Captured Rapture: 3 (Mercy)

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Captured Rapture: 3 (Mercy) Page 4

by Lexxie Couper

  I clenched my jaw, my sex throbbing, my heart pounding. “No.”

  He stepped closer again, destroying what infinitesimal space there’d been between us, pressing his body against mine with dominating conceit as he snaked his hand into my hair and grabbed a fistful. “Finish it, Rai’nia.”

  Wanton pleasure flowed through my body. My thighs grew wet with my juices, my breath became shallow, rapid. And still I refused to obey him. I couldn’t. I was scared of what it would mean if I did. What it meant that I could do what he commanded. “Fuck you.”

  His gray eyes shimmered with an iridescent green fire. “Oh, that will come later, my chyre.” He tugged harder on my hair, forcing my head back until I could look nowhere but up into his eyes. “Now,” he whispered, his breath fanning my lips like the softest of kisses, “finish my thought.”

  Mine to claim.

  “Mine to fuck.”

  The words fell from my lips. I couldn’t stop them. And the second they did, Torr’s eyes shimmered green fire again. “Mine to…”

  He didn’t finish. At least not aloud, and if he finished the statement in his head I didn’t hear it. How could I, when his mouth crushed mine with such brutal ownership?

  His tongue lashed at my lips, my teeth. Forced its way into my mouth, and as before, my battle against that invasion didn’t last long. It was as if every molecule in my body recognized every molecule in his. As if my complete surrender to this mysterious, arrogant, annoying man was a given, and the second his mouth claimed mine, all will to fight him vanished.

  It made me furious.

  It made me wet and hot and friggin’ horny.

  And furious.

  I squirmed, doing everything I could to fight him and myself. I couldn’t surrender. I never surrendered. I wouldn’t surrender. He’d chained me, for gods’ sake. Stripped me naked and chained me. Where the fuck were my blades? Shyte, where the fuck was Fraz’s blade? My partner was going—

  “He will not kill you.” Torr’s tongue brushed my lips, his hands knotted in my hair, holding my head still. “You are mine. Your past life is no more.”

  The finality of the statement should have ignited more fury, but all it did was make my cunt throb harder. Hard enough for me to squirm again and press my hips forward. I wanted Torr to touch me there, between my legs. I wanted him to bury his fingers in my folds and stroke my cream-drenched walls until I—

  “Scream.” The single syllable was but a growled breath low in Torr’s throat, but its meaning made me shiver. He assaulted my mouth again, his tongue exploring its depth with savage greed. He sucked at my bottom lip, bit it, sucked again. I whimpered, trying to pull away, thrusting my hips forward. His thick, hard cock ground against my belly, its frightening size trapped by the leather of his trousers.

  His fists tightened in my hair and he jerked my head backward, bowing my neck. He dragged his mouth from my lips, scoring a path down my chin to my throat. I moaned, the feel of his teeth scraping my skin a sensation I never thought I would crave. His wild power and absolute control of my body’s responses frightened me and I moaned again, desperate for his assault to continue even as I willed it to end.

  “You will lose the fight, Rai’nia.” Torr’s statement was a whisper against my neck. He lifted his head and gazed into my eyes. “The end result has already been decided.”

  I bristled. His smug arrogance provoked me, despite the smoldering fire in my core. “The end result isn’t decided until the fat lady has sung.” I’m pretty certain I screwed up the New Earth saying, but I didn’t care. Torr was right. I was losing the fight and I didn’t want to be. I glared at him, doing my best to ignore the wanton ache between my spread thighs. “And why the fuck do you keep calling me ‘Rai’nia’?”

  Torr chuckled, stroking the back of his knuckles along the line of my jaw. “It is your true name.” His eyes shimmered that freaky and yet way too sexy green light. “And soon you will know your true self.”

  “My true self is going to kick your ass when you let me out of these chains,” I snarled, desperate to regain some of my former barb. “Y’know that, don’t you?”

  He chuckled again, a genuinely humored laugh that sent little licks of warm delight into my chest.

  I froze, the blood draining from my face.

  Oh no. This wasn’t good. My breath caught in my throat. It was one thing to be aroused by the lunatic—it was another thing to start enjoying his company. No. This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening.

