Broken (Delta Protectors Book 3)

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Broken (Delta Protectors Book 3) Page 14

by Kayla Myles

  “If you’re dead set on going to college, why not just go to the community college downtown?” Dad tried, and I scoffed at him, disgusted.

  “No offense to the community colleges in the world, but I’m still going with my plan,” I said. “Also, community college would mean I’d have to stay here instead of a dorm, and one of my main reasons for going is to gain independence,” I said. From you, I mentally added, but the words didn’t come out loud.

  “But you don’t need to get it all the way in North Carolina!” my mother cried, using the back of her hand to slap the edge of her forehead, and making that ‘woe-is-me’ expression you mostly see in 18th century period movies.

  “Like I said, I applied for a lot of colleges,” –all of them away from here—“And from among those that accepted, I chose the one I thought was best,” –and the farthest.

  “Well, if you’re so dead set on disobeying us, young lady,” Dad said, his eyes glinting in that way they always did when he was about to pull out the ace in his sleeve. “Let’s see how you try and pay for your college tuition,” he declared, folding his arms in front of his chest, his bottom lip jutting out smugly in victory.

  I smirked at him, fully expecting this blow, and opening my mouth to deal my own. “Well then, it’s a good thing I’ve got a full ride scholarship, huh?” I said, effectively wiping the smug look on my parents’ faces.

  “You can’t afford the plane ticket,” Mom blurted out, the desperation clear in her eyes.

  “Already got that covered,” I fired back, rolling my eyes.

  “Regardless, you won’t get our permission,” Dad said, standing up and putting his hands on the table, palms down. “So good luck trying to feed yourself over there.”

  “Irregardless, I’m going,” I said. That was the only hitch in my plan, and I had hoped my parents weren’t cruel enough to cut me off but, since it’s come to this, I’m just going to have to look for some part-time jobs once I get there. Like hell they would keep me hold up in here.

  “Irregardless isn’t a word,” Mom shrieked.

  “Actually, it is. It’s a conversation ender. You should look it up in Webster’s. It’s under the letter ‘I’,” I countered. I watched patiently as Darcy opened up his phone and did as I asked.

  “She’s got you guys again, Mom,” Darcy said, nodding thoughtfully. I looked over at my parents with a smug smirk on my face. I made a grand show of taking another bite out of my dinner, then wiping my mouth daintily with a napkin, before I stood up to leave, but not without one last parting shot.

  “And you call yourselves writers.”

  Chapter 3


  “Morning, Spence. I’ve got a job for you,” Chase greeted as soon as I walked into the office. I slid my headphones off my head, and raised my eyebrows at him.

  “Is this a legit job, or is this another grunt work for Jason’s girl?” I asked.

  “Ye have a little faith,” Chase replied, walking behind his desk to take out a file in one of his drawers.

  “Excuse me if I have so little confidence in you,” I fired, taking a seat across from him. I slumped over my seat, folding my hands on top of my lap as I regarded him with feigned interest. He narrowed his eyes at me.

  “Well, you should. I got you a job that I think is right up your alley,” Chase replied, throwing the file he was holding on top of his desk. “And since you mentioned her earlier, I have to admit, this job was requested personally by Veronica Langley herself,” he added.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, not following.

  “She recommended our firm provide security for them, and they trusted her opinion enough to give us the job,” he clarified.

  “Oh, wow. So does that mean I’m in charge of another celebrity?” I asked, intrigued. I wondered who it is. Was it Emma Stone? Jennifer Lawrence? Please Lord, let it be Jennifer Lawrence.

  “Not exactly,” Chase said, and those two words effectively burst my bubble. I scowled at him. “Spencer, will you let me finish?” I waved my hands, motioning for him to get on with his briefing. The man seriously took forever to get his point across, Jesus.

  “As I was saying, the clients are Veronica’s maternal aunt and uncle. She recommended our firm to them, and they sent in the request to watch over their daughter, who’ll be going to college,” he explained.

  “Hold up a second,” I stated, holding my hand up to stop him. “So you want me to protect a minor?”

  “She’s 21 years old, Spencer. That’s hardly a minor, and only a few years greener than you,” Chase clarified. He gestured towards the folder again, and I rolled my eyes and picked it up. I looked over the file briefly, fingering the picture of the girl I’m supposedly going to protect.

  She’s kind of cute, I thought to myself as I peered at her copper-colored hair and jade green eyes. Her lips were thin and pale pink, and her nose was thin and-high-bridged. True enough, she definitely had some similarities with Veronica in terms of appearance, but where Veronica tended to have more striking features that caught your attention almost immediately, this girl went soft and innocent, like it begged you to take a second glance, and then her beauty sneaks up and keeps you from looking away.

  “Georgiana Elizabeth Pratt,” I muttered, trying her name out with my mouth. “She sounds like a total prissy princess,” I said.

  “Yeah, well her parents are well-known authors, so that’s probably why their kids’ names are so..,” Chase pursed his lips, trying to think of something that wasn’t remotely rude. “…classy,” he decided.

