Secrets from Her Past: Scandalous, Book 2

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Secrets from Her Past: Scandalous, Book 2 Page 12

by Jules Bennett

  She glanced at the pale, shimmery silver dress on the bed. She’d ordered the thing online from one of her favorite designers and had it overnighted. But something about it just didn’t scream wedding guest.

  Corinne made one last glimpse through her closet and stared at the icy-blue, strapless floor-length gown. It was one of those dresses that could be very formal with the proper accessories, or it could be simple.

  She pulled it on and admired the way her shoulders and neck were exposed since she’d pulled her hair up. She had the perfect necklace and earrings she could pair with this. To be honest, it was her best choice so far and she was really running out of time to be picky at this point.

  After donning the jewelry and her strappy, silver heels, she applied a coat of sheer gloss to her lips and glanced in the mirror one last time.

  Before she could shed it all and start the process over again, as she’d done at least ten times, her doorbell rang. A new ring, actually, since it had had to be replaced. She hoped her father didn’t mind that she’d changed his humorous Addams Family bell to something more traditional and not so mortuary sounding.

  Grabbing her small silver clutch, she tossed in her gloss, keys and credit card, and headed to the door.

  With all the prep time she had taken getting herself physically ready, Corinne hadn’t thought one time about getting herself mentally prepared to see Dylan in a suit so custom fit to his body. Her designer friends would die to have a male model like this.

  When they’d dated years ago as teens he’d pretty much rocked the jeans and tees. Now, as adults, she’d seen him in more casual attire and in his even more impressive birthday suit, but seeing him in a charcoal-gray suit with matching shirt and tie was about enough to render her speechless and leave her begging for him to come inside and say “to hell with the wedding”.

  “Looks like we’re both at a loss for words,” he murmured. “You’re stunning.”

  Her eyes finally moved off the impressive set of shoulders filling out the jacket and met his eyes. “You have to wear this suit all the time now.”

  “Only if you wear that dress,” he countered. “As much as I’d like to come in, I’m afraid if we don’t go I’ll have that thing peeled off of you in about two seconds, and my sister would never forgive me.”

  Corinne smiled. “No, she wouldn’t. But maybe later I’ll hold you to that promise of peeling this off of me.”

  His jaw clenched and his eyes heated as he raked them over her body. “Are you ready, temptress?”

  Even at his joke, she sighed and shook her head. “Honestly, I’m a nervous wreck.”

  “What on earth for? It’s not your wedding.”

  Yeah, as if she’d ever get married. The one man she’d considered marrying was standing right before her and she didn’t have a chance with him because she couldn’t reveal what she knew, because it would kill him.

  God help her. Someone was going to get hurt at the end of this.

  “I’m afraid of what Senator Carter will say when he sees who you brought for a date.”

  Dylan stepped forward, taking her by the shoulders and tipping his head down just a tad to look into her eyes. “He’ll say I’m one lucky guy to have the world’s most beautiful woman on my arm, and he’ll probably try to snag you for a dance or two.”

  Corinne smiled. “What about my…arrest?”

  “We haven’t discussed this, but surely you saw his son was arrested several months ago. Right?”

  Corinne nodded. “I did see that. Something about raping a woman years ago and then assaulting a cop. The articles were all so vague, but I assumed Senator Carter paid a hefty sum to keep that as broad as possible.”

  Dylan nodded. “He did. But that woman he raped was Evie.”

  Corinne stepped back, her hand to her mouth. “What?”

  “Long story, but he had assaulted my sister, thinking she’d never tell because of how it would look to his father. He was right, but when she came back here the truth came out, and he was sent to jail for three years. Not nearly long enough in my book.”

  Corinne couldn’t even imagine such a violent crime committed against you by someone you trusted, loved. What Evie must’ve been through…

  “But she seems so happy.”

  Dylan smiled. “I’ve never seen her happier. Vin is the best thing that’s ever happened to her and I honestly believe that once the truth came out she felt a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders.”

