Rebel Souls

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Rebel Souls Page 2

by D. L. Jackson

  Even Rebels needed time off.

  Chapter Two

  That bitch. From the moment he’d seen her, he’d tagged her as trouble. How in a spinning star did she slip his trap, and where was the ship he’d sent to cover the other side of the wormhole? As if in answer to his question, his backup burst from the wormhole in a vortex of multi-colored energies.

  Seth groaned and threw his head back to stare at the ceiling. He’d given them a direct order to stay put, not follow her through. Because of their inability to follow instructions, she’d escaped.

  Two weeks before, New Xeira Global Intelligence informed him they’d found a smuggler’s hole in this sector. They claimed the criminals utilized it at a steady rate, but because of their lack of resources, the planetary authorities had been unsuccessful stopping them. Seth wasn’t surprised to see the smuggler’s ship take advantage of it to escape his wing vessel. He’d intentionally monitored and planned to use the hole to ambush any who were exploiting it. What had been a surprise was who had fallen into the trap.

  No doubt he’d just met the legend: Captain Ava Frost, a woman as cold as her name. No one else could pull a stunt like that and get away with it. Seth was good at this game, thought he knew every trick a smuggler might try, and she’d knocked his ego down a notch. Apparently, he still had something to learn. The last thing he’d anticipated was for Captain Frost to blast backward through the wormhole. He couldn’t shake his amazement that both vessels hadn’t collided.

  And what a beauty. Rumors he’d heard on the streets, in the ports, even onboard his ship, all called her striking. Understatement. Captain Ava Frost was gorgeous. A no tricks or smoke screen, all natural, sexy, curvy, way-too-beautiful-to-be-a-criminal, woman.

  Everything about her was beyond striking, from her black silken hair to her cocoa eyes that were so deep a brown, they appeared as pools of ink. Her skin had that star-kissed glow, not brown, not red, but the radiant golden tone of someone who made their living on a planet, not as she did in space. Beautiful like an island girl from his home world, Earth; Seth could easily envision her in with a grass skirt and flower lei.

  Most female smugglers had a rough edge. Many were brutes, more masculine than his toughest male crew. He’d seen them around, swaggering down streets and through space stations, wearing facial hair, lacking any femininity defining them as the fairer sex. With the dangers they faced, he could understand why they adopted the persona. As for Captain Frost, no one would ever mistake what gender she claimed. Seth’s cock snapped to attention the moment he’d seen her.

  Why would a woman like that be out here, breaking the law? She could be a holo-star, wife, mother, or model. The woman defined dirty sex and every orgasmic dream he’d ever had, but that didn’t matter, and his attraction had little to do with his duty. Regardless her beauty, if he caught her hauling illegal cargo, she’d get the same treatment as any other criminal.

  Nobody had been able to prove she smuggled illegal materials for the Nexian Resistance, but it would only be a matter of time. Eventually every criminal got caught. When she slipped up, he’d be there. Innocent people didn’t paint their ship black and frequent this sector of the galaxy. No, she’d broken more than the minor laws of painting her ship black and eliminating the registration numbers. She’d risked death over a fine. Nobody would go through a wormhole backward if they’d nothing to hide, and he planned to find out what she protected.

  But not today.

  He turned toward his crew. They’d earned shore leave. They’d spent the last twelve months chasing smugglers, pirates, slavers, and any criminal that dared to venture into League-controlled space. Now they’d stop chasing and wait for the ones who had escaped to circle back and leave the planet they took refuge on. Seth knew that sometimes the best way to catch prey was to let them come to him. Criminals, like anyone else, didn’t like to change. They had patterns and habits, no matter what planet they were from. She’d be back, he’d no doubt, but he didn’t expect her to mindlessly wander into a trap either. The woman had more brains than that. Patience was the name of the game here, and a little of it would go a long way.

