Private Arrangements

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Private Arrangements Page 16

by Brenda Jackson

  And she did, calling out to him while lifting her hips to take him in as far as possible. Their days were numbered, but she was determined to collect as many memories as she could.

  “Brittany is pregnant?” Jonas asked, not believing what his brother Galen had just told him.

  “Yes, and I’m so happy about it I can’t stand it.”

  Jonas nodded, hearing that excitement in his brother’s voice. And then he couldn’t help but chuckle when he recalled what he’d suggested to his mother a few weeks earlier about hitting Galen and Brittany up for a grandchild. He could just imagine his mother’s happiness and excitement as well.

  “Have you told Mom yet?” he asked.

  “No, we’re telling her tonight when we go to the folks’ place for dinner.”

  Jonas would give anything to be there to see the expression on Eden’s face when they did. Expecting a grandbaby should definitely keep her busy and out of her single sons’ business for a while.

  “If you see Nikki, don’t mention anything to her. Brittany wants to be the one to tell her. I think she’s going to ask Nikki to be our baby’s godmother.”

  Jonas nodded thinking Nikki would make a good choice for godmother. They had spent a lot of time together over the past two weeks, and he had been exposed to a side of her he hadn’t seen before. He saw she was generous to a fault, liked to have fun and was loyal to those she considered friends. Like him she was close to her family, and like his, her parents had been married for a long time.

  A part of him was trying to forget that tomorrow they would be returning home. At least he would. She mentioned that she had a meeting with someone in L.A. and wouldn’t be back in Phoenix until the end of the week.

  Jonas knew that everyone traveling on the Velocity could say that it had been one hell of a voyage and that they had had the experience of a lifetime. There was no doubt in his mind the reviews written by the media on board would be favorable, and it would be up to his staff to capitalize on the good publicity and roll out the marketing campaign that would guarantee a sellout as soon as Velocity took its next voyage.

  He couldn’t help but think of this one. After Beijing they had traveled to Australia, from there to Dubai and finally to Paris. They had covered four continents in fourteen days. Tomorrow they would leave Paris for L.A.


  It was then that he recalled his brother’s request. “Okay, I won’t say anything to Nikki,” he answered.

  No one knew he and Nikki were involved other than those who saw them together on the airship. But he didn’t care if the whole world knew it. The only thing was their affair would be ending soon so sharing the information was a moot point now.

  Moments later he ended his call with Galen to walk over to the window and look out. This hadn’t been his first visit to Paris and wouldn’t be his last. He loved the place, with its elegant architecture, beautiful countryside and majestic castles. Everyone was staying at Chateau d’Esclimont, which was an hour outside of Paris. The place was simply breathtaking and nestled in the Loire Valley. He had discovered Nikki could ride a horse and the two of them had ridden two Thoroughbreds around the countryside. And then later they’d had a picnic near a picturesque lake.

  Australia had been just as magnificent. It been somewhat strange knowing it was winter in the States and arriving in Sydney during the heart of their summer. He and Nikki had totally enjoyed themselves, taking a tour of the city and flying over the Great Barrier Reef. Seeing one of the seven wonders of the natural world had been totally captivating, something he would never forget.

  And Dubai was certainly a place he would return to. There was nothing like sailing on the Persian Gulf and taking a camel ride across the desert. He couldn’t help but smile when he recalled how Nikki had blushed profusely at the sight of camels mating. And then later that night, back in their hotel room, they’d done a little camel-like mating of their own.

  He moved away from the window. The time he’d spent with Nikki was something he couldn’t forget, either. She had brought something into the last two weeks that he hadn’t expected. Namely, the kind of companionship he hadn’t expected to find with any woman. She was someone he could talk to about anything, and he definitely enjoyed their conversations. Considering their rocky beginning, he was simply amazed at how well they got along. That didn’t mean they agreed on anything, far from it. But they had a very satisfying way of compromising when they did disagree.

  He was finding out that pretending to love a woman had its benefits, although he wouldn’t want to do that with any other woman. Besides, he couldn’t imagine any other woman agreeing to such a deal. But Nikki had. She had agreed to this private arrangement between them, and he didn’t regret making it.

  The only thing he regretted was that tomorrow things would come to an end. There was no doubt in his mind that he and Nikki would run into each other on occasion, but he would resume his life as he knew it and she would resume hers.

  Yesterday he had viewed all the photographs she’d taken and of course he hadn’t been disappointed. She had done an excellent job and he couldn’t wait for the marketing campaign to move forward.

  Once she emailed him all the photographs, her employment with Ideas of Steele would cease. He would pay her for her services and that would be it.

  His hands shook when he tried pouring coffee from the pot in the room. After spending two such glorious weeks with Nikki, how was he supposed to get back into the swing of things without her? At that moment, the thought of becoming involved with another woman, going back to his “one and done” rule just didn’t have the appeal it had once had.

  Even worse, the thought of his manhood sliding between any woman’s legs other than Nikki’s, or his head being buried between any other woman’s thighs, or his mouth mating with any other woman’s, was leaving a bad taste in his mouth.

