Desired by the Bear Book 2: Werebear Romance

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Desired by the Bear Book 2: Werebear Romance Page 6

by V. Vaughn



  It’s not every day a girl shows up for a witch weekend with two hot hunks of sexy werebear as bodyguards, so when I walk to the door of Bella’s cottage I make the most of it. I link my arm with Xavier and try to do the same with Jace. He pulls away, and I say, “If you two make me look good nobody will hex you.”

  Xavier chuckles as he plays along, but Jace glares at me. I say, “I’m serious. I could make things on your body itch beyond control.” I glance down at his crotch, and then back up to smile sweetly. “Please?”

  Jace huffs and offers me his arm. I use some of my new muscles and tug him closer as I say, “Thank you. Now, boys, you’ll need to be just as cooperative with Kimi and Bella.” I notice Bella watching through the window and speak under my breath. “Bella will eat you for lunch, Jace, so try to crack a smile.” The two warriors may be the fiercest of the Ouellette clan, but they’re also smart enough to fear the mysteries of medicine women, and when Bella opens the door to greet us, Jace pastes a big fat grin on his face.

  Bella is the best friend I had before Izzy came along, and she cocks a luscious hip to place her hand on it as she says, “Tally! Goodness what lovely hostess gifts.” She doesn’t even attempt to hide her perusal of Jace and Xavier’s bodies. “You shouldn’t have.”

  “I know.” I sigh dramatically, “My alpha’s concern for my safety is a bit over the top sometimes, but I promise you’ll hardly notice Xavier and Jace are here.”

  She licks her lips as if the two men are dessert. “I doubt that.” When we enter we find Kimi. She’s older than us, and far more proper. I introduce Xavier and Jace to her before Bella says, “Follow me.” Bella leads us up the stairs, and I notice she puts an extra wiggle in her hips as she climbs. The guys and I get rooms next to each other, and Xavier drops my bag on my bed with a thud. Bella says, “We are doing burgers on the grill for dinner. Kimi and I are on the patio with cocktails. Come on down when you’ve freshened up.”

  Bella’s house is set on a large lot and she owns a field that is the view from her patio. We’ve had a bonfire or two out there as well as a few ceremonies. When I get to the patio I gaze out at the hundreds of daffodils she planted in the meadow as if they’re wild flowers. Correction. We planted. Bella has a knack for getting people to help her with crazy schemes, and last fall she invited me and Kimi for a girl’s weekend that included the three of us burying bulbs in the field. But I have to admit, it’s beautiful.

  Kimi hands me a purple drink that has a vapor swirling up from the top as if she added dry ice. But I know it’s a cleansing cocktail that allows you to get to the bottom of your emotions and pull out the facts. I squint at her and say, “You don’t trust me.”

  Kimi only recently began to work with us when her clan and Bella’s decided to join forces for peace in their kingdom. She’s more old school in her thinking and prefers to be called a medicine woman, but she’s warming up to us as she manages to ground me and Bella. She says, “Oh please, I’d get a great story otherwise, but what I need in order to help you is the useful information.”

  Bella hands each guy a beer and directs them to where they should sit. Of course they’re positioned so she can see both of them from her vantage point, which is a lounge chair. She stretches out on it as if she’s a vintage movie star and takes a sip of her drink. It has a pink mist fizzling out of it, and I grin at Kimi, because it means nothing more than Kimi understanding Bella wants the prettiest drink. “Ah,” Bella says. “There’s something to be said for a good drink and pleasant view.” Jace clears his throat and squirms a bit from Bella’s attention.

  I take a sip of my concoction. While it burns on my tongue, a relaxing sensation washes over me when I swallow it. Kimi says, “Let’s talk portals.” She scoots forward to perch on the end of her chair. “We’re all in agreement that Marcel recently became one, which means he had to have been spelled. Any idea when he may have come in contact with another clan medicine man or woman?”

  I shake my head. “No. Marcel went on a run to the border to get a De Rozier to bring her to Safe Harbor a while back. But he’s a seer, and I’m sure he would have told me if he’d encountered one.” As a seer, Marcel would have had an awareness of someone using magic in his presence.

