fucking true.”

  Opening the door, I look back at my brother. “You know mom would have our fucking asses if we didn’t help this girl out. She will tell us that she raised us better. Just think, what if it was Anslie who needed help and some assholes took advantage of that fact or left her to fend for herself? “

  He starts to mutter something, but I can’t make out the words.

  Chapter Two

  For the last few weeks, I have been sneaking into this apartment to hide out from my crazy brother-in-law. He threatened to kill me for not playing along in his little game with the thugs he works for. Sometimes I can’t
believe my sister would marry such a horrible man. Every time I ask her about it, she shrugs my concern off, and tells me that he loves her and their daughter. I don’t get it.

  Last week Saxton caught up with me, and is the one who left the bruises on me. Luckily I was able to get away, but who knows when he will close in on me again.

  When I snuck inside today, I never expected to come face to face with the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. My god his body is sculpted in a god like way. Watching the water run down his back and down to ass as he pulls up his jeans. Gasping at the sight, he turns around, and I get a peek at what he’s packing.

  Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. I cover my eyes, and I hear him laugh. I can’t believe that I just seen his goods. Oh my god. He probably thinks I broke in to get a glimpse at his goods.

  I’m mortified. When his hands touch mine, I start to have a mini panic attack. What if he hurts me or worse, sends me back to Saxton Meyers.

  Pulling out of his grip, I do the one thing I know. Run.

  Trying to get out of here, I run towards the door, but a hand on my arm keeps me from getting out of the room. Slowly, I turn and face him. Staring into his light grey eyes, I try to focus on why I’m here, and not the man standing before me.

  “How the hell did you get into my apartment?” he growls at me. His voice is soothing in a way that makes me nervous. Fiddling with my fingers, I try to think of the best lie I can, but before I can think of anything he continues.

  “I want the truth. Don't try and bullshit me,” he barks out, causing me to jump. He leads me to the bed, and forces me to take a seat.

  Watching the way his muscles flex as he moves causes my brain to short circuit, and all I can do is stare at him. When I finally snap out of the haze my brain has decided on living in, I answer him.

  “I didn't mean to, I just had nowhere else to go.” Looking down at the ground, I try to keep myself from crying. I’m terrified that Saxton will find me, and I am afraid of what he is going to do to me when he does. He takes my face in his hand, and inspects my face and arms. I know he sees the bruises. Heck, I couldn’t cover them if I tried. He gets a strange look in his eyes, and he forces me to look at him.


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