Londyn Falls

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Londyn Falls Page 41

by Jennifer Domenico

  Angela rushes towards us and hugs each of us. She kisses my cheek and offers to take my wrap.

  “You look lovely, dear. The dress is beautiful.”

  “Thank you. I like yours, too.”

  Angela runs her hands down her sides. “Oh, thank you. Last minute find. I’m just happy it fit. Please come in. We have tons of food and drinks.”

  Luca grasps Angela’s arm and pulls her closer. “Angela, I’d like you to be the first to know.” He lifts my left hand and shows Angela the ring. “I proposed and Londyn, thankfully, said yes.”

  Angela’s mouth opens wide. “Oh my goodness! When did this occur?”

  “Moments ago at Good Harbor.”

  “Well, congratulations!” She pulls me into her arms and kisses my cheek, then does the same to Luca. “I’m so surprised.”

  “So am I,” I whisper.

  “I imagine you are, dear. Well, this is truly cause for a celebration. Shall we do an announcement and toast?”

  “Oh, please no,” I say. “I don’t want to draw unnecessary attention.”

  “I think it’s a lovely idea,” Luca says.

  “Luca,” I plead. “I’m already so nervous.”

  “This will be a good conversation starter.” He turns towards me and places his hands on my shoulders. “Aren’t you excited that we can finally be open and free about our love?”

  “I am, it’s just that…oh, I hate being the center of attention.”

  “My love, in that dress you have no choice.”

  I smile. He’s finally worn me down. “Okay then. I’ll be brave.”

  “Brava,” Angela says. She grabs a glass of Champagne and leads Luca and me to the top of the grand staircase that dominates the center of the room. Her house is beautiful and comfortable, filled with antiques and art. I could roam around for days to look at it all.

  “Everyone!” Angela calls out to get everyone’s attention. Fortunately, the crowd is still relatively small and I do not recognize one single face among them. “I have an exciting announcement to make.”

  Everyone turns their attention to the top of the stairs. Just as Angela is about to speak the front door opens and Ella and Dixon walk in. Ella looks to the top of the stairs and seems confused for a moment. A waiter hands her and Dixon a glass for the toast.

  “Everyone, our dear friend Professor Di Roma has the most joyous news to share. Tonight, he asked the lovely Londyn to be his wife and she accepted!” Everyone begins to clap. I notice a look of pure shock take over Ella’s face.

  “Isn’t it wonderful?” Angela continues. “So let’s toast the happy couple. To Luca and Londyn, may you have a long, wonderful life together filled with more love and happiness than you can stand.” Angela clinks our glasses and we all take a drink.

  Everyone continues to clap as we descend the stairs and join the rest of the party. I can see Ella making her way towards me through the crowd. I can only imagine what she’s thinking. People I’ve never met rush me, congratulating and hugging me as they praise the professor’s ring selection. I am overwhelmed, but try to stay gracious. Fortunately, no one seems to be bothered by the fact I was…am…his assistant. Luca beams and my heart flutters knowing he is so proud of me. I’ve made him happy. It was always my goal.

  Finally, Ella and Dixon make their way to me. Ella hugs me tight.

  “Oh my God! Engaged? To Professor Di Roma? How on earth did this happen?”

  “I’m just as surprised as you are.”

  “Really? I mean, you must be in a relationship with him.”

  “Well, yes, but obviously, it’s been progressing rapidly.”

  “I’ll say. Two weeks ago, you said you didn’t have a crush on him. All this happened in two weeks?”

  “Not quite. I didn’t have a crush on him. I was in love with him, but I wasn’t ready to share that with anyone.”

  “Oh, okay. So he asked you tonight?”

  “He did.”

  “Let me see the ring.” I lift my hand for her inspection. “It’s huge!”

  I flinch. It is, but she doesn’t have to scream it to the world. Dixon glances over her shoulder.

  “It’s really pretty. Congrats.”

  “Thank you, Dixon.”