  “Hmm.” I notice Kimi’s drink has little bits of fireworks rising up like fireflies when she takes a sip of it, and I grin. Bella and I are definitely bringing out her fun side.

  Kimi asks, “Bella, what did you find out?”

  “I spoke to my cousin’s friend, Lucian and the good news is if Tally were to get sucked into another time her body won’t die until it would have naturally.”

  I recall possessing the evil woman who stole a baby and try to imagine being stuck inside her for years, while my body would lie in a bed like coma patient. A small shudder runs through me before I ask, “Do you know if I can go back to the same person?”

  “I don’t know,” says Bella, “But Lucian said the witch he knew that could go through portals told him it gets harder to come back each time. I asked if she’d be willing to talk to us, but unfortunately she was killed in a clan dispute.”

  Kimi says, “I think it’s wise that you’ve decided to avoid your portal, Tally. But if Marcel only became one recently, I’m concerned about why.” Her brow knits. “Why would someone want you to disappear now?”

  I say, “The only reason I can come up with is that a hunter group wants to make my clan vulnerable.”

  Bella says, “I don’t know. That’s seems like a hard way to go about it, and why? We matter to the clans in many ways, but we know they’d survive without any one of us.”

  She’s right. If one of us were to die, the other two would step in to help the other clan until a suitable replacement could be found. But her words make me think that I need to start fostering a replacement just in case. I say, “My gut tells me Tokala is behind this.”

  Kimi gets up and walks slowly over to the edge of the field. She opens up her arms and lifts her face to the sky. I watch her long, gray-streaked braid swing as she begins to chant in ancient Abenaki, the language of her tribe. She’s calling upon the spirits for help. When she turns back to us she says, “We’ll have a bonfire tonight.”

  Bella squeals. “Did you bring the peyote?” My friend likes her hallucinogenic drugs a little too much. Kimi’s eyes get so dark they’re black as she glares at Bella. “Oh please,” says Bella. “You like them too. Remember that time when--” I clear my throat loudly to remind her that Kimi is our elder and still deserves respect. Bella says, “Fine. What’s the plan?”

  Kimi says, “We’re going to ask for guidance. This may be an individual clan matter, but if it’s not, then we all need to be prepared.”

  Kimi and Bella are involved with two of the four clans in the Northeast Kingdom. The other medicine man in their kingdom is Tokala, who is associated with the Veilleux. While his clan is now peaceful, it’s a known fact Tokala has practiced black magic from time to time. I think about how mad he was when I beat him at a spell competition a while back, and I ask, “Tokala isn’t petty enough to be behind this, is he?”

  Kimi shrugs. “Not likely on his own, but if he had incentive?”

  Bella’s eyes widen, and I think about what might convince him to try to make me disappear. And if it isn’t him, then we have much bigger problems. If the hunters are behind this, then I’m not the only one who needs to be concerned about portals. I imagine what it would mean if the hunters have managed to get witches on their side. This time my involuntary shudder is for far more than myself. “What happens if we find out this is the hunters?”

  “Then this becomes a matter all clan medicine people need to be aware of, and I’ll call in every powerful connection I’ve got.” Kimi takes a deep breath and says, “Freshen up your contact lists, ladies. We may need them.”



  Frozen berries thud into the blender as the foil seal on the protein powder container
tears open. René scoops out some to add to my smoothie. I now have a perpetual grin on my face from being deliriously happy, and in true mate love. When René secures the cover to the mixer, he flips the switch to pulverize the food. I take a minute to press my body against his and let our connection sizzle as I kiss him.

  He lets out a low growl of desire, and I pull back before we get carried away. I ask, “What would my boss think if I were late to my first official day of warrior training?”

  “That depends on why. I hear he’s a reasonable guy.” René winks at me before he turns off the blender to pour my drink.

  My stomach growls with hunger, and I take a sip of my shake before I say, “Good, then he’ll understand why I want to eat first.”

