Say You Remember: book 4 in The Witness Series

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Say You Remember: book 4 in The Witness Series Page 5

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Oh god. I’m so sorry,” she stumbled over the words, her eyes wide as she shook her head from side to side. “I don’t know what came over me.”

  “You’re happy we got a good grade. It’s ok,” I shrugged, trying to play it off cool when on the inside I was flipping out. She’d finally admitted what I’d known for a while, she liked me.

  “But still,” she paused when I turned her to face me. I placed my hands on her shoulders, and bent my knees so we were eye level, “I’m happy too.” I watched her sag in relief so I pressed on, “Wanna celebrate with me tonight?”

  “Don’t you have practice or something? I would think your posse would have a problem with you hanging out with me anyway,” she mumbled as she turned her head trying to break our eye contact.

  “My posse?” I chuckled.

  “Yeah,” she swallowed before rolling her eyes. “Brad and Chris and all the other seniors. You guys are never seen alone. It’s like you have to be in a group everywhere you go.”

  “I don’t do everything as a group,” I lowered my voice and watched her redden even more. “Sometimes I like to do things without them,” I leaned in next to her ear before smiling and releasing her, “So what’d ya say? Dinner tonight? My house? I do have practice, but it won’t last long. Coach doesn’t want me to hurt myself before playoffs so I’ve been playing the minimum against the easier teams,” I shrugged. I didn’t like to brag, but the team we were supposed to play this weekend was going to be an easy win. The last two years we’ve creamed them, and I’d already been scouted for college.

  “I don’t have a way to get there,” she cleared her throat and pushed a few pieces of hair behind her ear.

  “I could drive you if you don’t mind staying for practice. You could sit in the stands and watch me kick some butt,” I pushed her shoulder gently as I laughed. I knew she wouldn’t agree to this so I figured I’d play around while I could.

  “Ok,” she shrugged as she lifted her backpack higher onto her shoulder.

  “Wha?” I swallowed. “Was that a yes?” My eyes widened as she started to giggle nervously.

  “Sure. I just need to call my mom and let her know,” she smiled as she watched me.

  “Ok. Meet me outside the field house after school. I’ll show you where you can wait,” I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat as I turned, waved, and began walking to my next class.



  “I can’t believe you jumped in his arms,” Amber giggled from beside me. “What did he do?”

  “Nothing really. He was nice about it. I think he felt bad that I was embarrassed. Amber, you should have seen me. I’m such a dork,” I shook my head as I finished packing my bag. I was supposed to meet Mason outside the fieldhouse, but Amber had stopped me at my locker wanting to know how my presentation went this morning.

  “He seems almost nice,” she tipped her head to the side.

  “I know, right? I’m beginning to wonder if the jock thing is all an act. When his friends aren’t around he can be sweet. He listens to what I have to say and sees me for what’s on the inside,” I smiled dreamily as I thought about some of the things that Mason had done lately.

  “Girl, you have it so bad. You like him,” Amber shook her head at me.

  “Not like that I don’t,” I scoffed.

  “Yes, like that you do. You told him you wanted to kiss him. You get all flustered when he’s around, you get upset at the simplest things, you tell me… what else could that mean?” she placed her hand on her hip as she pushed off of where she was leaning against the lockers. “I bet if he tried to kiss you, you’d kiss him back,” she bit her lip as she smiled at me.

  “He’s not going to try and kiss me,” I grumbled as I stood from where I’d been squatting and started the walk to the fieldhouse.

  “Where are you going?” Amber called as she chased after me.

  “I’m meeting Mason at the fieldhouse. We’re celebrating after practice,” I flipped my hand in the air trying to make light of the whole situation.

  “You’re sitting through football practice, and then going somewhere with him? Tell me again that you don’t like him,” she shoved me from behind, causing me to trip over my own feet.

  “It’s not like that,” I scowled at her.

  “Not like what?” Mason stepped outside just as we approached. He was standing there in his white practice pants with his pads on and a mesh practice jersey. His helmet was dangling from his left hand, and his was running his right one through his hair. He looked like something you’d see in a sports ad.