  Corinne knew all about the heavy weight of a secret. But there was no way hers would ever come out. She’d given up so much already, and if it came out now, all her sacrificing would be in vain.

  “So, today is a celebration,” Dylan went on, oblivious to the turmoil in her life. “And believe me when I say Rick will not worry about your record because he is not one to pass judgment. Besides, he knows I have impeccable taste, and I know you are completely innocent.”

  Corinne searched his eyes, warmed at his words. “You do?”

  “I’ve pretty much known all along. I was just pissed you were back, wreaking havoc in my life. I wanted you to have a black mark against you so it would make it easier to avoid you.”

  Corinne locked her door and stepped out onto the new porch, sliding her arm through his. “How’s that coming with keeping your distance? Because I’m pretty sure we’ve been keeping each other’s beds warm.”

  Dylan laughed as he led her to his sporty, black car. “Yeah, I’m a total failure.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll console you later,” she promised.

  The ceremony was perfect and Evie was the most gorgeous bride Corinne had ever seen. She had eyes only for her man and he couldn’t take his misty eyes off of his bride as she glided down the aisle.

  Corinne sat in the second row back and admired Dylan as he stood next to Vin. She liked that she could admire him from a bit of a distance and he didn’t even know. Occasionally he threw her a smile and a wink, and her heart did a little flip thing that it had been doing lately whenever he did something cute.

  Corinne groaned as she and Dylan took their seats at the reception held in the senator’s coastal home. Her thoughts shouldn’t turn all teenage mushy, lovey-dovey. She’d already resigned herself to the fact that she was going to be hurt when she left, but when she started having thoughts about Dylan’s little flirty ways and the simple things he did that made her smile, she knew she was in trouble.

  “Can I get you a drink?” he asked, standing over her.

  She glanced up and laughed. “Are you trying to peek down my dress?”

  Dylan shrugged. “So? I can’t help it if the opportunity presented itself.”

  “You’ve seen everything I’ve got,” she whispered.

  He bent down, slid a finger along her collarbone and said right next to hear ear, “I want to see more.”

  Goose bumps popped up all over her at his declaration. Yeah, she needed a drink all right…and a bucket of cold water to cool her off.

  “I’ll take some wine, please.”

  “Your wish is my command,” he told her with a grin. “Remember that for later.”

  As if she could think of little else but what would happen when they left. She’d never walked around so aroused in all her life. Since their first encounter on the beach, she’d pretty much been ready to jump him at every chance she could.

  “It’s refreshing to see Dylan so happy.”

  Corinne turned in her seat to see Senator Carter pulling out the chair across from her and taking a seat.

  “I hope you don’t mind,” he said, smiling.

  Corinne shook her head. “Not at all. We haven’t been formally introduced. I’m Corinne St. Claire. And you’re Senator Carter.”

  “Rick Carter,” he told her. “Leave the senator stuff at the door. You’re a guest in my home, and obviously a very good friend of Dylan’s, so call me Rick.”

  Corinne nodded, still nervous as to what the man truly thought of her. “Your home is lovely,
” she told him.

  “Thank you. I don’t get here as often as I like, but I knew Evie wanted to use this room for her reception. I would give that girl the world if she asked.” His eyes searched the dance floor and found the happy couple embracing one another. “She’s the daughter I never had.”

  “And a beautiful bride.”

  Rick smiled. “That she is,” he agreed before turning his attention back to Corinne. “So, tell me. Why are you still single? Forgive my blunt question, but I’m always surprised when a beautiful young lady hasn’t been whisked away. Of course, I’m from another generation, perhaps you aren’t looking for marriage.”

  Corinne laughed. Dylan was right. The man truly wasn’t very judgmental…unless all this was an act. But Corinne really didn’t think so.

  “I wouldn’t mind finding love,” she told him, totally avoiding the image of Dylan and her exchanging vows. “I’m not actively seeking it, but if it comes along, I’ll fully embrace it.”