  “You mean she’s got a sibling?” I asked, and he nodded.

  “Yep. Male, about twenty-eight years old,” Chase replied.

  “What’s his name? Benjamin?” I quipped. Chase winced, hesitating to answer my question.

  “No. It’s Darcy,” he answered, and I lost it. My laughter came out in huge guffaws, and Chase pushed me on my shoulder half-heartedly. He pursed his lips in an effort to try and keep the smile from spreading in his face.

  “Come on, stop it, already,” Chase scowled. I alternated between quick puffing breaths to slow long heaves so I could control myself. “Besides, it’s not that bad once you got the hang of it,” he amended.

  “Okay, back to the topic,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Why wouldn’t they just ask brother dearest to guard his sister?” I asked.

  “The dude is working all over the globe, and word is he was the only one who wasn’t opposed to the girl’s idea of going off to college, and besides, he kept telling them she could handle herself,” he answered.

  “I agree. She doesn’t look like a pushover,” I said.

  “You got all that from looking at her photo, eh?” Chase jibed. I said nothing, not taking the bait. “What I’m about to say is off the record, but Veronica was able to give me a bit of personal Intel on the Brady Bunch, and she said that Mr. and Mrs. Pratt kept their daughter on a tight leash. Her cousin is a quiet girl, and always kept to herself. She didn’t have many friends, either, likely because of her overprotective parents. She said this is likely the first time her cousin will be out of her parents’ nose, and they’re not exactly comfortable with the concept,” he explained.

  “Still, don’t you think hiring a bodyguard for her is a little overkill?” I asked, and he shrugged.

  “I’m not the kid’s father, and all I care about is that this is a legit job,” he replied.

  “Well what did this Georgiana have to say about all this?” I asked.

  “Ah, that’s where this mission gets interesting,” Chase said with a smirk, making me narrow my eyes at him. There was a glint in his eye that I didn’t like one bit. “She doesn’t know they hired a protector,” he revealed.

  “She doesn’t know?” I repeated.

  “And we’re going to keep it that way,” Chase said, nodding. “You, my friend, are going undercover.”

  “What? Why?” I stammered, incredulous. “How am I supposed to do that?”

you’re going to pose as another student there,” he said, and my mouth gaped in awe. He ignored me, and started to enumerate his plans using his fingers. “You’re going to take all the same classes, go in the same clubs, and eat lunch at the cafeteria together--,”

  “Wait a second,” I interrupted. Me? A college student? “Why do I have to do that? I mean, one of the reasons I signed up for the military was so I could skip college, man,” I said.

  “Nonetheless, you’re the youngest in the firm, and the most obvious choice,” Chase said. “Besides, you’ve been hounding me to give you a real assignment all summer, weren’t you? Well, this is it!”

  “Yeah, but I wasn’t expecting this! I mean, this is ridiculous! How are you going to enroll me in--,” I looked at her file so I could see which school she’ll be attending. “University of North Carolina? The tuition fee here costs an arm and a limb! And wait--,” I stared at the school again. “North Carolina? This is all the way over the other side of the country!” I exclaimed.

  “You exaggerate, Spence,” he said, shaking his head. “And the Pratt’s are loaded. They have graciously decided to add a little extra so you could be enrolled there. They’ve also explained everything to the Dean, so he’ll be able to assist you once you arrive.”

  “This is a ridiculous idea, Chase,” I hissed.

  “Still, it pays the bills. And as I recall, you need this job. So you either take it, or I give it to someone else who’s willing to do it,” Chase replied.

  “You know, it’s times like this where I hate being related to you,” I said, and the bastard smirked at me.

  “Tell that to our father. And it’s your own damn fault you confide to me about everything like a little girl,” Chase fired back. “So what’s it going to be?”

  I growled ferociously before glaring at the file again, the girl’s face almost taunting me. I clenched my teeth and looked up at Chase again.

  “Where do I sign?”

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  (Delta Security)

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  Angela Warren had resigned herself to her fate; she was ready to give up, accept the life of a stripper, and leave her dream of a professional dancer behind.

  Everything changes though when she witnesses her boss and ex-boyfriend commit murder and she is forced to run for her life, going back to the place she knows best: home.

  After years as an Army Ranger, Daniel Turner has finally come back to his hometown and decides to open up Delta Security and start anew. Despite his resolve to start over, there’s one thing keeping him from moving on… memories of the girl he left behind years ago. He’s regretted leaving her without saying goodbye, and he’s determined to get her back.

  As fate would have it, Angela comes back into Daniel’s life, but is he ready for the storm she’s bringing with her? Will he be able to protect the woman he’s always loved before fate decides to tear them apart permanently?



  I never thought that this was how I was going to die.

  My heart was hammering in my chest as I looked into his wild, wide hazel eyes. His jaw was taut, his nostrils flaring, but his gaze was steady and unwavering as he stared not into my own, but at the barrel of the gun that was pressing harder against my temple.