  With a gentleness I didn’t think he possessed, Torr cupped my face in one strong hand and held my gaze with his. “Your destiny is not a future to fear, Rai’nia.”

  I stood motionless, imprisoned by his presence as much as his chains. I didn’t know how to react. He’d uttered the “D” word again, and I should be spitting chips and gnawing off my own arm to get free so I could beat the crap out of him. Yet, all I wanted to do was stare into his face and let the fire in my center spread through my body. A fire spreading so quickly, so hungrily, I could feel the tops of my thighs grow wetter with liquid heat, branding my flesh with a pleasure beyond my understanding. Stirring something deep within that petrified me to no end.

  Wyvernian. Mating cycle. Prepared to burn.

  The Urid’ii’s words came to me and I frowned, searching Torr’s unreadable eyes for an answer I needed to know.

  “What am I?” I whispered. “What are you?”

  Torr skimmed his hands down my shoulders, my back, my hips. “Are you prepared to burn, Raina Mynn?”

  I stared into his face. And—mouth dry, pulse pounding, nipples so tight they hurt, sex so heavy I felt on the cusp of climax—I nodded.

  Torr’s nostrils flared and his gray eyes turned iridescent green. “Then burn.”

  Chapter Five

  He dropped to his knees, his blunt nails raking down my hips and legs, scoring lines of pain so exquisite I threw back my head and cried out. His mouth closed over my pussy, his tongue plunging into my folds with aggressive force. I cried out again, bucking my hips forward, slamming my sex harder to his face.

  He growled and sank his nails into the flesh of my butt cheeks, holding me still as he stabbed deeper into my cunt with his tongue. I groaned. I whimpered. I made stupid noises that I’d never made before, all the while, trying to grind my sex to his mouth, wanting him to fill me with his tongue.

  He refused, withdrawing slightly to part my folds with his fingers. Cool air streamed over my clit and I gasped, gripping the chains holding my arms above my head. I needed an anchor, otherwise I would be lost to the pleasure consuming me.

  Torr blew on my spread pussy again, his breath a soft caress that sent waves of delicious ripples through my body. I caught my bottom lip with my teeth and closed my eyes, tightening my grip on the chains when he returned his mouth to my sex and flicked his tongue over my clit.

  “Yes,” I gasped, bucking in his hold. “Shyte, yes.”

  He worshipped the small knot of sensitive flesh, first with his tongue and then with his fingers, rubbing and pinching with gentle force as his mouth explored the flesh of my inner thighs. A low moan reverberated in my chest and I rolled my hips, wanting to wrap my legs around his head and ride his mouth. The pressure in my core was mounting. I was going to come soon, very soon.

  “No you won’t.” Torr stroked my thighs with his lips. “Not until I say you can.”

  “Fuck you,” I panted. I know my repertoire of biting comebacks was growing rather woeful, but in my defense, my head was fogged with pleasure.

  He laughed, sliding his mouth back to my sex. “Didn’t I tell you that would come later?” He closed his lips over my folds and sucked. The unexpected pressure made me buck and my pussy flooded with yet more moisture. Torr lapped it up, his masterful tongue dipping into my folds, flicking at my clit. I panted harder, my breath shallow and rapid. “Oh,” I managed to say. “Oh, oh, oh.”

  As inane as my responses were, they didn’t lessen Torr’s lust. In fact,
he grew more devoted to my pleasure, slipping two fingers into my pussy and wriggling them together as he suckled on the tiny nub of my clit. I cried that word again—“Oh!”—and rammed my hips forward. He was fucking me with his fingers and mouth and I wanted to come. I wanted to fucking explode with rapture. I was so close to release the soles of my feet burned and the base of my spine tingled.

  I was going to come. I was going to—

  Torr tore his head from between my thighs and stood, his blazing stare locking on mine. He shook his head. “No.”

  I gasped, wanting to cry. Wanting to shove my hands into my cunt and push myself the rest of the way. “Fuck you,” I snarled, glaring at him, my knuckles popping as I gripped the chains above my head. “Fuck you fuck you fuck you!”

  He studied me, silent and unmoving, and if I’d had a gun I would have shot him right there. Until I saw the wild beat in his neck. And noticed the ragged, deep breaths he pulled.

