Private Arrangements

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Private Arrangements Page 14

by Brenda Jackson

  Nikki drew in a deep breath and placed her hands to her ears. She didn’t want to listen to either her head or her heart right now. All she really wanted was more sleep and she was determined to get it.

  Jonas glanced at his watch. Where was Nikki? Granted the dinner meeting didn’t start for another ten minutes, but he wanted to see her now. He’d made it to the L.A. airport just in time to catch the shuttle that took him over to the gate were the Velocity had been docked. Already the media were on it and the place had been jam-packed. It was obvious everyone was in awe of the huge zeppelin that Fulton intended to be the first of many. But first, he had to make sure the Velocity was well-received, and it seemed from how things were going so far, it was.

  Fulton himself was hosting this dinner meeting, personally welcoming everyone on board. There was no doubt he would wine and dine the media for positive news coverage and already Jonas could tell the man had them eating out of his hands.

  Jonas glanced around the room, fought the urge to check his watch again and frowned when he met Curtis Rhinestone’s gaze. He didn’t trust him one bit. He had a feeling that although he’d managed to get Nikki away from the man last night, Rhinestone would still try and sniff behind her today, and if the bastard thought for one minute that Jonas would let him, then he had another think coming.

  Getting agitated just thinking about it, he decided to move around the room, stretch his legs and appreciate the view. Unlike the others, this wasn’t his first time aboard the airship, although this would be the first time he’d been in flight and so far it was smooth flying. He hadn’t felt any turbulence, which was one of the Velocity’s strong points he would market. Because of the airship’s structure it could easily hold its own, even in the most unruly of winds.

  The last time he’d been on the Velocity had simply been an exclusive tour to see just what sort of marketing scheme he was getting himself into. Then, like now, he’d been truly amazed. There was no doubt in his mind that the Velocity would be a huge success. Already the naysayers were questioning the ship’s safety and performance but he was certain by the end of this voyage everyone would see just what a remarkable airship this was. That was one of the reasons this trip was so important.

  “I was wondering when you were going to get here, Nikki.”

  He turned at the sound of Curtis’s voice and immediately felt his blood boil when Nikki entered the room and Rhinestone got all up in her face. Jonas was tempted to cross the room and smash the man’s face in just for the hell of it, but he figured for now he needed to keep his cool. Working for Fulton was an opportunity of a lifetime and he wouldn’t jeopardize it with drama. And what was pissing him off more than anything was that Rhinestone knew it.

  He took a sip of his tonic water and studied Nikki. Even wearing her signature jeans and shirt she looked beautiful and he absolutely loved the soft-looking curls crowning her face. She had a camera in her hand, ready for business. But all he could think about at that moment was her, naked, straddling him while he thrust in and out of her, making out with her in a way he’d never made out with another women. Not with the same degree of passion, greed or urgency.

  He suddenly felt a tingling in his fingers when he remembered them inside of her, stoking her heat, preparing her for his entry. Remembered how when he’d made it in he’d whispered naughty words to her, words that had made her blush while she had creamed some more. The warmth of her skin—whether it had been when their thighs had connected or when her legs had rested high on his shoulders—had wrapped him in a cocoon of sensuality he’d never felt before. She had done more than touch his body last night. She had somehow touched his soul.

  Hell, how had that happened?

  Had it occurred during those two days he’d tried to avoid her, only to go bonkers when he’d seen her again? Or had it been when they’d made out that night when she’d arrived in Vegas, right on the floor in his suite? For some reason he believed it had been that time when he’d kissed her, and then tried avoiding her for eighteen months. During that time he’d tried to convince himself she was just a woman and he had them anytime he wanted and whenever he wanted. What he hadn’t counted on was her being different from all the others. He hadn’t thought any woman capable of drawing out emotions in him, some of which he hadn’t known he was capable of having. Like the need to do bodily harm to anyone who looked at her for too long.

  Rhinestone glanced over his way with a smirk on his face. Jonas forced back the anger that tried rising to the top, well aware of the game the man intended to play. And if he thought he would play that game with Nikki then he was sorely mistaken.

  Jonas inhaled deeply He refused to stand on the sidelines and let Curtis, or any man, make a move on Nikki. Curtis knew how he operated and until he made a public claim for a woman, the man wouldn’t be backing off. And anyone who knew Jonas knew his hard and steadfast rule against ever doing such a thing. There were too many women out there to ever lay claim to just one.

  He tried ignoring Rhinestone standing so close to Nikki. That resolve lasted all but two seconds. He placed his glass on the tray of a passing waiter and headed across the room after deciding it was time to break his own rule yet again.

  Chapter 14

  Nikki did the polite thing and nodded a few times while Curtis and another reporter conversed about how fascinated they were with the Velocity. She was surprised at the way Curtis had greeted her, especially after the obvious tension between him and Jonas last night.

  She scanned the room, deliberately not allowing her gaze to wander where Jonas was standing. She’d seen him the moment she’d arrived and her heart had skipped a beat when he’d turned and their gazes had connected.