  Luca puts his arm around my waist and pulls me towards him. “Ella. Dixon.”

  “Hello, Professor,” Ella says. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you. I’m a lucky man.” He kisses my cheek and I blush. We went from no public affection to this and I am overstimulated by it all. I need a moment away from all of this.

  “If you’ll excuse me. I need to go to the ladies room.”

  “Do you want me to come along?” Luca asks.

  “No, I’m fine. I just need to freshen up.”

  I walk down the long hall covered in hardwood, searching for the loo. I find a library instead and slip inside. I sit down in a leather chair and take in the silent darkness. I just need to breathe and collect myself. I don’t know how long I’ve been sitting here, but I sit up startled when I hear the pocket door slide open.

  “Angel? Are you in here?”

  “I am.”

  Luca walks towards me and sits on the sofa next to me. Taking my hand in his, he rubs it softly. “I’ve overwhelmed you, haven’t I?”

  “I just needed a few minutes to let all of this sink in.”

  “I’m sorry. I should have been more sensitive. I just got so excited.”

  “I’m excited, too. I’m just not used to so many eyes on me all at once.”

  Luca stands and pulls me into his arms. We dance to silent music. “Londyn, you had no choice. You are, by far, the most beautiful woman in the room. I added to it, yes, but I assure you all eyes would be on you anyway.”

  I say nothing. I’m just happy to be in his arms.

  “Are you glad you said yes?”

  “Of course.”

  “Can you handle going back out there or shall I take you home? We can do whatever you want.”

  “I’m ready. Let’s go have fun.”

  Luca nuzzles my neck. “I cannot wait to make love to you tonight.”

  “I look forward to that as well.” I pull my dress up, just revealing the garter belt I wear. “There’s more where that came from.”

  Luca grabs my hand and presses it against his growing erection. “All I have to do is think about touching you. Just the thought of tasting you again and feeling your skin against mine is enough. Knowing you have something sexy under that dress is almost too much.”

  I squeeze him and it’s all I can do not to rip my dress off and beg him to take me in this library. I won’t though. Not here. There will be enough talk of us in the faculty lounge in January.

  “I love you, Londyn.”

  I look around the room. “Like a library?”

  We laugh and go back to join the party. When we enter the main room, a few people glance at us, but otherwise go back to their own conversations. I start to relax, feeling more comfortable now that no one is looking at me. Two colleagues approach Luca, so I excuse myself to go to the hors d'oeuvres table. I take a small plate and help myself to a few items just as Ella appears by my side.

  “You clean up good,” she says.

  “Oh, thank you. I wanted to look nice for the event.”

  “Well, you nailed it.”

  “You look nice too. Are you having a good time?”

  “Yes, it’s nice. A bit stuffy with all the professors around, but Angela is nice to invite me every year.”

  “I imagine she’s fond of you.”

  “I think so.” She bites a carrot stick. “Do you have a wedding date set?”

  “Goodness, no. We haven’t discussed anything like that yet.”

  “It seems like this is going so fast. Why the hurry? Are you preggers?”

  “Pregnant?!” Ella nods. “Of course not.”

  She laughs. “I didn’t mean to make you mad. It just seems like you’re in a rush to get married and that’s usually

  “We are not in a rush. I have no idea when we will actually marry. Luca is a romantic and passionate man and…” I pause. Why am I explaining any of this to her? She’s not my friend. “Anyway, we’re doing what feels right for us.”

  “Okay. Are you going to keep working there?”

  “As far as I know.”

  “Well, I hope so. It’s been cool having you around. Everyone says how brilliant you are.”

  I detect a great deal of sarcasm, or perhaps it’s more resentment. If we weren’t at Angela’s party right now, I would ask her what her problem with me is. For now, I will be respectful and wait.

  “There you are.” I hear Luca’s voice from behind me. “Everything alright here?”

  “Yes,” I say. “Just fine.”

  “Yeah, of course,” Ella says. “I better go find Dixon. He’s probably bored.”

