To Catch a Killer: Markson Regency Mystery Series Collection

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To Catch a Killer: Markson Regency Mystery Series Collection Page 26

by Lindsay Downs

  The sandwich, he realized all too late, was slathered with horseradish.

  “M’ lord, it would seem either Her Ladyship or your cook wanted to make sure you not only ate heartily but quaffed some ale as well,” Pat teased.

  “Yes and it would seem I need a refill if there’s any left after you men had at it,” Robert declared. He marched to the far end of the table where the keg rested.

  Setting his sandwich down he proceeded to top off his tankard. With that accomplished, he cooled his mouth again before taking up his partially eaten meal.

  “Here, you might want to scrape some off,” Pat told him.

  Robert accepted the opened pocket knife. “Thank you. I think I will, when I return to the castle I’ll query both ladies as to whom the culprit was,” Robert said. He proceeded to remove about half of the offending condiment.

  With the thinner layer of horseradish he put the top slice of bread back on then continued to consume his lunch. What he wondered, as there had been more than one roast beef sandwich and they were all gone, why had none of the others complained.

  Once he finished eating his sandwich Robert found a comfortable spot on the ground and leaned back enjoying the cool shade.

  “M’ lord,” Pat started, “Shouldn’t we get back to work?”

  “We will but after that enjoyable repast I can’t see why we shouldn’t rest for a bit. This way, with full bellies and rested we’ll have the energy to hopefully complete the siding before dark.”

  “Excellent suggestion and the mason should have the fireplace and chimney finished by late tomorrow. Then all we need is to put the finishing touches inside and the family can return by the end of the week.”

  Robert nodded and looked around to see the other workers relaxing as he was.

  To him it had seemed a miracle to have so many men show up to help when all he’d done was tell Glenn his plan, once the family had been settle. The next day men skilled in carpentry and masonry showed up. Even Glenn had lent his strength in tearing down the hovel and wanted to help building a new cottage. As Robert explained he had an more important task for his friend since he knew the land.

  “Make a list of all the tenants then visit each one and examine their cottages. Write down what repairs are needed. This way we can organize everything in an orderly manner.” Robert had told him over brandy two evenings past.

  “I agree and will start in the morning. I suspect it will take three to four days to make all the visits,” his friend had answered.

  The distant sound of the church bell striking once was all the impetus needed for Robert to push himself up from his seat. With a look to the others, they returned to work.

  Four hours later, Robert hammered the final nail into the last piece of siding on the back of the cottage. Climbing down the ladder, he looked around to see the other men start to gather about him.

  “Gentlemen, I don’t know if a structure such as this has ever been built so quickly and to this level of perfection. I can assure you, each of you will be well taken care of for your time and effort. Tomorrow being Sunday we’ll not work on repairs but be ready for Monday as I know Glenn has a long list.”

  “We appreciate the generous offer. Tell us when and where and we will be there,” Pat declared.

  “Good. Once I have a chance to review what needs doing either Glenn or I will let you know. I don’t know about all of you, but I have a wife who might be in need of me so I’m leaving,” Robert announced. He ignored the guffaws from the men as he marched to the fenced area where Julius was grazing.

  Robert swung into the saddle and directed the beast toward the castle.

  Riding into the forecourt, he saw a traveling carriage bearing the seal of Crossington. Knowing Ethan had taken a horse to London Robert wondered why the coach for the return.

  After handing Julius over to Seamus, Robert raced up the front stairs, through the opened front door held by Hamish and right into Kristina’s arms.

  “So what do I owe the pleasure of you greeting me?” he whispered into her ear.

  “Stop asking and I’ll tell you,” she murmured.

  Wishing to continue but knowing he’d not learn why Ethan was back he did as requested. With an arm wrapped around her waist, he guided her toward the stairs as he had other ideas but first needed to wash the dirt from his body.

  “Well?” he asked.

