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Armored Page 19

by S. W. Frank

  He had put Sophie in the cellar. There’s a well hidden area there. She went reluctantly of course and to make her feel better she was given a weapon with live rounds this time. She had kissed him, that fiery beauty and when he growled at the distraction she smirked. Maybe, she wanted him to have her on his mind and eat bullets, he thought as he waited for the group of former trainees to enter.

  Yosef was well fortified. There was no window or door at his back, a heavy corner nook covered that wall. A fridge was a shield, the windows were shuttered, the front door blocked and the entry to the kitchen is the way in. He was the only defense to where Sophie was hidden in the basement. They’d have to pass his dead body to get to the cellar door slightly to the right of his foot.

  He rechecked his ammo as he waited. Not much but enough to do damage. He had the spare gun loaded and ready at his waist. He’d only have a second to reload. The last couple rounds in the weapon gripped between his fingers had a magazine and tracer rounds. When he fired a couple of tracers he’d know he was almost empty. He’d get to change the magazines early, which keeps one round in the chamber of the weapon for one emergency and he wouldn’t have to chamber another round.

  He heard the window shatter and then movement.

  He crouched listening to the feet and counting the number of steps. Two men were in. Yosef caught them by surprise when they stopped at the wall that didn’t stop bullets. He shot through it twice and reserved his ammo, listening to the thuds of the body. Yosef sighed. Cocky men disregard field manuals or basic common sense.

  More footsteps sounded, these were lighter due to the even distribution of the person’s weight. A pro, he scoffed.


  The shots were fast and furious in his direction. The professional used a fallen comrade as his shield to absorb the return bullets. The fire exchange had Yosef withdraw his second weapon to use. He emptied the clip just as a bullet ricocheted off the fridge and struck him in the leg. He went down, recovered but by then Ismael had a gun to his cheek.

  But Yosef’s skills are the professional’s tools. Hand-to-gun combat was taught to others, and the years used in government sanctioned assassinations are what he implemented to dislodge the automatic from Ismael’s hand.

  Ismael crashed into a wall. The remaining pair of soldiers had gained entry. They made too much noise. He didn’t waste time, going on the assault. To Ismael the knife he held was thrust. The renegade soldier and underboss in Yosef’s crime family avoided the blade by stepping out of its path in a quick thinking action.

  Ismael dislodged the knife with a swift kick and hand-to-hand combat ensued between the former comrades.

  The gunshots Yosef expected during their fight, hadn’t surfaced. Ismael’s men were killed by Nico who spotted them advancing through the thin viewfinder, which was a space between the shutters covering an opposing window.

  By the time Nico and the others entered Ismael had overpowered Yosef and had him in a deadly chokehold. That is how Nico spotted the ring.

  Nico advanced, he wouldn’t shoot the cazzo. That was too easy; beside he could see the soldier’s only weapon was his hands. A man unarmed can still be deadly if he knows how to use his limbs. This was the killer of the Protezione and Nico wanted that sucker bad.

  Yosef was dropped and stepped over. Ismael saw the challenge in the younger man and smiled. If he were to meet death, how glorious it is to do so in battle with the best.

  Nico Serano.

  Finally, the elusive son of the notorious Butcher had emerged.

  The fight was on; blows exchanged simultaneously. Vets went at it full throttle as Tony and Sergio kept watch on the doors and windows while sneaking glances at the bout taking place similar to a professional mixed martial arts title fight on pay-per-view. Crashing and glass breaking in the adjacent room were thunderous booms like an earthquake in L.A or bombings in Beirut.

  Nico was kicking ass that is until Sergio shouted, “That’s right Uncle Nico fuck him up!”

  Ismael enjoyed the spectacle of cheerleaders, but in a deadly fight the distraction can cause an opponent to lose momentum. Ismael took advantage of his opponent’s fleeting lapse of concentration with a round house kick to Nico’s face. Nico’s head collided with a wall. Another succession of blows did further damage to Nico’s ribs. Ismael smirked.