  He put down his coffee cup and ran his fingers over his chin, feeling the stubble there. What in the hell was wrong with him? No woman had ever made him feel this way and, dammit, he didn’t like it one bit. He needed to get ready to get his groove on once again, be the player he was. There were all those models, socialites and party girls who wanted to share his bed. He was certain any one of them could get him back on the right track, put his mind back in check. And put Nikki way in the back of it.

  She’d been fun, enjoyable, but now it was time for them to move on, and they would because when the Velocity landed in Los Angeles, their private arrangement as they knew it would be over.

  Tears of happiness sprang into Nikki’s eyes. “Oh, Britt, that is so wonderful. Congratulations. I am so happy for you and Galen.”

  And she truly was. She knew Galen and Britt’s relationship was solid and they loved each other very much. To Nikki, having a baby, one conceived in love, had to be the most rewarding thing that could happen to a woman.

  “I can’t wait until you get back. We’re going to have to celebrate,” Brittany cut into her thoughts and said.

  Nikki agreed. “Yes, we will. I’ll be back in the States later today, but I’ve got another meeting with Martin Dunlap before I come back to Phoenix.”

  “So you are going to take that job in Los Angeles?”

  “Yes, I think it will be for the best. I’m at a place in my life where I need to make a change.”

  She drew in a deep breath. In less than two hours the Velocity would be leaving its docking station in Paris to return home. Everyone was on board and accounted for, and Jonas was in a private meeting with Fulton. She knew the man was pleased with how this trial voyage had turned out, and so far all the media coverage had been positive. She’d heard that people were already clamoring to get tickets for the next trip, which was scheduled in two weeks.

  “I hate that we’re going to be separated again, Nikki.”

  Nikki h
ated that, too. She and Brittany had lived across the street from each other while in their early teens, and when Nikki’s military dad had received orders to move to another port, Nikki and Brittany had lost touch. They had found each other a year and a half ago when Brittany had come to Phoenix on business. She and Galen had met and the rest was history.

  “We’ll never be separate, Britt. I’ll just be a plane ride away. Besides, now that you’ve asked me to be the baby’s godmother, you’ll be seeing me more than you think.”

  Brittany chuckled. “Yes, and I believe that one day you’ll have all those babies of your own that you’ve always wanted.”

  Nikki wished that was true but wouldn’t be holding her breath for that to happen. “Maybe. But in the meantime, I’ll spoil my little goddaughter or godson rotten.”

  A short while later, after she ended her call with Brittany, Jonas returned to the cabin. After their decision regarding their private arrangement, they had begun sharing a cabin. They’d decided to use his since it had been the larger of the two.

  He glanced over at her the moment he entered the room. He must have seen her red eyes, because he crossed the room and pulled her into his arms. “Hey, you okay?”

  She nodded and looked up at him. “Yes, I just finished talking to Brittany. She told me about her and Galen’s good news. She also told me that you were sworn to secrecy.”

  He chuckled. “Yes. That kind of news definitely made my parents happy. Galen and Brittany told them last night. I hear my mother is already buying out the baby stores.”

  Nikki could just imagine. She remembered how her mother had behaved when her brother and sister-in-law presented her parents with their first grandbaby.

  Jonas stroking her back felt good. Being in his arms felt good as well. Boy, she was definitely going to miss this. Neither of them had broached the subject of what would happen when the Velocity arrived in Los Angeles. They didn’t have to. It had been part of the agreement. He would go his way and she would go hers.

  Of course their paths would cross in Phoenix from time to time. There was no way around it, and there was always the chance they might work together again. But the intimacy they’d shared would become a thing of the past. Their relationship would move from friends with benefits to just friends.

  She pulled out of his arms and looked up at him. “I’m fine. How did things go with Fulton?”

  “Great. He had a chance to look at the portfolio you put together and said you did a wonderful job. He told me to tell you that.”

  “Thanks.” Their relationship was changing already. She could feel it. Although they had made love that morning, she had felt him beginning to withdraw. Her heart was breaking inside, but a part of her understood that that’s the way things were to be. Nothing lasted forever, even if it was pretend.

  Their gazes held and she felt the yearning stir within her as it always did. He had that effect on women. He certainly had that effect on her. But did they have time now? They would be docking in L.A. in less than four hours. There was a part of her that wished time could stand still.

  “Nikki, I—”

  She reached out and placed her finger to his lips. “I know and it’s okay. I had a good time and I hope you did, too.”

  He nodded. “I did.”

  He pulled her back to him and lowered his head toward hers. She had gotten her answer. They would make love one last time. This would be their goodbye. And despite everything, she had no regrets.

  Chapter 17

  Three weeks later

  “You’re awfully quiet tonight, son. Usually you’re the life of the party.”

  Jonas glanced up at his dad, a man whom he highly admired and respected. Over forty years ago Drew Steele had taken his small trucking company and turned it into a million-dollar industry that had routes all over the United States.

