The Divine Unleashed (Book 3)

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The Divine Unleashed (Book 3) Page 8

by Allen J Johnston

  Kade walked through the entrance and down the wide set of stairs carved out of the earth. He stepped into the massive chamber and took the time to survey the room. The Great Hall was completely deserted with the exception of the beautiful white queen and the majestic, black king, pouring over a map of the area. There were a few guards sitting at a table, talking quietly. The queen noticed Kade and motioned for the king to turn around.

  “Am I to understand that you are to leave at this early hour?” Crayken asked, surprised and concerned.

  “I would only be delaying the inevitable,” Kade responded. “Besides, the sun rises soon.”

  Rakna called to the two guards, who promptly leapt up and came to her. She buzzed instructions to them and turned back to Kade. The king reached up and placed a leg on Kade’s shoulder.

  “Be safe, and may the Divine watch over you,” Crayken said with worry. He tried to hide his concern, but it was plain for Kade to see. “Look after my queen,” the king added and then turned to Rakna. “Keep him safe, my love. Our survival depends on it.”

  “I will,” Kade said as he returned the gesture.

  “He is capable, but I shall do what is within my power, my king,” Rakna said.

  “This is a very early hour, Kade,” Doren said as he entered the Great Hall. His eyes shown of someone who had just awoke from a sleep they preferred desperately to still be enjoying.

  “I would understand if you preferred to stay, Master Doren,” Kade said, wondering how the Master Chosen knew to come to the Great Hall. It had to be a calling that he was not aware of. Maybe a calling placed on his door that would alert the Master Chosen of its use. Kade had a feeling he would never know. Doren was a master and had to have his share of callings.

  “You are going to the cave?” Doren asked.

  “Yes,” Kade responded. He realized he should have known that Doren would not dare stay if there was a chance that Kade could learn something new.

  “Then we should depart,” Doren declared as if the decision were his. Kade wished dearly that the man was staying behind, but he had no way to compel the Master Chosen to stay. And, he was certain that Doren was not going to let Kade access the doorway to the dead without being there.

  Without any more delay, they said their goodbyes and exited the tree. Rayden was waiting patiently by the entrance. They mounted and readied to go. The dragon turned and headed off at a run but did not leap into the air as Kade expected. He questioned the dragon and received a reply just as Darcienna was speaking.

  “We are not flying?” she asked, still holding tightly. Doren was leaning around Kade, apparently ready to ask the same question. He was watching the apprentice closely, waiting for the response.

  “Rayden prefers not to fly at night. As best as I can tell, dragons don’t like being in the air when it is dark,” Kade responded. Darcienna said no more, and Doren leaned back into place so Kade let the subject drop. The flight may have been much quicker and smoother than running, but this was far better than walking.

  Kade’s mind could not help but to see Zayle coming through the dark and wondered if he was going to see it this time, also. Would his cherished master make his presence known once more? If Zale was not there to meet him, would he be able to find his teacher when he crossed through the arch? He tried to ignore the possibility of running into one of those evil creatures, but the worry was getting stronger the closer they got to their destination.

  It was not long before the dragon lumbered to a stop outside the cave. Kade swung a leg over and leapt to the ground gracefully. He turned deftly to reach out for Darcienna as she slid down the dragon’s side and into his arms. He smiled as he looked into her eyes and considered pulling her into an embrace, but Doren grunted, drawing their attention. The two slowly untangled and stepped back.

  “Kade, please lead the way to the arch,” Doren said with a touch of impatience.

  Darcienna gave the Master Chosen a glare but Doren gave no indication of noticing. Kade turned and led them into the cave. There were approximately ten spiders that leapt up, ready to attack. The queen buzzed at them and they immediately knelt down, putting their heads to the ground. Kade walked to the entrance of the tunnel and brought the Divine Fire to life. Doren glanced at the fire and then to Kade as if to ask, “Is that needed?” Kade realized that the Master Chosen was expecting him to call on the light, hoping to catch what he was missing. He was determined to catch Kade using the Illumination Calling and steal the secret. The apprentice realized that had he chosen to call on light, the master may have figured out the move. He affirmed to himself that he needed to be more cautious.