  “You want me to shoot Unk?” Sergio asked when he saw the tides had turned against his Uncle.

  “Shut up!” Tony cautioned Sergio. A shot might hit Nico, besides Tony understood what the match was really about. In the streets, guys once fought fair. Nico went against this opponent to test whether or not he could still win in a hand to hand fight. Anybody can feel brave when holding a gun. People die every day by someone with a gun because it’s easy to pull a trigger and kill but much harder to go one-on-one with somebody and murder them with bare hands. Many of the killings in communities everywhere during brawls are usually because someone lost or knew they would and required a weapon to get the upper hand.

  However, Nico was a professional; trained to kill –weaponless, too.

  Nico’s eyes were slits. He let Sergio in his head, but the door was shut and he was back in the game. It’s arduous to stand when pummeled and beaten by a desire to do right –gone wrong. Vicious blows broke ribs, noses and pride. When Nico’s bloody hand reached for the cold steel and his body slowly rose in a mirrored action of his opponent who had retrieved Yosef’s blade. It wasn’t wounded arrogance Nico’s injured soul defended. Standing in front of him was the seasoned professional who ended a boy’s life. That boy was family.

  Family...always family...divided or broken, there is a duty only a guardian willing to die honorably understands. Nico’s thrust was quicker than his attacker’s. He spun around his opponent, shoved the knife hard in the back of his torso as he gripped the solid neck. The vein protruding from Nico’s throat showed the power of the deadly hold. The man in his clutches had nowhere to go and moving was impossible with a knife ripping up one’s spine.

  Nico jerked upward with the blade, cutting hard through flesh and human tissue like he was a butcher boning meat. The sharp object seared across to the rear of the heart and there was an expulsion of breath from the seasoned killer. From behind Nico could not see his opponent’s face in death, but Tony and Sergio had a front row seat.

  Ismael’s mouth opened in a silent scream. The pain so excruciating he blinked. His eyes were wide, his mouth contorted and he faded into nothing.

  Sergio jumped back shouting, “Oh goddamn!”

  Nico had thrust his blade through the heart and the tip protruded out the front of the attacker’s chest.

  That is the strength of a father to avenge the son of another who died fending off an attack by a brutal man.

  He shoved the lifeless body to the floor and then stripped the ring from its hand. Yosef stirred then and when Nico stared over at him, Yosef saw his mission.

  “That is Ismael. Like Matteo he has double-crossed me.”

  Sophie could not stay confined apparently and appeared with her weapon drawn. When she saw Nico, her eyes were of a loving mother and she ran to embrace him, rubbing his cheeks before kissing each side joyfully.

  “Nico, you are a godsend. Aye, ti amo.”

  There wasn’t a smile. “Go outside with the boys guys I need to talk privately with Sophie!” Nico said over his shoulder.

  Tony exited but Sergio didn’t. He’d come to know his Uncle pretty well and this was Nico the killer talking. He was about to butcher Sophie and Yosef and then cover it up. Sergio wouldn’t stand by and let him do it.

  “Can I talk to you for a sec, Uncle Nico?”

  “No, go outside.”

  “Not until we talk.”

  Sophie was aiding Yosef to his feet as she did so she spoke aloud her foolishness for telling Matteo the traitor about the location of the Protezione in Africa. “Ah, Nico I am very stupid. I did not know he was seeking to harm our family. Yosef has also told me Matteo’s uncle is
who removed the shipment meant for Carlo that caused the feud with the Russians. Yosef had to use the protection of the Mafiya when he was expelled from his government position so that he would not be killed. He knew too much about the government’s assassinations of world leaders or people who they deemed threats to the security of Israel.”

  Nico’s breathing slowed.

  He cut Sergio a look. “You’re one irritating young man.”

  Sophie smiled. “Ah Nico, that is not nice. Sergio is special to you, just as you are to me.”

  Nico frowned. “Special?”

