Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5)

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Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5) Page 6

by Renee, K.

  I turn the key and the engine roars to life. Wynter wraps her arms around me, and I can feel the sweet torture start all over again. I’m gonna die from fucking blue balls.

  Pulling into my brother’s yard, I see him watching my nephews ride around on little three wheelers. One of them almost clips me, and I almost knock Wynter off the bike. When I park my bike next to my brother’s, she places her head in my back, and I can feel her laughter.

  “Sorry about that. I say against her temple when I help her off the bike. “Death by toddler,” she giggles. “And here I was afraid of Saxton.” She shakes her head and the twins both stop their three wheelers to come run at me. I kneel down just in time for them to run into my arms.

  I pick them both up and walk over to Wynter. “Sugar, these are my nephews Severye and Remington. Boys this is Wynter.” They both give her a shy little wave, and Brant starts to laugh.

  “Oh now they’re shy…” I set them both down and they go running to Brant.

  “Come on. Let’s put these up before your mom sees what we are doing out here,” he tells them. They both nod their heads, and try to push them back to the shed on the side of the house.

  Brant and I end up pushing them back, while the twins run inside giggling.

  I just shake my head. “Anslie doesn’t know about these?”

  He smirks, “Hell no. She would kill me, but the boys are naturals. Just like us as kids.” I shake my head, and laugh at him.

  “I sure hope she finds out and puts your ass in the doghouse.” I chuckle.

  “Naw, she’s too fucking horny to make me sleep outside.”

  Wynter clears her throat, and I just smile. Walking back over to where she’s standing, I wrap an arm around her and whisper, “Trust me, I will get you used to this language.” She shakes her head at me, and I just grab her ass in response.

  Walking into Brant’s house, I see the baby shit everywhere. It looks like a baby store threw up all over their living room. Wynter’s eyes widen when she takes in the house.

  “Yeah he outdid himself when he fixed this place up,” I murmur in her ear. She continues her scan of the room when Anslie walks in and sees us.

  “Jase!” she says excitedly. She walks over to me with her belly starting to really show. I wrap her in my arms and she asks, “Is this the girl I’ve heard about?” I look down at her, and nod my head. She squeals, releasing me, and pulls Wynter into a hug.

  Wynter looks a little concerned, but I just walk away. Anslie is Anslie and I know that Wynter is in good hands with her.

  Walking into the kitchen, I see Brant sitting at the counter with a laptop in front of him.

  “Take a seat, I’ll show you what I’ve got so far.” Nodding, I sit in the chair next to him, and he turns the screen towards me.

  Looking at the screen, I see a picture of that son of a bitch. He looks smug, and I would give anything right now to knock that smug look off his face. Also in the photo is a woman with a little girl. The woman looks totally different than Wynter, and I’m almost positive that they aren’t even related.

  Looking over all the information that Brant has on the screen, I know who he’s working with.

  “B, shits about to hit the fan.” Looking over the information one more time, I look over and see Anslie and Wynter sitting on the couch looking at the baby stuff.

  “You know who he’s working for?” he says turning towards me.

  “Yeah. He’s working with the Black Hills and the assholes we are looking into for that shit that’s going down in Sacramento.” Pointing to the man in the next photo, I tell him, “That’s the president of the Black Hills MC, and that right there,” I say pointing to the guy next to him, “is Emilio Hernandez. That fucker is the leading distributer in women in the United States.”

  Brant pushes away from the table and goes to fridge to grab a couple of beers. “Fuck are you serious?” he asks me, handing me a beer. Opening the bottle with my keys, I toss the cap on the counter, and take a long drink of the beer.


  “If any of them find out that Saxton is looking for her, Emilio will take everyone out and start over; that includes us for protecting her.” He slams the beer down on the counter. Anslie and Wynter come into the kitchen with wide eyes.

  “Brant is everything okay?” Anslie asks hesitantly. He wraps his arm around her, and kisses her forehead. His hand rests on her stomach, and Anslie knows something is wrong.

  “I have a feeling lockdown is going to be in our near futures…” he curses under his breath, and take a drink of his beer.

