Black Hills Rebel

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Black Hills Rebel Page 24

by A. C. Wilson

  Drew watched and listened with a look of awe on his little face. Blue eyes drank in the moment and Nora knew that he would never forget the first time Colt sang to him. The song would always be a reminder of this day. It was inevitable, she guessed. There was absolutely no doubt that Colt’s voice was fantastic and his presence gave it more life. He was meant to be an entertainer.

  He might also have been meant to be a father. Nora looked down and collected herself. Today was going to be so much harder than she thought at first. She wondered then who she was trying to kid. None of this had ever been easy.

  “You’ve asked some really great questions, Drew. Do you mind if I ask you some?” Colt asked after he had finished his song and his sandwich. Nora looked from him to Drew and back. The hairs on her neck began to stand on end. Drew looked up from his chips and shrugged.

  “Okay.” Drew’s squeaked a bit and Nora furrowed her brow. She wondered how the dynamics had changed so drastically.

  “Relax, Drew, I only want to get to know you. Do you like school? Are you a good student?” Colt put a very generic question out there, but Nora knew that he was fishing for more.

  “I like science. Mom says I can talk too much and I need to listen more.” Drew offered a sheepish grin. Nora rolled her eyes. Of all the things a boy might remember to say!

  “I was the same way!” Colt laughed out loud and Drew smiled in a conspiratorial way. The lines were definitely open now. Nora had learned to tread lightly. She could only watch.

  “My dad says I’m all boy and that boys don’t sit still well.” Drew laughed and didn’t recognize what he had said until he saw Colt’s face. Nora took a deep breath.

  “It’s okay, Drew. He knows what you mean.” Nora eased into the conversation to soften the uncomfortable moment. Colt nodded and brushed off his lap of whatever invisible lint he thought he saw.

  “I want to you be your dad, Drew. I want you to be my son.” Colt was careful about what he said. The waters were already becoming murky. Drew opened his mouth to speak and then closed it again. Nora closed her eyes and cursed Colt’s forwardness.

  “I love my mom and I love my dad. You are not my dad.” Drew exclaimed with a fury that brought Nora up to her knees. She saw his little chin wobble as he tried to hold his emotions inside. He was so brave. Colt looked like someone had accused him of some major crime.

  “All I want is a chance. I want you to be a part of my life and maybe come live with me.” Colt was ruining it all with every word he said. She could see Drew pulling back inside and shutting down. Nora knew she had to stop this before more damage were done. The tentative ties were damn close to breaking.

  “Stop, Colt, just stop! This is enough.” She took a deep breath after yelling so sharply. Colt stared at her for a moment. Drew however was up on his feet and looking fit to thrash the school yard bully.

  “Randy is my dad. You are not and never will be.” Drew stood his ground and Nora applauded him for his courage. It also hurt her to think that he would never open his heart to Colt. It was a relationship she hoped that they could cultivate in time. Time did have a way of healing things.

  “Drew, go to the car and I’ll be there in a minute.” Nora gave him a little shove and her son looked unsure. She nodded and tipped her head towards the car. Colt looked upset but didn’t say anything. She watched as Drew disappeared around the truck and she hesitated to say anything until she heard the door shut.

  “What were you thinking?” She spat at him as she rounded to find Colt looking at her with hurt in his eyes. This meeting had meant so much to him and she had known that. He was just as upset as Drew.

  “Ever since you told me that I was a father, I’ve been thinking about actually being one. I just thought that maybe he was wanting me to be one to him.” Colt stiffened his jaw and jammed his hands into his pockets. He looked angry and disappointed. Nora shook her head.

  “I tried to tell you that he was never missing a father. He has so much male influence in his life that he has never had the chance to miss it. Right now all you can be is his friend.” Nora rubbed her arms with her hands.

  “What if I want to be more than his friend?” Colt challenged her with his words. She grimaced.

  “Someday maybe, but not right now.” She turned her back to Colt and tried to gather her scattered wits about her. Nothing had gone the way she had hoped for today. She heard the grass crunch behind her and felt Colt’s hands slide up her arms to her shoulders.

