Trista Ann Michaels

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Trista Ann Michaels Page 6

by Wicked Lies

  “And besides. I think that one night spoke volumes, don’t you?”

  She smiled shyly and glanced down at the cup still clasped in her hands. “I have to admit, last night was definitely … wild.”

  Her smile faded as old insecurities came rushing back. She’d spent most of her life over-weight, until five years ago when she’d hired a personal trainer. She felt there were areas that needed work and more fat on her body than was necessary. Sometimes, she still saw herself as that chubby, insecure little girl.

  Marcus was gorgeous. He could have any woman he wanted. She’d seen them flirt with him. She’d seen them stare at him like he was a piece of meat. What chance did she really have up against all those other gorgeous women?

  “I don’t get it, Marcus,” she blurted, unable to stop herself. “Why me?”

  “Why you?” he asked in surprise.

  He took the coffee cup from her hand and set it on the small table to his right. With a look of I can’t believe you would even ask such a thing, he took her hand and pulled her into the bedroom.

  He stood her before the mirror and put his hands on her shoulders as he moved in behind her.

  “That’s why,” he said as he stared at her through the reflection. “You’re beautiful.”

  He opened her short robe and spread it so they could see her figure in the mirror. Her breasts were full and still firm, her hips rounded, her stomach flat and firm but not thin. She felt the heat of a blush move over her cheeks. She grabbed the robe and tried to wrap it back around her, but Marcus wouldn’t let her.

  “I’ve never liked reed-thin women. I like them with curves and valleys. I like my women to look like women, not little boys.”

  Sinclair smiled slightly as she met his gaze through the mirror. He rested his chin on her shoulder and smiled back at her. “You’re perfect. Soft where you should be, firm were I like you firm.” He reached around and cupped her breasts, giving them a gentle squeeze that had her arching her back just a little. “Like here,” he said as his voice dipped to a sexy timber that made her shiver in delight.

  “Now do you understand why?” he whispered as he slid his hands lower.

  She nodded. Her gaze followed his fingers as they feathered slowly down her body. One hand moved between her legs and cupped her pussy. She sighed as he gently massaged his hand over her mound, teasing her with gentle pressure against her labia.

  “You also have a beautiful heart, Sinclair,” he whispered. “I’ve seen it. I’ve seen that soft-hearted side you try so hard to hide sometimes for fear someone will take advantage of you.”

  She bit at her lower lip, knowing he was right. If he kept this up, she’d be all over him in a flat second. A knock sounded at the door and she stiffened, glancing toward the living area through the open bedroom door.

  “Who the hell is that?” she asked.

  Marcus chuckled as he pulled his hand away. “Breakfast. I ordered it when I saw you were up.”

  She watched him stroll out of the bedroom in nothing but his pajama pants. His ass looked so good, his back was strong and tan, his shoulders wide and thick. Just looking at him made her even wetter than she already was to begin with.

  He glanced back at her and grinned. “You better close that robe, sweetheart. I don’t want the staff thinking that’s part of their tip.”

  She started and quickly grabbed the edges of her robe, pulling them around her as he opened the door.

  “Good morning.” He stepped aside, allowing the staff to bring in the breakfast trays.

  When she saw how many he’d ordered, she walked over and lifted the lids to investigate. “Jeez, Marcus. Hungry?”

  He gave her a look that set her hormones ablaze. “Always.”

  She set the lid back over the eggs and bacon and stepped out of the way of the staff.

  “Would you like us to serve as well?” a young man asked.

  “No, thank you.” Marcus handed each of them a tip. “I think we’ve got it from here.”

  They grinned knowingly before leaving the room. Marcus shut the door firmly behind them and turned to face her. The hunger blazing in his eyes made her heart race wildly, but her growling stomach ruined the mood. Her face flushed red at the sound as Marcus chuckled.

  “I think maybe we should eat something,” she murmured as she pulled a plate from the kitchen cabinets and began to pick through the abundance of food. “It looks like there’s enough here for two days,” she said with a smile as she picked some strawberries from the bowl.