  “I’ll take advantage of my power once you’re no longer hungry all the time.” Water rushes as René rinses it out so he can make his smoothie. I’ve never had someone take care of me the way he does. Of course I’ve never had a true mate before either. I’ve also never wanted to return the favor in quite the same way. Last night when I couldn’t sleep I got up and did his laundry before I organized the pantry and went online shopping.

  I glance around the kitchen as I think about the red placemats and dishtowels I ordered. I decided the mostly black and silver room could use some color. I look at the pendulum lights and ask, “What would you think about red glass instead the silver chrome on the lights?”

  René comes to me and tilts my chin up with his finger to kiss me before he says, “Whatever you want. I’m not a decorator, and everything in here was done by a designer.”

  “Do you want to be part of the decisions at all?”

  He turns to lean against the counter and take his drink. “I want whatever makes you happy. If planning it is fun for you, then yes. I want to see your ideas.”

  I smile. “Good.” I sweep my arm as I say, “This is going to be our home for our family. I want us to create it together.”

  He grins. “I like the way that sounds. How about you show me your plans tonight after dinner?”

  “Perfect.” Pans rattle when I pull them out to begin cooking breakfast, and René opens the fridge to get the bacon and eggs. I say, “I was talking to Izzy about becoming a trainer. She says she’s fully booked and that there is demand for another woman. Do you think I could do it too?”

  “I think you’d be great.” René nudges me out of the way to take over cooking. I think he’s a bit territorial, and I smile, because I’m fine with a man who wants to be my personal chef. He says, “Izzy’s right, we get more requests for female trainers than I can fill. I’ll walk you through the procedures this afternoon.”

  “I’d love that. Thanks.” I’m amazed at how quickly I’ve acclimated to my new life in Canada. I move over to the counter, and a stool is hard under my bottom when I sit to watch the man I love. I make a note to look at padded bar chairs for this room too. But as I watch René my mind wanders. My life is perfect right now, and I can’t help but wonder if somehow it will all be yanked away like it has been in my past.

  A plate thumps on the island as René sets my breakfast before me. I lift a piece of bacon and pause as I stop myself from inhaling it as if I might not see food again. I bite slowly as I think about how being with René makes me want to relax. I can let my guard down. When Sven I were together at first the threat of one of us dying hovered over us. Then his true mate came along, and I regrouped to live a lie. Pretending to be a human while in the public eye as the spokesmodel for Arctic Ice required I watch myself and my behavior at all times. I’m finally in a place where I can be who I am, and I’m loved for it.

  As René sits next to me I savor the salty meat in my mouth. He tugs my braid and asks, “Aren’t you hungry?”

  I smile at him. “I think I might finally be getting full.”

  “Stick with me babe, and you’ll never be hungry again.”

  I place my hand over his heart and it beats steadily under my palm as I say, “I know.” But when I return to my breakfast a tiny chill runs down my spine, and I push my eggs around with my fork instead of eating them as I recall the hunters who are after me. I scowl. No. I won’t let them ruin this. I ask, “René?”


  “We need to talk about the hunters.”

  His fork clatters when he sets it down, and Rene’ twists to face me. “You’re safe here, Nadia. I’d never let anything happen to you.”

  I reach up and place my hand on the smooth skin of his freshly-shaven cheek. “I know you’ll do anything you can to keep me safe, but they’ve gotten clever. I think we’d be fools to pretend they aren’t a problem for me.” My heart skips a beat when I realize it’s no longer just me. “For us.”

  He places his hand over mine and moves it so he can kiss my palm. “You’re right. The group who went after Izzy didn’t survive their attempt on our clan last fall, but there are always more hunters.”

  “And there is a group who’s after me. They’ll find me eventually. I’m sure of it.”

  “We’re already on that, but now that you’re part of my warrior team it’s time to let you in on what we know. Would it help you feel safer if I brief you this morning before we work out?”

  I nod. “I’m sorry. It’s just that everything good that has ever happened to me has somehow been stolen away. I hate imagining that it could happen again with us.”

