The Darkest Of Light

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The Darkest Of Light Page 10

by Sandy Alvarez

  "Miss Jameson," The nurse calls from the open door that leads to the exam rooms in the back. I get up from my chair and nervously follow her into a room with Sam right behind me. After being given a plastic cup and making a trip to the restroom, she instructs me to undress from the waist down and gives me a sheet to cover myself with. Once the nurse leaves Sam turns around giving me privacy until I’m seated on the exam bed.

  "They have to do a pelvic exam. You can step out for that part." I instruct him.

  It doesn’t take long, maybe fifteen minutes, before Dr. Turner is walking through the door. She’s an older lady with kind blue eyes and short graying hair.

  "Miss Jameson, how are you today?" she greets me with a warm smile that helps to ease my nerves a bit.

  "I’m doing okay."

  "Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you sitting there, young man," she says when she closes the door and notices Sam sitting in the chair just behind it in the corner.

  "Well, it’s confirmed. You’re pregnant. And from the calculations you gave us you are right at eight weeks, giving you a due date of April 7th. We are going to do a quick exam on you. Would you like your beau to stay for that?"

  "Oh, no, we’re not together. He’s my friend. He’s going to step out for this part," I explain.

  Sam stands and leaves the room. The exam doesn’t take long, but before she lets him back in her kind words make this whole experience less stressful.

  "It’s good that you brought support today. Pregnancy can be overwhelming. I see my share of young mothers-to-be come in here, and I can tell you’re going to do just fine dear," she says patting me on my leg before she walks towards the door. I’m slipping my shoes back on when Sam walks back in the room.

  "Okay, we’re done here for today." The doctor says handing me a prescription for prenatal vitamins. "I’ll see you back here in four weeks. That’s when we’ll get our first look at the baby," she smiles.

  "Do you have any questions for me?"

  Honestly, right now I can’t think of one. I’ve been reading up on everything I could get my hands on as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I shake my head no.

  "Okay, they’ll have a folder full of other information you may need at the front desk along with your appointment date and time. If you think of anything or have any questions you can call and I will be happy to talk to you."

  "Thank you, Dr. Turner."

  We exit the room, I pay for the visit and collect the folder full of pamphlets along with my next appointment, then we leave the clinic. On the short drive back to campus I start thinking about my living arrangements. Not the fact that I share the small dorm apartment with Leah, but that I’m giving serious thought to finding off campus living. My own place away from the hustle and bustle of campus life. Someplace more quiet.

  "I think I want to look at apartments off campus tomorrow." I say my thoughts out loud.

  "That would be a great idea. What do you think about having an extra roommate? I’m assuming Leah would go with you if you find something, but if we all go in together we can find a larger apartment, maybe even a condo in a decent neighborhood."

  That’s not a bad idea.

  Chapter Twelve


  I should have turned my bike around and taken what’s mine. And Alba is mine. Seeing her in another man’s arms caused rage to bubble up in me. Had it not been for Quinn I would have ripped the fucker to shreds. For once, I was grateful to my brother for sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. But that’s Quinn. And thank fuck. I have no doubt I’d be in jail and charged with murder right about now. Back at the clubhouse, I got off my bike and went inside with Quinn hot on my heels.

  "Gabriel, you need to calm the fuck down, brother." He yaks from behind me. Several sets of eyes cut towards us. I ignored them and him as I continue to my room. "What did you expect man? You pushed her away. Hell, you practically kicked the girl out of your bed, brother. It was only a matter of time before someone else claimed her. Alba’s fucking sexy as hell."

  Quinn barely got those last words out before I had him pinned up against the wall with my forearm pressed against his throat.

  "If you know what’s best for you, I suggest you shut the fuck up about my woman." I snap. "And nobody is claiming her but me. As soon as I get my sister back, I’m going after what’s mine." I growl.

  When I see a stupid fucking grin come across my brother’s face, I know what the hell he’s just done. Asshole.

  Letting him go, I turn and walk into my room without another word. I could hear Quinn’s chuckle and parting words through my door.