  “What about us? Will he be okay with you and me?” Colt asked as he pressed his body up against her back. Nora’s blood thundered in her ears. Every nerve sparked to life and she hated that they did.

  “No, Colt, there can’t be an us. Drew loves Randy and as it turns out I’m in love with my husband.” Nora stepped forward and then turned around. “I’m sorry. I’ve spent so much time hiding from the truth. I wasn’t sure what it really was until you asked me if I was in love with Randy. I am.” Her voice was breathless, but she was as clear as she could be. This time things couldn’t be left unsaid.

  “I don’t understand. I thought that you wanted us to be together and to be a family?” Colt furrowed his brow in confusion and Nora wished she had done things differently. All of this was far different than the way she had imagined it. She could wish that this had all happened before she had thrown so much in her wake, but without it all coming together, she might never have guessed her true feelings.

  “I did, Colt.” Nora met his gaze head on and she felt his sadness. “In a way we always will be a family. You and I share a remarkable boy. That will never change.” Nora gave him a soft smile and he stepped into her. Pulling her against his chest, only then did Nora feel the tears falling down her cheeks. He hugged her and she hugged him back. His palm stroked her hair in a soothing motion. There was an ease with Colt but an ease of friendship only.

  “I would still like Drew to come stay with me when my schedule and his schedule permits. I want to help financially.” Colt’s voice rumbled in his chest and Nora took a deep breath. Standing back and lifting her head, she nodded.

  “I can respect that.” Nora wiped the last of the tears away with her fingers. Colt nodded.

  “I won’t seek anything else in court. Drew has made his position clear. I just hope in time we all can be friends.” This was the gentleness she knew from years ago. Colt was kind and fair. Nora was happy that he had shown it. She didn’t want to fight him.

  “Thank you. Time can do a great many things.” Nora smiled at him and leaned to pick up the picnic basket. Colt started to help her put things away. Once they were finished, Nora thanked him. “What do we do now?”

  “Well I have to go back out on the road, but I’ll have my lawyer draw up the papers. I’ll give you a call next week, if that’s all right. Maybe Drew will be willing to talk to me by then. Please tell him that I don’t want to replace his dad.” Colt looked boyishly worried and Nora smiled. She had seen that same look from their son. Some similarities were there after all.

  “I will. Everything will be fine. You’ll see.” She knew that it would. In this it would be anyway. She wasn’t so sure about her marriage, but that leap came next. She prayed that Randy was still willing to forgive.

  Chapter 26

  It had taken some time to calm Drew down and after much persuasion plus a double fudge sundae, Nora was able to convince her son that the people he loved most in his life would not be vacating it. It also made her more determined to find Randy and make good on her words. Nora had fallen short on promising Drew that her words were true, because deep down she just didn’t know for sure. She called Randy’s cell phone all evening and left several brief messages. By the time that she got ready for bed, there was still no return calls. She checked to make sure her own phone was working. Turning it on and off a couple of different times, Nora found that nothing was wrong on her end.

  The better forgotten voice in her head said Randy was getting her calls, but didn’t want to speak wit
h her. She was better off bandaging her wounds and saving her pride. She didn’t need a guy to support her before and she didn’t need one now. She wouldn’t succumb to the social pressures of maintaining a husband and children. Going against the grain had always been her way and it fed the rebel within her. Nora had only conformed briefly when it had had nothing to do with what she wished. She was a mother and her son came first.

  Nora slipped into bed with the distinct assurance that she wouldn’t sleep. She kept the phone tucked under her pillow so that if it did happen to ring she would hear it. It didn’t.

  No messages. No texts. No missed calls.

  She didn’t have to look in the bathroom mirror to see how haggard and rundown she looked. She could feel the grit in her eyes and the rawness of her throat. Even her senses were dulled and she only found this out by burning the hell out of her tongue on hot coffee. If something didn’t get figured out soon, she wasn’t sure what would hold her together. She just couldn’t fall apart. It went against her code of being in charge. If she fell apart, chaos would certainly ensue.

