The Darkest Of Light

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The Darkest Of Light Page 7

by Sandy Alvarez

  Suddenly, I hear some scraping noises against my dorm door, and what sounds like someone giggling the door knob. I sit there frozen, my heart pounding. Who would be trying to come into my room? Seconds later the door flies open. Leah stands there with a couple bags hanging from her shoulders and she’s trying to balance a box on her hip.

  "You know, a little help would be nice." She chides with a smirk knocking me from my stupor.

  Smiling, "Naw, looks like you got it." That remark earns me a death glare. Walking over to her, I take the box out of her hands setting it down on the floor. "I guess it’s safe to say I have a new roommate?"

  "You guess correctly." Leah says adjusting the glasses on her face. "As soon as I checked my email this morning and saw a reply from student housing, I couldn’t pack my stuff soon enough. No way was I staying around that she beast Stacy any longer than I had too." With a huff Leah tosses her duffle bags down on the empty bed across from mine. "You’re not mad I showed up early, are you?"

  "Of course not. I’m just glad you’re here at all." Over the next hour, I help Leah put her things away. She doesn’t have much, so she was able to bring all her things in two hauls. She wasn’t kidding about wanting to get out of her old room. When I followed her into the hallway outside our door, she had all her stuff lined up against the wall. I admonished her for not calling me to help her carry all her stuff up.

  With a little time to spare before class, we decide to get some lunch. I fire off a quick text to Sam, to see if he wants to join us at Joe’s.

  "Sam said he’ll meet us there." I tell Leah as we walk to my truck. When we walk into Joe’s Sam is already there. Making our way over to his table, he stands pulling both Leah and I in for a hug. The way Sam looks and acts, you would think he’s a ladies’ man, but he’s the exact opposite. He’s sweet, caring, and respectful. In fact, I’ve never seen him with any girls beside me and Leah.

  "How are my two favorite girls doing today?" he asks.

  I’m about to answer when I notice Sam’s attention has shifted elsewhere. Looking in the direction his eyes are trained, I see a guy about our age sitting at a table by the front window of the café. He has ink black hair, and if I had to guess he’s a couple inches over six feet tall. He’s sitting across from a girl, whose mouth is moving a mile a minute. But what I also notice is this guy is hardly paying her any attention. No, he keeps sneaking glances at Sam.

  Suddenly, a light bulb goes off in my head. When my eyes land back on my friend, he has a slight blush on his face as he stares at me intently. Almost as if he’s giving me a silent plea to not call him out. Instead, I reach across the table, taking his hand in mine and give it a light squeeze. I let my smile and my gesture do the talking for me. With a wink, I pull my hand back as Sam gives me a small smile.

  Walking across campus after lunch, Sam and I part ways with Leah and head to class. When we walk into Professor Green’s class, Sam has his arm slung over my shoulder. Professor Green looks up from where he stands at his podium. His lips form a thin line, as he sends a scowl our way. What is with the look? Once I take my seat, I glance over at Sam with furrowed brows. He shrugs in response.

  By the end of the day I feel dead on my feet. I open the door to my dorm room and see Leah sitting on her bed with her laptop. Tossing my keys and phone onto my desk, I plop down onto my own bed. The next thing I know I’m being woken up by someone nudging me. When I open my eyes, I see Leah standing over me.

  "How long have I been asleep?" I ask, my voice sounding scratchy.

  “Two hours. I figured you’d want to eat, and maybe change into your pajamas."

  "I’m sorry I fell asleep on you. I don’t know why I’m so tired." I say getting up to make my way to the bathroom. "I’m going to shower. When I’m done, you feel like grabbing some tacos for dinner?"

  "Yeah, tacos sound good." Leah answers while typing away again on her computer.

  After my shower, I pull on some leggings and a baggy t-shirt. Foregoing the blow dryer, I decide to put my hair into a braid. Opening the bathroom door, I see Leah is gathering her stuff and is ready to go.

  "I’m starving." She announces. "My project is due by the 15th. I skipped lunch today so I could try getting it finished by tonight. Also, can we stop at the store on the way back? I need tampons."