  “As you saw Ethan is back and brought Rose with him. Seems they have very disturbing information to impart on you. I’ll keep my annoying brother occupied while you bathe and change. We’ll then meet in my sitting room. As far as Rose is concerned she’s with Mrs. Fairbairn and quite upset which I’ll explain why later,” she said.

  “As you command, my dearest. Give me thirty minutes and I’ll join you,” he declared. Robert started for the second floor but stopped with his foot on the bottom tread. “Oh, and who’s idea was it to pile horseradish on my sandwich.”

  From the sudden blush on her face, he didn’t need an answer, only smiled and continued on his way.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Bathed and in a dark brown jacket with matching trousers Robert started down to meet with his wife and Ethan when Hamish stopped him.

  “You look worried about something, out with it,” he told the butler.

  “I’m sorry to bother you, m’ lord, but it concerns Rose and the groom Moore. He spoke with Seamus who approached me and requests to speak with you at your convenience.”

  Whatever the young man wanted to talk about it had to be important considering the people concerned. With a glance past Hamish to where his wife was waiting he pondered having her join him and decided it might be for the best since she was familiar with Moore.

  “Please ask Her Ladyship to join me then bring Moore to us.”

  After stepping into his office, he marched over to the sidebar and poured a whisky then decided Kristina might wish a sherry. Filling a glass for her, he started for his desk when she swept in, a puzzled expression on her face.

  “Before you ask, my dear, I’ve no idea what young Moore wishes,” Robert told her. He then passed her the glass.

  “The other day when he escorted me into town he gave no hint as to what might be on his mind,” she said.

  Robert started to take a seat at his desk when he heard a knock. He looked up to find Hamish and Moore waiting.

  “Come in,” he commanded.

  “M’ lord and lady, Moore as asked for,” the butler announced.

  Robert refocused his attention on the young man standing before them. From the way Moore was twisting his cap Robert easily could see he was nervous.

  “Lord and Lady Markson, thank you for taking the time to see me as I need to seek your permission to marry,” he stammered out.

  “Might I ask which young lady has stolen your heart?” Kristina declared. She stood and swept over beside her husband.

  “I was born without a father in my life and my mother never knew who he was. That is at least she never admitted to knowing him. The young lady who has my affection is great with child and I don’t wish it to suffer the same fate I did growing up,” Moore answered.

  When Robert felt Kristina’s hand on his arm, he cocked his head toward her and smiled.

  “Might this young lady go by the name of Rose?” she stated.

  “Yes, m’ lady,” Moore uttered.

  “Let me ask you this then son, does she know of your intentions?” Robert asked.

  “No, m’ lord. I had wanted to approach you earlier but before I was able to Rose departed for London. When I came to the district several years ago her beauty caught my fancy. At the time she was being courted by a young man who recently deserted her. If I was to guess, he forced himself on her, getting her with child. On learning this he has since left for the army and no one, not even his parents, know where he is.”

  “Right now, as she’s not aware of your intentions, I can’t give my consent. However, you do have permission to make your attentions known to h
er as you are both members of the household staff,” Robert told Moore.

  “And, when you both are together a maid is to accompany you as chaperone,” Kristina directed. Then, “Do you have a first name?”

  “I will maintain propriety at all times, m’ lord and lady. And yes, my Christian name is Keith.”

  “Good, now don’t you have someone to get to know, and make sure your duties don’t suffer,” Robert ordered.

  “No, m’ lord, they won’t. Thank you,” Keith said.

  “Husband, I do believe the girl’s problems are resolved. The reason she came back with my brother, it turns out her aunt had died so Rose didn’t have any place to live. She also confessed to Mrs. Fairbairn, who informed me, of an attraction to Keith so I believe this will work out. All they need is time,” Kristina explained.

  “I believe so. Now, shall we see what Ethan has to tell us?” he answered. Giving her a kiss on the top of her head, he deeply breathed in her fragrance.

  “Yes, considering he wouldn’t tell me anything. He does seem excited about something he learned though,” Kristina whispered.