  “Yeah, you know you love me Uncle Nico, admit it.”

  Nico mushed Sergio’s face with a bloody hand. “Let me use your cell young buck,” he said. He needed to contact Giuseppe and let him know, his mother was innocent.

  Their beloved Sophie and Yosef lived.

  Now Yosef, they’d have to revisit.








  Chapter Thirty-Five







  Nico’s update eased a son’s guilt. He was glad his mama had not been part of Matteo’s schemes for power. He rode in silence with his brother who snored. Yes, Alfonzo was very tired.

  He rang Nicole again and she answered. “Buongiorno donna.”

  “Buongiorno Giuseppe.”

  “You did not answer my calls today, is there a reason?”

  “I was busy Giuseppe. I do have other things going on in my life and a family. I can’t be at your beck and call.”

  “I am aware of this and respect your dedication to your career and to your family. Am I selfish to speak what beats in my heart for you?”

  Nicole was shocked at this declaration from the hard Don.

  “Say something donna!" A loud roar of despair never exited the throat. It remained inside a proud Don and did not reach the donna's ears; he did not want her to hear. He did not want to plead that she return; he only wanted a chance to love again but she had gone. Already he had become emotionally naked.

  “Oh stop whining.” She laughed. “I’m here with Carlo; we’re helping Anita make special cookies for everybody.”

  Giuseppe smiled broadly; ah this donna was good for his heart. “I will be there shortly bella.”

  “Good, because you and Carlo are my escorts to Japan. I can’t turn unprofessional and miss engagements because I’m going out with a super fine…what’s your title –again?”

  Giuseppe shook his head. “There is no title, only my name,” he answered. Somewhere along the journey with his brother he’d learned humility. He would not ruin another chance with a special donna due to his arrogant ways.

  “Yes, we will gladly escort you, but understand I do not fly on commercial aircraft donna. There is a level of security that I must always maintain. There are bodyguards that will accompany us everywhere, capisce?”

  “As long as they’re not in the bedroom.” She must have smiled at her joke because there was a lilt, similar to a musical note in her speech. Then she became serious. “I can accept many things about you Giuseppe –I truly can my love.”

















  Nico entered the house, pushing the boys in front of him. “You little pricks better not try that again!” He had showered and changed into clean clothes. The bruises and aching ribs were part of the territory, he couldn’t do anything about that.

  “Really dad?” Aaron said, “If we hadn’t come you’d still be hiding in the dirt.”

  Darren laughed. “Yeah. Anyway if you can track us, then how does it feel when someone does that to you?”

  “I’m your dad. I’m keeping an eye on you boys so you’ll stay out of trouble.”

  “Yep, and we’re keeping you out of trouble ‘cause we kind of like having you around,” Darren replied.

  “True, but not as much as mom does.” Aaron agreed and then stopped to simulate pelvic action.

  They were intercepted by Ari, Anna and Semira.

  “What are you doing Aaron, practicing how to use a hoola-hoop?” Ari asked and then waved her hand at the tall youth. “Never mind, come see what we were up to while you guys were out playing around,” Ari said excitedly.

  Nico looked quizzically at his sons and wondered if their mother had any idea what they really up to, actually he hadn’t asked the boys what their cover story was this time so they were all on sync.

  He shrugged and followed the females to a back room adjacent to the kitchen. It was once inhabited by boxes and other stuff he hadn’t gotten around to, except the girls had cleaned it out, painted and decorated the walls with pretty flowers.

  “This is going to be Anna and the baby’s room until Darren and Anna decide whether she’ll join him when he goes away to college.”

  Anna smiled. “Do you like Darren?”

  Nico watched his son’s happy expression. “It’s cool. Are you sure it’s okay mom?” Darren said to Ari.

  “Darren I love you. We want you to go to college. You and Aaron can attend whatever college you want with your real names. You don’t have to hide who you are anymore. We’re Serano’s and we’re not hiding ever again.”

