Say You Remember: book 4 in The Witness Series

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Say You Remember: book 4 in The Witness Series Page 7

by Heather D'Agostino

  “To my hot cop,” Amber laughed as she took a giant gulp before coughing.

  We spent the remainder of the night toasting anything we could think of as I tried to push Mason and his declaration out of my mind. I wasn’t going to let him ruin my move here. I was starting fresh, and he wasn’t going to be a part of it.

  Chapter 8


  9 Years Ago…

  “Hey Dani. Wait up!” Amber called out as she jogged across the parking lot. I’d just gotten to school, and was making my way into the building. My dad was working from home today, and let me drive his car. I paused as I slowly turned to see her shifting her bag higher as she rushed up to me. “Got to drive, huh?” she grinned.

  “Yeah. Doesn’t happen very often. Do you know what a pain it is to take the bus as a senior?” I grumbled.

  “Maybe you should hitch a ride with your boyfriend,” Amber smirked. “I’m sure he’d give you a lift to school in the mornings.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” I sighed as I shook my head. I didn’t know what Mason and I were, but we weren’t dating. I was in uncharted waters with him, and at the moment I was too timid to ask him what any of it meant. We were friends, friends that kissed…a lot.

  “Oh really?” Amber nudged me in the side. “Then why is he waiting on us,” my head snapped up in time for my eyes to connect with Mason’s. He was standing right outside the main door leaning against the wall of the school. His ankles were crossed, and his hair was still wet from his morning shower and combed back from his face. He looked like James Dean, leather jacket and all.

  “Crap! I don’t know,” I hissed as I shifted the books in my arms. When we got to the door Mason pushed off the wall, and reached for my books.

  “Here. Let me,” he tried to take them from my arms, but I tightened my grip.

  “What are you doing?” I blinked as I stared up at him.

  “Trying to carry your books. Apparently you don’t want me too though,” he shrugged as his arms fell to his side.

  “Why?” I chewed my lip as I assessed him.

  He leaned closer so our faces were almost touching before he whispered, “I like you.”

  “Told you,” Amber shoved my shoulder as she erupted into giggles.

  My head snapped in her direction, “Shut up!”

  “What? I was right,” she shrugged before looking up at Mason, “right? Tell me I’m right.”

  “You’re right,” he chuckled.

  “You don’t even know what she’s talking about,” I rolled my eyes.

  “Doesn’t matter if it gets you to give into me,” he shrugged before reaching for my books again.

  I released them into his grip as I groaned, “Fine. You win,” before turning to pull the door open.

  I led the three of us down the hallways to my locker with Mason and Amber trailing behind. When I stopped, Amber waved and continued on to hers while Mason stood waiting for me to unlock it. “Did you need something,” I sighed as I took my books from him and shoved them inside the locker.

  “I was wondering if you’d like to go to dinner with me some time,” he smiled and I knew that look probably worked on every girl in our school.

  “Like on a date?” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “Yeah,” he nodded. “That’s usually how it works. You know, guy asks girl out for a meal and they go have a nice time,” he chuckled.

  “No,” I shook my head as I grabbed my French book.

  “Why not?” he pushed off the locker and moved to block my path.

  “Why do you want to go out with me?” I narrowed my eyes on him. “I’m not your type.”

  “And what type is that?” he smiled and I just wanted to slap him. He was getting on my nerves and wasn’t listening to me.

  “The type that will have sex with you when it’s over,” I poked his chest before trying to step around him to get to class. The bell was getting ready to ring, and I didn’t want to be late.

  “I’m not giving up. You’re going to say yes,” he called to my back as I waved my hand in the air.

  As I walked the rest of the way to French class, I pushed Mason out my mind. No way would he keep this up. We would never work, and he didn’t really like me like that. I was a challenge, and I knew he’d soon give up and move on to someone who would say yes. Why would he chase me when he knew he’d never get what he wanted out of it?