  "About time you pulled your head out of your ass."

  That shit show happened a week ago. I’m not going to even get started on what happened when Alba came home that weekend. To say I was fuckin’ shocked to see her at the store would have been an understatement. And the look on Alba’s face told me she was just as shocked to see me. When she answered her phone call from another guy right in front of me, it took everything I had in me to walk away. I later found out from Logan that Bella told her sister all us guys were supposed to be gone. It fuckin’ gutted me to think the only way Alba would agree to come home was because she thought I wouldn’t be here. Blake knocking on my office door catches my attention.

  "Hey, boss. Prez called a minute ago. Says he’s calling church in an hour. I went ahead and rescheduled your last appointment."

  "Alright, man. You go on ahead, I’ll lock up." Forty-five minutes later I’m walking into church and everyone except Jake has already made it. Lighting a cigarette, I take my seat and ignore the murmuring voices around me. When Prez walks in he takes his seat and slams the gavel.

  "Reid came to me two days ago with some information he found on Santino. Miguel Santino is one of the FBI’s most wanted men. Has been for the better part of a decade. Recent investigations into him have been of importing and selling women and young girls." Jake informs.

  "Son of a fucking bitch." Quinn hisses.

  "I highly suspect that the shipment Santino wants us to take care of is not drugs, but women,” Prez adds. "We have a choice here men. We stick with our current plan, or we get the Feds involved. As you all know, ever since Logan’s woman was hurt and almost killed, we voted on taking the club legit. You also know that we’ve not been able to shake the heat on our backs ever since either. Most recently the question on whether or not Gabriel has any relation to Sofia."

  "What exactly is it you’re trying to say Prez?" I grit out.

  Not taking his eyes off of me, he answers.

  "I want to hand Santino’s shipment over to the FBI on a silver fuckin’ platter. And in exchange we agree to clean up our act and take the club legit."

  "At the risk of my sister’s goddamn life?" I challenge.

  "No, son. To save Leyna’s life. If Santino is selling women, your sister is as good as gone. Can you tell me that you really trust him to turn her over to you after he’s gotten what he’s wanted?" Jake questions. With a slight nod of my head, I give Jake my answer. With all the brothers in agreement, Prez pulls the landline phone sitting on the table toward him. Punching in a number and placing the call on speaker, the phone rings three times before someone answers.

  "Agent Taylor."

  "This is Jake Delane. You have a deal."

  The line is silent for a moment before Taylor speaks again.

  "Call me when you have a meetup scheduled." Then the line goes dead.

  "Alright, now with that shit out of the way, I’m going to tell you all what’s really going to happen." Cutting his eyes to me, "Gabriel, you remember that promise I made you?" I sit up straighter in my seat.


  "Make it quick, and no fuck ups. I want your ass in and out before Taylor shows. And take Reid with you."

  Hell fuckin’ yeah. I can already feel my fingers twitch at the thought of getting my hands on both those sons of bitches.

  Quinn cuts in, "I thought you said you were handing the
fucker over to the Feds?"

  Lighting a cigarette, Jake continues, "No. I said I was handing his shipment over. I never said anything about Santino himself. Gabriel and Reid will handle Santino and his nephew while the Feds take care of the shipment and bring his sister to him."

  Gritting my teeth, I nod. I’ll be so close to my sister, but have to leave her there for Taylor to take care of. If we took her with us then the Feds would know we were there. I can only pray this shit doesn’t blow up in our faces and causes my sister her life. Knowing Leyna though, this is what she would have wanted. If she found out we had the chance at saving hundreds or even thousands of women’s lives and didn’t, she wouldn’t be able to live with herself. That and she would have my ass.

  Three weeks later I’m at work when I finally receive the call we’ve been waiting on. Walking out of my office to the front of the shop, I see Blake chattin’ up a customer.

  "I’ll be back in an hour." I tell him walking out the shop’s door and across the street to the garage. Striding through the bay opening I spot Quinn. I give a chin lift as I pass heading towards Jake’s office. Walking past the break room, I run into Bella.

