As a battlenurse, Senalloy has extensive training in the treatment of magical and mundane wounds. As with most Baronians she has a fair degree of both magical and martial training. Even in her weakened state, she proved herself more than a match for Meridian Arcturan and would have killed him had Rakaar not interfered with her.
Baronian age is difficult to judge, and their race has a nominal lifespan measured close to five thousand cycles. Usually by the time they reach the upper limits of their effective life spans they have gone through renewal or otherwise extended their lives. Senalloy’s confidence, knowledge, and ability make her at least a millennium old. She could however be far older. Her blood sister Luthice (c.f.) who works as a covert operative for Isis is speculated to be close to 30,000 cycles old. If this is true, then it is likely that Senalloy is close to that age and thus ranked as a member of the elder elite.
See Also: kriar
Corwin — Kingdom on the western border of Ivaneth. Biggest Kingdom (in terms of territory) on the continent of Sharikaar. Corwin is also the oldest settlement in Sharikaar. Corwin’s capital is Corwin city, a sea port with a population of just under 2 million people.
See Also: Sharikaar
Cosmodarus — Two major cities in the Ring Realms bare the Cosmodarus name. The great city wherein the goddess Isis rules is often called Cosmodarus the city of magic. Another city bearing the same name is in the ribbon realms of the purple plains. It too is called Cosmodarus the city of magic. It is rumored that at one time Isis lived or hailed from the Cosmodarus out in border realms. She may have simply brought the name with her and forgot the other existed. There is often confusion when a person claims to be from Cosmodarus, as both places are home to some of the most skilled and talented adventurers in the Ring Realms. Wren Kergatha was born in the ribbon realm’s Cosmodaris. The Kergatha family are the manor lords of Cosmodarus.
crunchfruit — A sweet juicy fruit with smooth red or green skins. Green ones tend to have a sour flavor. On earth, if someone saw you with a bag of these, they’d ask you for one of your apples.
cyber-unit — A cyber-unit is a portable computer typically carried in the field a cyber usually has an uplink to a more powerful ‘true’ cyber on Homeworld, but if communications are impaired they can function in stand-alone (non-networked) mode. They do not have personalities or any of the other features typical of Kriar organic ‘cyber’ life-forms.
See Also: kriar
— D —
D’Shar, T’Gor — Active member of the Shael Dal wielding the Shaladen blade Korvel.
See Also: shaladen
D’Tarin, Algernon — Active member of the Shael Dal wielding the Shaladen blade Warstar. One of the nine Lords of Ivaneth, and master of the East wood. One of the core members of the Band of the Crescent Moon dating back to their first treks in Silissia. Algernon has one daughter, Val’Siden, currently married to Bertram Tarrantil.
See Also: shaladen
dasta — Kriar word that has no literal translation. It is used interchangeably in context when referring to named cliques, organizations, or groups of people. Dasta Daergon was the political affiliation of followers loyal to Daergon Surr. In another instance, Dasta Fabrista is the entire host of people and creatures who live on the Fabrista Homeworld.
See Also: kriar
De’Falcone, Irodee — Myrmigyne of Jhandris’Kul clan, follower of Nethra, and wife of Laramis De’Falcone. Her maiden name is Irodee Ki’Targallae. In Myrmigyne, the Ki suffix before the proper name means adopted sister. Irodee is a long time friend of Wren Kergatha. Irodee is the biggest woman ever born among the clans, measuring just a hair under 22 hands tall and weighing almost 17 stone she is nothing short of imposing. Irodee’s natural mother, Tolumbra Skyesteel, died when the girl was still young, thus she spent a most of her youth in the care of various foster mothers. Gawky and clumsy because of her quick growth, she found growing up in the clans difficult first because of her inability to compete with her sisters then later because of her size.
