Haleigh's Ink

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Haleigh's Ink Page 18

by Jennifer Kacey

  Kyle’s hips pistoned up in time with Scott’s withdrawal. Hearing her small cries of pleasure made his skin tingle. Kyle brought her lips to his. He plunged his tongue inside. His dick fucked into her pussy with strength and fullness that bordered on his sweetest pleasure. Scott watched as Kyle kept the kiss sweet and oh so gentle. She appreciated the contrast, if the soft whimpers of pleasure escaping her throat were any indication.

  He could feel Kyle fucking her. The jostle of her body as he bottomed out and the slide of his dick against the thin barrier separating them. This is what he and Kyle had been missing. Someone they could both love, cherish and pleasure. Haleigh was their missing piece. And damn if they didn’t fit together perfectly.

  “Scott?” Haleigh gasped, and Scott realized he had been staring at Kyle after he’d released Haleigh from his possessive kiss.

  “Yeah, baby?” Scott ran his palms up her sides, over the scars. Caressing them, loving them, along with the rest of her. She was bound and unable to stop him or flee from his desire. He would come later just remembering her tied tightly in his rope.

  She bucked against him until he was flush behind her, holding her still. The angle in which he was fucking her became steeper and she arched beneath him. “Kiss Kyle. Please. I want to see you kiss him. I want to see it up close. I need to come so bad, please.”

  Without even knowing it, her needs not only matched theirs but gave Kyle the acceptance he needed. Scott knew he would love her forever. He bit at her ear on the way to own Kyle’s mouth. It was a bit of a stretch but it was fucking worth it. He sucked Kyle’s tongue, nipped his lips and Kyle grabbed onto his shoulder as he pushed up into Haleigh’s pussy.

  Scott leaned slightly away, putting a leg up to steady himself. He brought her head over to meet their mouths. “Kiss us,” he ordered and she greedily licked at both of their mouths. Sensation gripped Scott by the balls and electricity shot along his spine toward his shaft as Haleigh’s ass clamped down once. Hard.

  “Scott, I’m…”

  “Come, princess.”

  “Yes,” she wailed. Her body fought against the dual penetration and she bucked violently as the orgasm raced through her limbs. She screamed, digging her head into Scott’s shoulder. He held her flush to him as he pushed into her tight sheath and held himself there. Her muscles squeezed the orgasm from his cock and he actually went lightheaded as a tingling sensation he’d never experienced lit up across his flesh, sparking at the base of his spine and then radiating throughout his torso, limbs and head.

  “Fuck…” he heard Kyle groan and his cock kicked inside Haleigh as he filled her with his seed. They both pulled out, pushing inside again. Sometimes smooth, other times jerky, as they rode her through their mating.

  “I’m never going to get enough of this. Us.” It was Kyle who spoke through gritted teeth but Scott knew exactly what he meant.

  Long moments later, Scott fell to the side of the bed, taking Haleigh with him. Kyle followed suit and Scott could still feel him buried within her soft body.

  Haleigh’s breathing sawed in and out of her and then she sighed as Scott slipped free. “I could feel it,” she muttered, lying limp as Scott walked around and untied her. “The piercing on your cock. I could feel it inside me. I…liked it.”

  “Amazing, huh?” Kyle asked as he withdrew from the slick confines of her well-used pussy. She smiled up at him, then Scott approached the bed. He tipped her onto her back, opening her thighs and settling between them.

  “What are you doing?” she asked as a hint of that blush worked its way up her neck and cheeks.

  “Cleaning you.” And he used his mouth along with a warm washcloth on her swollen flesh.

  She watched him. “For someone who said he doesn’t know how to be gentle, you keep proving it time and time again.” Haleigh laughed and both men looked at each other and then over to her.

  “What’s so funny?” Kyle asked.

  “I was just congratulating myself on not passing out. I’m pretty proud.”

  “No worries,” Scott stated. He threw the washrag somewhere in the vicinity of the doorway. He licked her clit, flashing her a wolfish grin. “The night’s still young…”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Why do you call me ‘princess’?”