  “Nothing,” I snapped as I glared at Amber.

  Mason sighed as he shook his head, “Amber, right?”

  “Hey. You remembered,” she seemed shocked.

  “Yeah, we talked for a couple of hours at the pizza shop. Did you think I’d forget you?”

  “I don’t know,” she murmured before looking over at me and poking me in the side.

  “Well, I gotta get on the field. Stay with Dani if you want. Coach won’t care,” Mason turned and began jogging down to the field.

  “He likes you, and if you don’t want him, I want a chance,” she whispered into my ear before turning to walk to her car, leaving me there.



  As much as I didn’t want her to be, Dani was quite the distraction at practice. I couldn’t help but look up at her every few minutes. Sometimes our eyes would connect, but most of the time I could feel her stare burning into me. I tried, more than once, to pull some stupid showboat move, and Coach Fisher was kicking my ass because of it.

  He’d yelled from the other end of field at one point, and when he saw me look up at Dani, I knew he was thinking about asking her to leave. “What’s got you so messed up today?” Chris shoved me in the shoulder.

  “Nothing,” I scowled as I moved to get back in position.

  “Somebody’s pissy,” he snickered as he moved back to get in line.

  “Maybe if you protected my ass better, I wouldn’t be,” I snapped as I paced behind him.

  “Sounds like someone needs to get laid. Having trouble with that?” Brad called from the wing.

  “You better shut the fuck up,” I growled. “This next pass might nail you in the face.”

  “Ooh. Somebody is testy,” he chuckled as he waved his hands in front of himself as if he was scared.

  “Stone!” Coach Fisher barked from the sidelines. “Get your head outta your ass and run the ball!”

  I shook my head, grumbling under my breath before my eyes moved up to where Dani was sitting. Her knees were bouncing as she fiddled with her hair. She looked nervous almost, but then she saw I was watching and she smiled.

  When practice ended I opted to shower at home. I was tired, and I’d had enough of Brad and Chris for the day. I felt bad climbing in my car all sweaty. I was sure I stunk, and I’d never done this around a girl. Appearances were everything, but Dani was different, and somewhere deep inside me I thought she probably wouldn’t mind.

  “Sorry,” I sighed as I peeled my sweaty jersey over my head and began stripping my pads off. I tossed them in the trunk, and stepped out of my cleats. I had a pair of flip flops in the backseat that would have to do.

  “It’s ok,” Dani shrugged as she stood awkwardly by the passenger side door.

  “I never leave practice without cleaning up, but I’ve had enough of their shit for the day,” I growled as I came around to where she was standing and opened her door for her.

  “Thank you,” she smiled up at me before leaning down and sliding into the car. I jogged around to my side, and climbed in. As soon as I started the engine, I cracked the windows so she wouldn’t have to smell me. “Can I ask you something?” she nibbled her lip as she watched me, waiting for an answer.

  “Sure,” I lifted a shoulder as I shifted the car into drive and pulled out of the parking lot.

  “If they get on your nerves so bad, why do you
hang out with them?” she looked guilty as soon as she asked it and I could tell she was getting ready to apologize.

  “Don’t you dare tell me you’re sorry,” I teased as I glanced at her.

  “Ok,” she laughed lightly as she sat there waiting for me to answer.

  “I’ve known Chris since I was five, and I met Brad when I played in Pop Warner. We’ve been playing together since we were seven. We used to get along better. It wasn’t until this year that they started acting like this,” I shook my head as I grumbled under my breath.

  “Uh Mase, newsflash, they’ve acted like this since I’ve known them. It’s not new,” I sighed. “I’ve always been picked on and teased by your kind.”

  “My kind?” I chewed on the inside of my cheek in thought. “I don’t think I’ve picked on you. I kinda ignored you,” I cringed guiltily.

  “Yeah,” she nodded. “So what’s changed?”

  “What do you mean?” I glanced at her as I turned into my parents’ driveway.