  “Mom! Your phone is ringing!” Drew called from the bathroom and only then did Nora remember plugging her phone in to charge in her room. She tripped over the kitchen stool, side-swiped the couch, and nearly broke a toe sliding into her room. Her hands trembled as she picked up the phone from the night stand. Her heart fell. It was Rayne. Knowing that if she didn’t pick it up, Rayne would continue to call, so she answered.

  “Hello?” Nora swallowed hard and sat down on the edge of the bed. She doubled over and rested her elbows on her knees.

  “You don’t sound good.” Rayne’s voice was on alert and Nora groaned inwardly.

  “No sleep. I’ll be fine.” Nora tried to smother a yawn.

  “Can you come over after Drew gets on the bus? I think Garrett knows where Randy is if you still want to know.” Rayne paused and Nora’s heart bounced around in her chest. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. “You do still want to know, right?” Rayne asked with some wariness.

  “Yes.” Nora couldn’t venture much further into an answer, but she definitely wanted to find Randy.

  “Good. I’ll see you in a bit.” Rayne hung up and Nora flopped back onto the bed. She stared up at the ceiling. She could have sworn the world was spinning and she was desperately whirling with it.

  “Are you sick?” Drew asked from the doorway of her bedroom and Nora almost answered an affirmative.

  “Just tired. Are you ready for school?” She asked him, sitting up and pulling her robe tighter around herself. Drew nodded and indicated his backpack. “Good. When you come home tonight, have the bus driver drop you off at the ranch. I’m not sure where I’ll be, but Grandma will be home.” Nora mustered a smile and stood up. Drew nodded. He would often get off at the Crossing Pines to help her dad with chores. It didn’t throw any red flags up.

  “Okay. I’m going to wait for the bus.” Drew grinned in his boyish manner and Nora smiled at him. Stepping forward, she ruffled his hair and watched him head outside. At least one thing had gone right.

  Nora dressed in a flurry of cuss words and a pile of clothes. She wasn’t sure what a person wore to apologize and win back the love of their life. She finally settled on a strapless maxi dress and sandals. She left her hair down and slid a couple of bangles onto her wrist. Bolting to her car, Nora looked at the time. It was just seven-thirty. In less than half an hour she was in Rayne’s driveway and slamming her car door as she made her way across the yard. Rayne was already standing on the porch.

  “That had to be record time.” Rayne teased and Nora wrinkled her nose.

  “Where is Randy?” Nora asked as she got to the front step. “I called and texted him all last night. There wasn’t any answer.” Nora heard the frantic plea in her voice and she took a deep breath. Her feelings were all over the place and it wouldn’t do to blow apart like a time bomb.

  “I haven’t seen him either, but I think Garrett knows where he is. He’s inside eating breakfast.” Rayne indicated the door. Nora came up the stairs and only paused to see a couple of her pieces of jewelry that Rayne had loved.

  “They really do look good on you.” Nora said and Rayne grinned.

  “Good. I have three orders for more. They didn’t blink at the price.” Rayne opened the front door. Nora could only gawk. This was unexpected, but not of great importance right now. Now she needed to find her husband.

  Garrett was sitting at the table with an empty breakfast plate just like Rayne said he would be. Nora was prepared to string him up should he make this difficult. Nothing could stand in her way today.

  “Morning, Nora. What are you doing here so early?” Garrett greeted her and pushed a chair out for her. Nora rolled her eyes. He was going to love this considering he had been working with Randy to kidnap her.

  “I need to find Randy. Where is he?” She decided to be direct and no nonsense. Her tone was firm and her eyes never wavered from his.

  “Nora, that poor guy can’t take much more. If you really are going to get back with Colt, you should leave Randy alone.” Garrett’s eyes turned sad and then angry. She hadn’t expected anger from her brother, but Randy was a part of their family now. Married or not, she thought he might always be have a seat at the table.

