Backstage: Street Chronicles

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Backstage: Street Chronicles Page 18

by Nikki Turner

  Inside, the round tables in the middle of the floor were stacked with chairs. The booths were cushioned with red velvet pillows and the wood tables were painted black. We walked on the black marble floor to the back of the restaurant as I looked at the high ceiling draped with crystal chandeliers. How did anyone get up that high to put them up there? Nicholas led me by my hand up a back staircase. My palms started to sweat a little. Him grabbing my hand was unexpected. Curiosity barged in and I wondered what was waiting for me. The top of the staircase opened into an area much like a loft and there was a small table set for two in the middle of the floor. We were alone at the top. There were no other tables there. The walls were lined with built-in benches adorned with the same red velvet cushions as downstairs. A small square vase sat in the middle of the small table with three beautiful red roses. I melted just a tiny bit on the inside and smiled a little on the out. The setting was romantic. Were we on a date? I think I was getting nervous.

  “I wanted to bring you here to show you my appreciation. You are the first guest and I think you’ve earned a seat at the owner’s table.”

  He pulled my chair out and I sat down hoping I wouldn’t miss the seat. My heart felt as though it was skipping every other beat. I tried to keep my eyes on the roses to avoid Nick’s searching eyes. He was looking for a reaction. What could I give him?

  “Thank you. I’ve definitely earned dinner, but this is really nice!”

  “Nice to see you’re so appreciative. Well, anyway I wanted to thank you and this is how.”

  Skeptical, that’s the word. I was skeptical of how genuine he might be. Normally I wouldn’t care if someone was being real or not. All that would matter is my purpose and if I could achieve it. This was uncharted territory.

  “This is very sweet of you, thank you. But really I’m just trying to help you win. If you win, I win. That’s all.”

  “Oh, there’s more to you than that. I don’t believe for one second you are just doing your job. You’re a go-getter. I know because I am one, too. I admire that about you.”

  I was feeling a little more relaxed. If we were going to talk about being sharp and on your toes, I was prepared. For a minute I thought this was going to be more personal. A waiter poured us glasses of wine and left the bottle on the table. He never took our order so I was a bit surprised when he brought our plates.

  “Lobster Fra Diavolo for the lady. And for you, Mr. Michaels, your steak well done with baked potato and a side of vegetables.”

  I was completely caught off guard. I had Lobster Fra Diavolo one time and loved it. But that was only last week. How did he know? What was he trying to show me?

  “I heard you tell Kessy how much you loved it.”

  So now it’s my calls he’s listening to. Great!

  “If you listen to my phone calls, then why didn’t you know I have been in contact with Fingers for months?”

  “Maybe you speaking to another man isn’t the conversation I’m interested in listening to.”

  Something about his ability to make me blush intrigued me. He accomplished what others in college worked too hard to do. He interested me. I did wonder what else he heard me say on the phone. Had he heard my conversation with Kessy after he asked me to dinner? It didn’t take long for me to get the answer.

  “So you know, Saks, I’m quite flattered you have an attraction to me.”

  It was hard swallowing the wine. I needed another glass. When I reached for the bottle he grabbed it and poured. I decided I had to act more confident. I had to be in control. He couldn’t think I was one who was able to be embarrassed although the redness in my cheeks didn’t help.

  The room started to get warm. But no warmer than me when he stood up and asked me to dance. There was no music playing. I wasn’t sure if I should be flattered or if there was someone watching somewhere who just wanted to catch me vulnerable. As we slow-danced he whispered in my ear.

  “You amaze me, Sakia Sands. You’re beautiful and smart. But you’re a hustler! You can’t deny it. You hustled me. And yes, I am very much attracted to you, too.” I didn’t know how to respond. The softness of his voice stopped my shaking. When we stopped moving, he broke the embrace. I wanted to be kissed. He looked me dead in my eyes and said, “I’m going to love you.”