  “If Morg is searching for the doorway, I would prefer to be prepared,” Kade said, wondering if he was being over cautious. Doren nodded and raised his hands. After several elaborate gestures, there was a bright, blue spark jumping from finger to finger. It reminded Kade of the spark that protected the black book. It did not provide the light that the Divine Fire did, but Kade was certain that Doren did not call on it for its light giving ability. Kade found himself studying Doren’s gestures. The Master Chosen had a look in his eye that was pure amusement. Kade colored slightly as he caught Doren’s eye and turned away. He was not about to play the game with a Master. It was sure to get him killed. Kade started walking without looking back. Something told him that if he checked, Doren would still be standing there, holding his hands out with the spark dancing from finger to finger as if tempting the apprentice to try. Kade knew better. He was certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that he could not cast that calling without being taught, and yet, he had to admit to himself that he was tempted. He relaxed his shoulders and marched on. The master shrugged his shoulders, even though Kade could not see and quickly caught up to walk side by side with the apprentice.

  Darcienna walked along Kade’s right while Doren walked on his left. The queen walked next to Darcienna as they worked their way down the tunnel. Each was studying the darkness intently until Kade broke the silence.

  “Here,” Kade said as he came to a stop several paces from the arch and reached out to keep Darcienna from walking further. The queen moved a little closer to Darcienna’s side while eyeing the arch with clear distaste. Doren edged forward slowly and then drew back to stand next to Kade. He turned to look at the apprentice. Kade walked over to stand next to the drawings on the wall.

  “I am eager to see if this will work,” Doren said with excitement at the thought of contact with an Ancient, even if it had to be through an apprentice. The Master Chosen also studied the wall with the images drawn on it. “The calling is so simple, and yet, you are the only one who can use it,” Doren said as he glanced at Kade and then back to the drawings. He recalled his previous attempt and had no urge to try again.

  Kade looked at the blackness and shivered. Am I really going to voluntarily enter the land of the dead? he asked himself and felt a sliver of fear work its way into his heart. He did his best to keep a brave face for Darcienna, but something told him that he was not fooling her.

  He recalled, too vividly, the entity that attempted to take him over, not to mention the one that almost took Doren and then Darcienna. He knew he had come too far to turn back now, but it did not make it any easier. He mentally prepared himself for what was to come as he stepped up to the wall, making sure he understood all he needed to know. Doren watched him, his excitement continuing to grow. The thought of new knowledge made the man act as a kid might when receiving a brand new toy.

  “Are you ready?” the Master Chosen asked. It was not necessarily to ensure Kade was prepared as it was more a push to continue.

  Kade did not answer the question. He turned toward Darcienna and tried to find the words he wanted to say. There was so much he wanted to tell her, and yet, he could not find the right way to say it. She tried to smile reassuringly but her mouth twisted into deep concern as her brow knitted together. He wished he had made her stay back at the tree, but he knew that short of tying her up, she would not have a
ccepted being left behind.

  “Okay,” Kade said as he glanced at the wall one last time. “I am only delaying. I am ready,” he said, avoiding Darcienna’s eyes.

  The rest of the group moved back to give him room. Kade let his Divine Fire fade as he looked at the ground for a spot where he could lay. With only Doren’s spark to give light, Kade could barely make out the floor. It was eerie and did not inspire confidence. The queen’s eyes glowed as they reflected the faint, blue spark, adding to the ominous scene. Darcienna’s eyes did not help, either. The knot in Kade’s stomach tightened. He wished the room could be well lit, but he was the only one able to do that and he was not willing to teach Doren the calling. He realized he was truly becoming a Chosen when he decided to deal with this extreme discomfort just to keep a secret.

  After stalling for just a few more seconds, he laid down and closed his eyes. It took a while of deep breathing for his mind and body to relax. With Doren hovering over him, it was even more difficult, but in time, he was able to get his discomfort under control. He brought the Divine through him like a lazy river. His awareness slid out and floated toward the ceiling.