  Wynter looks over to me, and I just hold my arm out to her. When she’s standing next to me, her eyes land on the computer screen, and her eyes widen. She looks down to me, and she knows why Brant is mad.

  “I’ll call Dad and Prez,” I mutter. Wynter doesn’t let me leave her in the room with them. Instead she follows me as I walk outside to call my old man.

  “Yeah?” he asks when he answers.

  “We got a huge fucking problem,” I mutter into the phone. Wynter tenses and wraps her arms around me. I bury my head into her neck, and I can feel her breathing shudder. She scared and fuck she has a good reason to be.

  Chapter Eleven

  When I saw all the information they had on Saxton, I wanted to throw up. Looking at the men that that animal associates himself with, made me want to kill him. How could he put my sister and niece in danger like that?

  I can feel my whole body shaking while Jase is on the phone with his father. I don’t know what they plan on doing, but I feel terrible that I’ve gotten them involved. They don’t deserve it.

  When Jase hangs up the phone, he wraps both arms around me, and pulls me into his lap when he sits on the step.

  “Sugar, it’s gonna be okay. Trust me,” he says into my hair.

  “I’m scared. What if he finds me?” My hands are shaking and I’m terrified. I’m not sure if I’m terrified about Saxton anymore, or if it’s all because of who he is in business with. Seeing the names of the people he is working with just makes this ten times more dangerous than before.

  “He won’t touch one hair on your beautiful head. I will fucking kill him.” My eyes snap to him, and I can feel the rage coming off of him. He really means that. Why would he protect me that much even if he doesn’t know me that well?

  “You barely know me,” I mumble looking down.

  He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. “It doesn’t matter. I will always protect you; I can’t help feeling like I need to make sure you are protected at all costs.”

  He leans forward, and our mouths connect. It isn’t like it normally is all full of passion and claiming. This time it’s sweet, and almost like he’s afraid of something happening.

  The door opens and I hear a throat clear behind us. “Stop making out on my porch like a couple of horny teens,” Brant says with a grin.

  Jase flips him off before we both stand up. He pulls me against him, and Brant just smirks. “I’m gonna get her to the clubhouse. I’ll give you a call tomorrow.” He pulls me with him, and I can’t wait to get back to the safety of his room at the clubhouse. Before we can even get back on the bike, a car comes rushing up the drive and right towards us.

  Jase pushes me behind him, and he pulls out a gun. I see Brant do the same from the corner of my eye. He gets on his phone, and barks out a few orders before standing next to Jase.

  The car comes to a halt and I see him, but he can’t see me from where I’m standing.

  “Where is she?” he demands.

  “Don’t know what you’re fucking talking about,” Jase sneers.

  “If you don’t fucking turn that little bitch over, I will take every one of you motherfuckers down,” Saxton threatens.

  “Looks like you’ll need a whole hell of a lot more men to do that,” Brant says with humor in his voice.

  My fingers grip the back of Jase’s shirt, and I can feel myself starting to have a panic attack.

bsp; Before Saxton can say anything else, I hear the roar of motorcycles coming closer. His eyes widen for a split second, and then he puts his mask of composure back on. “Just give me the little bitch and I won’t cause you any problems,” he says looking back at the motorcycles that are now coming to a stop behind him.

  “You won’t ever fucking touch a hair on her head. She belongs to me, so you can go fuck yourself.” Jase starts to move forward, but my grip on him keeps him from going too far forward.

  He stops before Saxton can see me.

  “I suggest you stay the fuck off my property, or next time you’ll have a bullet in you,” Brant snarls. Saxton looks around at all the bikers, and finally gets in his car. He points his fingers at Jase like a gun, and acts like he shoots him.

  My whole body goes numb. He did that same thing to me before I started running.

  Arms come around me, and I can hear a bunch of people talking all at the same time, but I can’t process any of it.

  The next thing I know, I’m in a bedroom, and Jase is still holding me tightly to his body. When I finally look up at him, I know there are tears streaming down my face. He wipes them with his thumbs, and gently kisses my cheeks.

