Londyn Falls

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Londyn Falls Page 35

by Jennifer Domenico

  “You’re kind of secretive, aren’t you?” Ella asks, grinning.

  “Not secretive, really. Just nothing exciting to talk about. I’m a pretty low key girl.”

  “Okay, I’ll buy that. Plus it seems you’ve been working a lot with Professor Di Roma.”

  “I have. We have a few projects going on that take up a lot of time. It will probably die down next semester.”

  “You’ll be here, I take it?”

  “As far as I know, yes. We have a good working relationship.”

  “Obviously. No one has ever lasted this long. Are you gonna move into the office with the rest of us?”

  I shrug. “After the break, I think.” I pick up Luca’s cup. “I should get back before these get cold. I haven’t even opened up email yet.”

  “Lunch today?”

  “Sure. See you then.”


  I walk back to the office, glad I avoided any more conversation with Ella, but knowing we are having lunch together too. I must remember to keep my guard up around her. She is overly interested in me for some reason and I’m simply dying to know why.

  I tap softly on the office door as I enter. Both professors look up at me and I suddenly feel I was the topic of conversation. Luca’s eyes warm like the soft embers of a flickering flame when he looks at me. I glance at Angela, who looks at me like a proud mum. Now I’m sure I was the topic.

  “Your tea, Luca.” I set the tea down and cringe as I realize I used his first name in front of someone else.

  “Thank you,” Luca says, smiling.

  “Would you like me to leave?” I offer.

  “Did I ask you to leave?” Luca asks, reminding me of his previously stern demeanor towards me. He smiles this time, though.

  “No, you did not.”

  I sit down and log into my computer to begin my day. Professor Lance stands and claps her hands together.

  “Well, Luca, I’ll see you for the lunch staff meeting today.” Luca nods as Angela turns to face me. “Londyn, dear, have a wonderful day.”

  “Thank you, Professor Lance.”

  “Ah, ah,” she says, waving her finger at me. “Angela, remember? Only students need to be so formal.”

  “Yes, ma’am, er, Angela.”

  She smiles as she leaves.

  “I thought we decided to wait until winter break?”

  “We did,” Luca says. “Do you think that’s what we were discussing?”

  “It seemed so, yes.”

  “Well, my sweet angel, you are incorrect. Angela is hosting a holiday party and she invited me to it and suggested I bring you as a date. She spent the entire time trying to get me to admit I have feelings for you and I successfully avoided answering the question directly.”

  “Ah. Well, I had a similar conversation with Ella. She continues to pry into my personal life. I have no idea why she is so interested in me.”

  “Angela is interested because she truly cares about me. I believe that. Ella’s interest feels less genuine than that.”

  “I agree.”

  “Ella will find out everything she wants when we announce our marriage.”

  I frown. “We haven’t discussed that ourselves.”

  “I know.” Luca stands and walks towards me. As he leans against my desk, he takes my hand in his. “Londyn, you have to know that I mean everything I say to you with every ounce of me. I am, with your willing acceptance, going to marry you and I’m going to do it soon.”

  I feel my eyes tearing up and wish I could blink them back. I can’t and cover my face as my sobs overcome me. Luca kneels in front of me and pulls me into his arms, shushing me whilst rubbing my back.

  “Why do you cry, my love? Does my desire for you make you sad?”

  “Oh, Luca,” I whimper against his strong chest. “I’m not sad at all. I simply can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe you feel this way about me. It’s astonishing.”

  Luca lifts my face to his and wipes my tears away with his thumbs. “Your eyes glow when you cry, did you know that?”

  I shake my head and Luca kisses me, so sweetly and softly.

  “You shouldn’t kiss me here, Luca,” I say and then smile. “But please do so once more.”

  Luca grins and kisses me again, this time with a firmness that makes my knees weak. When he releases me, I sit back in my seat and fan myself causing Luca to laugh.

  “Now, Professor, if I may, I have much work to do so you should go to your corner and leave me be until this evening.”