  The butterflies were having a picnic in my stomach. I let his lips press against mine and his tongue find its way. His hands danced around the buttons on my shirt for a while before working to expose my cranberry-colored bra. Our kisses became more aggressive and I let my silk shirt slide off my shoulders. He unzipped my skirt while still holding me captive with his lips. The charcoal fabric glided down my legs. His slacks easily unzipped. I slid out of my heels. Freeing my lips, he kissed my neck, then worked to remove my stockings. Once I stepped out of them, he pulled his ribbed sweater over his head. I noticed how wonderfully the forest-green sweater complemented his chocolate skin. My heart pounded like a drum. His white wife-beater fit like new and highlighted the beauty in his cut shoulders. Still squatting, he kissed my ankles and gently caressed the back of my knees. Using his tongue he traced my thigh up toward that place where he settled and passionately kissed. I watched the waves in his hair move like the ocean. A bit of a rhythm coming close then changing directions. I gripped his fingers and allowed myself to close my eyes. I let out a brief moan. I was all of a sudden aware of my surroundings and what was happening. My legs were shaking and Nick slowly stood up. He kissed my face and read my eyes. Moving the table aside and stepping out of his boxers, he sat on his chair. I walked toward him and he reached down to grab his pants. He took out a condom and handed it to me. I ripped the packaging with my teeth and he watched as I slid the black Magnum on him. My body slowly nestled on top of him, we moved together, close, and embracing. The kisses couldn’t stop. He caressed my back like I was his. My breathing was heavy. He was mine.

  Chapter 7 | Done in the Dark

  Nick and I kept things at the office professional, for the most part. Work itself wasn’t an issue because we were both focused on getting our jobs done. We were both dedicated to the continued success of Hustle Hard Records and its president, Nicholas Michaels. In addition, I was still focused on becoming a powerhouse in this company. I started to love Nick, but I needed something to be able to hold on to. I didn’t care if all I did was own a piece of the company. I had to own something. If Nick were to leave me or worse, fire me, I needed backup. This was all his. I had to earn mine. It wasn’t enough to help him. He needed to see I was a force in my own right. I cared for Nick too much to try and take Hustle Hard from him. He had to see I deserved my own piece of the empire.

  If there was one thing I learned from my parents’ marriage, it is that a girl needs security. It doesn’t matter if the man marries you. You have to make sure if he dies, goes to jail, or leaves you for another woman, you can take care of yourself. Falling in love is nice, but falling off is not an option!

  Nick was in Africa meeting with a factory for his new clothing line. He left me in charge and all the business associates needed to see that I was the backbone of the label. Getting results would be my claim to fame. Getting Fingers to sign was only the first step. I brought two other acts through the door. Each act wrote and produced their own music and were already poppin on the streets. The employees at Hustle Hard knew it. This was my time to shine without being in Nick’s shadow. No one was going to catch me slipping.

  The sky was dark and I was just finishing up revising Nick’s calendar. I sent out the guest list for Fingers’s album release party. Nick wanted to make sure I handled it directly so it could be clear how dedicated we as a label were to our artists. I thought everyone left the office already. I heard Rob’s voice elevate then quiet down. It sounded like he was cursing in Spanish, which was strange because he was usually so laid-back. He loved his job and worked well with the DJs. Everyone in the industry loved him. Rob was Puerto Rican, which helped us win the support of the Spanish radio stations. Every radio jo
ck would play whatever he put in front of him. Who could he be arguing with?

  I started to go see what all of the commotion was. It had to be serious. Rob knew how much Nick hated people making scenes near the office. We were the only Black-owned company in the building. Nick was adamant on being professional and not being the ghetto people on the seventh floor.

  Only one foot made it out of Nick’s office when I heard Rob say Brooke’s name. They were loud. I stepped back into the office and took off my shoes. I tiptoed closer to the door and hid my body.

  “Brooke, I’m not leaving my wife! You and I are not Saks and Nick. What do you think this is? It’s not a soap opera!”

  What does he mean by not Saks and Nick?

  “But, Rob, just listen. She doesn’t understand you or this business. She doesn’t even respect you. I hear how she talks to you. When she calls the office and I tell her you’re unavailable she says all kinds of things about you.”