  Scott blinked up from the drawing he’d been so focused on he hadn’t heard her approach. Haleigh stepped forward wearing one of Kyle’s shirts she must have snagged from his bag. He hoped like hell she wasn’t wearing anything else. He’d been up for several hours but decided to let them sleep. They’d all had a very long night and were exhausted after not falling asleep until sometime after dawn.

  “At first it was to annoy you,” he answered with his characteristic honesty that bordered on rude. He set the thin Sharpie he’d been using aside, scooted his chair away from the table and gestured for her to join him.

  Her feet made a soft noise as she shuffled toward him. He kissed her mouth, tugging her to settle on his lap. “Now, it’s because you remind me of a fairy tale. When I first walked out of the office and saw you standing there in the shop, you were like something out of a movie. You were so beautiful I was speechless.”

  The color in her eyes darkened and she sighed, kissing him back. “You and speechless have surely never seen the light of day together.”

  “Just don’t tell Kyle that I admitted it or I’ll never hear the end of it.”

  “Hear what? That she knocked you on your ass?” Scott turned as Kyle sauntered out of the bathroom. Hair mussed from sleep, smile tilting his lips and jeans hung low on his hips revealing a six-pack many a man or woman would pay to own.

  Scott tightened his hold on Haleigh’s thigh as he kissed the side of her neck. “She did just that.”

  Kyle kissed Haleigh sweetly on the mouth, then Scott, and sat down at the big black table along the wall Scott had been working at.

  “What’s all this?” Kyle asked, pointing to the drawings.

  Scott rearranged Haleigh on his lap so he could face the table and the papers that were scattered across the surface. Most were black-ink outlines but three had color on them.

  “It’s the ideas I’ve got for our tattoos. I woke up thinking about them. Decided to get them on paper while they were still fresh in my mind.”

  Haleigh smoothed her palm along a colorful butterfly and seemed stunned for a minute. She looked up at Scott and smiled. “It’s like the wings on your ink.”

  He nodded and pointed under the wings. “What about the flower underneath?” he questioned.

  She studied the beautiful red rose that the butterfly hovered over. It was a stationary picture yet somehow he’d captured movement. She noticed the petals separating from the others on one side. They floated up and away across the paper. It was some of his best work, and he couldn’t wait to get it on her.

  “It’s my vision. What I imagined to get me through. Oh, Scott…it’s beautiful.”

  “It’s what I saw in my head as you described what you went through, what you pictured. The stem of the rose is the same tribal detail as Kyle’s ink. It’s a tattoo of all of us.”

  She placed her mouth on his, spreading warmth past his lips. It was a kiss filled with love and appreciation and Scott couldn’t ask for anything more, especially when Kyle wove his fingers between his and held tight.

  Haleigh ran her nose along Scott’s and then looked at her picture again.

  “Yours is right there, Kyle.” Scott nodded toward another piece of paper farther across the table. It held the vague outline of the ink he already had on his chest but the center was filled in with a similar butterfly to Haleigh’s. Just a more masculine version of it.

  “It’s perfect, man.” Scott heard the emotion in Kyle’s voice and breathed in a sigh of contentment at the two people who completed him.

  “We’ll have to discuss color,” Scott said after clearing his throat. “I pictured your rose red and burnt-orange, Haleigh, and the butterfly purple or maybe several colors. A
rainbow of colors since you’re so full of life. And I thought maybe a gradient of reds on yours, Kyle. Matching Haleigh’s rose. That way you’ll be tied together, permanently.”

  “What about you?” Haleigh asked as her eyes swam with emotion. She turned to face him. “What do you want?”

  He nodded at the last piece of paper with color on it. Kyle picked it up, studied it, placing it in front of Haleigh.

  Simon, as he sat on Scott’s skin already, came alive on the piece of plain paper, but the wings had been filled in starting with purple in the center, which slowly faded until the outer edges were a decadent red. Several of the feathers had also been filled in with the same pattern as Kyle’s tattoo.