  “I always eat a big breakfast.” He grabbed a plate and joined her at the dining table.

  “That’s right, you do.” She remembered all their breakfasts out. “At the hotels, though, you usually went for a run before breakfast.”

  “Yeah. I’ll have to do that later.”

  She smiled over at him, then reached for the spoon nestled in the fluffy scrambled eggs. Marcus took his workouts seriously, which was evident by his fabulous physique.

  “Let’s take this outside.” He grabbed the coffee thermos as well as his plate and headed out the sliding glass door.

  Sinclair followed him, enjoying the cool morning breeze as it blew in from the ocean.

  “We have two more days here.” He took a seat next to her at the small table. “Or more if the plane needs more work.”

  “Oh, I forgot about the plane. What if you can’t get it fixed?”

  He glanced at her and shrugged. “I’m sure we can, but if not, the island has a plane. That’s what most of the guests fly in on.”

  “You seem to have done your research on this place.” She took a bite of eggs. “I just went on what the boss sent me.”

  Marcus had a strange expression on his face before it disappeared. “I needed to know about the landing strip. The length and whatnot.”

  Sinclair nodded, but wondered about the guilt that briefly shone on his face. He wouldn’t even look at her as he continued to talk and fiddle with the eggs on his plate.

  “Once I found out what it was, I dug a little more.”

  “Have you ever been to a place like this?” she asked.

  He nodded once, then stuffed eggs in his mouth.

  “Really? How many?”

  He chewed briefly and stared out over the water.

  “Marcus,” she coaxed. “I’m not jealous, I’m just curious. Are places like this how you got into the whole Dom thing?”

  “The Dom thing?” he repeated with a grin.

  “Well, I mean, face it. That’s what you are,” she replied dryly.

  Marcus’s grin widened. “No. I came here after I got into it.”

  Sinclair nodded, but it took her a second to realize he’d said here. She looked up at him and frowned. “Did you just say here?”

  “Did I?” Marcus asked, then shook his head. “That’s not what I meant, sorry.”

  Sinclair’s frown deepened. “Marcus, have you been here before?”

  With a sigh, Marcus pushed his food around his plate before answering. “Yes,” he finally said. “It was my visit here that prompted the boss to buy the place.”

  “You son of a bitch. You knew what we were flying into and didn’t say anything?” She scowled as another idea came to her. “Were you behind the room mix up?”

  Marcus cringed and Sinclair’s anger rose. “Yeah,” he replied, not looking at her.

  “I don’t believe you,” she snapped and stood to head back into the cabin.

  The jerk had played her, plain and simple. She couldn’t believe he’d done that and part of her felt a little betrayed. A whole lot more of her felt angry.

  Marcus grasped her wrist and pulled her onto his lap were she landed with a frustrated oomph. “I told you, I’ve wanted you for a while now,” he said. She wouldn’t look at him so he gripped her chin and forced her to meet his gaze. “I saw this as my chance. Granted, it may not have been the most … honest way to do it, but … I wanted you, Sinclair, and I wouldn’t change what I did because it got us

  “Why didn’t you just say something?” she asked in exasperation.

  “I don’t know.” He shrugged as he let her chin go. “Maybe I thought I needed all the help I could get.”

  Sinclair snorted.

  “Am I forgiven?” he asked.

  She sighed and glanced out at the ocean with pursed lips. “Fine. I suppose.”

  Marcus laughed and she turned to glare at him. She was still pissed. Surely, he could see it in her eyes.

  “I still can’t believe you did that,” she said softly.

  His smile faded somewhat as that guilty look returned to his gaze before it quickly disappeared. Why did she have a feeling he wasn’t telling her the whole truth?

  His gaze dropped to her breasts and she felt her nipples tighten. All it took was a look to set her blood ablaze even when she was angry with him. Would something this strong last? Or would it fade with time?