  "Hey, big guy. You here for some lunch?"

  "Here to see Prez." I gruff.

  "Oh, okay. I’ll just fix you something to take with you when you leave. Stop by and see me, Okay?"

  Giving her a slight nod, I continue to Jake’s office.

  "Got a minute, Prez?" I ask knocking on his door. Jake looks up from some papers on his desk.

  "Yeah. Whatcha need."

  Stepping in front of him, I place a piece of paper on his desk. On it is the date, time and meeting place Santino has given me. It’s one week from today.

  "He only gave me the meetup spot to pick up the shipment, but no destination. He said he’d give us that info when we arrive. Not that it’s going to matter since we won’t be going."

  Looking at Jake I continue to keep my face expressionless and my feelings in check. I feel completely helpless in this situation. I’m the worst at waiting around for shit to happen. I’m on edge and hangin’ on by a fucking thread. When Jake continues to study me, but not say a word, I decide I’m through. I turn to leave when he calls out.

  "Come sit down, son."

  It’s not a question and no matter how irritated and pissed at the world I am right now, I respect this man and will do as I’m told. Taking a seat, I lean back in the chair and wait for Jake to speak.

  "I want you to know, son, that no matter what, your sister is top priority. I have no doubt your sister will be coming home safe. Did you honestly think the club wouldn’t have your back? I might be cuttin’ a deal, brother, but don’t play me for a fool."

  "I can’t just wait around and sit on my ass, Prez." I argue.

  "You can, and you will, Gabriel. I can’t risk you losing your shit. I know waitin’ sucks, but it’s what’s smart. Your time is coming. I made you a promise. All you have to do is wait a bit longer." Fuck, I know he’s right. Nodding my head, I stand and Jake stands with me.

  "Don’t ever doubt my loyalty to you again, Gabriel. I saw it written all over your face as soon as I said I wanted to involve the Feds. You thinkin’ the club didn’t care about Leyna."

  Blowing out a breath, I nod.

  "Alright, go on and let Bella feed you, and I’ll make the call," Jake says walking back around his desk and sitting down.

  One week later

  Reid and I are making our way through the heavily wooded area behind the house Santino is staying in. We’re about 100 feet from the edge of the property line when Reid signals for me to stop. Pulling out his cell, I watch as he taps on his screen. Seconds later the outside security lights on Santino’s house cut off. With the clouds sheltering the moon, it’s so fucking dark I can hardly see my hand in front of my face. Lifting his chin, he motions for us to continue. My adrenaline speeds up the closer we get to the house.

  Rounding the side of the house, we notice one guard at the front entrance. Before I can turn my head to warn Reid, the man suddenly slumps to the ground. Looking back at my brother, I see him sling his rifle over his shoulder. My brother is always on point. After assessing there are no other threats, we walk right up to the front door. Turning the knob, we walk right into the unlocked house. Obviously, the son of a bitch feels confident in his security, or lack thereof. Estúpido stupid.

  The house is quiet. The only sound I hear is the sudden creak of the stairs to my left. It only takes seconds before I hear the light ping of Reid’s rifle behind me shooting another one of Santino’s men square in his chest. Pulling my gun from my cut, I signal to Reid that I’m headed upstairs, while I watch him continue towards the other end of the house. We have an understanding that if he comes upon Daniel first—he can act, but Santino is mine.

  With my gun raised, I climb the last step and make my way down the hallway. The first door I pass is open and the room is empty. The second door has me stopping in my tracks. I notice it has a deadbolt on it and my gut is telling me my sister is in that room. But as much as it pains me, I continue past. At the end of the hall is one last door. Standing outside, I take a moment and listen for any noise. Met with silence, I twist the knob opening the door.