  He was wearing his hair back in a ponytail and anytime he did so it only highlighted the angular lines of his face and showed a handsomeness that would take any woman’s breath away. Dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a shirt, he was the epitome of masculine perfection.

  She’d seen his frown when Curtis had stopped her. It was obvious he didn’t like it. She really shouldn’t care what he liked or didn’t like because no matter how many times they came together, it was just for sex. He knew it as well as she.

  “So what are your plans when we reach Beijing?” Curtis asked her, pulling her back into the conversation. “Surely you won’t be expected to work while we’re docked.”

  She opened her mouth to respond when a shadow crossed her path just seconds before a pair of lips brushed across hers in a kiss. Then a deep, masculine voice said, “Hello, sweetheart. I’ve been waiting for you and as usual, you were worth the wait.”

  For the hell of it, Jonas decided to brush a second kiss across her lips just to wipe the shocked look off her face. He stood by her side and wrapped his arms around her waist, ignoring the tension he felt flowing through her. He then turned to the two men and reached out for handshakes. “Rhinestone. Loggins. Good seeing you guys again. I hope you’re enjoying yourselves.”

  He inwardly smiled at the way Rhinestone was recovering from a dropped jaw. The man was just as shocked as Nikki. He and Rhinestone weren’t just fraternity brothers, they’d pledged on the same line. Kissing Nikki in front of everyone was a public claim to show their relationship was more than just casual. For Curtis to trespass on a fellow frat brother was a social taboo, a violation of the code of honor, something he wouldn’t do.

  “So how long have the two of you been involved?” Rhinestone asked, taking a sip of his drink and holding Jonas’s gaze.

  Jonas was quick with a response, which was a question of his own. “Why do you want to know?”


  He was tempted to tell Rhinestone just what he could do with his curiosity, but instead said, “Long enough. Now if you gentlemen will excuse us, I think Fulton is ready for dinner to begin.”

  Taking Nikki’s arm beneath th
e elbow, he led her to one of the tables in the room. He sensed her anger and knew she was holding her peace longer than he’d expected. Eventually she would let him have it but wouldn’t do it here.

  He leaned closer, considered her a moment and then asked, “You okay?”

  She inclined her head and the gaze staring at him was filled with fury. “What do you think?”

  He forced his lips to form a thin smile. “I don’t know. That’s why I asked. And no, I’m not trying to be a smart-ass.”

  “Then what are you trying to be?” she asked as they sat down at a table set for two. He’d deliberately chosen this one for privacy.

  When they’d taken their seats, he leaned closer and whispered to her, his breath fanning the side of her face, “What I intend to be is the only man who’s going to pleasure you on this air voyage.”

  Less than six hours later Nikki walked down the corridor that led to her hotel room. The Velocity had docked at the Beijing Airport without any problems.

  Everything at the dinner party had gone well. Fulton had welcomed everyone on board and introduced his twelve flight attendants—males and females who looked like they had stepped off the covers of GQ and Cosmo. But she had to hand it to them, they had been true professionals and their customer service skills had been superb.

  The meal they were served at dinner would rival that at any five-star restaurant. It was hard to believe they had dined while flying more than forty thousand feet in the air. Except for during takeoff and landing, they had been free to roam about the airship to enjoy the shopping boutiques, casino, library, game room and restaurant.

  Jonas hadn’t left her side the entire evening, clinging on to her like a grape to a vine. But she’d refused to indulge in private conversation with him. She ignored his air of possession whenever they conversed with others and got annoyed at how easily he would slide his arms around her waist and bring her closer to his side whenever another male got near, becoming territorial. When she hadn’t been able to stand it anymore, she had feigned a migraine and gone to her cabin. He had offered to go with her to make sure she was okay, but she had turned down his offer and made it quite clear that she wanted to be alone. He’d called later to check on her, but when she answered the phone she had told him they had nothing to say to each other.

  Reservations had been made for each passenger at several hotels in Beijing, where they would remain for three days on their own. She was grateful for that decision since she definitely needed to put distance between her and Jonas, even if only for three days.

  As soon as the airship had docked, she had switched groups with another passenger and ridden off in a different limo from the one she’d been assigned. She felt good knowing Jonas had no idea where she was and wouldn’t be seeing her again until they returned to the Velocity to continue their air voyage to Australia. As far as she was concerned, he could play his little game all by himself.

  She rubbed her temple after entering her hotel room and closing the door behind her. What had she done in going along with Jonas’s deception that they were involved in an affair? Sleeping with a man twice didn’t constitute an affair, and considering his reputation, Jonas of all people knew that. So what if he’d transitioned from one-and-done to twice-is-nice? The only thing he’d accomplished was to gain triumph over Curtis, a man who evidently was his adversary. And he had used her to do it.