  Arresting her wouldn’t get him very far. He needed proof of crimes before he could take her into custody. That would come with the careful gathering of evidence. Every encounter, every time they met, she’d give him a little more leverage. When one wanted to catch a fox, they didn’t leave the chicken coop open, hoping the fox would walk inside. They followed the chickens when they got out. He need only track her funds back to their source. A name here, a ship there, eventually he’d have enough to piece together a warrant and go after her and the people she supplied—wherever she chose to hide.

  He had no illusions that it would be easy. Captain Frost defined elusive. League ships would sight her, she’d escape and it could be as long as six weeks before she’d reappear. Her ship, like its name, was a ghost. As far as he knew, nobody in Fleet had ever had face-to-face contact with her. She knew a thing or two about escape, but he wasn’t the same as the predators she’d crossed paths with in the past, and he now had a face to go with the ship and name. She’d screwed up.

  The planet below had been too close not to be part of the equation. Down on its surface were answers to why she traveled through the wormhole and had been in this sector. Either she headed into deep space, or whatever she did took a long time to accomplish. Seth was willing to bet she hadn’t gone into deep space and if he hung out long enough, she’d return. Next time he’d make sure she’d have nowhere to go, next time he’d be on the other side of that hole and with evidence.

  She’d come back, and she’d use the smuggler’s hole. He’d bet his commission on it. Captain Frost didn’t look like an idiot. The woman would take her time and lie low. There were things out there far more dangerous than the League Regulators, and she wouldn’t hang out in space while she waited. Yeah, she hadn’t left the sector, and she’d show up when she thought the League let their guard down.

  “Let’s make port for a little R and R. Everyone’s dismissed for shore leave except for the wing ship that didn’t stay put. Tell Elena she can monitor the traffic through the hole until I return. The rest of the crew can report back in six weeks.”

  Captain Wilson, his first officer, nodded and opened the ship-wide com. “Please fasten your seatbelts folks. We’re going to New Xiera Port for shore leave.”

  Cheers erupted throughout the ship. A happy, rested crew would give him a more aggressive chase, and after the stunt Captain Frost pulled, Seth knew he’d need them to be. Gods, what a planet to take leave on. New Xeria was a wet dream, the number one resort planet in the galaxy. Leave couldn’t get any better than that, and the crew of his wing ship would think twice before they didn’t follow orders again.

  He nodded to his first officer and left the command deck. He’d pack a bag and head for the beach. It felt as if it had been a millennium since he’d stuck his toes into warm sand and grounded himself to a planet. There was nothing as peaceful or beautiful as a New Xieran beach at starset, and he planned to be viewing that starset in under an hour with a drink in his hand, watching pretty women walk by in next to nothing—soaking in a little peace.

  Even Regulators needed time off.


  Aloha. Seth blinked. Perhaps he’d soaked in too much radiant energy, but the woman walking down the beach in a very tiny, red bathing suit appeared to be the same smuggler who’d called him “muffin,” and she sure as hell didn’t look like any relief worker he’d ever laid eyes on.

  His drink slipped from his hand and drained into the multicolored sand. With a jolt, he reached next to his seat and fumbled through his pack for his com, keeping his gaze locked onto her. “Gods!” He yanked his hand out when he remembered he’d left the damned thing in his room. As she walked past, he had to blink to believe his luck. No way, twice in the same day, did he intend to let her get away.

  His gaze drifted to her ass. Of course, he couldn’t identify her by her
ass, he’d only seen her face, and it would be impossible to be certain without getting that damned radiashield off her eyes to look at them. But that mouth, that face, those breasts…. Seth hopped up and snagged his pack, throwing it over one shoulder. Just because he was on vacation didn’t mean he stopped being a Regulator. If the woman walking in front of him was the elusive Captain Frost, he had a duty to gather evidence for her arrest.

  Yes, he had to prove it had been her in the unmarked ship, operating outside of Trade Laws. He’d follow, and maybe she’d lead him back to the Avira, which had to be at the port docks. She wouldn’t go far from her ship. No captain ever did. Besides, he could think of a lot worse jobs than tailing the enticing Captain Frost.