  A wicked smile takes over my face when I see Santino asleep in his bed. How I wish I had time to play, but Prez said we had to make this shit quick. Striding over to the edge of the bed, I look down at the man who took my father away from me. Tucking my gun back into my cut, I unsheathe my blade. Leaning over his sleeping form, I fist a handful of the hair on the top of his head. By the time Santino’s eyes snap open, my blade is already against his throat. I can tell by the look in his eyes, he knows this is his end. Without hesitation, I deliver my parting words. The words I speak to every man I dare look in the eyes of as they take their last breath.

  "Decirle al diablo que dije hola, Tell the devil I said hello."

  Then I run the blade of my knife from one ear to the next, not taking my eyes off of his once. Not until I know there is no life left inside of him. Releasing the hold I have on Santino’s hair, I swipe my knife on his bed sheets wiping away his blood when I hear a shuffling noise behind me. Turning, I see Daniel in his uncle’s doorway with a gun aimed at me.

  "Well, if it isn’t the rat himself." I say with venom dripping from my voice. "You fucked up, kid."

  "Oh yeah? What the hell you gonna do about it asshole? Looks to me like I’m the one with a gun."

  Grinning, I reply. "You’re not the only one with a gun pendejo stupid." As soon as my words register, Daniel whips his head around only to be met with the end of Reid’s rifle

  "Thanks, brother," I say to Reid as I step over Daniel’s body.


  I’m pacing the yard of the clubhouse and chain smoking what is my fourth pack of cigarettes. We have not heard a damn thing about my sister. My brothers all stay silent—Quinn included, which is not like him. For once he decides to keep his trap shut. Just then Jake’s phone rings.

  "Yeah?" He pauses a moment listening to who’s on the other line. "Thank fuck," Prez breaths out. Hanging up he cuts his eyes to me, and gives a relieved smile.

  "Reid has eyes on Leyna. She’s okay. Taylor has her."

  And just like that all the tension leaves the air. I’m grateful my brother stayed behind to make sure things with my sister went smoothly.

  A couple hours later the sound of tires crunching on the gravel alert us to Agent Taylor’s SUV pulling up to the clubhouse and parking. Taylor exits the driver’s seat. He’s around six-foot-two with short brown hair buzzed close on the sides. He has his dress shirt rolled up to his elbows exposing a full sleeve on his right arm. Like I said before, you’d be surprised at how many suits have tats. Besides that, everything about him screams Fed. Right down to the menacing look on his face. He definitely finds my club unfavorable. I return his look, letting him know the feeling is mutual.

  Without missing a step, he rounds his truck opening th
e passenger door. I see him take Leyna’s hand and whisper something into her ear and she nods her head in return. When my sister’s eyes turn away from Taylor and land on me she breaks away from him and runs into my waiting arms.

  "Hermano Brother!" She cries, burying her face into my neck.

  "Shh, hermana sister. You’re okay." I tell her quietly. Setting Leyna back on her feet, she clutches the front of my shirt using it to wipe her face, just like she would do when we were kids. "I see not much has changed. Still wiping your snot on me." I chuckle.

  "Shut up, Gabe." She laughs back through a watery smile.

  "Let’s get you inside, okay?" She gives me a nod and I then turn my attention to the Agent who is still standing by his truck and has yet to take his eyes off my sister. "You can go now." I grind out and my sister gasps beside me.

  "Gabriel Martinez!"

  Ignoring my sister, I turn my full attention to the Agent.

  "It’s okay, sweetheart," he assures Leyna, but looking directly at me. "I need to get going, got a fuck ton of shit to clean up and about a month’s worth a paperwork waiting on me. Just remember my offer stands." He slides back into his truck and drives off.

  I turn to my sister, "Let’s get you inside and settled. And after, we are going to discuss what that fucker meant by his offer still stands."

  Leyna rolls her eyes, "Forever the big brother," she says through a watery smile.

  It’s 5:00 am and my sister was finally able to go to sleep. I walk out of my room and softly shut the door, careful not to wake her. After grabbing a cup of coffee, I’m walking out of the kitchen when I notice Reid limping through the main room and out the front door. I follow him out and watch as he sits down at one of the picnic tables and starts massaging his leg above the knee. When he notices me striding his way, he stops.


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