  “I understand that, Brooke, but it’s how it is and it’s between her and me! I have two kids with her and they need me. We’ve been over this.”

  “But, Rob, please, I need you. I’m tired of not being able to hold you at night. I can’t take it. She doesn’t deserve you!”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Rob was cheating on his wife with Brooke? I’ve met Rob’s wife plenty of times. His wife always seemed sweet to me. Then again, I wasn’t married to her nor was I his assistant. An assistant catches wind of all kinds of personal stuff. Somehow family members seem to think that having a personal relationship with the assistant will get their messages relayed faster or more efficiently. I met Nick’s mom as his assistant first. You should have seen the look on her face when she met me as the girlfriend! Her eyes looked up in the sky trying to figure if she told me anything she probably shouldn’t have.

  “Maybe we should just end this then.”

  “No, Rob, please!”

  It was obvious Brooke was crying. How could she beg like that? I remember my mother telling me when I was sixteen, “Even when they’re raping you, don’t beg and don’t cry!”

  Ever since then I hadn’t shed a tear. When I went to see my father in prison, no tears. When they took Uncle Charlie away and we had to close down his business, no tears. No tears, no begging. If they want to give it they will. Principal Allan offered to pay for my college education. Sure he felt pressure knowing I saw him in the parking lot that night with Kessy, but I didn’t have to ask him for anything. He knew my mom couldn’t afford it. I wouldn’t have asked. I might have sent him a little reminder of what happened, but I wouldn’t have asked. Even now, when I get what I want, I show I am worth it. I earn it. No begging! No crying!

  Nick would die if he heard Brooke and Rob’s argument. Rob has been married for eight years and his wife was personally invited by Nick to all the company functions. I think they met at a party for Nick. How can any of us look her in the face if news of this affair ever came out? What would it do to the reputation of our business? You know how some wives are. She might have tried to blame Nick or come up to the office and started acting crazy. Then we would have to call security and cause a big old scene. I can’t tell Nick. He doesn’t need this kind of thing to think about. Rob has been here longer than anyone. Nick would feel betrayed.

  I was midthought when I heard them panting. I peeked out from the side of Nick’s office door. The lights were still off on the rest of the floor. I saw the shadow of a man lifting a woman up on top of my desk, her legs wrapped around his waist and him plunging into her like he never had her before and he wanted to make the best of the first time. They enjoyed each other for about eight minutes when her legs dropped and he pulled himself away zipping his pants. I figured this was a good time to turn the lights on and let them know I was standing there. Brooke gasped with surprise and Rob just stood there. He was dumbfounded. It was like the whole room held its breath, but it was only the three of us there. I said nothing. I didn’t shake my head, I didn’t smile. I just looked them both in their faces. I went back into Nick’s office, closed down the computer, put on my shoes, and left the office. To be honest, I didn’t know what to say. I kind of wanted to laugh. They watched me as I walked past them. What would I tell Nick? I’m sure they wondered. Nick and my relationship wasn’t a secret nor did we try to make it be. However, what wasn’t as easy to know was my influence over this business. All they knew was since I’d been here, things had happened. Cassandra was fired, Fingers was signed, the restaurant opened. How much pull did I really have?

  Chapter 8 | Unexpected

  “I didn’t expect you back until tomorrow.”

  Nick caught me by surprise when he walked into the office that Thursday morning. The past two days Brooke and Rob had been walking around on their toes. Neither of them were sure what I would say or what Nick would do about their incident. We never discussed it and every time either of them looked like they were going into explanation mode I walked away. I’ll tell you this though, everything I needed to get done got done.

  All the giggling Brooke used to do was over. She was now a serious assistant and quick to complete her tasks. Rob worked diligently, making sure Lakaya and Fingers both had their times in the spotlight. We were an independent company with two of the biggest artists around on our roster. No one wanted to lose their jobs or a spouse over a stupid affair.

  “I thought I’d surprise you and come in a day early. Shut the door, I have to talk to you.”