Ess Targallae, the sister of Myrmigyne Queen, adopted Irodee and changed her lineage from Skyesteel to Ki’Targallae when she was early into her teens after the girl proved her bravery and commitment to the clan. As the protégé of the Queen’s sister, Irodee learned quickly and developed into a skilled warrior. In addition to being one of foremost warriors in the clan, Ess Targallae is one of the best educated. She tutored Irodee and eventually sent the girl to the best schools in Malan and Ivaneth. It was while in the schools that Irodee truly flourished. She became a favorite amongst the teachers, a gentle giant with a caring disposition and a thirst for knowledge. She graduated with honors from two universities, and holds advanced certificates in language and history. She speaks six languages fluently: Myrmigyne, common, sea trade, both the Elf High Tongue and Dikeeni, and Dwarven.
While she is highly intelligent, Irodee is somewhat uncomfortable in letting it show. She prefers instead to play ‘dumb’ and often speaks in broken fragments like a barbarian. After marrying Laramis she confused many of her friends in the way she only showed her mastery of language to her husband. When not in his presence she lapses back to her fragmented speech patterns. Irodee is thirty summers old and has a five summer old daughter. Shortly after the birth of their daughter, Irodee accepted the ki’succorund (voluntary avatarism) for Ukko.
See Also: De’Falcone, Laramis, Myrmigyne
De’Falcone, Laramis — Appointed high Justicar of Ivaneth and Malan. Originally hailing from Coormeer (a kingdom in the south of Sharikaar). Laramis is an exemplary knight of the order of Ukko. He is swordsman of extraordinary skill, and veteran of many conflicts. During the events of Reality’s Plaything, Laramis is 32 summers old. Laramis is married to Irodee, a Myrmigyne of the Jhandris’Kul clan. Laramis and Irodee have a five summer old daughter named Marta. It is revealed by the end of Reality’s Plaything that Laramis is a ki’succorund avatar of Ukko.
See Also: De’Falcone, Irodee, Myrmigyne, Sharikaar
demon — A generic term referring to any of a number of outer planes dwelling creatures created and utilized by the pantheon lords to wage war and intimidate lesser creatures.
dolandil — A fine vintage of wine found only in Malan. Dolandil stock is the personal stores of wine held by the King and Queen.
dom’ista — Elvish honorific. Proper form of address for the King. The translation is ‘Father Star’—or ‘Stellar Father’. In this regard it is similar to the common Term—“sire”.
doppelgänger — A created creature indigenous to the outer planes. If credence can be given the Dedriad, Hecate had a large part in their devising. Doppelgängers are however encountered in the desolate fringe territories of the realms.
draconians — The dragon race. In Gladshiem there are enough dragons to form a “community” structure. Tymoril and Kegara the two dragons which accompany Bannor on his adventures refer to dragonkind as a collective community.
See Also: dragon
dragon — These magical reptiles take many forms, colors, and sizes and live throughout the Ring Realms. What more can be said about them that whole volumes of material haven’t addressed’
drek — Drek (along with dren) are slang terms in the Ring Realms which refer to less than desirable material. A common usage: The drek has hit the windmill.
dren — Dren (along with drek) are slang terms in the Ring Realms that refer to undesirable material. A common usage: That’s a bunch of dren!
See Also: drek
dwarves —
Dykreeni — The dykreeni are an elven offshoot that live underground. They are not dark-skinned like the drow, and do not suffer living in the light. They however possess many traits common to both the high-elves and the Drow. It is thought that perhaps they are actually the result of an unlikely coupling between a high-elf and a Drow.
— E —
elder — Used to describe creatures (usually humanoids) that have lived far longer than normal human life span. Any creature with more
than 500 cycles of living is considered an elder. Many elves fall into this category.
elemental — In the broadest sense a creature that is manifestation or embodiment of one of the four elemental forces (stone, air, water, fire). Note that this extension is more or less metaphorical. Races such as Djinni and Efreeti are considered elementals (air and fire respectively). What gives them this distinction is their mastery of magicks which manipulate their respective element.