  Something very close to elated bliss crashed through me.

  Torr, my captor, my torturer, my lunatic man on the moon, was as close to the brink as I was.

  I had done that to him. Chained.

  Imagine what I would do to him when released.

  Mine to claim. Mine to fuck.

  This time the thought was mine. Loud and clear. Torr’s nostrils flared, his iridescent eyes blazing brighter.

  He’d heard it.

  And then he stepped behind me. “Mine,” he whispered in my ear.

  He snaked his hands over my belly, his fingertips teasing the curve of my pussy for a tantalizing moment before he slowly, slowly, worked his way up my rib cage to my breasts. He cupped them in a firm hold, pinching my nipples between the knuckles of his fingers.

  I sucked in a sharp breath.

  “Mine to control.”

  He smoothed his hands from my breasts back down to my belly, skimming the hood of my pussy again. I bit back a groan of frustrated want and he laughed, a low, evil laugh that made me wetter still.

  “Mine to torment.”

  He flattened his hands against the curve of my sex and jerked me back, slamming my ass to his rigid erection.

  “Mine to possess.”

  He plunged one hand between my legs and speared a finger into my cunt. I cried out, bucking into his brutal penetration. His mouth found the back of my neck, his lips and teeth punishing my flesh with wicked sucks and nips. I clung to the chains and whimpered, riding his hand as the heat from his kisses permeated to my very soul.

  The pressure in my sex mounted and I did everything possible not to think about how fucking good I felt. How totally, utterly on fire. If Torr “heard” my rapture, if he knew how close I was to coming, who knows what he would do?

  “This,” he answered, withdrawing his fingers from between my legs as he rained a slow path of kisses down the line of my spine. A shudder of anticipation rocked through me, destroying the dismay his absent fingers caused in my sex. I squirmed, licking my dry lips as he massaged my butt with strong hands, gently parting my ass cheeks with each squeezing caress.

  His lips continued down the length of my spine, and I gasped as they ended their journey on the puckered hole of my anus. He lingered there, his tongue stabbing with increasing pressure at its tight entry, sending jolts of liquid electricity into my core.

  Gods, it felt good. My eyes closed and I heard a low, keening sound vibrating up my chest. It grew louder every time Torr’s tongue touched me, until I was whimpering like an animal. And even then, I couldn’t stop. The heat his mouth ignited in my body was spreading out of control and my whimpers became growls.

  “Yes, yes,” I ground out, sweat trickling down my temple. “Oh shyte, yes.”

  I could feel my orgasm building. Growing closer. Wilder. My sex squeezed at Torr’s thrusting fingers, taking him deeper. Wanting more. Wanting to be stretched to my limits by his rock-hard cock. “Please,” I begged, uncaring of my desperate tone. “Please.”

  “Please what, Raina Mynn?” His breath kissed the flesh at the base of my spine. He drew a little circle with the tip of his tongue, his fingers in my pussy motionless even as he pressed the pad of his thumb to my sodden anus.

  “Please…” I panted around the raw sensations taking over my very existence. “Please…”

  He straightened. Slowly. Sliding his body against mine as he rose to his feet, his lips charting the way. I felt his bare chest slide against my ass, followed by the hard planes of his abdomen. He kissed the back of my neck again, his hands smoothing up the column of my extended arms to my shackled wrists, his body unfurling from his kneeling position. I sucked in breath after breath until something stiff and hot and velvety smooth nudged the crevice between my ass cheeks, and my breaths turned to a growl of ecstasy.

  He was naked. At some stage, while making love to my pussy with his tongue, he’d released his fly and his cock had sprung free. And now that cock pressed against my flesh, insistent and demanding.

  “Please what, Rai’nia?” He slid his hands back down my arms until they came to rest on my breasts. He held me still as he rolled his hips, his shaft pushing at my backside, past it, until its bulbous head found the sopping folds of my sex. “Tell me.” He shifted slightly and his cock parted my nether lips. “Tell me.”

  Oh gods, tell me. Tell me, so I can sink into your heat and set you on fire. Tell me so we can become one and…

  “Tell me,” he growled against my neck, his hands cupping my breasts with tender care, his warmth, his sweat, becoming my own. He held me that way, not moving, barely penetrating me. Possessing me all the same. “Tell me.”