  “A wise girl. I was married to the love of my life. There’s nothing quite like being with someone who shares your thoughts and dreams, and you don’t even have to say a word. They just know.”

  Corinne turned when a glass of wine appeared in front of her. Dylan slid into the chair next to hers.

  “He’s charming you, isn’t he?” Dylan joked. “I already warned her, Rick.”

  The senator laughed. “And here I thought I could sneak in a dance.”

  “I warned her about that too.”

  Corinne smiled at the easy banter between the two men who obviously shared a bond as deep as most fathers and sons.

  “It would be my pleasure to dance with you,” she told Rick as she came to her feet. “The song just switched, so I say ‘no time like the present’.”

  Rick grabbed hold of her extended hand and kissed her knuckles. “You’ve got a charmer here, Dylan. I wouldn’t let this one go.”

  Corinne refused to watch for Dylan’s reaction as she allowed Rick to lead her to the dance floor where couples were gathered in various forms of embrace.

  “I admit, I was nervous about meeting you,” Corinne told Rick as he spun her in a very suave, very calculated circle. “I worried you’d believe the media’s view of me.”

  He grinned down at her, his bright eyes twinkling and creasing in the corners. “My dear, you may have forgotten I’ve been in politics for years. I pretty much ignore what the media throws out there and refers to as the truth.”

  Corinne loved following his talented lead on the dance floor, loved the way he made her feel so comforted and welcome, but she mostly loved the way this man was the role model for Dylan. Was it any wonder she’d fallen so hard for her first love?

  “I’m really glad I came today,” she told the senator. “And I’m really glad I let you have the first dance.”

  Rick chuckled. “I have a boy over there who can’t tear his eyes away from you.”

  Corinne didn’t say anything. What could she say? The thought that Dylan didn’t care about putting his emotions on display in public warmed her throughout and she found herself wishing for things that could never be.

  Like today. A beautiful wedding wasn’t in her future, but rather than dwell on what she’d lost, she’d take this brief time she had with Dylan and enjoy every single moment. She’d rather have a few months of utter happiness than never know love like she’d found with him.

  And even though they hadn’t discussed her leaving in depth, he knew and she knew it. But the topic was always the proverbial big white elephant in the room that they both ignored.

  “You know, I’ve seen that look two other times from women in my life.”

  Corinne focused her attention back on her dance partner. “What look?”

  “That wistful, dreamy look. I saw it when I proposed to my wife and I saw it again when my Evie told me she was marrying Vin. Does Dylan know how you feel?”

  Her mouth dropped, but nothing came out.

  “I’m sorry,” he laughed. “That was terribly rude, but chalk that up to my generation as well. I tend to be blunt and I also tend to protect what is mine. Of course, I doubt Dylan needs to be warned because I see that same look in his eyes.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” she joked, trying to play it off. “You’re just caught up in all this wedded bliss.”

  “That may be true,” he said, spinning her in a circle again. “But I also know how to read people. Occupational hazard. And I can tell that you and Dylan have crossed a threshold that I’m not sure either of you are aware of yet.”

  Oh, she was aware.

  The song came to an end. Rick stepped back and did a slight bow.

  “It was truly my pleasure to dance with such a beautiful woman. Now, go put my godson out of his misery.”

  Corinne turned and ran into a hard, broad chest. She knew that body…intimately.

  “Is it my turn,” Dylan leaned and whispered in her ear.

  She wrapped her arms around those wide, strong shoulders and reveled in the perfection of their bodies molding to one another.

  “I was thinking of asking that gentleman over in the corner,” she said, earning a frown. “But since you’re here…”

  “Damn right I’m here. And I’ll be your only dance partner for the rest of the night.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  His hands spread across her back, pulling her tighter against his body. “You look so happy.”

  She met, held his soft gaze. “For the first time in a long time, I am happy.”