  “I mean this,” she waved her hand between us. “Can you honestly say that even six months ago we would be doing this? You’ve never cared about even having a conversation with me, and now you’re always there. Every time I turn around you’re there,” she shifted in her seat to face me.

  I took a deep breath and then blew it out as I tried to be as honest with her as I could, “Maybe I’ve seen the error of my ways. Maybe I like spending time with you. Just maybe I like the way you look at me.”

  “And how’s that?” she tipped her head to the side.

  “Like a person,” I murmured as I shoved open my door and climbed out.

  When I rounded the front of my car to open her door, for her I saw her mouthing the words I’d just uttered. She had a confused look on her face as if she were mulling over the meaning. I laughed to myself as I opened her door. “You see more than what’s on the outside,” I clarified as she looked up at me.

  “I could say the same about you,” she shrugged as I stepped back and let her out. She stood there in my driveway staring at my house. It was smaller than what most people thought I’d have, and very modest. My parents did ok, but we weren’t loaded with money like a lot of the students at my school were. There was a reason my dad was so hard on me about getting a scholarship.

  “Not what you were expecting,” I laughed as I grabbed my backpack out of the backseat.

  “Not really, but it’s nice,” she smiled as she followed behind me. I led us through the garage and into the kitchen where my sister was sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal.

  “You know Mom would have a fit if she saw you snacking so close to dinner,” I teased as I tossed my things on a chair.

  Jenni shrugged as she shoved another spoonful in her mouth. “I’m hungry. Long practice today and Mom’s not here,” she mumbled around the spoon before noticing Dani standing beside me.

  “This is my sister, Jenni. This is Dani. We were partners on the history project for Ms. Gleeson.,” I motioned to Dani.

  “So you’re the girl he stayed up half the night trying to impress,” Jenni giggled as she watched us.

  “I did not,” I scoffed. “I need to take a quick shower. Do you think you can be nice to her for fifteen minutes?” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “Oh, I’ll be nice alright,” Jenni laughed as she pulled the chair out beside her. “Sit. I’ll fill you in on my big brother,” she pointed to the seat before winking at me. “Don’t use all the hot water. I haven’t showered yet either,” she laughed again as I made a face at her. Of course there was no way she smelled as bad me. Jenni was a gymnast, and that just didn’t equate to the grueling practices I endured, at least that’s what I thought.

  By the time I came back downstairs, Dani was sitting at the table alone with a book. Her head lifted when I walked into the room, and she smiled at me. “Did my sister go off and leave you alone?” I was pissed. The one time I asked something of Jenni and she up and walks away.

  “She had to take a phone call. I think it was her boyfriend,” Dani sighed as she closed her book.

  “Pizza ok?” I asked as opened the fridge and grabbed a couple of sodas. “My parents won’t be home from work until late.”

  “Sure,” she watched me, and when I motioned with my head to the living room, she stood to follow me wordlessly.



  When Mason came back downstairs after his shower, I could smell him before I saw him. He always smelled so good. I just wanted to bury myself in his scent. If I could live there I’d die a happy girl. “Pizza ok?” he asked as he rummaged through the refrigerator. I really didn’t care what we ate as long as we did it together.

  I sat there in a daze just watching his back. The muscles of his shoulders shifted under his cotton t-shirt. He’d put on a pair of mesh shorts, and was barefoot. His hair was combed, but still wet, and it even looked like he’d shaved. A small nick was right near his ear, and he kept swiping at it with his palm.

  “What happened?” I pointed to his face as he led me into the living room. He grabbed the remote off the coffee table, and flicked on the TV.

  “Nothing,” he muttered as he flopped down on the couch.

  “Lover boy shaved so his face wouldn’t scratch yours when he put the moves on you,” Jenni cackled from the doorway. I hadn’t even heard her come back in.

  “You little shit!” Mason growled as he stared at her. “Go away or you can’t have any pizza.”

  “Ooh,” she slapped her hand over her chest. “Them’s fightn’ words.”