  Another one of his father’s accomplishments was always making time for his six sons, no matter how busy he’d been. And although he and his brothers would moan and groan about his parents’ Thursday-night chow-down, where their attendance was expected, deep down they appreciated it as a way to stay connected, no matter how busy their schedules were.

  Jonas forced a smile to his lips. “I’m fine. Besides, I decided to take a backseat to Gannon tonight since he seems to have a lot to say.”

  Drew chuckled. “Yes, I can see that.” He paused a moment, then said, “I understand that the four-continent air voyage was a huge success and your company’s marketing campaign was instrumental in getting it over the top. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks.” Deep down he felt the credit should go to Nikki. Those photographs she’d taken had helped to introduce the Velocity into the market. His social media guru had taken Nikki’s pictures and had done a fantastic job in incorporating them in the Ideas of Steele marketing plan.


  He gazed down into his glass of wine wondering how she’d been doing. More than once he’d been tempted to pick up the phone to call her and ask. But each time he had talked himself out of doing so. Something was going on with him and at the moment he didn’t have a clue as to what. All he knew was that as of yet he hadn’t been able to get back into his game. Hell, the thought of kissing another woman had almost made him gag, and the thought of sharing a bed with one sent negative shivers through his body.

  “And you sure you’re okay?”

  He met his father’s gaze again. “Yes, I’m sure, but I’d like to ask you something.”


  “That time when you and Mom were dating and you let her run off to Paris and almost lost her. Why did you do that?”

  Over the years Jonas and his brothers had heard the story of their parents’ tumultuous love affair. They’d heard how Drew had refused to accept Eden as his fate and ended up pushing her away. By the time he’d come to his senses, she had left the States for Paris. Drew had freaked out at the possibility of losing Eden forever and had followed her and asked her to marry him.

  His father met his gaze for a long moment and then said, “Because I was convinced I was not ready to love her or any woman. I honestly assumed I was above falling in love. I loved women too much to settle down with just one.”

  Jonas nodded. That pretty much sounded like the story of his life. “What made you see things differently?”

  “I asked myself what I thought would be a simple question. Would my life be better without Eden in it? Was chasing women more important than making memories of waking up to the same woman, one who could connect to me on all levels? One who made me think about her when I should be working? One who made me think of having several little girls who would look just like her, even when I thought I didn’t even want kids? When I finally was honest with myself and answered those questions, then I knew that whether I wanted to be or not, I was in love. And then I knew there was no way I could let her go.”

  Drew released a chuckle from deep within his chest. “Hell, I had it so bad for her and didn’t even know it. I was pure whipped.” He paused a moment, then threw in an extra piece of sage advice. “I believe a smart man not only recognizes when he’s whipped but actually loves the thought of it, especially if the woman is worth it. There’s nothing wrong with falling in love if it’s a woman you can’t live your life without.”

  Drew then glanced across the room at his wife, who was sitting down on the sofa talking to their daughters-in-law. “And for me, your mother is that woman. She always will be.”

  He then met Jonas’s gaze again. “So if you’re ever lucky to meet such a woman, whatever you do, please don’t make the mistake your old man almost made.”

  Drew smiled then. “Come on. Your mom is beckoning us to dinner.”

  Jonas drowned out the conversation around him at the dinner table as he ate his food. Everyone seeme
d to be in a festive mood, so why wasn’t he? Fulton had called today to congratulate him on an outstanding marketing campaign. Already voyages on the Velocity had sold out for the next six months and they were working on a waiting list that extended well into the next three.

  However, what had really consumed Jonas’s thoughts for the past three weeks hadn’t been the success of Velocity’s marketing campaign. It had been Nikki. His Nikki. The woman who’d enticed him to push for a private arrangement with her for two weeks. It was an arrangement he still had memories about today. Never had a woman been so loving, so giving, so downright sexy.

  Even now he could recall them dancing together in a nightclub in Sydney, him finally being talked into going shopping with her in Dubai, and the two of them viewing the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Their time together had been so ideal, so perfect. Exactly how it should feel for a couple who cared about each other.

  Who had pretended to.

  There were times when he was alone in his bed, at work or just riding in his car when he would remember and wish there was a way he could recapture those moments, a way he could book another flight on the Velocity and relive every single second. But he knew there was no way he could do that. So all he had was memories.

  He felt an ache in the lower part of his gut just remembering all those sexy outfits she’d purchased on her shopping spree and how she would give him a personal fashion show, which ended with him removing every single item, stitch by stitch. Then they would make love all through the night and the early-morning hours.

  Jonas glanced up when Tyson asked him a question about the Velocity. Moments later Eli and Galen asked him a few more questions. He knew his brothers had noted he was quieter than usual and were trying to draw him into the family’s conversation. He appreciated their efforts, but he truly wasn’t in a talkative mood tonight.

  “So, Jonas, what happens if you get another big account like Fulton’s and need a photographer?” Mercury asked.


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