  At that last statement I stop in my tracks, causing her to bump into me from behind.

  "Did you say the 15th? As in two days from now?" I ask, suddenly feeling lightheaded and my stomach drops.

  "Yeah, why? Are you okay, Alba? You look really pale."

  In slow motion, I pull my phone from my pocket, swiping the screen and pulling up my calendar. I begin to break out in a cold sweet, and it feels like my heart is going to beat out my chest.

  "No, no, no, no." I start chanting out loud while staring down at my phone.

  "Alba, what’s going on? You’re starting to scare me."

  On shaky legs, I stumble backwards till I feel my bed behind me and sit. I don’t want to believe it, but the pieces are starting to add up. Morning sickness, fatigue, and if that’s not enough the two months of no period is a sure sign. Fuck, how could I have missed not having my period for TWO months?

  Looking over at my friend who is now sitting beside me on the bed with a look of worry on her face, I choke out, "I think I’m pregnant."

  Chapter Eight


  “What the hell is going on, brother?" Logan questions while standing in the doorway of Daniel’s room with Reid behind him. I’ve been lookin’ for your ass all morning."

  "Got a fuckin’ problem I need to discuss in church." I say cutting him off.

  Logan looks at me expectantly and waits for me to divulge my information.

  "Santino has Leyna. He’s using her as leverage. He wants the club to do something for him. And he wants his answer…soon." I tell him. I don’t have to explain who Santino is. Logan knows.

  "What the fuck, Gabriel. When the hell did you talk to Santino?"

  "I just found out. I took a meeting with him this morning. Reid came with me."

  "Son of a bitch." Logan hisses. "You didn’t think to inform any of us on what the hell you were doing?"

  "I’m telling you now." I grit out.

  "Fucking hell, Gabriel." Looking over his shoulder Logan addresses Reid. "Go tell everyone we have emergency church in five." With a nod Reid walks off doing what he’s told.

  I walk downstairs and enter church, taking my seat in the corner of the room, waiting for my turn to speak.

  After all the men have filled in and taken their seats, Logan announces that I have the floor. The puzzled looks on everyone’s faces doesn’t surprise me. I never draw attention to myself and I’ve never been given the floor before. I’ve never had a reason, until now. I lean forward in my chair and rest my elbows on my knees and I address my brothers.

  "A man by the name of Miguel Santino has my sister Leyna. I need to get her back. His only condition is that he wants to use the club for something. I don’t know what. He’ll tell me what he wants us to do once we agree," I say only giving them the short version of the situation as I look at everyone.

  Prez doesn’t waste any time chiming in.

  "When the fuck did all this shit happen? And who the hell are we dealing with?" He barks.

  Not wanting to share details about my past with all the brothers I ignore his question, and continue.

  "That’s not all. Our prospect Daniel is his nephew. That’s how he was able to find out about my sister and details about the club." I wait a beat and let my words sink in. A second later everyone’s booming voices fill the room. I hear the words "traitor" and "that fucker is dead." Slamming the gavel several times, bringing all the brothers to heel, Prez repeats his earlier question, looking me directly in the eyes.

  "When the fuck did you find this shit out?"

  "Today,” I answer. "One of Santino’s men came into the shop yesterday requesting a meeting. I met with him this morni

  Realizing I’m not going to divulge any more of my personal shit in front of a room full of people, Prez announces, "Church is over. Everyone who’s picking up the shipment tonight, get your asses out and go see Logan out at the bar. When Gabriel hears from Santino, we’ll figure out a plan of action then." Turning his attention back to me.

  "Gabriel, you stay put," he orders as he slams the gavel on the table.

  Everyone starts to leave, but not before each one passes by telling me they got my back. I’m grateful for my brothers’ support. I’m also grateful they all understand and respect the fact that I don’t want to share certain parts of my past. After the door is closed Jake sits down and leans back in his chair.

  "Who is this Santino guy to you?"

  Fuck, I loathe sharing. I hate talking about my past, but I’m draggin’ the club into my mess so I have to tell him.