  “I’m not getting back with Colt. I need to find Randy to tell him that.” She didn’t mind laying her cards out on the table. It was all or nothing. Playing games was over.

  “That may change a few things and it may not. I think it might be too late, Nora. He’s moving back to North Dakota.” Garrett’s words thundered through her until it was hard to deny whether she had heard him right.

  “What are you talking about?” Nora felt the world falling down again and this time it seemed hell bent on happening. Rayne stepped forward and squeezed Nora’s shoulder in support. It barely registered.

  “The only reason he is still here is because he has been finishing up a project. I honestly think he leaves tonight.” Garrett pushed back from the table and grabbed his hat. He looked at Nora and waited. Pulling herself together and getting up from the chair, Nora got a hug from Rayne. Then Nora followed Garrett out into the yard.

  “Do you want to ride with me?” Her brother asked, but Nora shook her head.

  “I’ll follow you.” Getting quickly into her car, Nora prayed that she wasn’t too late. Things were definitely taking an entirely different timeline than she had expected.

  Nora stared wide-eyed out her windshield as she followed her brother’s black Dodge truck. She knew where they were, but she had never been back here. Until a few months ago, it had been part of the Rocking Line Ranch and then was sectioned off for sale. From the way it looked, this particular piece would butt up against the Crossing Pines. Garrett turned into a newly created road with a realtor sign saying it was sold. Nora had no idea what Randy could possibly be doing up here. What project was he finishing up? Why hadn’t her dad not mentioned that Randy was leaving?

  Then they crested the rise and Nora’s heart fell into her stomach. The signs on the covered trailers and trucks were familiar. It was her brother’s company. She took in the sight of the nearly finished house. It was beautiful and big. It had clean lines with large windows to take in the view. The wrap around porch was a fantastic idea to take in the scenery no matter the time of year. Garrett pulled off to the side of the driveway and Nora parked beside him. He got out of his truck and she stepped out as well. Confusion was definitely marked on her face.

  “Do you want me to come with you?” Garrett asked, his voice soft and concerned. Her brothers had only ever wanted to protect her.

  “No.” She tried to muster a smile, but she was so bewildered by all the secrets. It wasn’t just about her own anymore. Garrett pointed to the back of the house and she followed the freshly poured concrete sidewalk. It wound down past the garage and around the corner of the house. It led straight to a staggered rock wall that looked like it would be a patio of sorts. There sh
e saw the only thing that mattered right now. Randy.

  “Please tell me your cell phone is dead or broken and you didn’t get my messages.” Nora stopped thirty feet away and asked him loud enough for him to turn around. His eyes lowered after being surprised to see her. She knew his phone was working.

  “How did you find me?” Randy asked, looking up the rise to the house. He must have found his answer, because he looked back with disappointment. “Nora.” He could only say her name. There was so much to be said, but the words were fleeting. Nora decided to take the initiative and open up.

  “All this work and you’re going to walk away without telling me? It doesn’t seem like you.” Nora crossed her arms over her chest. It was a bit breezy up on the hill. Randy shook his head.

  “You weren’t supposed to find out about this until after I left. I can’t believe he told you.” Randy was more hurt than angry, but Nora knew from experience that anger was better company.

  “What are you talking about? Are you working for my brother now? Why did you quit the ranch?” A ton of other questioned flooded her mind but he silenced them.

  “So you don’t know.” Randy turned around and walked further into the stone patio. He leaned his back up against the stone and stuffed his hands in his pockets. Nora wanted so much to understand what was going on here.

  “No more secrets, Randy. Let’s put this all out in the open.” She followed him, but more cautiously than before. A million things popped into her head about what he could be hiding from her. She hoped it wasn’t any of them.

  “I’ve been working on this project or rather this house for you. I had hoped to move you and Drew into it with me. I thought we could be a family here.” Randy’s stormy eyes blackened like a thunder cloud. Nora felt her heart break.

  “But how? I never heard anything about this.” Nora asked, wonder infusing her voice at such a huge secret.


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