  The arm holding me around my neck tightened and I couldn’t stop the tears from forming in the corners of my eyes. I could feel this crazed man’s breath against my scalp, could smell the alcohol and smoke from his mouth and it sent a chill down my spine.

  “That’s right, big guy,” my captor said, taking a step back and dragging me with him, using my body as a shield. “If you try anything, I’m gonna blow her brains out.”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down again as he swallowed before glancing at me. I looked at him in despair, hoping that my eyes translated everything I wanted to say to him.

  I’m sorry I got you into this mess.

  I’m sorry for letting you down.

  I’m sorry for coming back into your life and ruining it for you.

  I’m sorry for being me.

  His expression didn’t change and so did his grip on his gun, keeping his arm straight and pointed at us.

  I felt my captor’s breath change quickly and he adjusted his hold around me.

  “I’m serious! Aren’t you going to put the gun down? I’m gonna kill her!” he exclaimed.

  Daniel pulled at the safety off the gun before shaking his head.

  “No.” he said curtly.

  I closed my eyes.

  And then a bang.

  Chapter 1


  I adjusted my hoodie over my head as I walked the few blocks back to my apartment, or the rubble I could barely afford after scraping up every last dollar I had left of my savings. Travelling and acquiring new IDs and documents had taken the brunt of my money, but there wasn’t much I could do about that.

  I had to get out of that city. Staying would have led to my death.

  I see a couple of people walking at the other side of the road and I keep my head down, trying to make myself as small as possible. I turned my head to the side and watched them turn the other way and I let out a small sigh. I was safe…for now.

  The constant paranoia of someone following me and watching my every move was eating away at my remaining sanity, but it was too early for me to relax. Big Boss and his henchmen might not have figured out where I am now, but it was only a matter of time until he did figure out my whereabouts.

  Granted, going back to my hometown here in Louisiana was probably not the best idea, but I counted on the Big Boss’s knowledge of my history to assume that I would never go back here. My parents were long gone and I didn’t have any brothers or sisters. My parents didn’t have any living relatives, either, or at least, not that I know of. And I definitely didn’t have any friends here, not since my only friend left and joined the Army. I didn’t even know if he was still alive.

  I reached my building and decided to take the stairs instead. The building was old and rundown and I highly doubt the elevator was in a better condition. It would probably break into a stop in between floors and I’d get stuck inside for hours…yeah, not my idea of fun.

  I turned towards my apartment door and quickly did the lock before heading inside and placing the bag of instant noodle packs on the kitchen counter. These could probably keep me full for a couple of days, but they weren’t going to last long. I had to find a job soon.

  I went inside my room and fell back against the mattress, feeling the adrenaline leave my body and making way for exhaustion to take over. I was getting used to my body always on the alert, the hairs on my neck always raised up and my eyes darting left and right for any sign of danger until I got home and my mind had settled to the idea of safety it provided. I turned on my belly and sighed.

  Where had my life started going downhill? What did I do in the past life to deserve this? Why did I choose to get out of the club that night and see what I had seen? If even the last thought hadn’t happened, my life would be so much different.

  But if I hadn’t witnessed what happened that night…would I have stayed?

  Maybe not. Maybe I still would’ve left LA, but probably after I had saved enough money, had more of a concrete plan than packing my bags and getting on the next train bound to anywhere…

  After all, working as a stripper wasn’t exactly the dream job I had in mind.

  My mind immediately went back to that fateful day, and I swear it was like I was back in the club again. The heady perfume of the other strippers and the blast of music from the stereo slowly filled my senses like I was actually there.

  I had just finished my first set and was circling the tables for anyone wanting a lap dance when I saw the owner, Alfred, call me over from the VIP Booth. I winced a little at this. It was a bad decision on my part to succumb to his advances. Even at a place like this, a
relationship between an employer and an employee was never a good idea. But Alfred was so aggressive and hot, it only took him a few weeks until my defenses crumbled.

  It was good for a while, but his possessive yet secretive nature finally ate away at our relationship until I finally had to call it quits.

  Yes, it was pretty ballsy of me to break it off with my boss, but it had to be done. I should be grateful I still have a job, no matter how humiliating it is.

  But calling me over like this? It’s not helping.

  I squared my shoulders and walked up the steps to the VIP Room, the two burly guards standing by the doors giving me a quick nod before moving to the side to let me in.

  My eyes scanned the two gentlemen sitting adjacent Alfred and the other one occupying the solo sofa on the side. Judging from the suits they were wearing, they were probably here to discuss business with Alfred. Other than the club, I didn’t know what else Alfred occupied himself with, and the one time I asked him about other business dealings, the chilling look he gave me sent shivers down my spine that I dared not ask him again.

  Alfred flicked his wrist over at me and I quickly sauntered over and sat on his lap, my arms wrapping around his shoulders daintily. He placed his hand on my hips and squeezed, hard enough to make me bite my lip to keep from crying out. The three men ogled and leered at me creepily, despite the fact that there were two other of my co-workers keeping them company.


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