  “Yes, my love. Until this evening.”

  “I’m having lunch with Ella today. It should be interesting.”

  “Be careful with her.”

  “I will be.”

  “Alright, time to get to work. We have a busy day and quite a night ahead of us.”


  I turn my attention to my work and try to clear my mind of the emotions cluttering every corner. I’m going to marry Luca. Luca! Professor Di Roma. The most intimidating, hard to please man on the earth. This man, who no one can impress, loves me. This broken, tragic man who shut his heart away for ten years, loves me. I can’t even find the word that describes how I feel. So many feelings flood my heart- all of them positive. When I accepted this position, all I wanted was a steady job and to make Luca happy with my work. I never expected this. Oh, but how I wanted it.

  GLANCING ACROSS THE OFFICE, my eyes linger on Londyn. She is in work mode again, with her hair tucked behind her ear and lightly chewing on her bottom lip. To the outside observer, I think one would believe she is effectively ignoring me, but I know she’s not. I can feel her desire for me. There is a delicious tension that fills the room and keeps us connected as though by an invisible rope.

  I love her. Better still, she loves me.

  After my talk with Angela this morning, I know I can trust her with the knowledge of my relationship with Londyn. I’ve decided to call her during the winter break to meet up for coffee and talk about next steps. All I know for sure is I want to come to a decision before the next semester begins.

  As I sit at my desk pretending to read my calendar for the day, I think about proposing. How will I ask? What would she like? I close my eyes for a moment and the answer comes to me.

  “Are you alright, Luca?” Londyn’s lovely accented voice seeps into my thoughts and I open my eyes.

  “Oh yes, quite alright. Just taking a moment to collect my thoughts.”

  She glances at the watch on her wrist. “You have a meeting in a few minutes.”

  “Yes.” I stand and gather my coat, knowing I have to walk to a neighboring building. “Londyn?”

  She looks up and tilts her head at me in that adorable questioning manner she has.

  “I want you to know that every thought I have is about you. It’s been this way almost since the day we met. I am sufficiently obsessed with you.” I grin so as not to frighten her. “You are my entire world.”

  “You must know that it’s the same for me.”

  “I’ll see you soon, my angel.”

  “I’ll be here.”

  I walk out and brush my fingers through my hair. Walking away from her even for a meeting is like holding my breath for too long. I feel a little lightheaded. Londyn Harper is my oxygen.

  Stepping outside into the cold, I notice how the chill affects me much more now that she isn’t standing next to me. A grin crosses my lips. How this woman came into my world and wrapped herself around my heart is amazing to me. I didn’t see it coming, certainly not the day I interviewed her, but there was always something about her that captured my attention. I just had no idea it would come to this.

  As I walk, I pass several students and greet them with morning pleasantries. I stifle my grin as each student looks utterly shocked. If they only knew how my heart has opened up and blossomed like a beautiful spring rose showing itself to the sun. Ah, but that knowledge is not for them. It is only for Londyn.

  I enter the building wh
ere my meeting will be and select a chair, shaking off my coat. One lingering thought I have is Londyn’s words about making peace with Nico. He deserves it. I just don’t know where to begin. I look up as faculty members enter the room. For now, I need to turn off my thoughts of my angel and return to work. With just a few days left of the semester, there is much to do.

  LOOKING DOWN AT MY watch, I send off the last email response, then gather my things to meet up with Ella. I step into the hall and wave when I see her walking my way.

  “Hey, Londyn. Ready?”

  “I am. Where are we going?”

  “I figured we could walk across the street to the tavern. They have the best clam chowder and that sounds good today.”

  “It does.” I smile. “I love the way Bostonians say chowder. It sounds like there is an ‘a’ at the end of it. It’s delightful.”

  “It does when you say it, too.” Ella laughs. “You like my accent and I like yours. It sounds so sophisticated.”

  “Well, I am hardly that, but Americans say that all the time so it must be true.”