  Did he go to Angola and find some new singer or something? A new group? Seemed like everyone wanted to find someone overseas to make a great record. Why didn’t he call me and tell me the news? It was obvious it was big, very big. The last time I saw him this excited was when Fingers signed on the dotted line. I closed his office door and Nick intercommed the receptionist to tell her to send all calls for him or for me to voice mail. We were having an important meeting. My foot tapped feverishly as I was anxious to know what he had to talk to me about. I hope he didn’t go making a business decision without talking to me. That would be foolish. I sat on the mustard-yellow suede couch near the window.

  “Why are you so excited? You didn’t call before you flew out. I could have had a car pick you up.”

  “Baby! Stop talking for one second.”

  He walked around his desk and across the floor to where I sat. Sitting down next to me, he turned to face me, and held my hands.

  “Baby, look at me.”

  I looked at how his eyes smiled while he pulled a black velvet box from his navy blue blazer jacket. The powder-blue rugby shirt he had on underneath nicely complemented the blue diamond cross dangling near the top of his stomach. He stood up, then looked at the black box proudly. My eyes followed his movements as he kneeled before me. My heart was beating so hard it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest.

  “Will you marry me?”

  The rock was bigger than the one Kessy’s mom wore. No tears. I was a little glassy eyed but no tears. My mind started to race. The love we made the night before he left passed visions through my brain. I was still Nick’s assistant. For all that I did he hadn’t made me vice president, manager, or anything. I could marry him but then what? Do I just sit back and stay home playing the role of wife? Look at him. He’s so cute! Do I remain his assistant forever? He makes me feel soft. He’s probably going to ask for a prenup. So what happens if we get divorced? I love him. I don’t want to divorce him. I don’t own anything. I made this company better. I negotiated contracts for his line of clothes, and three acts. Was I just going to be someone’s wife with no acknowledgment of my contributions? He remained on one knee.

  “Baby, say something.”

  “Wow, Nick, I don’t know what to say. I love you. I want to say yes.”

  “So say yes!”

  “What happens if we do get married? Will I have to quit? Do I move into your house and we ride in together? How does that work with Hustle Hard?”

  I tried to smile and not show how
much it weighed on my mind. I mean I really did love him and wanted to marry him. But I couldn’t afford to be like my mother and find myself calling my child for money because I needed a husband to take care of me, when he is no longer my husband.

  “Is that what you’re worried about? I swear you would think you started this business the way you are so committed. It works how you want it to work. You don’t see I would do anything for you? If you don’t want to work you don’t have to. You will be my wife. What’s mine is yours. I love you. Hustle Hard is better because of you and so am I. Since you walked in that door you’ve stood as my partner. I just want you to be my partner at home, too.”

  No more needed to be said. I was going to become Sakia Sands-Michaels. I couldn’t wait to tell Kessy. I, who had vowed to never get married, was going to marry Nicholas Michaels. Maybe it was going to be okay. I did love him. Maybe I wasn’t going to be like my mom and dad. We could stay married forever.

  The door flung open, exposing Nick and I standing in an embrace and locked in a kiss that had possibilities of leading elsewhere. It was a good kiss! The look on Nick’s face told Brooke that she better have a really good reason for not respecting the closed door.

  “I’m sorry, Nick, but there’s this guy on my line who says he just came from Cassandra’s house.”

  “Yeah, okay! Why is he calling me? Tell him she doesn’t work here anymore.”

  “I did but he says that’s not why he’s calling.”

  Nick picked up the line in his office. I stood there with him waiting to hear why this man was calling. I saw a tear trickle down Nicholas’s face then I heard him ask, “When did she pass?”

  I wasn’t sure what to say. I had no idea how to feel. I handed Nick a tissue. The man on the phone said Cassandra passed two days ago and he was collecting some of her things for the funeral home to bury her in. I could hear him crying through the phone. The man was Cassandra’s father. He said on the coffee table next to her Bible, Cassandra left a note addressed to Nicholas. It didn’t say much, except, “I’m sorry.”


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