  "He killed my father, rather he ordered one of his men to kill him." Jake stares at me for a beat with his jaw twitching, before he speaks.

  "What are your thoughts on the next move we should make? You supposed to contact him or will he contact you?" he questions.

  I was expecting him to crawl all over my ass for not saying anything sooner. Hell, everything was fine until yesterday. If it wasn’t for the fact that my baby sister’s involved, I wouldn’t have said shit to anyone.

  "I’m supposed to wait for a call. He gave me a burner that he’ll contact me on. I have no more info other than the fact he wants the club to do some shit for him and he has my sister. My only guess is it’s something to do with drugs. Miami is Santino’s playground, so I have no clue what the fuck he’s doing out west. He spotted me at a fight a few nights ago. He said he came to see his nephew. Said he knew Daniel was in with a biker club, but was just a lucky coincidence seeing me."

  "You believe him?" Prez asks suspiciously. Nodding I say. "Yeah, as fucked up as it all may seem, I believe it’s only a coincidence. I don’t see Santino keeping tabs on me. As for Daniel, the punk had no problem rattin’ us out."

  By the murderous look on Jake’s face, I can tell the last part has him pissed.

  Switching gears, Jake lights a cigarette then asks me the question I knew I couldn’t avoid. "You fuckin’ fighting again?"

  "Just the once."

  "What the hell for? And what the hell has gotten into you lately, son?"

  I stare at him, not wanting to give him my reason for fighting, why the demons have wanted to come out and play. I don’t want to tell him I sent the sunshine in my life away. She was the first one to ever drown out the noise. She was the quiet to my storm. Even she didn’t know the effect she truly had on me.

  Jake is good at reading people and I can tell by the look he’s giving me he won’t press the issue. At least, not right now.

  "Your fighting could cause issues for this club. You better remember that. We don’t need any repercussions falling back on us due to you beating some poor fuck to death or near to it. You get me?" He warns.

  I understand loud and clear and nod my head letting him know so.

  "Alright. Nothin’ more can be done until he contacts you. The moment he does you tell me. We’ll sit down and figure out our next move afterwards."

  "What about the rat?" I ask grinding my teeth. "No way can we let him get away with turning traitor." With a sly grin Prez makes a promise.

  "Don’t worry, brother, when the time comes that little motherfucker will be yours." Satisfied with his response, I nod. Knowing Jake he’s cooking something up.

  "And as hard as it might be, we need you on this pickup today. You done right by not going into this alone, Gabriel. We’ll make sure you get your sister back."

  He’s right, my brothers need me today and sitting on my ass won’t make Santino call any quicker. Right now, it’s a sit and wait game. A game I’m determined not to lose.

  The shipment pick up this morning went smooth. Now we’re on our way back to the clubhouse after transferring crates off the trucks at the warehouse. There’s talk of getting out of the gun trade business. Word is this may be our last transaction with the Russians. Prez has decided with increased interest in club activity by the Feds, it’s best we put things on the back burner. Him and Logan are in talks with Volkov, our supplier, to back out for now; which shouldn’t be an issue since Volkov is also our VP’s dad. Fuck, it’s not everyday you find out your birth father is head of one of the largest Russian Mafia families.

  Shit has almost come full circle for Logan and I’m happy for him. He had a good woman come into his life who put things into perspective.

  She also brought her sister with her. Eyes as blue as the Montana skies themselves and a soul as bright as the fuckin’ sun, making me think a cold and empty man like myself could hold something as pure as her.

  And I did—for a moment.

  Problem is, I don’t want to tarnish her light with my darkness-my imperfections, with the rage that lives inside of me. When Alba looks at me I know she can see past all those things-seeing the real me, I feel it. Alba has broken past the iron clad walls and imprinted on my god forsaken soul.

  Making it to Kings Ink, I start setting up my work station with new ink and clean sterile equipment before unlocking the doors. My first client for the day will be showing up in about forty-five minutes. The guy is a bull rider from Cheyenne, Wyoming. He wants an upper arm piece done to commemorate his final ride. I’ve watched a few rodeos in my day livin’ here in Montana. Those are some tough, crazy motherfuckers. Definitely badasses in their own right.