  She glanced at her watch. It was in the middle of the day in Beijing, but her body was still in the Pacific time zone. She would sleep the day through and then tomorrow she would go out and do some sightseeing. By the time she returned to the Velocity, she would be able to handle the likes of Jonas Steele and set the record straight once and for all. They were not involved.

  Jonas stared at the smiling flight attendant. “What do you mean Ms. Cartwright departed the Velocity a few hours ago?”

  The young woman nodded. “Yes, sir. She requested a change in her itinerary and we were able to work something out with another passenger. She was in the first group that departed.”

  He drew in a deep agitated breath. He should have followed his mind and checked on her although she’d told him she wanted to be left alone. But he’d figured he would let her get some rest and then talk to her later. When she hadn’t come out of her cabin for a while, he’d figured she had decided to grab a few more hours of rest, since they were the last group scheduled off the airship.

  His gaze went back to the woman. “Then I’d like to know where she’s gone since obviously she’s no longer in my group and won’t be staying at my hotel.”

  The woman’s smile remained in place. “Yes, sir, but we can’t divulge that information.”

  He of all people should know that. A high degree of privacy was one of Velocity’s strongest marketing points. He would have to use another approach. “Ms. Cartwright works for me and I need to get a message to her.”

  He knew before he’d finished talking that the woman wasn’t buying it. She was one of the attendants who had worked the dinner meeting last night and had seen how he’d been all over Nikki. No matter what he said, the woman knew their relationship wasn’t all business and if he couldn’t find his woman then there must be trouble in paradise and she wasn’t getting involved.

  His woman.

  Where had that thought come from? He shook his head. Damn. For the time being Nikki was his woman. He had pretty much claimed as much last night in a public display. And hadn’t he made it clear to her that he intended to be the only man who would pleasure her on this voyage? Evidently she was still upset about last night and what he needed to do was talk to her as soon as possible. Hopefully, the two of them could reach some sort of an agreement.

  “Do you not have her cell phone number, sir?”

  “Yes, but I can’t reach her.” What he wouldn’t say was that Nikki wasn’t answering her phone.

  “Sorry to hear that. Is there anything else, sir?”

  He looked down at the woman, seeing she wasn’t going to bend. He glanced down at her name tag. “No, Mandy, there’s nothing else.”

  Jonas moved on as his mind began working. He’d always had ways of finding out whatever it was he wanted. One person who would know where Nikki had run off to was Brittany. However, he doubted his sister-in-law would tell him anything. He could turn to Galen to coax the info from his wife, but that would mean spilling his guts as to why he wanted to know. It was one thing to give a handful of strangers the impression he was enamored with a woman, but to give his brothers that same impression was another. He would never live it down.

  That meant he would have to go to plan B and he had no qualms doing so. He had seen the way Mandy had ogled Rick last night and Rick’s reputation as a ladies’ man was just as bad as his. Jonas felt certain Rick could make more strides with Mandy than he had.

  Rick owed him a favor and it was time for him to collect.

  Nikki shifted in bed to drown out the insistent knocking at her hotel room door. Why was the cleaning service bothering her? Hadn’t they seen the do-not-disturb sign on her door? “Go away,” she called out before burying her head beneath her pillow.

  When the knocking continued, she threw back the bed covers and stormed out of the bedroom to the door, pausing only to grab her robe off a chair. Customer service would definitely hear about this. She had wanted to rest for at least twelve hours. Jet lag was a bitch.

  Nikki stopped halfway to the door when it opened. She crossed her arms over her chest, ready to take the person to task for disturbing her sleep. Her mouth dropped open when the person who walked across the threshold was not someone from housekeeping.

  It was Jonas.

  Chapter 15

  “What are you doing here?”

  After closing the door behind him, Jonas stood there, almost dazed, staring at her and thinking that with her curls toss
ed all over her head, bare feet and in a short robe showing a luscious pair of thighs, Nikki looked absolutely breathtaking.

  She also looked absolutely mad. Furious was more like it.

  “I asked what you’re doing here, and what gives you the right to just come into my hotel room?”

  He tossed his jacket on a chair. “I’m here to spend time with you. Someone from housekeeping heard me banging on your door, was fearful I’d wake up the whole floor, so she unlocked your door for me.”

  Nikki glared at him. “Wrong move on her part. I’m going to make sure she doesn’t have a job much longer.”

  “Boy, you’re mean.”

  “And you’re leaving. Goodbye.”

  He shook his head and pushed his hair back from his face. He hadn’t had time to bind it back after finding out Nikki’s whereabouts. It hadn’t taken Rick long to discover what hotel she’d gone to, and Jonas had caught the first taxi here. “I’m not leaving, Nikki.”

  “Fine, then I’ll call security,” she tossed over her shoulder as she headed for the phone.

  “I wouldn’t if I were you. Things could get pretty messy. More than likely your actions will generate gossip, fodder for the tabloids. I can see our faces plastered in the papers back home. Should be interesting reading.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest and stared him down. “You have more to lose than I do, Jonas. So what’s it going to be?”


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