  Boy was I wrong. After every class that day, Mason was waiting in the hallway for me. He carried my books all day, ate lunch with me, and walked me to my car at the end of the day. Each class break was met with the same declaration, “Go to dinner with me.” I thought after a day of this that it would end, but he kept it up. It’s been two weeks now, and everyday I’m met with the same thing, Mason waiting for me. When I got to the front door this morning he was holding a coffee.

  “Here,” he handed it off. “I thought you might like something to warm you up,” he grinned before walking off. When I lifted the cup to scrutinize it, I noticed that in black marker on the side of the cup were the words, “go out with me”.

  “He’s not going to stop until you say yes, you know that right?” Amber giggled beside me.

  “I’m a challenge,” I rolled my eyes.

  “One he’s not giving up on, apparently,” she laughed as we made our way inside.

  The next day I found him standing at my locker, waiting for me, holding a bunch of daisies. “Here,” he thrust them towards me before walking off. I sighed before handing them off to Amber so I could open my locker. When she shifted them in her arms, a card fell out.

  “If that says what I think it says, I’m gonna shove these down his throat,” I grumbled. Amber picked the card up and started laughing hysterically.

  “Then don’t read it,” she tossed her head back as she handed the flowers back to me. “I told you. He’s not giving up. Just say yes, and go on one date.”

  I blew out a breath as I shook my head at her before turning to stomp down the hall towards my first class. “You’re as bad as he is,” she yelled after me.

  “So?” he grinned smugly when I rounded the corner and followed me into class. “Is that a yes?”

  I glared at him as I sat down, “You’re not even in this class.”

  “Is that a yes?” he pushed again. “I promise it’ll be nice, and I don’t expect anything from you.”

  I sucked in a deep breath before blowing it out and pinching my eyes shut, “Fine.”

  “Fine as in yes?” he grinned even wider.

  “Yes!” I yelled. “It’s a yes.”

  Mason stood up beside me and paused before leaning down to press a kiss to the top of my head, “I promise it’ll be a night you won’t forget,” he whispered against my hair before turning and striding out the door. As soon as he stepped into the hallway, he lifted his hands into the air above his head and shouted, “She said yes!” All the students within earshot hooted and hollered in celebration as Mason disappeared into the crowd. What the heck did I just agree to, and what did he mean by a night to remember?”


  By the time the week ended, Mason had taken things to a whole new level of stalking. He’d gotten my number, and had been calling and texting me daily. Amber wouldn’t admit it, but I knew she had something to do with it. I’d also woken up to him sitting in my driveway ready to drive me to school on the mornings I didn’t have the car. It was nice not having to ride the bus, but the quiet time I had every morning was nonexistent now and filled with Mason’s questions. He seemed to want to know everything about me, and he made sure to remind me that he’d pester me until I gave in, so I might as well just tell him.

  Another change I’d noticed was that Brad and Chris didn’t seem to be with him as much. It was weird. The table at lunch that he always sat at was filled with students in letterman jackets and cheerleading uniforms, but Mason sat with Amber and I. The harder he worked to weasel his way into my circle, the more I seemed to let him. It w
as easier to just give in than to try and resist him. He knew how to work me over so to speak, and he used that knowledge daily.

  “So where are you going tonight?” Amber’s voice came through my phone as I paced my room. I’d put her on speaker so she could calm me down while I got ready for this date that I wasn’t prepared for.

  “I have no idea,” I sighed as I tossed another shirt that didn’t meet my standards onto the bed. “God, Amber, all he said was to wear something comfortable. What does that even mean?” I groaned. “I mean we could be going anywhere.”

  “Jeans,” she laughed. “Jeans will work for any place. Relax, it’s just dinner.”

  “Right! Just dinner,” I huffed as I yanked a pair of skinny jeans out of the closet. “But what if he wants to kiss me again?” I whined.

  “Again?” I could hear shuffling on her end and then I realized my slip. Crap, I hadn’t told her about that.

  “It was nothing,” I tried to brush it off.

  “Sure it wasn’t. That’s why you’ve been hiding it. You little stinker. You’re lucky I’m not there or I’d smack you for that,” Amber chided. “Do you want him to kiss you?” her voice softened.