  Just as I’m setting out fresh bottles of water for myself and the client, the phone given to me by Santino rings. Diggin’ it out of my back pocket I answer. "Yeah."

  A chuckle sounds from the other end of the line. "Aww, come on now, no good morning?"

  "Put my sister on the phone you hijo de puta son of a bitch." I spit in anger at his passiveness.

  His tone changes to one of authority at my attitude, and I could care less. I’m not going to kiss his ass.

  "You give me your answer and we’ll see about you talking with your sister. Remember, I’m holding all the cards right now."

  Clenching my fists tight, I rein in my temper before speaking to the piece of trash. "The club’s in."

  "Wise choice," Santino is quick to reply.

  "Under one condition. I talk to her every day. And I get to lay eyes on her—today," I inform him. He may be holding the cards in this game, but I don’t play by the fuckin’ rules.

  "Don’t push my patience." Silence fills the other end of the phone before he speaks again, his voice causing my jaw to clench. "Fine. I’ll text you the location. I expect to see you before nightfall."

  As soon as the call is disconnected I send out a text to Jake and Logan, letting them know what’s going on. Nothing can be done until I receive information on the location. As soon as I get that I’ll send it to Reid to do his thing.

  They both are quick to text back.

  Logan: We got your back.

  Prez: Got your back, son.

  The rest of the shop crew shows up soon after I get off the phone. Blake has finally been given his own station and has a couple of solo sessions with clients of his own today. I walk over to Grayson, who started working for us a month ago. He already has ten years of experience under his belt working at a well-known tattoo shop in New York.

  "I’m gonna need you to run the place and close shop after I leave today. Think you can handle it?" I ask him.

  "Yeah, man, no problem."

  I hand him the keys and walk back to my work station.

  To say it was hard as fuck concentrating on the piece I’m working on is an understatement.

  I’m finishing with cleanup and care instructions when the damn phone in my pocket pings with a text alert. I send the cowboy over to Aubrey, who is a new hire, to take care of the rest of his bill.

  Pulling the phone from my pocket I read the text which gives the location of my sister, then send it st
raight to Reid.

  Me: Find out all you can about this location

  Reid: got it, brother.

  Walking out the door I mount my bike and head straight for the clubhouse. It doesn’t take long for the guys to show up. Once Reid found out, so did everyone else. The text said to be at the address by 4:00pm. That gives us enough time to try and map the location. Reid is sitting in church with Prez when I walk in, followed by Logan.

  "Alright, the address is out near the country club near East Bay. Looks like a waterfront property," Reid tells us.

  "Well, we have a few hours before you’re due out there."

  "I told Santino I wanted eyes on Leyna today."

  "Did he agree?" Logan asked as he takes a drag from his cigarette.

  "Yeah," I tell him.

  Now it’s a waiting game as Logan and I sit at the bar nursing a beer while Prez sends word to a couple other members to do a quick ride near the location Santino is staying to case the place out. I’ve never been a patient man. More along the lines of instant gratification. I hate sittin’ on my ass like this. My sister is sittin’ over there, in a house full of people she doesn’t know, in a country she has never been too. If one son of a bitch has laid one finger on her I will relish in the pain that I inflict on them. I start to grip the bottle in my hand so tight my knuckles turn white on my tan skin and heat starts to radiate from the skin on my face with the rage boiling inside.

  Slapping me on my back, Quinn saddles up on a stool beside me at the bar. "Hey, brother."

  I’m through with fuckin’ talkin’ right now, so I lift my chin and acknowledge him.

  "I have your back today brother. I’m riding with you guys. I want to see this knob gobbler for myself." He states as he takes a pull from the beer Liz handed him when he sat down.

  No joke? No snarky remark to get a rise out of me? I cut my eyes to Quinn as he continues to drink. He stares straight ahead, either lost in his own thought or he is actually giving me the space I need, which never happens. So, I don’t question it. I welcome it, the silence. The support my brothers are quietly giving, they know I’m hangin’ on by a fuckin’ thread right now.


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