  “You okay?” His voice is low, and he looks worried about me even though he is the one that just got threatened.

  “He’s going to come after you. It’s all my fault. I should have never come here,” I sob into his chest.

  His hand covers the back of my head, and I just cry.

  “Sugar, I’ll be fine. I can protect myself. My brother’s will protect me. Don’t worry about me,” he murmurs against the top of my head.

  “What if he hurts you?” I ask. The tears continue to fall, and I don’t see an end in sight.

  “It will take a lot to get rid of me babe. Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.” I cuddle into his embrace.

  There’s a knock at the door, and he doesn’t even move to answer it. I see Brant duck his head in for a second before he opens the door. “Hey, a prospect followed him out of town. But that doesn’t mean he won’t be back.”

  “Thanks B. Next time we’ll be ready to blow that asshole into next year,” Jase mutters. I can’t help but giggle at his statement.

  Brant laughs, tells us to use the room for however long we need, and then closes the door behind him.

  “Your brother thinks we are going to have sex, huh?” I ask.

  I feel Jase’s body vibrate with laughter. “You are so fucking cute when you say sex.” He kisses my neck, and I can’t help but move so he has better access.

  His lips release my neck, and he shakes his head before laying it down next to me. He stops because he doesn’t want to pressure me, or maybe it’s because he doesn’t want blue balls, or whatever he said earlier this morning.

  I bury my face into his neck, and I feel him take a deep breath. “Did you just sniff me?” I ask pulling away from him to look him in the eyes.

  “No idea what you’re talking about sugar.” The smirk on his face tells a different story, but I don’t say anything else.

  I shake my head, and place it back in his neck. His hands run up and down my back until I fall asleep.

  A few hours later, I wake up alone, and unsure of where I am until all the memories of Saxton come crashing back. My breathing starts to pick up, and I feel like I can’t breathe. Gasping, I try to think of the things that calm me down, but nothing is working. The door opens and Jase rushes in the room.

  His eyes are on me and he grabs my face and tells me to breathe. “Take deep breaths sugar. I’m right here. You’re okay, I promise.” I nod my head, and take long deep breaths, until I can finally breathe somewhat normal again.

  “Sorry,” I croak out when I can finally breathe again.

  “You’re okay,” he whispers, pulling me to his chest. I sigh and sink into his embrace. The glass he had in his hand is now sitting on the dresser, and he gets up to grab it.

  “Here take a sip,” he hands me the cup, and I can smell the whiskey in it.

  I shake my head no, and push it away, but he doesn’t let me. “No, trust me. It will help. Just a little sip it won’t kill you,” he laughs and holds the glass out in front of me.

  Giving in, I take the smallest sip I can, and it burns as it goes down. I make a few faces, and he just laughs.

  He takes the cup from me, and takes a swig like its water. Just watching him do that makes my stomach twist and burn.

  He sits back on the bed, and motions for me to come and lie down next to him. Crawling over to him, I lay my head on his stomach, and he runs his fingers through my hair until I fall back asleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  Saxton has more balls than I gave him credit for. He openly came onto Brant’s land without a care in the fucking world to get her. He has no idea who we are, and I’m about to fucking show him, if he gets near her again.

  Taking a sip of the whiskey I got in Brant’s kitchen, and I run my fingers through Wynter’s hair. One of her hands is gripping my hip, and the other is barely touching my leg.

  I hear my phone go off, so I reach over to grab it off the nightstand, and read the message.

  Brantley: Hey fucker, I got something you need to see.

  Sighing, I gently move her off of me and make my way out of the room and into the office a few doors down.

  Opening the door, I see Anslie sitting on his lap, and looking at the screen too. Good to know he doesn’t keep club business away from her. I shake my head; our old man would be pissed if he knew.

  “What’s so fucking important?” I yawn. I didn’t realize how fucking tired I am until now.

  “Come check this out,” he says motioning to the computer. Walking behind him and Anslie, I see a couple of photos, and a police report. How the fuck did Brant find this shit?