  He lifted his hand, slid it into the open part of her robe and gently cupped her breast. She sighed and lifted her arms around his neck, completely forgetting they were on the deck, in wide view of anyone passing by on the beach. Her anger faded, replaced by a rising desire she couldn’t deny even if she wanted to.

  His hand slid lower and untied the belt of her robe, letting the material fall open to expose her naked body beneath.

  “Spread your legs for me,” he murmured in her ear and she did.

  Despite her anger at him, she still wanted to do as he commanded. It was as though she couldn’t deny him anything, even her body.

  He dipped his hand, settling it over her aching mound. Sinclair whimpered as his fingers slowly separated her labia and began to spread the cream that leaked from her opening. He dipped one finger inside her channel and she moaned as he pressed it deep.

  “Mmm, nice,” he purred against her mouth.

  Her lips parted in anticipation of his kiss, but it didn’t come. Instead, he pulled his finger free and lifted it to his mouth. She watched in lustful fascination as he licked the cream from his knuckles.

  “I think I want you for breakfast,” he whispered and her whole body tingled.

  He slipped his arm under her knees and lifted her. She gasped, wrapping her arms tighter around his neck. No one had ever carried her like this and it made her heart skip a beat in excitement.

  They didn’t go far. Instead of heading into the cabin like she’d expected, he set her on the edge of the table, out of the way of the breakfast dishes. She glanced quickly around the beach, hoping no one was close by.

  “Marcus,” she murmured. “We’re out in the open.”

  “I know,” he said as he coaxed her to lie back on the table. “Don’t worry about who’s out there,” he added as he slid his palms down her sides to grasp her hips and tug her close to the edge. “Just think about me and what I’m going to do to you.”

  He said it in such a sexy tone, she couldn’t help but do as he commanded. And command is exactly what he did. Even if he said it softly, he had a way about him, a tone to his voice that brook no argument.

  Using his palms, he pressed her knees to her chest, forcing her legs wide. She was fully exposed and she felt the heat of a blush move over her whole body as he stared down at her. Removing one hand from her leg, he reached for her pussy. He dragged the back of his fingers down her slit, barely touching her, but it was enough to make her hips buck.

  He dipped one finger into her channel before pulling it back out and spreading the cream through her labia. Sinclair sighed and closed her eyes, enjoying his soft touch.

  “Hold your legs,” he commanded.

  She put her hands at the back of her legs, holding them in place.

  “I think I like you this way,” he whispered as he lowered his head and placed a soft kiss against her lips. “Your legs spread, your pussy smooth, slick and hot … ready for the taking.”

  Sinclair could hardly breathe as he moved his gentle, teasing kisses lower along her body. He seemed to deliberately avoid all the places that would bring her the most pleasure, such as her nipples. Marcus loved to tease, to drive her insane. That’s one thing she’d learned about him last night. He liked to prolong it, to take his time.

  He finally dipped his head between her legs and she held her breath, listening to the sound of the waves as they crashed on shore and the voices in the distance. Her clit was so sensitive, so alive with sensation that the barest of touches would set her ablaze.

  If she came too soon, would Marcus take her back to the shower and punish her again? Just thinking about it made her walls clench in excitement.

  He used the pad of his thumbs to separate her labia, exposing her swollen nub. His hot breath blew across it and she shivered, lifting her hips ever so slightly.

  Chapter Ten

  Marcus smiled as he watched her body react to his touch. She was so responsive, so passionate; he could hardly contain his own lust. Making love to her was a challenge for his self control, that was for damn sure. She made him crazy without really even trying.

  Her clean-shaven pussy lips made his cock throb. She was so perfect, so … he licked his tongue along her slit and sighed. So sweet. Her gasp made him grin and he bit down on the edge of her labia. Not enough to hurt, but enough to get her attention and make her moan in pleasure.

  He never imagined his little, sweet, soft-hearted Sinclair was a submissive. He wasn’t even sure she knew it. But she did after last night. She enjoyed the flogger, much more than he’d anticipated for her first time.