  “Now whoa…whoa…whoa slow down there sweetheart. Let’s not forget some serious issues that might bring.” Nico cautioned the overzealous woman.

  Ari asked Anna to watch Semira for a few minutes. Semira liked Anna and the girl could cook, hell, she could use more female assistance around the house because Nico’s uptight ass didn’t want to hire strangers.

  Out of earshot from the kids Ari pulled a sheet of paper from her back pocket. “Selange helped me secure immunity from prosecution for faking my death. I’d written the DA last year and told them I feared for my life and death threats by Gregory and an attempt on my life which resulted in the death of an innocent family is why I fled the country.  One of the contributors to the charity who has political clout and of course money convinced the DA to grant me immunity. The document is right here. That means I can go visit my family Nico and I don’t have to hide or be afraid to say that I’m a Serano. I love you sweetheart and I am proud of you.”

  “Well damn, you and Selange were busy,” he replied as he inspected the legal document.

  “I asked and the darn girl came through. She has turned out to be a really great friend.”

  Nico nodded. He was relieved in a way that he no longer had to call her or the boys by aliases when they traveled or worry someone might recognize Ari and she’d wind up in prison. Yeah, a major weight fell from his shoulders. “Come here gorgeous!’ Nico smiled and pulled his donna in a tight embrace and kissed his wife hungrily, well Nico sort of attacked food and loving that way, too. That’s the reason women went bonkers after fucking Nico and oh yeah, that anaconda helped.









  Chapter Thirty-Six






  Alfonzo hurried up the stairs with his entourage. His chest did crazy flips and shit at the prospect of gazing upon his wife. Ah, man, he opened the door and found her asleep which put a monkey wrench in his plan to make this grand entrance with the kids.

  He turned to his small clan, “Okay, mom’s tired. We’ll try this again in the morning.”

  ‘Why is s
he tired from a fashion show?” Allie asked with the roll of her neck.

  “Allie we’re going to talk.”

  The doe eye expression meant to melt a father along with the pout didn’t work. “Did Uncle Geo tell you something? If he did I’m not his friend anymore because he lies. He said he was sorry he yelled at me and I’m not in trouble.”

  Anita appeared to help with the small ones. It was after midnight and of course Mrs. Diaz was asleep. That bed must feel like heaven after sleeping on a hard bench for days.

  ‘You don’t call anybody a liar unless you can prove they are,” Alfonzo scolded.

  Allie crossed her arms. “Okay, then I’ll prove it.”

  “Cut the dramatics Allie.” Alfonzo scolded. “I love you hija but you have to work on your attitude.” He bent and kissed her cheek. “Good night corazón.”

  She scampered off and Sal laughed. ‘She’s bad.”

  Alfonzo snorted. “You’re not escaping either Sal. We have something to discuss.”

  “I know,” the growing youth said. “I take responsibility for what I do unlike my lil sis.”

  “Good, because you’re looking at hard time. A month without video games or a cell.”

  “Ah dad.”

  “You take responsibility remember, now suck the shit up and take the punishment like a man.”

  “Ugh, good night dad.”

  Alfonzo watched his son’s unhappy departure. “Buenos noche hijo, te amo,” he said to the boy and then closed and locked the door. He didn’t want feet on his head in the morning. 

  Alfonzo undressed and took a warm shower which dulled the aches. He put his hand to the wet tile to let the massage jets beat at his skin. Matteo’s betrayal had come as a surprise, man to think he wished he had that laid-back attitude that Matteo presented to the world. Meanwhile, he was gambling away his family’s money and fucking Geovonna and ultimately screwing himself.

  Alfonzo was happy to hear Sophie wasn’t involved or Amelda for that matter. That sort of treachery is a death sentence.

  He didn’t know what tomorrow held but for now the worse was over. He shut off the water, dried and then did knee squats and threw air jabs to get his blood circulating. He didn’t like the fatigue. Yeah, Giuseppe was right, he needed to rest but that’s easier said than done, especially for a hyper dude.


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