  Haleigh leaned closer to the drawing, and then pointed to Simon’s feet. “You changed it, didn’t you?” She pushed the paper back to Kyle, who picked it up and smiled broadly.

  “They’re Haleigh’s petals, aren’t they? You’re going to let me change the blood to petals.”

  Scott nodded once and knew it was the right thing to do. “Yeah. I want you to know you’ll never be alone in your fight, Haleigh. If anything ever changes with your condition and you have to wage war again, I’ll be here hunkered down in the trenches with you.”

  “Me, too, Butterfly,” Kyle added as he stroked along her cheek.

  “Now, there are a few things we need to discuss, before we show you how badly we need to be inside you right now.” Scott sucked in a breath when she shifted in his lap, rubbing against his groin. He concentrated, reining in his need to fuck her senseless before continuing. “You still live with your parents?”

  “Yes, but it doesn’t feel like home anymore. I feel like I’m living under a microscope there, like they’re waiting for the other shoe to drop. Hopefully that will change in the future and we can repair our relationship, but right now… I want to find me, without worrying that I’m disappointing them. I’ve worked so long to be what they expect, but it’s time I do that for myself. Plus, it’s where I recovered, and I don’t want to be surrounded with the memories any longer. I’ve already started searching for an apartment.”

  “And you owe it to yourself to do that and more.” He ran his palm along her smooth inner thigh and underneath the edge of her shirt, moving ever closer to where he wanted to stay good and buried. “Where do you feel like you’re home, Haleigh? Where do you want to be so you can find out who you are?”

  She stared at him, before glancing at Kyle. “Here. I feel like I’m home when I’m with both of you.”

  Kyle clasped her hand tight and brought her knuckles to his lips. “That is exactly where we want you to be. We want you to move into the condo with us and here at the club.”

  “We talked about it last night while you were asleep,” Scott added as the silky skin of her thigh trembled beneath his fingertips. “Now that we found you, we don’t want to let you go, and we want you here with us. Immediately.”

  “I like the sound of that.” Haleigh’s smile lit up the room.

  “Something else we haven’t talked about is work. Do you have a job that we need to coordinate? We need to discuss schedules and what you do during the day. We’re predominantly busy at night, although we have the occasional client who needs work done in the afternoon.”

  “I actually wanted to talk to you both about that. About helping out at the shop if you’d let me.”

  “We get crazy busy at times,” Scott admitted. “We could always use the help but I can’t exactly picture you busting out a tattoo, or piercing bellybuttons on the barely past tweeners we get in.”

  “That wasn’t exactly the help I wanted to provide. I’ve got something I want to show you, something I’ve alluded to a couple times.” Haleigh stood and walked toward her bag.

  Scott called after her. “The shop isn’t much. I know there are nicer places that you could work but I love the idea of you being there with us.”

  Haleigh faced the men still seated at the table with her hands on her hips, and wrinkled her nose, making her look like an avenging fairy. “Scott Preston, don’t you dare sell yourselves or Inkfluence short. It’s an amazing place you’ve built with your own blood and sweat. People go there because they like the place and respect your talent.” She continued across the floor, leaving Scott with his mouth hanging open. He wouldn’t admit to liking it when he didn’t know what to say to her.

  “Knocked you on your ass again, huh?” Kyle joked, shoving Scott’s shoulder.

  “She’s like a one-woman wrecking crew. As soon as I’m sure I have her figured out and she’s this sweet little thing, she goes all territorial female on one of us. Damned if it isn’t sexy as hell on her, too.” It was Scott’s turn to tunnel a hand through his hair. His heart wasn’t the only thing to stand up and pay attention to her commanding attitude. His cock hardened behind his jeans as she walked back over, holding a large black zippered portfolio.

  “I’ve been working on something and I want to get your opinions.” They moved Scott’s art out of the way, making room for her case. She unzipped it, flipping it open. “I love taking pictures. Telling stories with a single frame. It’s something I’m kind of good at.”