  “Happy enough to stay?”

  Corinne froze in his arms. “What?”

  “Stay. Start fresh here where people actually care about you and your future.”

  If only putting down new roots was that easy. God, how she wished she could start over, build a life here with Dylan. She not only loved the man, she loved his family, and that was nothing but a recipe for heartache and disaster. But, she’d take that love she’d found again and carry it with her through life because it was the only chance she’d ever have at it. No one would ever compare to Dylan.

  “I have a career to try to salvage,” she told him. “I have a condo, I have friends.”

  “Yet this is the first I’ve heard you mention any of those friends. Have they called you while you’ve been here?”

  Corinne bit her lip and glanced away.

  “That’s what I thought.” He eased them over to the edge of the dance floor and out onto the balcony where the music and the people were shut out. “Don’t tell me about this life you have to get back to, because it sounds empty and lonely.”

  Empty and lonely? She’d known no other way for years. And this time spent back in Pebble Cove was only spoiling her.

  “I actually have an appointment next week to talk with another agent.”

  Dylan stepped back, shoving his hands in the pockets of his dress pants. “Wow…um, that’s great. I had no idea.”

  “It’s sudden, but I’m excited. I leave Friday and if all goes well, I’ll sign with this new agency. If not, then I’ll be back here.”

  “So we have six days together?” he asked. “What about your mother?”

  Corinne glanced out into the darkened night as the clouds slid across the moon, removing its pale glow.

  “She will understand. Besides,” she said, bringing her gaze back to his, “I’ll visit more often. Of course, the interview may not go well and I may not want to sign with them or they may not want to sign with me. It’s not a done deal.”

  Was she already backtracking and trying to talk herself out of this?

  The pained look on Dylan’s face was something she’d half expected, but she hadn’t prepared herself for the impact it would have on her heart.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Six days. Well, make that five now.

  Dylan walked around the building he’d just acquired in a whirlwind buy. The place was dark, damp, and needed a major overhaul. He was glad he hadn’t paid a pe
nny more.

  Though if it kept Cori here, he would’ve doubled the offer.

  Five days.

  This damn countdown was going to kill him. She may come back, she may go to Miami, she may find that she’d fallen in love with him, or she may find that she had that urge to model again and travel all over the globe.

  Five damn days to make her see that this is where she belongs. With him.

  He was nearly finished with the therapy center’s renovations and he’d be damned if he was going to start on Mary’s house. He wasn’t going anywhere near her home for a while…if ever. Right now he had two priorities: this new building and Cori.

  His cell rang and he pulled it from his pocket, answering it without glancing at the ID.


  “Hey,” Cori’s soft voice slid through the phone and punched him straight in the gut. “I woke up and you were gone.”

  “Had some things to do.”

  God, that sounded harsh and cold.

  “Oh. Um…well. Is everything okay?”

  Sure. He’d fallen in love…again, made love to a woman all night long, only to wake up to the cold realization she was going to be leaving in five days and she may or may not be returning. Everything was perfectly fine.

  “Just looking at a new project I have,” he answered, then suddenly had a wonderful idea. God, he was brilliant at times. “Would you like to meet me? We can do an early lunch and I can show you what I’m working on.”

  “Sounds great. Where should I meet you?”

  He opted to eat first because he wanted to be the one to drive her here, to show her inside and lay out only a portion of his plan. Just enough to entice her…he hoped.

  He had five days. Dylan knew he was a hard worker when it came to anything he wanted. But this next five days would prove to be trying and the most demanding of anything he’d ever experienced. He only prayed that come Friday Cori would have a new outlook on life. A life he wanted to share with her.

  Corinne graciously accepted a ride with Dylan to the next location after a wonderful lunch at a little beachside café. Thankfully it wasn’t busy and she only had a couple people point and whisper. But her attention was focused on the man who was turning her simple world into something chaotic and unbalanced. And all in a fabulously great way.


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