  Ella saunters off, disappearing into the crowd of people.

  “What was that about?”

  “She’s odd. I don’t get what her issue is with me. She asked me if I was pregnant and if that’s why we were rushing to marry.”

  “She did not?!”

  “She did. Then she said she was happy I was coming back and said everyone thinks I’m brilliant, but she didn’t say it nicely.”

  “Only Ella knows what Ella’s problem is. I’m sure it’s jealousy.”

  “But why? I have nothing she wants. She has her own boyfriend, her own job, and she’s quite attractive. What could she want of mine?”

  Luca shrugs. “I didn’t say it was reasonable.”

  “No, I suppose not.”

  “Let’s not let her affect our evening. Would you like to dance with me?”

  “I would like to do everything with you.”

  “And you will. For the rest of your life.”

  Luca leads me to the formal living room where a band plays soft music. I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me close. There is nowhere I’d rather be than in this moment right now.

  Arriving home, I feel tired, but happy. The party was lovely and now, I get to show Luca the lingerie I bought for the occasion. I’ve never worn anything like this. I hope he likes it.

  In the bedroom, Luca sits on the edge of the bed and grins. “Do I get to see the rest of what’s under that dress now?”

  “You do.” I turn around so my side is facing him. “Unzip me, please?”

  “With pleasure.” Luca undoes the dress, running his hands up and down my hips as he does.

  The dress falls to the floor and I turn around and face my love. The look on his face is validation enough. He likes it.

  Running my hands over the bodice, I say, “I hoped you would find it sexy.”

  “It’s beyond sexy. Come closer to me.”

  I walk over and stand before him as he takes all of me in. The black corset cinches my waist in and makes my breasts look much larger than they are. I feel like a pin up girl. Especially the way Luca looks at me now.

  Surprising me, Luca slides off the bed onto his knees. His hands crawl up the back of my legs, gliding over my silk stockings. He bites at the garter belt, snapping it against my skin. It doesn’t hurt, but it does excite me. He lifts my leg and places it gently over his shoulder. I balance myself by holding on to the bed’s column. Luca pulls my panties to the side and slides his finger inside of me. I hold my breath for a moment, enjoying the sensation. Moments later, his tongue is on me and I lose myself. I moan and cry out as though I’ve lost my mind. I don’t care. I submit to love making with Luca with total abandon.

  He stands and lifts me by waist to the edge of the bed. Pulling my panties down, he pushes my legs open and stares at my nakedness. The more time I spend in his arms, the less self-conscious I feel. I watch with a smile on my face as Luca unbuttons his tuxedo pants. When he slides them down, I’m nearly giddy with joy over what’s about to happen. He lifts my legs even higher and enters me, forcefully, not at all gentle. I love it.

  “Ah, Londyn…” he says breathlessly. “You feel so good. I love being inside of you.”

  “I love it, too,” I whisper, holding onto his strong arms as he continues to pound into me.

  I close my eyes, but only for a moment. “Open your eyes,” his voice says.

  I do and am greeted with Luca’s honey colored eyes gazing into mine. We finish like this, each of us reaching the climax of pleasure, each of us holding on tightly to the other. Luca collapses on top of me and then rolls us over so we are lying side by side. He runs his hand over the curve of my hip.

  “We’re engaged,” Luca says softly.

  “Yes, we are.”

  “I told you I would marry you.” He grins.

  “You did. I believe you now.”

  He pulls me closer and I snuggle up against him.

  “I can’t wait until you’re my wife.”

  I smile. I can’t either.

  I STEP OUT OF the bedroom so as not to disturb my sleeping angel. Picking up my phone, I dial my brother’s number. It’s time.


  “Nico, it’s me.”

  “Hey, bro. What’s up?”

  “Can you meet me for coffee this morning?”

  “Um, sure. Everything alright?”

  “Yes. I just need to see you.”

  “Okay. What time?”

  “Does an hour work?”

  “It does. Where at?”