  “Do you like living here?”

  “I do. It’s actually not that different from England in some ways. The people are, of course, but I like that. I feel like I’ve really grown since I came here.”

  “That’s cool. I’d love to travel abroad someday.”

  “I recommend it. I think it’s good to explore the world we live in.”

  “I do, too.”

  Opening the large door to the outside, we step out and brace ourselves as a chilling wind whips past us. Pulling her collar up around her ears, Ella shivers.

  “Jeez, it’s wicked cold today.”

  “Yes, I expect it will snow later.”

  “For sure.”

  We walk briskly across the street to the tiny tavern and find two seats. It’s warm and cozy in here, with a nice fireplace roaring in the middle of the room. I run my hands over the dark wood table and remove my coat. I do love the cold weather. It’s perfect for snuggling and now I have someone to do that with.

  “What are you smiling about?” Ella asks, with her own grin.

  “I like this weather. It’s nice to cuddle up in a big chair with a blanket and a book and perhaps a cup of tea.” Especially Luca’s big chair.

  “I like summer better. I love going down to the beach and walking barefoot. I love the sun beating down on me.”

  “I enjoy that, too.”

  The server approaches and we both order chowder and a basket of bread.

  “So, anything new with you?” I ask.

  Ella shrugs. “Not much really. I’m just enjoying life and I’m excited about the future with Dixon.”

  “Do you think it’s serious between you two? Like marriage serious?”

  Ella laughs. “Oh God, no. Not that. Not yet, anyway. I don’t even want to get married for years. I’m young and want to have fun. I just like him and he’s a good guy. I don’t think we are heading for anything like that.” She takes a sip of water. “What about you? You said you date some. Anything serious?”

  I should have known this conversation would wrap back around to me. Now what am I supposed to say?

  “I just want to have fun, too. I have someone who seems promising. Only time will tell.”

  “You seem more the type to settle down young. You’re kind of serious all the time.”

  Her words linger in my mind for a moment. She’s not the first to make that observation. Perhaps that’s why Luca and I get along so well. We are both old souls. Even our ten-year age gap seems to make no difference.

  “I suppose I am serious. I can have fun, but my idea of that is different from most people’s. I’d much prefer to spend my day in an old historic library or bookstore than anywhere else.”

  Ella laughs again. “Yeah, not my idea of a good time. Do you ever go out to the clubs? Dancing or anything?”

  “No. Never. Madeleine does.”

  “Madeleine was a kick. She’s so funny.”

  I smile when I think of my friend. “That she is.”

  Our soup is delivered and I tuck in, savoring the warmth as it travels through me. This was the perfect lunch for today.

  “This is so good,” I announce.

  “Glad you like it.” Ella slurps her soup. “So what’s his name?”


  “The guy who has promise in your life?”

  Shit. “I’d rather keep it to myself.”

  “Do I know him? Does he work at the university?”

  “Who knows?” I grin even though I don’t want to.

  “Hmm,” she says tapping her chin. “I never see you with anyone but Luca. It couldn’t be him. He’s too mean.”

  Inside I flinch at her description of my love, but keep my expression neutral.

  “I don’t think he is. He can be difficult, but I think I’ve figured out how to manage his moods.”

  “Seems like it.” She takes another drink. “He’s definitely hot physically, but his personality is such a turn off, I don’t see how any woman could fall for him.”

  I am silent. I don’t know how to respond to that without giving away my feelings for him.

  “It’s him, isn’t it?” she asks, surprising me.


  “I don’t believe you. I think you have a crush on your boss.”

  “Well, you’re wrong,” I say, primly. At least that much is true. It’s definitely not a crush. Not anymore. “I am fond of him and I think he is misunderstood. He is actually a rather gentle man when he’s not worked up about something. He just takes his work so seriously, he can be difficult when it doesn’t meet his expectations.” I take another bite of soup as I ponder my next comment. “But to be clear, I do not have a crush on him.”