  Kade drifted down and stopped in front of Darcienna. He gently leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. She blinked once and raised her hand, placing her fingers lightly on her lips. She slowly lowered her eyes to look at Kade’s body.

  Turning toward the gate, Kade froze. There were several people standing there on the other side of the arch, watching him. His heart, if he could call it that in this form, skipped a beat. They looked as solid as the group he was with. It was the figure in the middle that he locked eyes with. Kade drifted down to stand firmly on the ground.

  “I see you have mastered the Drift Calling,” Zayle said with praise.

  “I should have tried harder,” Kade said, feeling a swirl of emotions.

  “Do not dwell on what has passed unless it helps you in the present or future,” Zayle said wisely. “Tell us what has transpired since my passing.”

  “There is so much, Master. I don’t know where to start,” Kade said.

  “Tell us what you believe to be relevant,” the man to Zayle’s right said. He was tall and looked like a warrior. He had broad shoulders and a thick chest. The look in his eye said he meant business but it also showed deep wisdom. The person who tried to pull one over on this Ancient Chosen was going to learn a hard lesson.

  “This is Talos,” Zayle said with a casual indication of an open hand. Kade gave a nod at the solid looking man and then returned his eyes to his teacher.

  “I have been in contact with Morg several times. He almost killed me twice,” Kade said, cringing at the memory.

  “We are aware. You almost crossed,” the other man said. He was not even half the bulk of Talos but there was an air of confidence that said he was as deadly as they come. Kade expected to hear the voice of an old, frail man, but instead, there was power when he spoke. Kade was certain that he would be a much better match for Morg than Doren. The confidence and sheer force of will with this Ancient was palpable. Kade cast a glance at Doren for just a moment. Having the Master Chosen to assist with this fight against Morg was better than nothing but having one of these men at his side would have been more than he could hope for. He faced the three figures once again.

  “This is Lokk,” Zayle said with another open handed gesture. The man gave a friendly smile but his eyes were solid steel. Something told Kade that of the two Ancients, this one was dangerous beyond understanding. And yet, he gave Kade a nod as if meeting another full-fledged Chosen. The apprentice could not help but to swell at the show of respect.

  “Morg needs you so he can reach the Ancients,” Zayle said as he indicated the men standing at his sides. He saw the confused look on Kade’s face and gave a nod of his head as he spoke. “I assure you, they are the Ancients. They may not look thousands of years old, but I promise you that they are the wise ones from long ago.” This seemed to satisfy Kade so Zayle continued. “We must know if Morg has knowledge of this arch.”

  “No, he is still searching for it,” Kade said. The two ancients relaxed visibly.

  “How do we stop him while he has that bloody staff?” Kade asked as his mind recalled the brutal beating he had taken from the ornately carved piece of wood. Morg seemed invincible while in possession of that all too powerful weapon. “Blood and Ash! He is unbeatable with that thing!” Kade swore and instantly cringed at the use of such harsh language in his master’s presence, not to mention the Ancients. The taller one seemed amused by Kade’s outburst and cast a quick sidelong glance at Lokk. It was almost a look of approval but Kade did not watch him long enough to decide. Zayle started to speak once more. Kade missed the slight nod of the man’s head.

  “You have no choice but to take it from him,” Zayle said, ignoring the profanity.

  Kade’s eyes went wide. He felt panic well up in him at the thought of being paralyzed again. To be made a puppet while he was forced to watch the evil Chosen do as he wished scared him to the bone. Kade could not imagine the torment he would feel if he were made to watch while Morg tortured Darcienna? This was not the solution he was hoping for. This was not what he expected from the wise and powerful Ancients. The man on Zayle’s right saw Kade’s frustration and stepped forward. His voice was deep and resonated with confidence and command. Kade would have thought him a general in an army getting ready to lead the charge.