  René grabs my face in his hands and whispers. “Never.” He kisses me with a hunger that intoxicates me, and I hang on to him as he overpowers me with his love. Dishes crash to the floor as René shoves them off the counter, and he lifts me up to sit on it. The nylon of my workout shorts scrapes against my legs as he drags them down, and his hands push hard against my inner thighs to spread me wide. He lets out a growl that reverberates through my body as if he’s filling me with his desire before he lowers his mouth to the juncture between my legs.

  I grasp his hair with one hand, and granite is cold in the grip of my other one. René’s teeth graze over my clit, and I flinch before he works me with his tongue. The hot moisture makes me moan as pleasure surges in me like an approaching wave. My feet press against his back as I try to pull him even closer. I want to swallow him up and consume him the way he consumes me. As ecstasy crashes over me I cry out, and the warmth of our connection fills my heart.

  “That’s it, baby,” he says. “Feel what we are.” I tremble as he strips off his shorts. His fingers dig into my bottom. “Now I’m going to drive it--” He grunts as he rams his cock into me. “Home. Where I belong.”

  “Yes.” I lift my knees up to give him deeper access. I clutch at his back and let my nails sink into his skin. A roar builds in René as his orgasm rolls like the slow crest of the incoming tide until he’s spent. But he doesn’t stop pleasuring me. He slides a hand between us, and while he continues to pump in and out of me he rubs his thumb over my sensitive nub until I let out a roar of my own and drown in my release.

  Our bodies heave as we refill our lungs with oxygen. When we’ve recovered, René’s lips brush mine with the softness of a whisper. I say, “I love you.”

  “I love you, Nadia.” He gazes at me, and I let the deep blue of his eyes mesmerize me as he says, “I want to bite you tonight. To mark you as mine forever.”

  Tears burn in my eyes as my heart swells with my love for him. Once we bite each other our true mate bond will be sealed for life. “Yes, René.” He slides out of me slowly, and I think about our future together. As he retrieves our shorts I place my hand on my stomach, and I dare to imagine being pregnant with his children.

  He smiles as he places his hand over mine. “I’m ready too.”

  I tug his head down and kiss him so I can pour the love I can’t express with words into his heart.



  True mate love. It’s sweet to watch, except when your heart is breaking. Metal weight plates clang together from someone stacking them as I tear my gaze away from René and Nadia with a sigh. Since they discovere
d each other, training with René has lost its appeal. With Nadia at the gym today, he’d never flirt with me. Werebear are very territorial about their true mates, and I’d be risking my life to play that game.

  As René approaches me I smile at Nadia first before I give them my best cordial voice. “Good morning, you two.”

  “Tally, you look ready to rumble today,” says René. His teasing falls flat, and I don’t bother to respond before he says, “Nadia is going to help fill my trainer roster, and if you don’t mind I’d like her to work with you and Izzy today.”

  I want to glance around to find another hot-body male trainer, but considering how nice René has been to me I think it’s best if I give him the same courtesy. “Sure. I’d be happy to.” I put my hands on my hips and tilt my head at Nadia. “You sure you’re up for a weakling human?”

  “That’s not what I hear,” she says. “Rumor has it you pack a mighty magical punch.”

  She’s good. I do love a good suck-up, and I banter back. “It’s the hexes you have to watch out for.” I notice Izzy walking our way, and I whisper dramatically, “The Prima’s coming. I’d better start jumping rope before she get’s all alpha on me.”

  Nadia chuckles as Izzy shakes her head at me, and I lead them over to the mats. Our ropes smack against the floor as we all jump. Nadia handles it as easily as Izzy does, while I begin to gasp like a fish at the one minute mark. But I push on for a little more to show Izzy how well I’m doing.

  When we stop Izzy says, “You are definitely improving, Tally. Nice job.”

  I nod because I’m too busy wheezing to speak.

  Nadia says, “René gave me your log, and I see you usually go to the elliptical for a session of low-impact cardio.”

  “I do.” I let a conspiratorial grin cover my face. “Did he mention I like a nice view too?”


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