  I couldn’t fight anymore. He was right. The end result had been decided the moment I returned to this moon. I was his.

  I closed my eyes, pussy weeping to be filled. “Fuck me. Take me.” I leaned back into his hard body and let him feel my total surrender. “Claim me.”

  He growled, and with one fluid thrust, impaled me with his swollen cock.

  I screamed—pain unlike any other burning the stretched lips of my sex, pleasure unlike any I’d known destroying the pain. “Oh gods, Torr!” I cried, taking him all, taking him deep. “Yes, yes, yes.”

  He pumped into me, long, fierce strokes that grew faster with each thrust.

  Mine, mine…oh, by the gods and goddess, she is mine…mine to claim, mine to fuck, mine to…

  The frenzied thought lashed through my head, so potent and feverish, I gasped. It was too much. I felt Torr’s passion, his desire for me. Not just in his body so utterly possessing mine, but in his unbridled, unchecked thoughts. And in that split second, I saw my destiny. Saw my body claimed by Torr over and over again, saw him filling me, fucking me, mating with me. In this room, on the moon’s surface. In the air above its desolate red expanse. In the very emptiness of space.

  Saw massive wings spread from his wide back as he thrust into me midflight, his golden-scaled form massive and majestic and terrifying.

  Saw my wings fold around our long, serpentine bodies as we both came with roaring fire.


  I saw it. In a split second. And with that stunning, amazing, terrifying vision, my climax detonated in my core and I ignited.

  Burning with pleasure and destiny fulfilled.

  A roar rent the air and I felt Torr stiffen, every muscle in his body coiling to complete stillness before he pounded into my sex, his own orgasm stealing him of rhythm, turning each thrust into a wild stroke that pushed me higher, higher, higher, until I came.

  “Fuck!” I screamed, my pussy constricting, milking Torr of his seed with squeezing pulses.

  “Mine!” he roared, the hands on my breasts growing as untamed as his penetrations. He punched his cock harder into my center, pulling me down into each exquisite blow, his rhythm lost to his release.

  And then we were both spent and I hung from my shackled wrists, Torr’s cock still sheathed in my sex, his cum trickling down my thighs.

  He closed his arms around me, holding me in an
embrace I could only describe as tender, his face buried in my neck. “Mine.” He whispered the word on a shaky breath, followed by another breath I couldn’t understand but heard in my head all the same.


  I closed my eyes, my heart smashing against my breastbone like a sledgehammer. His. Mine.



  I opened my eyes, staring at nothing. “Well, I guess that clears one thing up.”

  Torr’s heart thumped against my back and I felt his cock slip from my sex as he shifted slightly. “What does it clear up, chyre?” he murmured, raising his hands to my wrists. I heard a soft chink and then the io-cuffs around them and my ankles released.

  I pulled in a deep breath and let it out in a long, wavering sigh, lowering my arms to my chest and massaging the blood back into my hands. “I’m as insane as you.”

  I spun, slamming the heels of my palms into his chest, right on the sternum. He staggered backward, eyes wide (and gray once more), his face shocked. Before the reality of what I was doing could stop me, I launched myself into a spinning back kick. My heel smashed into the exact same spot between his pecs, and in the point-five seconds my stare was fixed on his face, I saw his smooth, brown flesh ripple golden light.

  And then I was flung backward.

  I don’t know how it happened. A blast of air—so goddamn hot I swear my eyeballs felt baked—hit me and I was careening backward, arms flailing, mouth open in stunned shock.

  I slammed into the far wall, the one that looked as if it were carved from solid granite. My shoulders smashed against it, followed by the back of my skull, my ass and elbows—and guess what? It was carved from solid granite. The entire room was entirely carved out of rock.

  I only had a surreal second to digest that realization before Torr was on me, slamming his body into mine, pinning my wrists to said granite wall with his large, strong hands, nailing my hips to its immoveable surface with his. “Insane?” He yanked my arms up the wall until my wrists were beside my head. His cock ground against my sex and I choked back a groan. He was as stiff and hard and thick as ever. And as ever, my body was hot and wet and hungry for him.


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