  Kyle stood and walked around the table to stand by Scott, who had already risen to study the first photo. It was a simple 8x10 photograph filled with sun peeking through clouds but she caught it at exactly the right time, making the sky appear like water. Kyle ran his fingers over it, Scott was certain, to see if the surface of the paper rippled as well.

  They flipped through the pages, studying each one. Most of her pictures were taken outside. Gnarled tree branches, buildings throughout town that he’d never noticed were so beautiful. People’s faces at the park a few blocks from the shop, so stark with emotion it made you hold your breath as you took it all in.

  “‘Kind of good’ describes pictures of screaming kids at Wally World. ‘Kind of good’ is taking photos at a buddy’s house at a barbeque. Haleigh, this is way past ‘kinda good’,” Kyle announced. He flipped to a new section. Both men paused and leaned closer to the paper.

  The wings on Scott’s shoulders were immortalized in black and white and tingles ran up his spine. Seeing the ink through her eyes… His tat was something he’d always been proud of, but it was grander through her perspective. He was humbled at what she’d ensnared through the lens of her camera and stunned by the level of talent she demonstrated capturing something so personal to him.

  “I took some photos at the shop the other day before I photographed you,” she told Kyle. “When I contacted Max and Cheyenne with their photos, they both insisted on paying me for copies of them. I tried to refuse but they wouldn’t take no for an answer. They must have shown friends the photos and then given them my number because ever since, I’ve gotten a pretty steady stream of calls asking me if I would take pictures for them too. How could I say no? It’s exactly what I want to do.”

  She flipped to the photos of Max’s Gretel, and the tree on Cheyenne’s side. The tree bark looked as if it grew along her body. Each picture was different than what Scott expected it to be. In his mind he expected something flat but they were alive on the paper. It shocked him, witnessing what she captured in each of them. They were amazingly real.

  “I want to set up a better website for you, take pictures of some of the art to post. Maybe videos too, so people can know what to expect. Maybe a little about each artist so they can meet you guys before they arrive? Some of the people who contacted me tried to go to other places. They felt judged, the same as I had. They wanted to be photographed by someone who understood them, not someone who looked down their nose at them.” She ran her fingers over the photograph of one her new friends, who had a mosaic of flowers covering her entire thigh.

  “I get them. Get why they want to put something on their skin that’s beautiful and personal. Permanent.”

  Scott stared at her. Saw the passion in her gaze as she spoke of the photographs and the clients’ reasons behind each of them.

nbsp; “So I’d like to set up a small studio somewhere close where I can take pictures a bit more formally. I’ve got a trust from my grandparents that my parents can’t touch if they decide to disown me. I want to be able to create something and make people feel beautiful.”

  “You’re an artist,” Kyle whispered as he examined several more pictures.

  “No, I’m not. I take photos of something someone else created.”

  “That’s true. But I bet a lot of magazines would kill for some of these shots. They might contract with you to do some of their photo shoots.”

  “You think they’re good enough? That any of the magazines would like to see them?”

  Her entire countenance radiated hope and life, making Scott grin. He kissed her thoroughly, shifting her to stand between him and the table, tucking his pelvis close to her backside. The presence of his rigid cock didn’t go unnoticed, if the tilt of her hips against him was any indication.

  “Hell yes I do. A lot of guys from several of the magazines would love them. We might be convinced to put a few good words in for you. For a fee, of course.”

  Scott took her wrists, placed each palm flat on the table, sliding the end of her shirt up slowly until her delectable ass was revealed one tasty inch at a time.

  “A fee, huh?” Her question came out a breathy moan. She arched, causing her pussy to flatten against Scott’s dick, while he palmed her thighs.

  “We also hang out with the people that put on the NTA convention,” Kyle added as he closed her book.


  “National Tattoo Association. They have a convention every April and I bet they would like to know about your talents. They could use you for their brochures and taking pictures at the actual event. We’ll have to tack on a bit more for introducing you, though. It’s all very above-board, you understand.” Scott caressed the slick folds of her weeping pussy as Kyle moved closer.


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