  He shadowed her for a long stretch, up a rocky slope with steps cut into its side, through a vegetative patch with a paved path, winding through the thick foliage, and toward an outdoor market, sitting at the top of a cliff, but he didn’t mind. The fresh air and exercise would do him good after spending so much time in space. As long as he hung back a little bit, she wouldn’t know someone tracked her.

  There were enough people coming and going from the beach by this route. It shouldn’t raise her suspicions. The violent tides on this planet kept the buildings away from the beach and when the tides were low and moons were on the other side of the planet, people flocked to the beach to enjoy it while they could.

  His target turned toward an outdoor market. She stopped to browse through several necklaces hanging on a display. She glanced up, and Seth ducked behind a seafood vendor. Ava looked around and then moved on to another vendor.

  Seth released the breath he’d held. She could have easily spotted him. Not the time to get careless. The woman spent her life running and wouldn’t let her guard down. He’d do well to remember that.

  She started off again, toward a clothing merchant. Her hips sashayed in a primitive motion too hypnotic to avoid. His mouth watered. Ten months in space and his body acted like that of a horny teenager about to get laid for the first time. He growled and ripped his attention away from her ass. He was a damned Regulator, and the last thing he should be thinking about was getting into Ava Frost’s itty-bitty swimsuit.

  But, still a man. His attention inadvertently drifted back to her rear, and the way it swayed back and forth, back and forth. Brakes barely applied in time, Seth almost ran right into her as she came to a full stop in front of him, turned around, and flipped the radiashield up.

  “What’s a nice Regulator like you doing in a place like this, following me?”

  Seth’s heart stopped. No words in the galaxy could describe her. Even more beautiful in person. “Ava Frost?”

  She shook her head. “You’ve been reading too many holo-comics. Ava Frost is a legend.”

  More like a fantasy. “Indeed.” He took a couple of steps closer and stared into her eyes, looking for any indication she lied. “You called me muffin. A sweet cake thing. You said you were taking goodies to your grandmother.”

  “I what?” She didn’t look up and to the left, what would have been a sure indicator she’d lied.

  The woman was either really good or not who he thought. He didn’t break the stare down, knowing if she was going to give herself away, she’d do it when he pressured her. “You’re her.”

  “You’ve been under the star too long. Too much heat after you’ve been in space….” She looked him up and down. “From your day-glow skin, I’d say you’ve been out there in the dark at least nine-eighths a year. Aside from the lack of pigment, I think. I can understand why someone would call you muffin.” Still no hint she lied. Calm voice. Blank expression and she’d held his gaze like a pro.

  “Why’s that?” What game did she think to play?

  “I’d love to take a bite out of you, too.”

  “I’m not a muffin, Captain Frost. And I’m not here for you to take a bite out of,” he said, but his cock had a different idea on the matter, nearly exploding through his fly at her suggestion. “You also don’t look like a Terran relief worker.”

  “Do I really look like I’ve taken a vow of chastity and committed myself to serving humanity on other worlds in exchange for absolution?”

  “Do you really think I’m stupid, Captain Frost?”

  “No, but you’re not very good at being inconspicuous.” She crossed her arms over her breasts and raised a brow. “You’re not going to find anything, Legatus Seth Reynolds of the Special Tasks League Regulators. I’m legit. My ship is being repainted.”

  “How do you know who I am?”

  She shook her head and turned to leave.

  Seth stepped up next to her, grabbed her arm, and pulled her back around. “I asked you a question.”

  The corner of her mouth curled. She reached out to his collarbone and dragged her finger down his chest. “I’ll start with the name embroidered on the Regulator issued pack you’re carrying. Then there’s a League flagship docked in the port. And all the questions…. Do you ever take a break, muffin?”

  “Don’t call me that.” He didn’t release her arm. “You and I know I can arrest you for that little stunt you pulled.”