  “How about Eddy’s?”

  “Cool. See you soon.”

  I hang up and lean back in my office chair. I’ve been awake for the last hour thinking about what I would say to him. I just hope he’s open to everything I have planned. Back in the bedroom, I kiss Londyn’s cheek and leave her a note letting her know when I’ll be back, then I creep quietly from the house.

  Twenty minutes later, I pull up to Eddy’s and park. When I go inside, Nico is already waiting for me. He looks nervous and I’m sure I know why. In ten years, I’ve never initiated an interaction between us. Such a shame.

  “Hey,” Nico says, standing when he sees me.

  I hug my brother. “Thanks for coming out. I know it’s cold this morning.”

  “It is, but it’s not every day I get a call from you.”

  “I know. Shall we sit?”

  “So, what’s going on?”

  “I need to get some things off my chest.”


  “Nico…” I stop and rub my hands together. “Nico, I’m sorry for how I’ve treated you since the accident. I’m sorry I pushed you away and I’m terribly sorry for causing you pain.” I look up and Nico’s expression breaks my heart. His eyes immediately fill with tears that he quickly wipes away.

  “I know my words aren’t enough and I plan to make sure my actions show how important you are to me. I know that I’ve been lucky you stayed in my life and persisted with me all these years. You must know how much it means to me that you did. You loved me even though I didn’t deserve it.” I look up at him. “I loved you, too, even though I didn’t show it.”

  Nico says nothing and just looks at me in shock.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  He nods his head. “I have waited so long, years, to hear these words from you. All I ever wanted is to be close to you like we used to be. All I wanted was to know you loved me.”

  “I know. Like I said words aren’t enough-”

  “They are, Luca. Your words are enough. You don’t say anything unless you mean it.”

  Nico embraces me and I return the gesture. It feels good. So good to get these words out of my mouth. I know in my heart that I mean every word of it.

  “What brought this on? I thought we would never get to this point.”


  “Your assistant?”

  “Yes. I told her about Sara. I told her everything.”

  Nico covers his mouth. “No way.”

  “I did. I also proposed to her last night. I’m in love with her.”

  “Holy shit

  “I know. I guess I’d better start from the beginning.”

  We order two coffees and I tell Nico how my relationship with Londyn progressed and how she helped me see that my life could be so much more if I let people back in. I tell him how she showed me that my family loved me and that if I wanted true healing I needed to make peace with it all.

  “I want to tell Mom and Dad the truth.”

  “I don’t know, Luca. It’s been ten years.”

  “I know, but I don’t think any of us, especially you and I, can really let this go until the secrets are gone. I’m ready to deal with the consequences of it.”

  “I don’t want them to know we lied. They did so much to get me out of that situation. If we tell them the truth, it will feel like it was all for nothing.”

  “We were kids when it happened. Immature kids who didn’t know the right thing to do. Now we do. Now we make it right. I can make it right.”

  “Can you give me some time to think about it? It’s a lot to digest right now and it affects me too.”

  “I know. Christmas is three days from now, though.”

  “You can’t do it then. It will ruin the holiday. Why are you doing all this right now?” Nico’s voice becomes tense. “It’s been ten years of dealing with this and now you just want to rip the Band-Aid off and throw alcohol on the wound.”

  “I think it’s best to get it out.”

  “Maybe for you, but you need to think about the ripple effect. Think of how our parents will feel knowing we lied to them. Nonna, too. It might be healing for you, but it will damage everyone around you. I think you need to find a different way to let it go.”

  I sit quietly contemplating Nico’s words. Maybe he’s right. Maybe this isn’t the way to handle it.

  “Please promise me you’ll think this through. You can make peace with this without destroying everyone else in the process.” He takes my hand. “Please, Luca.”

  “I will. I promise. I didn’t think about it like this.”

  “Thank you.”

  We sit quietly for several minutes.

  “I’m proud of you, Luca. Thank you for asking me here today and saying the things you did. It means everything to me.”


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