  “Okay, okay. I get that. I guess you must be right about him since you still work here. He ran everyone else off, but not you. I guess he found the right chemistry with you.”


  “Are you mad? I was only teasing you.”

  “No, of course not. It’s just after you told me that terrible rumor going around, I don’t want anyone to misconstrue my relationship with the professor.”

  “I think it’s okay. Hopefully, it just goes away. Harvard is so boring there is never anything to talk about, so it was easy to focus on you. We need a scandal.” Ella laughs.

  “Yes, one that doesn’t include me.”


  We finish lunch and begin our walk back. As we do, a light snowfall drifts from the cloudy sky. I hope it doesn’t snow too much. Luca and I have important business to do tonight.

  Once upstairs, Ella and I say goodbye and part ways. I walk into the office to find Luca sitting at his desk, glasses on, hair pushed off his face. Good Lord, this man is gorgeous.

  “Hello, angel. Welcome back. Did you enjoy your lunch?”

  “I did. We had a bowl of delicious chowder and warm bread across the street.”

  “Ah yes, I like that place. How was Ella?”

  “Inquisitive as usual, but I think I handled it well. She asked if I had a crush on you.”

  “And you said?”

  “I said no, because it isn’t true. I used to have a crush on you, but now I’m madly in love with you. It was difficult to hold that back.”

  Luca stands and walks to me. He reaches out and pulls me to him by my waist. I look up and gaze into those honey colored eyes of his that seem to burn with love for me.

  “I also am madly in love.” He kisses my forehead. “The world will know soon enough.”

  As much as I don’t want to, I wriggle from his arms, as the door to his office is still wide open. “If we aren’t more careful at work, the world will know much sooner than we planned.”

  Luca’s face fills with his smile. “You’re right and so level headed. I struggle to keep my hands to myself all day.”

  “Rest assured, you may allow them to roam freely this evening.”

  “I will take y
ou up on that.”

  “Back to work?” I ask as I move back to my corner.

  “Back to work.” Luca smiles and winks at me.

  The afternoon progresses and each of us has plenty of work to do to keep us busy. When I look up and see the time, I start to feel a flutter in my stomach. We’re going to see Sara tonight. I’m nervous for Luca. How will he feel with me there? I’m not sure what to do if he reacts poorly. I know this is important, though. We need this for our future.

  “It’s time to go, Londyn.” Luca’s voice breaks the silence. Glancing at him, he looks far from nervous. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, he looks happy. He stands and gathers my coat for me as I shut down my computer and put my things away.

  Helping me into my coat, he steals a quick kiss before handing me my scarf. I wait as he puts his coat on and we walk outside. Once outside, I stand on the steps for just a moment, thankful that the snow stopped hours ago. We only have a light dusting to navigate. Luca walks ahead and looks back at me. I motion for him to continue on. It’s not as obvious this way. In one way I hate hiding our affection, yet in another, it’s the most excitement I’ve ever had.

  We travel down the pavement and I remember the day I followed him here, thinking he had a girlfriend. A smile creeps across my lips when I think of all the misunderstandings we had. Thanks goodness we found a way to talk through them, even if it was a row. I cross the street behind him and turn the corner. Luca waits for me to catch up now that we are out of sight from the university. Taking my hand, he pulls me forward. My breath catches when I see the small cemetery behind a quaint little church.

  “We went to this church a few times,” Luca explains. “She found it charming and soothing. Her grandmother attended as a child so it was a meaningful place for her.”

  “Is that why she was buried here?”

  “Yes. It was an easy decision for her parents to make when I brought it up.” We walk down a thin path as Luca pulls a flashlight out of his pocket. “At the time, I admit I just wanted her near me. I came to see her every day for years. I lived in some apartments just a few blocks away until I bought my house.”

  “When did you stop coming every day?”

  “Slowly, over time. Clara helped convince me and now I only come on her birthday and the anniversary of her death.” He squeezes my hand. “Thank you for doing this with me.”


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