  “I don’t know. God, Amber, the last time it happened it was… it was amazing,” I sighed dreamily. “He’s really good at kissing,” I nibbled my bottom lip.

  “I bet he’s good at other stuff too. Have you seen his body?” her voice went all gooey as the line got quiet.

  “I’ve felt it,” I giggled. “What am I going to do? I said I wasn’t going to be that girl. He makes me want things that I said I’d never want, at least not now. How am I supposed to stick with that when he’s around, tempting me?”

  “Is that why you kept turning him down?” her bed squeaked and I could tell she shifted.

  “Maybe,” I paused. “I think that might be part of it.”

  “If he really likes you, then he’ll understand. Tell him these things. See if he sticks around,” she sounded so cavalier and I chastised myself for not thinking the same thing.

  “I’m sure you’re right,” I groaned.

  “I know I’m right,” she giggled. “Now go get yourself all sexy, and have fun. I want details.”

  “You can come over tomorrow and I’ll tell you all about it,” I laughed before disconnecting the call.

  I took one last look in the mirror at myself before making my way downstairs to wait for Mason.



  “So she finally said yes,” Chris chuckled as we were leaving practice. It was Saturday, but with the playoffs looming, Coach had us practicing every chance he could get. We’d won our game last night, and now we were sitting pretty at 7-0.

  “Yes, finally. I thought I was going to have to grovel at one point,” I laughed as I stuffed my sweaty gear in my gym bag.

  “So, is tonight the night?” his eyebrows jumped as he smirked at me.

  “It’s our first date dude. No,” I shook my head. “I’ll be lucky if she lets me touch her.” I sighed as I thought about how much work I was putting into this bet. It was worth way more than five hundred dollars, but the way my friends were teasing me about not being able to do it pushed me that much harder.

  “You better move faster. You only have three more weeks,” Chris shoved my shoulder.

  “You think I don’t know that?” I growled before frowning.

  “What’s with the look? Don’t tell me you really like her,” he snickered. “You do, don’t you? You like her,” he pointed at me before grabbing his middle and bursting into a fit of laughter. “Oh my god! You fell for the nerd. You like her.”

  “Shut the fuck up! I do not!” I stood and stormed over to him, pressing my chest against his. “You keep your fucking mouth shut,” I growled.

  “What? You don’t want Brad to know? Or more importantly… you don’t want her to know,” he grinned. “What’s got you so twisted up? The idea that you like her, or that you’ve got to fuck her?”

  “Don’t talk about her like that,” I stomped over to where my bag was and grabbed it before rushing towards the door. What the hell was wrong with me? It was just Dani. This was just a bet. It didn’t mean anything, only it did. I hadn’t worked this hard to get a girl to go out with me ever. What was she doing to me? Did I like her? Would I be able to walk away after I slept with her? Was doing this really the best idea?

  I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts as I climbed into my car. I’d put my gear in the trunk so we wouldn’t have to smell it tonight, plus I wanted the backseat empty in case we decided to use it. Dani surprised me every day, and I had no idea what might happen tonight. She could really flirt when she wanted to, but I don’t even think she realizes that she’s doing it.

  When I arrived at her house, I checked my reflection in my mirror before climbing out and making my way to her front door. I knocked and was pleasantly surprised when she opened the door. I glanced around, looking for her father figuring that he’d want to meet me with this being a first date and all, but no one else was around.

  “My parents are working. It’s just me,” she shrugged. I didn’t know what they did for a living, but they seemed to never be home. They had a lot of trust in Dani. My parents would never let Jen go out without meeting the guy, and they sure as hell wouldn’t let him come over and hang out when they weren’t home.

  “You look nice,” I smiled as I reached for her hand. She’d paired a pair of skinny jeans with a pink t-shirt, and pulled her hair up in a ponytail.

  “Thanks. I didn’t know where we were going. I hope this is ok,” she glanced down at herself, and then up at me. I’d dressed pretty casual in a pair of khaki shorts and a navy shirt.