  “Stunt? Please…I accidently hit the reverse thrusters. I haven’t been flying long. No one in their right mind would go through a wormhole backward, and I’m inclined to believe the New Xieran authorities would side with me on that. Besides, I’d be long gone if my intent was to run. You have nothing. A few fines—so why don’t you write me a ticket and go build a sand castle or something?”

  “You were carrying something illegal.” It wasn’t a question, and he made it more than clear that he knew.

  “Prove it.” She glanced down at his hand and yanked free. “Don’t touch the goodies. You didn’t say please.”

  “I have a warrant.”

  “You don’t have a warrant, because I haven’t committed a crime. You’re harassing an innocent Nexian citizen, whose been granted asylum on New Xiera from political prosecution, and I’m within my rights to report you to the local authorities and your superiors.”

  Seth frowned. She knew the laws better than he did and used them to plow over him like a loaded freighter. Not good. He needed to get control of the situation and quick. “Then you won’t mind if I escort you back to your ship for a routine security inspection of your manifest?” Since he was League, his jurisdiction was limited to space; but he had the right to inspect all vessels in port for illegal substances, if they’d been traveling in League space. The look he gave her dared her to challenge that authority.

  Her eyes widened for a brief second, long enough to tell him he was on to something.


  “I told you my ship is being repainted. If you can wait for them to put it back together, I’d be happy to take you onboard for a tour.”

  “I’d like to see it now.”

  “The facility is closed and won’t be open for three days. It’s a holiday weekend in New Xiera Port. It’s party time.”

  “Every weekend in New Xiera is a holiday weekend and party time.”

  “They’re closed.”

  “I can wait.”

  She snorted. “Are you going to follow me all over the port until then?”

  “That’s what it looks like.”

  She shoved her beach bag into his hands. “Then be a sweetie and carry that for me.” She walked off, browsing the marketplace again.

  Seth growled and followed.

  Never had one woman tested his patience so.


  Never had one man stretched her patience the way this Regulator did. If he wanted to follow her, she’d make him as miserable as possible.

  Ava draped the strap of a bag over his neck, adding to the mountain of purchased merchandise he already carried. How he kept up with her was a feat in itself.

  “You always shop this much?”

  “I love shopping.” A lie. She rolled her shoulders as if she’d been the one carrying all the stuff and spotted a display of hand-painted
scarves. “Oh, look.” She cut a direct path to the vender and was rewarded with an annoyed snort and muffled bitching from behind.

  She’d never wear anything so frilly. She dressed in boots, pants, and thermal shirts most days, but something about piling all the feminine fluff on top of the grumpy Regulator gave her a rush. Double bonus—it aggravated the hell out of him. She heard it in his huffs when she added more.

  The man wore more beaded necklaces than a Genitha warlord after pillaging a New Xieran madam’s treasure room, and he hadn’t said one word about it as she dropped them on. It wasn’t until she paid for a hefty pile of risqué undergarments, burying Seth to his nose in lingerie that he got ugly.

  He narrowed his extraordinary eyes, a soft olive color with an outer ring of brown. They reminded her of a shift in the seasons, but with him, they seemed to warn of a change in temperament. “Are we about done here, or is there any vender you haven’t bought out?”

  Ava lifted her braid and studied the ends. “I need to go over there.” She pointed to a beauty shop and another place she rarely frequented. No time in space for primping. “You don’t mind waiting while they give me a facial and haircut?”

  “Enough,” he barked.

  Ava smiled. The Regulator’s tolerance threshold had been breached. She mentally patted herself on the back. Maybe next time he’d think twice about following her. “I’ll only be a few minutes.” Or hours.

  “Let’s go. It’s getting late.”

  “Where would you like to go?”

  “Wherever I can dump this stuff.”

  Ava sighed. “I guess we can take it to my room. It’s on the other side of the port. You don’t happen to have a transporter?”

  “No. Do I look like I carry a shuttle around with me? And I’m not waiting for one here. You can put your purchases in my room, and we’ll wait for a ride there. It’s half a block away.”


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