  He pulled back and studied her pussy, letting his fingers smooth through the cream, spreading it all over her labia. Her hips bucked and wiggled as he slid her clit between his first and second finger and then pulled back again. He wanted her so bad, he wasn’t sure he could keep this up without dropping his pants and burying himself balls deep into her hot sheath.

  He moved his hand lower and pressed three fingers into her vagina. Her ass lifted off the table as she groaned, forcing them deeper. Or at least trying to. He could tell she was close and he didn’t want her coming yet so he removed his fingers and licked at her opening with the tip of his tongue.

  She cried out and gripped his hair, forcing his face closer. Marcus pulled back and grabbed her hand, removing her death grip on his head.

  “Don’t make me punish you again, Sinclair,” he purred.

  Sinclair’s eyes widened just a little, then she surprised him by snorting. “I think I liked that punishment. Maybe I want it again.”

  Marcus rose above her, letting his groin rest against her pussy. “Did you like being whipped, Sinclair?”

  Her hips rocked against him and he had to grit his teeth to keep from thrusting into her even with his clothes on. His cock was as hard as a damn rock.

  She nodded. He swallowed at the look of lust in her eyes at the mere mention of being whipped. He ground himself against her mound and she moaned. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips and he swallowed back a tortured groan of his own.

  “That’s good to know.” He pulled away and moved back to his seat.

  He watched the surprised look cross her face as he sat down in his chair. What would she do? Would she return to her seat or would she make the move?

  Her gaze turned to his and narrowed. He had a hard time fighting the smile that threatened to spread his lips, but instead, he just raised an eyebrow.

  “Something wrong?” he asked.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, obviously confused.

  “Just watching you,” he replied.

  She let her legs fall and she sat up, resting her bottom against the edge of the table. She stared at him briefly before her eyes moved to his engorged cock that had tented his pants. He lowered the material, exposing his rod to her gaze. She licked her lips and precum leaked from the tiny slit as he imagined her dragging that tongue along his tip. He’d make her do that … later. If she did it now, he’d come all over her. He was that turned on.

  How could she do that to him
so damn fast?

  He smiled slightly as she lifted her chin, a determined expression pulling at her brow. What was she about to do? She came toward him and took his hand in hers. She pulled him, obviously wanting him to come to his feet. He did as she silently requested and followed her into the cabin, then into his bedroom.

  So she was going to make the move. Good for her for going after what she wanted. She positioned him so his back was to the bed and slid her hands down his chest and around his waist. She cupped his ass, giving it a squeeze before pushing his pants down his legs, where they pooled at his feet. He stepped out of them, watching her as she lowered her robe to the floor.

  He liked this aggressive Sinclair. So much so, his whole body burned to have her, to make her a part of him.

  His gaze took in her flushed skin, her firm breasts and curvy hips. She placed her palms against his chest and shoved, catching him by surprise. He fell back against the bed with a startled oomph and before he could even stop bouncing, she landed on top of him, her legs straddling his hips.

  “That’s it, baby,” he murmured as she positioned herself over his throbbing rod and sank down.

  Her walls were warm and slick and so fucking tight he had to grit his teeth to keep from losing his seed before the fun even began. He grasped her hips, lifting her so she could slide down his length again. He groaned and lifted his own hips, meeting her halfway and burying himself even deeper within her hot walls.

  She put her hands on his chest and pushed herself upright. Her eyes closed and her head fell back, exposing her graceful neck and thrusting her full, firm breasts out. He reached up and cupped them, using his fingers and thumbs to pinch the rose-colored nipples. She sighed and wiggled her hips, rocking them against his groin.

  With a growl of pure lust, he gripped her shoulders and rolled her to her back. Her eyes opened wide in startled surprise as he settled over her, thrusting deep within her walls.

  “You just thought you were in control,” he murmured before leaning down and covering her mouth with his.

  He swallowed her moans, pushing his tongue past her parted lips to taste and tease. He loved the way she kissed; the way she gave as good as she got. She matched his appetite and then some.


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