Elf — Elves are a race of creatures seen throughout magically endowed worlds of the Ring Realms. It is popularly believed they are the descendants of the elder race called the Silcanna (also known as the silver elves). The patron of the elves, Carellion Lothlarian, is rumored to not be a pantheon lord but is instead one of the Silcanna. This has not be substantiated however. The Elf race is noted for the longevity of its members and their close relationship to magic and nature. The elves themselves are split into several distinct hereditary branches (sub-races) that each have their own language and customs. These are the Gray-elves, the High-elves, Wood-elves (faeries), Mountain or ‘Valley’ elves, and Sea-elves.
There is no particular racial bias or prejudices between these races and their dialects are derivative enough from each other that all of them can understand and communicate at a rudimentary level. Of the five, the aquatic semi-amphibious Sea elves are the furthest removed from the original hereditary strain and by necessity are the group that has the least interaction with both other elves and humans.
Elves are typified as having the same approximate stature as humans, but having a tendency to be slimmer and more fine boned. Their ears and eyes are slightly larger in proportion to their faces than is typical for a human. The ear cartilage is upswept and pointed, this trait being most noticeable in Wood-elves. The eyes of elves have a luminous phosphorescent quality that is noticeable even in daylight. This ‘glowing’ quality enables elves to have exceptional vision at night, being able to resolve reasonable details in approximately half the light necessary for human viewing. Elven vision is tuned to longer ranges (being able to resolve at 40 feet what a human does at 20). This trait is at the sacrifice of close-up vision. As a consequence, Elven script tends to be quite large and their books rather thick. They often employ vision aides when it is necessary to read smaller print in any volume.
The other characteristic of elves is their lifespan which is typically over five hundred cycles. The gray elves are the most long lived of elves, their lifespans extending well beyond two millennia. In fact, it is unknown exactly how long they do live because few that become great elders ever die of natural causes.
elven — Of or being related to Elves. see Elf.
elves — Plural of Elf. see Elf.
elvish — The language of Elves. Elves have several distinct dialects, most notable among these being the high tongue spoken by the gray elf nobility. The most widely spoken dialect is called Dikeen or Dikeeni which simply means ‘dialogue’ or ‘speech’. The various tribes of wood, sea, and mountain elves speak variants of Dikeeni.
eternals — The seventh generation Eternals were evolved for the purpose of fighting of invasions of ‘foreign bodies’ and the cancerous infestation of germane life (temporal ‘trouble makers’). Each entity was imbued with complete mastery over a certain element, energy or power, and lesser control over other forms.
Since the matrix provided more raw power than even than Eternals could control, the eternals were given the ability to surrogate their powers to other creatures. This surrogation is commonly referred to as avatarism. This same technique is practiced by the deities of the outer planes, and in some instances by grand magi. The surrogates of the eternals were dubbed the ‘Shael Dal’. The number of surrogates each Eternal can have is unknown. The time guardians, who also possess this power, and have been known to have as many of sixty-one functioning surrogates at one time. See Eternity. See also time guardians.
Name: Koass Vinax
Title: Prime Commander
Shaladen: Sharonsheen
Power: Reality
Name: Foross Kerall
Title: Strategic Commander
Shaladen: Stellaraac
Power: Shape Shifting
Name: Nethra Argos
Title: Tactical Commander
Shaladen: Nova
Power: Space
Name: Garn Ellon
Title: Tactical Leader
Shaladen: Warstar
Power: Time
Name: Sroth Mephista
Title: Covert Ops Leader
Shaladen: Korvel
Power: Life Energy
Name: Areth Jalt
Title: Intelligence Ops
Shaladen: Starsong
Power: Sound
Name: Aurra Levon
Title: Psych Tactics
Shaladen: Starwind
Power: Mind/Control
Name: Yi Esperantil
Title: Chronal specialist
Shaladen: Krelstar
Power: Time
Name: Zarthel Benwarr
Title: Magic/Tech spc
Shaladen: Pulsar
Power: Mind/Forces
Name: Jarella Kepsforia
Title: Security specialist
Shaladen: Cataract
Power: Dimensions
Name: *Culavera Sajaer
Title: Tactical specialist
Shaladen: Jemfire
Power: Reality/energy
Name: **Leto
Title: Satieroth Tactical specialist
Shaladen: Cybersong
Power: Fire/energy
*Culavera is one of the oldest living beings in the universe, and the only creature surviving of the third generation of the Protectorate. Her powers are in actuality greater than those possessed by the prime commanders. Unfortunately, she cannot exert herself at those levels for very long.