  With an arm wrapped around her slim waist, Robert led her from the office and down to her sitting room. He tried to maintain a smile although he wasn’t happy with how Ethan treated her. He then decided to treat the man, once again, with a little disdain as Robert didn’t want to completely alienate Ethan. After all, he was family.

  Stepping in, Robert gave the man a nod while guiding Kristina to her favorite settee. In the mood he was in, he didn’t even offer Ethan even a cup of tea.

  “Well, what did you learn from the stationary store owner?” Robert made sure his tone was cool.

  “Quite a bit, actually. I showed the sketch to the man who at first didn’t recognize the face but his wife did. It turns out Reverend Wallace has a son who works for the Archbishop of Canterbury. The prelate comes in at least once a month for sheets of paper and sealing wax. Most he takes with him but on occasion has the shop owner post some to his father.”

  He studied the change of expressions on his wife’s face, from confusion to finally understanding.

  “Yes, it makes perfect sense now. The son is the author of the letter using the same foolscap and sealing wax I saw at the parsonage. My question is, to what end did he wish to lay the blame at his father’s feet?” Kristina explained.

  “That my dear is a question we will have to put directly to Wallace.” Robert turned his attention to Ethan. “Perchance were you able to get a description of the son?”

  “Yes, but better even the shop owner’s wife was able to draw him for me," Ethan proudly declared. He withdrew a sheet of paper from the inside of his jacket and handed it to Robert.

  “Perhaps Lady Markson would be best suited at evaluating it as I don’t have an artist’s eye as she does.” Robert passed the sheet to Kristina and was pleased at the dour expression in her brother’s eyes.

  Robert waited while Kristina examined the sketch and was surprised when she stood bringing both men to their feet.

  “If you’ll excuse me I’ll be back in a moment as there’s something I need to bring to this meeting,” she declared.

  With only Ethan in the sitting room, Robert took the opportunity to query him on another point, which had been bothering him. “How did you come to have Rose join you for the trip back? As I understand it her aunt had died so she didn’t have a place to live.”

  “As directed she went to your townhouse and learned of the death from your housekeeper, Mrs. Stoneworth, who invited her to stay. That was how I learned of the change in situation for the girl and her desire to return. When I learned what the shop keeper told me I entreated upon my father to allow me to borrow his traveling coach. Of course he, or rather Mother, insisted on a maid to accompany us. She’ll be returning on the morrow to London.”

  With a glance to the door of the sitting room, Robert heard his wife’s voice. What he found interesting was who Kristina was speaking with, Amanda. All he was able to make out were ‘Keith’ and ‘Rose’ so he suspected the maid would be their chaperone.

  He waited while Kristina swept in then thrust the paper at her brother.

  “Is this what the son looks like?” she demanded of Ethan

  Taking the sheet Robert waited while her brother studied it fully knowing what she’d shown him. As the seconds ticked along he wasn’t surprised at the change from confusion to wonderment in the man’s features.

  “Excuse me, where did you get this?” Ethan demanded.

  “That’s because the picture you’re holding is Reverend Wallace’s son. To be exact, his illegitimate one by the matron from the tea shop in Tynburm. A few days ago Robert, Glenn and I happened to see this individual speaking with the Reverend then later I saw him in the store.”

  “Both drawings seem to be of the same man. Mine, I should point out has blonde hair,” Ethan stated.

  “Then that is the difference as ours is dark haired,” Robert uttered.

  “I’m sorry to differ with you husband but the person I saw was light haired so that means the son from London is here. Again, I ask why?” Kristina professed.

  Now Robert, and he suspected from the look in Kristina’s eyes, knew they had more of a problem than before. He wondered if it was possible not one but both sons of the reverend could be involved in sending gold to the French? If so could the Reverend be involved? A man he’d trusted in his youth and those living on his land still did.