  “You look fine. We’re going to be outside, so this is perfect,” we’d reached my car at this point, and I opened the door for her. After closing it, I walked around the back to get to my side, pausing for a few minutes to take a few deep breaths. “It’s just a date. It doesn’t mean anything,” I mumbled to myself, although I knew I was lying. It did mean something. It wasn’t supposed to, but it did and I was going to hell for what I was doing to this girl.

  Chapter 9


  Present Day…

  When I woke up the next morning, my head was pounding. “Remind me to never drink with you again,” I groaned as I rolled over on the bed and nudged Amber with my foot. At some point we’d made our way into my room, and flopped across the bare mattress. I hadn’t unpacked anything, and wasn’t even sure where my bath towels were.

  “This is your fault,” she groaned. “Crap,” my eyes fluttered open to see her pressing the heels of her hands into to her eyes. “Mark is gonna have way too much fun with this.”

  “Huh?” I grumbled as I attempted to sit up.

  “I don’t drink, like ever. The last time I did this was in college,” she whimpered. “Mark spent one night holding my hair back, and ever since then he’s reminded of it as soon as I start downing the liquid courage.”

  “You’re my best friend. Blame it on our reunion,” I teased as I rocked myself to a sitting position. My entire body revolted in the movement, but when my stomach rolled, that was the final straw. “Oh god! I’m gonna be sick,” I stumbled off the bed and raced to the bathroom. As I flung open the door, I fell to my knees, and emptied what was left in me into the toilet.

  “You ok?” Amber whispered from where she was standing in the doorway.

  “I think I’m dying,” I moaned as I placed my cheek against the cold tile of the tub.

  “I’m gonna call Mark and see if he wants to grab breakfast. We need greasy food. It’ll help, I swear,” she sighed as she shuffled away.

  I must have fallen back asleep because the next thing I knew, Amber was shaking me awake. “Mark’s here and we’re heading out. Do you wanna join, or stay here?”

  “I think I’m gonna stay,” I stuck out my lip in a pout. “I miss you so much, but I just don’t think I can be upright right now. I’v
e got to finish the posters I made for the job I’m working on. I’ve got to unpack. I need to check on party prep, and I’ve got to get rid of this massive hangover. Can we meet for breakfast tomorrow when I’m not so gross?”

  “Sure. Sounds like a plan,” she gave me a quick hug before turning to leave. “I’ll lock the door on my way out.”

  “Thanks,” I groaned as I put my head back down. I knew I should I get up, but I just couldn’t make myself right now.


  When afternoon finally arrived, I was feeling somewhat better. I’d slept off most of my drunken night, and finally found enough stuff to shower. I was refreshed and aside from the residual hurt that Mason seemed to always cause, I was ready to start my day. I’d printed the flyers for the reopening of The Rusty Nail, and needed to stop by and see how things were going. I’d called Sam to let her know I’d be by, and was now loading up my car.

  I arrived at the bar after a short drive. It was nice not having the long commute into the city anymore, but it felt odd. Summer was slowly winding down, and with that brought cooler days. I knew in a matter of a few short weeks I’d be dragging out the pants and sweaters from their winter hiding spot, but I wanted to take advantage of the warm days as much as possible. My building had a roof deck, and the loungers up there were calling my name for later.

  When I stepped through the door of the bar, everything was a blur. Sam had asked her friends to do a lot the work to save on cost, and her husband, Dev had recruited most of the police force from the looks of it. Jase, Dev, and Jeff were all dressed in old clothes with small paint splatters on them as they ran rollers up and down the newly constructed wall. Sam was sitting at a table chewing on a pencil as she made what looked like drawings of different layouts. I didn’t see Tiff anywhere, and after hearing Jase scold her the other day about working, I wondered if she was home today since the bar was closed. The only person I didn’t look for was the one I didn’t want to see. Mason. I kept my stare solely on Sam, and ignored the feeling that was bubbling in my stomach.


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