**Leto is a product of the fifth generation of the protectorate, and, like Culavera, much older than the rest of their peers. Leto suffers from energy ‘seizures’ as a result of not being sufficiently synchronized with the eternal’s power matrix.
Roster of Shael Dal (surrogates)
Name: Koass Vinax
Title: Prime Commander
Shaladen: Sharonsheen
Surrogate(s): Megan Vinax
Name: Foross Kerall
Title: Strategic Commander
Shaladen: Stellaraac, Snowfire*
Surrogate(s): Aarlen Frielos, Beia Targallae, Corim Vale
Name: Nethra Argos
Title: Tactical Commander
Shaladen: Nova
Surrogate(s): Talorin Falor
Name: Garn Ellon
Title: Tactical Leader
Shaladen: Warstar
Surrogate(s): Algernon D’Tarin
Name: Sroth Mephista
Title: CovertOps Leader
Shaladen: Korvel, Swiftwind*, Blightscythe*, Flameripper*
Surrogate(s): T’Gor D’Shar, Tigress D’Shar, Vulcindra Skybane, Suda Nightrhmer
Name: Areth Jalt
Title: Intelligence Ops
Shaladen: Starsong
Surrogate(s): Arabella
Name: Aurra Levon
Title: Psych Tactics
Shaladen: Starwind
Surrogate(s): Elsbeth Crowninshield
Name: Yi Esperantil
Title: Chronal specialist
Shaladen: Krelstar
Surrogate(s): Adwena Swiftwing
Name: Zarthel Benwarr
Title: Magic/Tech spc
Shaladen: Pulsar, Darkbane*, Golnir*
Surrogate(s): Zedar Cloudseeker, Aleesha Cloudseeker, Bertram Terrantil
Name: Jarella Kepsforia
Title: Security spc
Shaladen: Cataract
Surrogate(s): Gwenafra Tristar
Name: Culavera Sajaer
Title: Tactical spc
Shaladen: Jemfire
Surrogate(s): Terra Karlin-Falor
Name: Leto Satieroth
Title: Tactical spc
Shaladen: Cybersong
Surrogate(s): Damrosil Terranath
*Shaladen names so marked are “honorary” imbued weapons.
**Honorary shaladens added for special field inductions that occur during the events of the Gaea’s Legacy arc which occurs in 1110 N.I.S
See Also: D’Tarin, Algernon, Falor, Talorin {Tal}, sharonsheen, shaladen, Targalle, Beia {Regaura} (Queen)
Eternity — The name ‘Eternity’ is only a concept. However, it is popularly addressed as a living, breathing creature, and is often worshipped as a god. Eternity itself is actually a composite consciousness. It is the pooled psychic resonances of all living things. It is suspected that, after the first expansion, outside influences planted the seeds that would eventually develop into the super-consciousness that is Eternity.
One speculation points to a “Father” and “Mother” force (Alpha and Geia) as being the originators of these seeds. These two beings are cited throughout the records made during the early development of the Protectorate, but their actual presence is never recorded. These two creatures are also cited as the progenitors of the First Ones, the race from which the original stock, and many later generations of universal protectors originated.
During the earliest stages of evolution, Eternity was little more than an infinitely large amoeba with a few basic responses. The thoughts of the myriad forms of life that were evolving began to etch neural paths on this receptive blank slate. At some point, the populations of life grew large enough that the resonances activated the ‘seeds’. These twelve gigantic gems began to pick up and enhance the neural responses, and themselves take on the sophistications necessary for stimulus and response.
Reality's Plaything 3: Eternal's Agenda Page 44