  “As daunting a task as this may sound, the Divine Power is only as wise as the man using it. Yes, the staff is powerful, but do not forget that he who depends solely on the Divine, has weaknesses that may be exploited,” the Ancient said. He watched Kade calmly as he waited for the apprentice to fully comprehend what was just said. “And, you have abilities which are not to be taken lightly,” Talos said with a grin. There was a glint in his eye as he studied the Apprentice Chosen. “You have power beyond what you are aware of, Chosen,” the Ancient said, adding the last part as a title of respect. Kade beamed at that.

  “He sounds like you,” Kade said to Zayle as he pondered the wise one’s words.

  “That is a great compliment,” Zayle responded while giving a nod of his head.

  “Master, I have so many questions I must ask. I have some that are of a more personal nature,” Kade said hesitantly.

  “You may ask,” Zayle prompted. Talos gave a great heave of his chest and stepped back, allowing the young man a chance to speak his mind with his teacher.

  “Master…it may sound foolish, but Doren has said he is prepared to take over my training,” Kade said as he glanced at the Master Chosen still standing over his body.

  Kade turned back to Zayle and opened his mouth to continue but stood there without saying a word. He knew he should be using this time to find the answers needed to defeat Morg, but coming face to face with his grandfather gave him the opportunity to address an issue that he was struggling with. His heart ached. He glanced at the Ancients, but neither had judgment of any sort in their eyes. It was more infinite patience than anything.

  “Continue to use the Divine, and practice your skills anyway you must. Learn what you can from Doren, but be careful not to trust him too much. He can be a formidable ally and an excellent teacher, but his thirst for knowledge is unquenchable. He craves power more than any other of our kind. Be cautious while walking that path,” Zayle said. Before Kade could continue, the Master Chosen held up his hand. “We will have much time in the future to talk,” Zayle said as he gave one of his rare, reassuring smiles. Kade yearned to reach out for his grandfather but that was not Zayle’s way. It was clear that this talk needed to be about the current crises. Kade brushed aside his feeling and focused on the task at hand.

  “How does the staff work?” Kade asked, desperately hoping to find a weakness. He was certain that this line of questioning was not going to give him a way of taking the staff from Morg, but he still thought it best to know the weapon as best he could before trying to acquire it. Before Kade could say
much more, Lokk, confidently, but calmly, took two steps forward without taking his eyes off the young apprentice. Kade fought the urge to step backward. He was grateful that this man was his ally. Lokk stopped next to Zayle as he cocked his head as if assessing the young man. After a moment, he came to a decision and spoke.

  “The staff embodies the movements needed to mold the Divine. Each calling has a symbol that represents it. The callings that the staff is imbued with are the callings the Chosen can perform. No more and no less. If the calling requires words to be spoken, then they must be spoken. There might be callings on the staff that Morg may not be aware of,” the thinner Ancient said thoughtfully. “Morg has become dependent on the staff for his power. Remove the staff and he will be virtually helpless,” he said in conclusion and stepped back.

  “What would happen if Morg was to find this place? Why is it so important to him?” Kade asked.

  “We have several guesses as to what he plans,” Talos said. “If he destroys the calling set within the arch, he may set loose upon the world an evil of such proportions that it will never recover. If the evil on this side gets through, there will be such suffering that even death will not be an escape,” he said with a seriousness that made Kade shiver. “It is not the arch that is important but the calling held within the arch. It is complicated. By destroying the calling, he will tear a hole in the veil that separates the living from the dead. But, if the arch is destroyed, the calling will just dissipate and there will be no way to cross from one side to the other. Unfortunately, there will be no way for us to communicate, either.” Zayle’s eyes went distant as he contemplated the Ancient’s words. Kade watched his teacher for just a moment before continuing on.

  “Does he have the power to destroy the arch or the calling?” Kade asked.

  “He does, but he does not know it, yet,” the Ancient said cryptically.

  “How could he have the power to destroy the gate but not know it?” Kade asked, pressing for the answer he knew they were hesitant to give. The Ancients looked at each other and then to Zayle.


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