  To add to his dilemma, could he actually bring a member of the cloth to justice? What would his tenants think of him? As neither son were local communicants they wouldn’t be a problem. Could the archbishop step in and protect the Reverend? His frustration was profound. He didn’t like that he couldn’t easily obtain the necessary answers. He needed to step away for a bit and speak privately with his wife who could help him work through the questions. Right now he needed her levelheadedness.

  “As it’s getting close to dressing for dinner I’d recommend we retire to our suites and prepare. Then, after dining we can continue this discussion.” He paused and glanced to his wife. “Do you happen to remember what’s on the menu for this eve?”

  “Yes. If I’m not mistaken poached sheep brains along with pickled grouse and steamed beef tongue,” she answered calmly.

  Robert couldn’t help but notice Ethan turn a colour he’d only heard about but never seen—pale green.

  “That sounds wonderful, but as I’ve had a long day. With your permission I’ll retire to my suite for the evening with a tray of a beef sandwich and a glass of wine.”

  “I do believe brother dear that can be arranged,” Kristina said. She then stood bringing the men to their feet.

  “If you wish to withdraw for the evening then we can continue this discussion in the morning as I’ve no cottages needing my attention, it being Sunday,” Robert announced.

  He held out his hand, which Kristina took, and leaving Ethan behind marched out of the sitting room. Once free of her brother he glanced down to see her shoulders gently shake as she attempted to hold back laughter. Only then did he realize she’d been jesting as to what they’d be served later.

  “Might I ask why you mentioned those disgusting items as what we’d be partaking of?”

  “I believe you know why. His condescending attitude toward me. I possible have a suggestion I wish to discuss with you without him around.”

  “Would you then care to tell me what we will be dining on?”

  “How does poached salmon with a dill cream sauce followed by roasted quail and a lovely side of beef sound? And before you ask, anything remaining will be passed out to the tenants, eldest first,” she answered, before stopping at the door in front of her seldom used suite.

  “I’ll see you soon, my dear. Shall we meet in your sitting room?”

  “No, let’s make it your office as I wish to show you something which might aid in finding the true villain. Also, it’s more private and we don’t have to worry about Ethan
showing up.”

  With a nod, he waited until Kristina stepped into her suite then continued on to his, all the while wondering what she was thinking and planned to tell him.

  Chapter Fourteen

  With her hair washed and bath finished, wrapped in a comfortable robe, Kristina took a seat by the fireplace so the warmth would help dry her long tresses. The quiet in the room was welcomed as it gave her time to review everything she’d learned so far.

  What made everything complicated was the two sons of the reverend and, except for hair colour, they could be twins. This, in and of itself, would make finding the murderer more difficult, but not impossible.

  Was it possible that both men were involved and Reverend Wallace was aware? Was that why he was so animated when they’d seen him talking to one of his sons at the mine?

  This had been what she’d wanted to discuss, in private, with Robert as she wasn’t sure how Ethan would take the information or what he’d do with it. Knowing him as she did, he’d probably rush headlong to both while accusing them without evidence.

  “Amanda, I believe my hair is dry enough. Let’s keep it simple tonight as it will only be His Lordship and I dining. Lord Rosewood has decided to take a tray in his suite.” She stood and stepped over to the dressing table.

  “Certainly, m’ lady. Might I recommend a simple braid then set your hair in a bun?”

  Kristina took a seat then looked in the mirror and smiled. “Yes. I was thinking along those lines also.”

  She had her hair penned up with a pretty thistle at the side. Kristina then stood, slipped her robe off and stepped into her undergarments. Raising her arms, she let Amanda drape the light green gown down over her. As her maid started to button it up in back Kristina noticed something seemed wrong with the bodice. Granted, she’d not worn this particular one in a few weeks but now it appeared tighter than she remembered. Then she realized an event hadn’t happened-her courses.

  Was it possible… could she be? Did Amanda suspect anything? Did Robert know? For the first two the answer had to be a resounding yes. As for the others she didn’t know but needed to, at least if her maid was aware.


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