  Reading the report over, I see that Wynter’s fiancé isn’t who she thought he was. He was part of Saxton’s business. Fuck. This shit just gets worse and worse.

  “Jase, do you think she has any idea that he wasn’t who she thought he was?” Anslie asks with a sad expression. She feels for her, and I like that. Anslie either likes you or she doesn’t, which says a lot about someone.

  “Probably not. She was in love with him. Maybe she just didn’t want to see it,” I sigh.

  “What if he got greedy and that’s why Saxton killed him?” Brant wraps his arms around Anslie, and she lies back against him.

  “Who fuckin’ knows. All I know is that she isn’t goin’ anywhere without protection. If he has enough balls to come on your property, who knows what he is capable of.”

  Brant nods his head, and his hands rub Anslie’s belly. “Do we put her on lockdown until then?”

  “Yeah it’s probably the best for now.” I look over at the door, and see her standing there. I motion for her to come in and wrap my arm around her.

  “Hey,” Anslie greets.

  Wynter gives her a quiet hello before looking up at me. “What’s going on?”

  “Brant found some information that may or may not be a shock to you,” she nods her head, and I move her behind Brant and Anslie.

  Her eyes are glued to the screen, and I can see the tears filling them. She shakes her head a few times, before she runs out of the room. Anslie goes to get up to follow her, but I stop her. “I got it sis.” I kiss her cheek, and punch my brother’s arm. I’ll see you guys in the morning.

  They both nod, and I turn to go find Wynter.

  Walking into the room, I see Wynter curled up in a little ball in the middle of the bed. I shut the door, and pull my shirt and jeans off. Slipping into bed, I wrap my arms around her, and pull her up the bed. She turns and buries her face into my chest.

  “How could he lie to me like that?” she whimpers. “Shawn hated Saxton; he told me over and over that I needed to stay away from him, and everyone in his life. He was part of that life too.” Her sobs get louder, and her grip on my back is getting tighter.

  “Sugar, he isn’t worth your
tears,” I whisper against the top of her head. “If he’s that big of a fucking moron, then you didn’t need him.” She nods her head yes against my chest, and I just hold her tighter to me.

  I hold her until she stops crying, and I hold her when she finally falls asleep four hours later. She keeps her death grip on me. I can’t imagine being anywhere but right here with her, which scares the fucking shit out of me. I don’t know how to handle being with one woman. I’ve only fucked them, and pushed their asses out the door before the next morning.

  Knowing that I want to be the one to comfort her, I just close my eyes and try to catch some sleep. It’s gonna be a long few days.

  The shrieks of those two little boys running down the hall cause me to open my eyes. Wynter is still asleep, and I don’t want to wake her up. She already had a rough night, and those boys are a lot to handle on no sleep. I gently release her and pull my body out of her grip. The blanket falls down, and I can see her panties. She must have changed out of her clothes at some point last night.

  My dick hardens at the sight of her smooth skin, and I want to bury myself so far into her, that it’s fucking driving me insane. So instead of trying, I pull on my jeans, and walk out into the hallway.

  As soon as the boys see me, they come rushing at me. “Unky Jase!” they both screech.

  I almost need to cover my ears at the sound that’s coming out of their mouth. “Shhh,” Anslie snaps. They both look over at her, and then back to me with sad expressions. I pick them both up and walk them over to the couch.

  “What are you guys doing?” I ask looking between them. They both show me their toys, and then go to the floor to play cars and Legos. Brant walks in and sits at the other end of the couch. “Is she okay?”

  “Yeah, I think she’ll be fine. She’s hurt, but I think she sees he ain’t worth her tears.”

  Brant smirks, “And you are?”

  I flip him off, and he just snickers. “Brantley stop,” Anslie says from the kitchen.

  Whatever she is making smells fucking fantastic. Getting up, I walk in there, and kiss her cheek. “Thanks for letting us crash here.” She waves me off. “Breakfast is almost ready if you want to get Wynter up.” She hands me two cups of coffee, and shoos me out of the kitchen.


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