  “I mean it Jen. Scram!” he narrowed his eyes on her.

  “Whatever,” she rolled her eyes. “Darrin might come over later. I’ll be upstairs.”

  After she left the room, the tension rose drastically. The laidback demeanor that had been present when we first arrived was long gone, and in its place was this thick, pulsing awareness. I couldn’t tell if Mason was driving it, or me.

  I rubbed my palms down my thighs trying to get up the nerve to ask him what I really wanted to know, but I just couldn’t. I don’t know what we were watching at that point. I’d been staring at the TV screen, but all I could think about was the spot where Mason’s arm was. He’d draped it over the back of the couch right behind me. It wasn’t touching me, but knowing that it was there was killing me. His breaths were deep, and his chest was rising in quick pants. He seemed nervous almost, but I’d never seen Mason Stone ever get nervous.

  “Can I ask you something,” I murmured, refusing to look at him.

  I heard him swallow before he jerked his head quickly, “Yeah.”

  “What…” I paused as I closed my eyes, trying to force the words out. “Mase,” I sucked in a few deep breaths and right when I thought I could do it, the doorbell rang.

  “Pizza’s here,” he stood from the couch, grabbed his wallet off the table, and rushed over to the door like his pants were on fire. I don’t know if he knew what I was about to ask and didn’t want to hear it, or if he was just hungry. I’d never seen Mason like this. Normally he was so confident, and it was laughable that I put him on edge like this. “Jen! Pizza!” he yelled up the stairs as he came back in the room with the pizza box, some napkins, and a few paper plates.

  He sat down and opened the box before offering me a slice. “Pepperoni,” I grinned. “This is my favorite.”

  “I know. It’s what you were eating at Pie in the Sky that night,” he shrugged before handing me the plate.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled as I took a bite. I knew I needed to get something in my mouth before I said something stupid. Mason was acting so different that he had me on the edge ready to leap off into oblivion.

  We ate in comfortable silence, and soon after Jenni disappeared upstairs, leaving Mason and I alone once again. “Mason,” I sighed as I turned to face him. I wanted to finished what I’d started before the pizza had arrived, and I knew the sooner I got this off my chest the better we’d both be. Before I could
say anything, he chuckled lightly. “What’s so funny?” I furrowed my brow.

  “Come here,” he motioned to me as he reached for a napkin. “You’ve got a little bit of pizza sauce on your chin. I started to wipe it off with my hand when he caught my wrist. “I got it,” his voice lowered to a whisper as he leaned closer. I closed my eyes and swallowed as I felt his breath blow across my lips. His thumb ran over my jaw as he rubbed the offending sauce off. When I went to pull back though, he cupped my cheeks, holding me there. “Where are you going?” he murmured as he leaned in and brushed his lips over mine.

  I froze when I felt it, the softness of his full lips, and strength in his grip on my face, the tremor than ran through him as he held onto his restraint. Electricity zinged from me to him, and back again as I reached up and fisted his shirt. I’d been kissed before, but nothing like this. A few innocent pecks from boys that had taken me to a school dance, but Mason was imprinting himself on me. No way would another boy kiss me, and I not compare it to this.

  I gasped when I felt his tongue run across my lower lip, and he took full advantage, slipping it inside. His chest rumbled as he groaned and pulled me closer. It was as if I was on autopilot. I didn’t do this. I didn’t make out with boys, especially boys like Mason, but I couldn’t seem to stop. His head slanted to the side as one hand moved to the back of mine while the other slid down my back. “What are we doing?” I panted as I pulled back slightly but Mason only tugged me closer.

  “I don’t know,” he gasped as his grip tightened and he tried to take this kiss deeper.

  I knew we needed to stop. We weren’t dating, and I had no intention of taking this any further tonight. I knew Mason had done the one-night thing, and girls lined up to be with him, but I wasn’t that kinda girl. I wanted to wait, and I planned on doing just that. “Stop,” I pushed against his chest as I scrambled back on the couch. “Please stop,” I panted as I wiped at my mouth with the back of my hand.


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